Feng Shui hallway - all the subtleties of proper arrangement

According to Feng Shui, the hallway invites positive Qi energy into the house, and with it comes harmony and prosperity.

Home is the place where a person relaxes from everyday problems and bustle. That is why its organization must occur in such a way as to allow the flow of free energy, which will bring prosperity and good luck.

The first place in an apartment or house is the hallway

The first place in an apartment or house is the hallway. Properly arranged, it will help create a harmonious atmosphere and attract good luck. For a long time, many residents have been arranging their homes according to Feng Shui, thereby allowing invisible flows of Qi energy to spread throughout the house, settle in it and bring happiness.

For a long time, many residents have been arranging their homes according to Feng Shui, thereby allowing invisible streams of Qi energy to spread throughout the house, settle in it and bring happiness

In order to arrange this room according to all the rules and attract positive energy flows, you need to:

  1. Establish a place called the Ba Gua sector, which will be responsible for attracting and retaining Qi energy.
  2. Create the required area of ​​such positive and strong energy in the hallway itself. This can be achieved by placing a small table with a table lamp, which will not stand out with luxury and various decorations. In addition, this area can be presented in the form of a table with a vase in the middle, a rug in bright colors or a rich color scheme of the walls, interesting works of art, paintings.
  3. It is advisable not to position the mirror so that it looks directly at the front door. If it is not possible to change its location, you should place a houseplant in front of it, which will block the view.
  4. There are layouts in which the front door is opposite the stairs. This arrangement, from the point of view of Feng Shui, is quite unfortunate, as it promotes the flow of positive energy and does not retain it in the house. In order to stop the energy flow in the apartment, you should create elements that will retain Qi energy. These could be bright walls, indoor plants or beautiful vases of flowers.
  5. Walls that are located close to the front door are an obstacle to the penetration of harmony and well-being. To eliminate such an “obstacle,” you should use red colors for this wall or place a row of indoor plants along it. You can, of course, combine both options.
  6. High ceilings also have a beneficial effect. Unfortunately, modern apartments do not have such a height, but you can visually stretch them out using wallpaper or patterns with vertical lines. In addition, a lamp with a crystal suspended in the room or a floor lamp placed on a high leg will bring an excellent effect.

According to Feng Shui (photo), the hallway should always be in perfect order, which will help maintain positive energy flows in the house and bring comfort to each family member.

According to Feng Shui (photo), the hallway should always be in perfect order, which will help maintain positive energy flows in the house and bring comfort to every family member

Placement nuances

An example of placing small paintings in the hallway.
So, in order for the paintings in the corridor to perform absolutely all their functions, it is necessary to decorate them correctly. The most affordable option is one canvas on the wall. Moreover, it occupies no more than 1/3 of the width and height.

It is better to decorate narrow and long corridors not with paintings, but with posters. You can take several images of the same size and hang them at the same level. Thanks to this, the wall will visually appear shorter and less boring. If the posters are covered with glass and have frames, the room will seem wider and brighter.

Combination of sizes and proper arrangement of paintings.

If you need to hang several canvases of different sizes on the wall at once, they are aligned along the central axis. This is a difficult task that is best left to designers.

Sometimes there is a need to fill a void above furniture, for example, above a chest of drawers. What to do in this case?

  1. Hang one large picture;
  2. Place several small ones in one row. These can be drawn images or photographs;
  3. Hang the canvases vertically.

Volumetric, 3-D paintings in the hallway.

A good solution is a picture above the passage from the corridor to the living room. It not only enlarges the doorway, but also adds solemnity to the atmosphere.

Paintings and wall clocks

Flowerpots and paintings are appropriate in the hallway of an apartment, but it is important to arrange them so that they look like decorations and do not clutter the space. If there is something unnecessary in the hall, it interferes with the flow of Chi energy. Therefore, unnecessary decorative items and furniture need to be removed from the hallway.

A properly designed corridor corresponds to the basic principle of cleanliness of space. At the same time, you can hang monotonous paintings or photographs on the walls. If the corridor is white, then it is in dark frames.

A painting, large and bright, can distract attention from the bedroom, nursery or bathroom.

Feng Shui color and decor in the hallway

Functional areas according to Feng Shui directly depend on their purpose, and therefore they must be equipped in accordance with these requirements

So, the hallway is the place from where the flow of Qi subsequently spreads throughout all living spaces, and therefore it is important here not only to provide full access to the energy flow, but also to be able to retain it and even accumulate it

Decor and interior decoration help with this. Qi is known to love light colors, plenty of sunlight, and clean, well-kept spaces. That is why the first thing you should do is update the appearance of your hallway and change the color of the walls if the room is too dark and nondescript. Alas, not all apartments have a window in the hallway, and therefore it does not hurt to take care of sufficient lighting. It is best to hang sources of soft, warm diffused light in the hallway, which would resemble natural light as much as possible.

It is better to choose light and neutral colors - milky, sand, light beige; you can also use light pink or gray if this does not make the apartment more gloomy. The very appearance of your corridor should be conducive to a homely environment, creating a feeling of comfort and homely warmth.

If your hallway does not shine with parameters and living space, then you will also have to put things in order and take out everything unnecessary - furniture, decor. It is best to leave inside only what you and your family constantly use and what you cannot do without, and ruthlessly give away or sell the rest. The more clean and free space there is in the hallway, the better. In this case, Qi will evenly accumulate in it and spread to the rest of the living spaces.

Also, the hallway needs constant wet cleaning - dust, dirt and stains on mirrors are the main source of energy pollution, as well, since the negative force of Sha accumulates most in untidy, clogged rooms. To avoid this, promptly wipe the floors, shelves, and facades of furniture in the hallway.

If Feng Shui at the front door is disturbed, then further attempts to create a harmonious energetic atmosphere in the house will be in vain. It is through the main entrance that most of the Qi enters a person’s apartment, since this force is somewhat subject to the laws of physics. It easily flows along a flat surface, penetrates doors and windows, but can hardly bypass an obstacle in the form of a bulky cabinet or a narrow ornate passage.

The more spacious and brighter you make your hallway, the easier it will be for the flow of Qi to overcome this room, reaching the most remote corners of your home. Because if at least one room is in energetic isolation, then the entire general background of the house begins to suffer. What is important here is balance and a uniform energy field in every corner of the apartment.

Decor is another opportunity to make a home both more comfortable for the human eye and more attractive for the flow of Qi. This energy can be compared to a capricious guest: he is unlikely to want to enter an ugly and dark abode, but yes, he will want to enter a bright and well-groomed one.

Beautiful paintings depicting nature, colorful landscapes or symbols of home are well suited for the corridor. You can also add floor elements - beautiful vases, fresh flowers in pots. But remember the rule of the golden mean - too many figurines and framed paintings are already bad, since the hallway should be the most neutral zone in the home. Remember the comparison above with the capricious guest? An abundance of decorations can retain Qi in this room for a long time, which is why its flow to the distant rooms of the apartment will be immediately disrupted.

A good hallway can be considered one that does not evoke any emotions other than comfort or warmth. Nothing should be conspicuous or eye-catching here. And under no circumstances use this room to store unnecessary items or dirty shoes. If you and your family take off your shoes in the hallway, then buy a special small and ergonomic chest of drawers for shoes, where you can keep them comfortably and discreetly.


Here, as in everything, a sense of proportion is necessary. According to Feng Shui, an already small hallway should not be filled with furniture and interior items, otherwise the energy in it will stagnate. But the spacious hall should not be empty, since the powerful energy flow passing through it will “flood” the house.

Victoria Borodinova/Pixabay

Furniture helps maintain order in the hallway. Here you can put a wardrobe, a chest of drawers or a small console table, an umbrella stand, a bench or a pouf. If the space does not allow you to put furniture here, then get at least a hanger and a small shoe rack. It is advisable that shoes, boots and slippers are not visible. Also, store in the hallway only those things that you wear this season.

Feng Shui mirrors and front door

What hallway is complete without a mirror? If your home also has one, then make sure that it reflects you entirely, from your toes to the top of your head. Traditionally, according to this ancient practice, the largest mirror is hung on the wall (or placed on the floor) here. There is another hidden meaning in this - a larger area reflects more of the energy field, so it scatters more easily throughout the rest of the house.

Naturally, the mirror cannot be weighed in such a way that the front door is reflected in it. Remember the laws of Qi - when mirrored, it follows where the glass surface points. That is why in such situations the apartment will always be in disrepair. The flow of Qi, having barely crossed the threshold, will instantly be reflected from the mirror and go back

Therefore, pay special attention to what and in what direction your mirrors reflect in the corridor

The front door is the largest gate for Qi, through which it constantly flows into the house

And it will be important not only how exactly it is located and which part of the front door it goes into, but also even its level above the floor

For example, it is considered very undesirable if the door of an apartment “looks” directly at a flight of stairs and steps or elevator doors. Also, residents whose front door is located opposite the neighbor’s are not too lucky. In this case, negative energy can flow unhindered from one house to another, causing a lot of troubles and hardships for both families.

If the door is elevated or has a step underneath it, it will be more difficult for Chi to enter it. Although it is believed that the negative force of Sha perceives this barrier as a significant obstacle in its path, and for white Qi this will turn out to be the same stopper. If you need to protect your family from negative forces, just place the amulet in the right place. For example, special Chinese coins that have a square cavity inside work great - they are traditionally placed under the front door mat to attract good events and abundance, while repelling bad luck.

And one more note that cannot be ignored: life will not go very well in the room whose door is located directly opposite the front door. In this case, the circulation of flows may be disrupted, which is why life difficulties often arise.

Also, it is better to move the door of the matrimonial bedroom as far as possible from the entrance so that no one else can see it from this place. The Chinese believe that in this way they can protect love and save marriage from troubles and hardships.

As you can see, Qi energy and the hallway are interconnected things, and if you have seriously decided to tackle this issue and furnish your home according to the ancient foundations of the Chinese people, then the first thing you need to start with is the hallway.

Is it possible to hang a mirror at the entrance to the house?

Large mirrors in the hallway allow you to double the energy, so a full-length reflective surface will become not only a practical, but also an aesthetic addition to the hallway. It is better to place it on the side walls near the front door. It is strictly forbidden to hang mirrors in the corridor opposite the doorway.

If several reflective surfaces will be installed in the front room, it is optimal to mount them alternately in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, you should additionally use elements such as paintings or wall clocks for decoration. Mirrors without sharp edges and rounded in shape are preferable. On the contrary, it is allowed to install interior accessories or a beautiful painting.

Distinctive features and features

Modern hallways are characterized by a shortage of free space, which is understandable; real estate prices are constantly rising. But you can level out the disadvantages by correctly highlighting the advantages. Modern style differs from most trends in that the overall atmosphere in it is not created by a decorative component. In it, the main role is given to comfort and functionality. The predominance of smooth and straight lines and pleasant shades is clearly visible.

New trends and ideas in hallway design.

Modern style often refers to the successful fusion of new tools and design techniques that harmoniously complement each other. It does not adhere to certain strict boundaries, and you can safely manage various elements in order to make a separate room as comfortable and ergonomic as possible.

But what is the whole point of the modern trend? The following main principles must be followed:

It is necessary to use the features of the room in order to emphasize its strengths and make it as comfortable as possible; Use only those elements that are of practical use; If you play with colors correctly, you can succinctly divide the room into functional zones or focus attention on what you need; Zoning with furniture and paint will help maximize your stay in the home. Using decorative elements you can create a subtle balance in the most crowded and small space; Try to create space

This will increase the level of comfort for each person, because few people like to feel cramped; An excellent solution would be modular furniture for a hallway in a modern style, distinguished by its simplicity, harmony and simple design at first glance. Various transformers and folding sofas are ideal, combining several functions at once, or which, after use, can be assembled to miniature sizes.

A hanger as an art object, interesting solutions in hallway design.

At first glance, strict rules do not allow a free-thinking designer to develop. But in fact, any room, even small corridors in the hallway designed in a modern style, can become a field for bold experiments.

Basic rules for corridor design

The hall starts from the front door. It is good if it is located far from the steps or stairs. Another important nuances: the door should not be in line with the steps and not opposite them.

It's bad if the door is located opposite the elevator. This is due to the fact that with such an omission, the energy of abundance flows away and is not retained. You can minimize the negative impact by following design rules to attract flows of wealth.

It’s good when the front door is cast or has a solid structure. It may have decorative elements made of metal, but not with a shiny, but with a matte surface.

A proper corridor should have plenty of straight space and not be too narrow

Therefore, when choosing an apartment or house, you need to pay attention to the shape and area of ​​the hall. It’s good when the hallway is shaped like a square or rectangle and has the correct geometry

The hall should be spacious, without L-shaped turns, as this can distort the flow of beneficial energy and lead to its stagnation. A long and narrow corridor with turns and sharp corners can worsen the distribution of Qi flows in all rooms. But even if the apartment already has such a hall, there is an opportunity to improve everything.

The hallway leads people to other rooms, so the way the doors are positioned is also important.

No important place should be visible from the front door

A dining room or living room can be located in front of the entrance. And the bedroom, bathroom, and children's room are private places.

If possible, it is better to position doorways correctly:

  • in the zone of love (southwest) or family (east) you need to place the door to the bedroom;
  • in the zone of wealth (southeast) or learning (northeast) - a door to an office or workroom in the house;
  • in the west there should be a door to the children's bedroom.

People don't stay in the hall for long, so there shouldn't be a lot of furniture in it. There is a “helpers” area to the right of the entrance. Here you should place hangers, tables, poufs, bedside tables or shelves if the hall is spacious enough. These items will help when loved ones and guests need to take off their outerwear, change their shoes, put down their keys, or hang up an umbrella. In this area you can hang a mirror and provide good lighting. In this place a person should feel comfortable and cared for.

If the area is very small

According to Taoist teaching, if the corridor is small, poorly lit and cluttered, then Qi energy is repelled from all objects. This is bad because failures, disputes, and moments of conflict may begin in the life of a family. People living in an apartment with such a hall will feel a decline in vitality and may often get sick and feel unwell.

But the small area of ​​the corridor should not be frustrating. In this case, you can influence its energy by hanging mirrors and adjusting the lighting. For example, a mirror on the side of the front door can visually expand the space of the hall.

Basic rules for arrangement

The beginning of the corridor is considered a risk zone - this is where the largest amount of negative energy gathers. The influence of negative energy flows will be smoothed out by the elements of the water element. You don’t have to install an aquarium or a decorative fountain in the hallway. It is enough to hang a couple of paintings that depict the sea, lake or river. As a decoration, you can hang a glass ball above the front door, which will have not only aesthetic, but also practical value - glass dissipates negative energy.

There is no need to place wardrobes for clothes and shoes next to the front door. Clutter interferes with the circulation of Qi and accumulates negative energy. If you still need to put a closet in the hallway, then make a choice in favor of small-sized furniture - the less clutter, the more correctly Qi circulates.

The corridor must be clean - negative energy accumulates here anyway, so there is no need to create additional chaos. The corridor and hallway should be perfectly clean. This part of the house should be spacious - get rid of unnecessary items that are not needed in the hallway. For example, you can leave a miniature umbrella stand and move the extra cabinet to another part of the house.

Take care of the lighting - the corridor should be light and spacious. However, if the walls are painted in bright colors, then the light should be dimmed. On the contrary, when the hallway is decorated in soft pastel colors, the lighting needs to be made more intense. If these rules are not followed, an energy imbalance will appear in this part of the house, which will spread to the entire house. This phenomenon will affect the lives of all the inhabitants of the house and will negate the effect of talismans installed in various zones.

When entering the corridor, the decoration of other rooms, for example, a living room, a nursery or a bedroom, should not be visible. Otherwise, more negative energy will flow into these rooms. There should be no stairs near the front door. If there is a staircase on the outside or inside of the door, then this problem must be solved. Make a small threshold 1-2 cm high on the side of the stairs.

No need to hang several small decorative mirrors. Each of these mirrors will become an accumulator of negative energy. Next to the mirrors there should be talismans that soften the negative impact of interior decoration. Place a crystal or glass figurine next to the mirror, which is a talisman of happiness, for example, an elephant with a raised trunk or a lotus. An alternative option is a glass ball that can be hung above the mirror. Install the mirror so that it does not touch the front door.

The ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui can help a person in different areas of life. Proper organization of the space around plays an important role in attracting success, achieving harmony and happiness. The ancient teaching, which originated several thousand years ago, remains no less popular and relevant in the 21st century. Proper design of the apartment's interior, choice of color palette and furniture, selection of accessories and placement of things in space helps to attract positive energy into the house and its unhindered movement. Having opened the front door, a person finds himself in the hallway, and from this room it is necessary to begin arranging the apartment.

Accessories to match the style of the room

Room decor using: paintings, flowers in a vase and carpets.
Pendants can help you make your hallway brighter, more comfortable, and more spacious. Use lamps to direct lighting.

To make a room feel warm, rely on mirrors. They are effective in increasing visual space! Mirrors add a nice visual distraction when walking through a hallway, making it appear less long and narrow to the visitor.

You can install a library that will store your books and highlight some decorative objects. This will help unload the bookcases in the rooms and make the corridor more functional.

The best way to forget about the problems of arrangement is to simply add a variety of interior details. What's more effective than your favorite photos? A garland of photographs allows you to decorate the entire length of the corridor without even spending a significant amount.

The shape of the corridor and its width according to Feng Shui

If the corridor is very long and narrow, has sharp corners and turns, then it can negatively affect the flow of qi throughout your home.

Energy will accumulate only in this very corridor, and may not reach the bedroom or office at all.

Remember that Feng Shui is the power of balance, and if at least one room in your home does not receive the necessary energy vibrations, then the entire harmony of the house will be disrupted. That is why the corridor is often the weakest link in the apartment. However, even the most unfavorable layout can be corrected if you know a few tricks.

Mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui

Since it is the hallway that “meets” the guests of the apartment, this is where you should start applying the principles of Feng Shui in practice. The basic rule is the accumulation and increase of positive energy. In order to stimulate the process, you need to consider the following rules:

  • you cannot place a mirror strictly opposite the entrance, since favorable flows will be reflected and go in the opposite direction;
  • the shape of the product should resemble a circle or oval;
  • a person should see himself in it in full;
  • It is better if the mirror is clean, without drawings or inscriptions that change the positive energy;
  • you can hang several reflective surfaces on the sides of the front door;
  • mirrors should reflect beautiful seascapes of paintings or money talismans.

Arrangement of the hallway is an important stage in creating a “cozy nest”. By correctly positioning the mirror, you can make this room as comfortable as possible, creating a positive mood immediately upon returning home. If it is not possible to place the product according to the recommendations of experts and popular teachings, you should simply decorate it more often with a sincere smile, filling it with positive energy.

A person should see himself in full height

The mirrors should reflect landscapes of paintings or money talismans. Smile at your reflection.

Attracting chi energy into the home

According to Feng Shui, the hallway becomes the first place where a person finds himself upon entering the house. One of the most modest rooms in terms of area sets the tone for the entire apartment, because it is through it that the energy flows of qi enter and are distributed throughout the entire area of ​​the house. According to Chinese teaching, the hallway plays a particularly important role, and certain rules should be followed when decorating it.

Feng Shui hallway

It is believed that the influx of positive energy enters the house naturally. A person’s task is to organize the maximum influx of qi. He enters the house, like people, through the front door. The main recommendations for organizing space include the following:

  • position the front door at the maximum distance from steps and stairs;
  • avoid placing the door opposite the elevator shaft;
  • choose solid doors, cast;
  • do not install doors that are too small;
  • give preference to doors with metal decorative elements and a matte surface;
  • organize the space according to the size of the hallway;
  • pay attention to accessories: mirror, rug, aquarium, clock, flower arrangements;
  • do not place mirror surfaces opposite the front door;
  • add living plants to the interior;
  • hang a glass or metal bell above the entrance to the house;
  • adjust lighting according to Feng Shui rules;
  • avoid curvature of space;
  • abandon protruding beams or arches;
  • choose the right color scheme for walls and furniture.

When organizing space, it is important to take into account all the details and nuances. The hallway should not be too small or too large. It should not be overloaded with furniture and parts. The room should be clean and bright. Energy flows of qi should not encounter obstacles on their way. It is important to provide them with the opportunity to move freely and distribute them evenly throughout the apartment.

Color scheme in the interior

You can create an original atmosphere in your home without special education. To get a unique design, it is advisable to follow simple rules:

  • Colors should be selected based on the principle of opposites (yellow with blue, red with white) or mixing related shades (brown with orange).
  • In dark rooms, it is recommended to use light and bright colors that compensate for the lack of natural light.
  • A win-win option for a hallway will always be gray. In this case, a painting made in any, even very original, style is suitable.

Bright, beautiful paintings in the hallway will contribute to a harmonious combination of elements that at first glance are incompatible.

Paintings by contemporary artists are very diverse, and their range is huge. Therefore, you should not worry that there is no suitable option. A work of art that is correctly selected in terms of plot and color scheme will harmoniously fit into the existing decor of the room.

Decorating your home in accordance with ancient teachings

The teaching of Feng Shui is the attraction of positive energy flows into the home and its uniform distribution throughout the room. It is believed that material flows have a beneficial effect on the quality of human life. When arranging your apartment, you should try to create an atmosphere and harmony in the room.

The correct distribution of energy flows is facilitated by a huge number of factors - this is well-placed furniture, the correct placement of decorative elements, the choice of the right color for the walls of a certain room, depending on its purpose and lighting.

Feng Shui atmosphere and harmony in the room.

The hallway of Feng Shui teachings is an energy store, and special attention should be paid to its design.

The role of paintings in the interior of the hallway

No one will argue that bare walls look completely unpresentable. And this applies to any room. But, for example, in a living room or children's room, there will be no problems with wall decoration. It’s easy to choose the shade and decorative elements. The hallway will have to work hard.

Decorating the walls of the corridor with paintings.

Each image that will hang on the wall must obey two requirements:

  • Blends harmoniously with the interior of the hallway;
  • Don't be conspicuous by an awkward spot.

The paintings add visual completeness to the style.

In addition, the painting must exactly fulfill its intended function - to be a decoration. If it meets the requirements in all respects, then the hallway will become truly stylish and beautiful. Already upon entering an apartment or house, guests will see the subtle taste of its owner, because usually canvases are a reflection of the inner world.

Modular paintings = a painting consisting of several parts, in the same style or with one image.

So, paintings in the hallway are quite appropriate. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn the room into a flea market.

How to design a hallway according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the hallway invites positive Qi energy into the house, and with it comes harmony and prosperity.

Home is the place where a person relaxes from everyday problems and bustle. That is why its organization must occur in such a way as to allow the flow of free energy, which will bring prosperity and good luck.

The first place in an apartment or house is the hallway

The first place in an apartment or house is the hallway. Properly arranged, it will help create a harmonious atmosphere and attract good luck. For a long time, many residents have been arranging their homes according to Feng Shui, thereby allowing invisible flows of Qi energy to spread throughout the house, settle in it and bring happiness.

For a long time, many residents have been arranging their homes according to Feng Shui, thereby allowing invisible streams of Qi energy to spread throughout the house, settle in it and bring happiness

In order to arrange this room according to all the rules and attract positive energy flows, you need to:

  1. Establish a place called the Ba Gua sector, which will be responsible for attracting and retaining Qi energy.
  2. Create the required area of ​​such positive and strong energy in the hallway itself. This can be achieved by placing a small table with a table lamp, which will not stand out with luxury and various decorations. In addition, this area can be presented in the form of a table with a vase in the middle, a rug in bright colors or a rich color scheme of the walls, interesting works of art, paintings.
  3. It is advisable not to position the mirror so that it looks directly at the front door. If it is not possible to change its location, you should place a houseplant in front of it, which will block the view.
  4. There are layouts in which the front door is opposite the stairs. This arrangement, from the point of view of Feng Shui, is quite unfortunate, as it promotes the flow of positive energy and does not retain it in the house. In order to stop the energy flow in the apartment, you should create elements that will retain Qi energy. These could be bright walls, indoor plants or beautiful vases of flowers.
  5. Walls that are located close to the front door are an obstacle to the penetration of harmony and well-being. To eliminate such an “obstacle,” you should use red colors for this wall or place a row of indoor plants along it. You can, of course, combine both options.
  6. High ceilings also have a beneficial effect. Unfortunately, modern apartments do not have such a height, but you can visually stretch them out using wallpaper or patterns with vertical lines. In addition, a lamp with a crystal suspended in the room or a floor lamp placed on a high leg will bring an excellent effect.

According to Feng Shui (photo), the hallway should always be in perfect order, which will help maintain positive energy flows in the house and bring comfort to each family member.

According to Feng Shui (photo), the hallway should always be in perfect order, which will help maintain positive energy flows in the house and bring comfort to every family member

Hallway dimensions

Hang pictures in the hallway

If your hallway, on the contrary, is very large, then a large amount of “extra” vital energy can enter it from the outside, and this energy will “overwhelm” the apartment, “displace” those living in it. Residents of such an apartment can become aggressive and tyrannize their weaker or dependent loved ones. When a person enters such a hallway, he becomes uncomfortable, he seems to shrink, becomes wary, sometimes feels defenseless and can often sense the internal and sometimes external aggression of the residents

Such a hallway needs to be decorated with some object that attracts attention, which would concentrate the energy of the space around it. This could be a table with flowers, a palm tree, a vase or stucco, etc.

If your hallway has a lot of empty walls, especially opposite the front door, you should decorate them with paintings and framed photographs. An empty wall in the hallway in front of the eyes of the person entering will be associated with an insurmountable obstacle.

The hallway should not have two views at once: to the near wall and to the side room. Besides the fact that it is simply harmful to vision (the so-called split line of sight), over time this appearance can cause irritability, uncertainty and headaches in residents. To avoid this, you also need to “keep” your gaze in one place, as in the case of a large hallway. You can cover the entrance to the room with a curtain, a plant, or a sculpture, which will make the interior even more complete.

Hallway color

The family does not spend most of its time in the hallway and does not gather for friendly gatherings. In a room, it is important to maintain a balance of colors; yin and yang should be in harmony, and there should not be a clear predominance of one side. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the color of the hallway should be oriented towards the direction of the front door:

Before starting work, you should use a compass. The device will help you determine the cardinal directions and choose colors according to the rules of Feng Shui.

If the space is small, when choosing colors, preference is given to light and warm colors. The solution will help expand space, even if it does not comply with sector recommendations. When choosing cool tones for a small room, you should dilute them with bright details. Red inserts, green screens, indoor plants, and decorative figures are suitable as decorative elements.

Where is it allowed to hang a mirror?

It is possible to change the energy of a space even in a poorly designed corridor. To do this, you don’t have to remodel the entire apartment or demolish walls. Mirrors help with this: just hang them in the right places to minimize negative events and help Chi energy circulate throughout all living rooms. After all, if at least some room does not receive the necessary energy vibrations, this will lead to disharmony in the house.

You can hang a mirror above the entrance. It should have the correct shape and reflect the front door. To restore the balance of energy flows, it is better to choose a round mirror. All this will help to accumulate more positive energy in the house.

For example, in a corridor with sharp and abrupt turns that form sharp or right angles, it is necessary to hang mirrors. A row of mirrors will visually soften the angle, but you should not hang them so that they reflect each other. Therefore, they should be hung in a row along the wall.

Products must be of the same shape. Otherwise, it will introduce an imbalance in the energy space of the apartment. You can choose small and large mirrors - size is not so important. The main thing is that they are similar: all rectangular, for example.

The largest product should be hung close to the entrance, but it should not reflect the door, otherwise the Qi energy will leak out

It is important that the mirror is large enough so that the person can be fully reflected in it. There is no need to visually split or trim the figure

Clock in the hallway

Watches play an important functional role in human life. In the hallway they will be an excellent solution from a practical and aesthetic point of view. They help a person arrive at the right place on time and remind him of the endless passage of time. The list of recommendations for placing clocks in the corridor includes:

An abstract style clock will be a great addition to the room.


The ideal shape of a bedroom according to Feng Shui is a square or rectangle, but even if the room has sloping corners, niches and other irregularities, you can adjust its shape with the help of furniture, decor and draperies.

The shape of the bedroom is not entirely favorable. The environment around the house, as well as smooth lines in furniture, wall and ceiling decor, compensates for this and attracts Shen Qi energy.


According to Feng Shui, mirrors should not be placed in the bedroom. The same applies to any reflective surfaces, such as mirror lamps or furniture. Mirrors negatively affect the energy of a sleeping person and cause discord in family relationships. If you cannot do without a mirror, then you need to follow a number of rules when installing it:

  • Sleeping people should not be reflected in it. Mirrors should not be placed opposite the bed or at the head of the bed. Mirror ceilings are strictly not recommended.
  • It is better to leave a full-length mirror for the living room, and use small ones for the bedroom, for example, from a dressing table. At night, such mirrors can be covered with a cloth or screen.
  • The mirror in the bedroom, hanging opposite the entrance, reflects all the incoming energy. It is better to place this item in the corner, so Qi will circulate freely around the room.
  • You can’t hang two mirrors opposite each other, it disrupts sleep. It is believed that mirrors form an astral corridor and spirits can enter the bedroom.
  • Mirrors consisting of small parts such as tiles or mosaics are especially not recommended.

If you really want to, you can still decorate your bedroom with mirrors. There is a categorical requirement: sleepers should not be reflected in them. It should also be taken into account that mirrors change the direction of the flow of Qi energy

Paintings and photographs

You can hang paintings and photos in the bedroom, but not every image is suitable for this. The main thing is that the picture should evoke only positive emotions; it could be a family photo or a masterpiece of painting. If a couple wants to have children, then a picture of a happy child is appropriate, although photos of other people’s children should not be posted. You should not hang pictures with wild animals in the bedroom, they can attract trouble. Paintings and photos depicting autumn, water, and natural disasters are also not suitable for the bedroom. They can negatively affect family relationships. It is also better to refrain from flowers, although a photo of bright peonies can improve marital relations.

The ideal decor for a headboard in a bedroom is plotless. The same rule applies to decorative items opposite, at the foot of the bed.

If the bedroom is exclusively a place of relaxation, then the picture should be peaceful and relaxing. These can be all kinds of panels, neutral photos, landscapes in muted colors. Paintings and photos with a dynamic plot are not suitable for the bedroom. The same goes for negative images: sadness, loneliness, tears, some kind of tragedy. Paintings or photos of deceased relatives or strangers should never be hung in the bedroom.

Neutral and small-scale painting on the wall at the head of the bed

It is not recommended to place paintings above the head of the bed, as they can disrupt energy flows during sleep. The frame for a photo or painting should be wooden, which will help maintain harmony in the bedroom.

Openwork masterpieces created using wood carving are good for maintaining harmony in the bedroom

Keep your bedroom clean and get rid of unnecessary things on time. Do not place the bed close to a wall that has a doorway

It is not recommended to keep electrical appliances, indoor plants, books on open shelves, various sources of water in the bedroom: aquariums, fountains, etc. If their presence is necessary, then you must place these items as far as possible from the bed. But elements such as candles, curtains, dim lamps, figurines must be present in the bedroom, as they help create favorable energy.

Feng Shui does not deny the influence of numbers on a person, so a lucky number in the desired sector of the Lo Shu square can help you adjust your current life situation

Indoor plants - possible or not

Feng Shui decorative elements in the form of fresh flowers are allowed throughout the house. If there is a window in the corridor, then all that remains is to choose a flower and follow the rules for caring for it. It is necessary to take into account the energy correspondence of the plant to the vestibule. Guests often pass here, brushing against the flowers and touching them.

With a sufficient level of lighting, you can place cacti in the corridor as the best option for protection against negative energy flows. However, the plant should be positioned so that no one gets hurt.

If there is no window, an alternative would be to place photos or paintings with images of prickly flowers (cacti). Other plants will not be able to survive in the dark and cool front room. A good option for a bright room is Dieffenbachia or Monstera, but you can’t put both plants at once. The date palm is used to lift mood and cheerfulness.

Entrance door material and color

In addition to hallway furnishings that can be installed or discarded, there are integral elements. Every lobby must have an entrance door. Knowledge about its location relative to other rooms or a staircase is available only to designers. An unfavorable solution is considered to be an opening parallel to the elevator or stairs. However, you can block negative energy flows if you set a threshold 2-3 cm high.

The material for the canvas is chosen according to the cardinal directions. South, east and southeast are associated with wood, and all other cases are associated with metal. Financial stability cannot be achieved if all other rooms are visible from the hallway: kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom.

Each room must be closed. Additionally, you should use bright accessories to distract attention, such as photo wallpapers or paintings. In front of the entrance, it is allowed to place living plants that will ennoble the atmosphere of the hallway.

Cleanliness, spaciousness and freedom are the basic principles of Chinese teaching

According to Feng Shui, the key to a favorable environment is maintaining cleanliness and order. It is necessary to keep the room and all interior items in it completely clean; you should also avoid rubble and rubbish, which will lead to stagnation of energy.

A very important nuance are walls, partitions and other barriers. Even the threshold at the door is considered a kind of barrier to the penetration of energy. That is why furniture, as a kind of barrier, is also installed at the edges of the door and as compact as possible.


  • https://DaoHotei.com/dom/pravila-oformleniya-prixozhej-po-fen-shuj
  • https://comfortoria.ru/rooms/prixozhaya/kak-vystroit-dizajn-prixozhej-po-fenshuj/
  • https://ProFengShui.ru/dom/prihozhaja-po-fen-shuj/
  • https://1fenshui.ru/kvartira/prixozhaya-po-fen-shuj.html
  • https://prekrasny-mir.ru/prihojaya-po-fen-shuy/
  • https://1000sovetov.ru/article_prikhozhaya-po-fen-shui-pravila-obustroistva-doma
  • https://prihozhaya.guru/stili/po-fen-shuj
  • https://PoFenshuyu.com/kvartira/koridor.html
  • https://CozyBlog.ru/interery/prihozhaya/kartiny-dlya-prihozhej.html
  • https://bezkovrov.com/prihozhaja/kartina.html
  • https://design-homes.ru/komnaty/drugie-komnaty/kartiny-v-prikhozhuyu
  • https://m-strana.ru/design/kartiny-v-prikhozhuyu-na-stenu/
  • https://www.tass-sib.ru/aksessuary/kartini-v-prihozhuyu.html
  • https://prihozhaya.guru/mebel/kartiny


Feng Shui entrance door.

The front door is the main entrance for chi into your home or apartment, and therefore it is very important that the front door looks good and does not creak. The front door is the main gateway into the house for energy, and it can be quite patchy

For example, guests crossing the threshold may bring with them envy or the evil eye; simple energetic dirt accumulated in the corridor may also leak out. At the same time, the quality of life deteriorates, weakness and apathy may appear, or things may not work out. To block the path of any evil spirits, you need to purchase an entrance door that is not only durable and of high quality, but also with a layer of non-energy-conducting materials; usually they can be determined by the lack of conductivity of heat and current. One of the most famous of them is wood. A door made entirely of iron practically does not hold back negative energy.

The front door is the main gateway into your home for energy, and it can be quite patchy. For example, guests crossing the threshold may bring with them envy or the evil eye; simple energetic dirt accumulated in the corridor may also leak out. At the same time, the quality of life deteriorates, weakness and apathy may appear, or things may not work out. To block the path of any evil spirits, you need to purchase an entrance door that is not only durable and of high quality, but also with a layer of non-energy-conducting materials; usually they can be determined by the lack of conductivity of heat and current. One of the most famous of them is wood. A door made entirely of iron practically does not hold back negative energy.

Make sure that nothing outside interferes with the flow of qi into your home. Do not place large items at the entrance for long-term storage. Make personal lighting above the door so as not to depend on the light bulbs burning out in the common corridor.


Choosing a rug for the lobby according to Feng Shui also needs to be done by adhering to a number of rules. The door covering should be in harmony in style with the front door, but be of a different color and texture from the general flooring material. Additionally, to attract Qi energy, you can lay a special rug near the door, placing three coins with the image of Chinese characters on a scarlet thread under it.

If the door is located on the north side, shades of yellow, blue or white will do. For the southern direction, green or red colors are used. In Feng Shui, the East is associated with green and brown, while the West is associated with silver and white. Among the materials for a doorway, wood is most preferable, since the solid wood prevents the penetration of negative energy.

Hallway according to the laws of Feng Shui: in any hallway on the walls it is very appropriate

hang unusual paintings or interesting photographs framed in oval and rectangular frames. Using door mats in your hallway interior is another great way to attract beneficial Qi energy. Feng Shui experts recommend placing three gold coins under the door mat - this way you will “lure” happiness into your home.

It is advisable that from a small hallway

there was no need to climb up the stairs - if the layout of your apartment does include such a staircase, slow down the rapid movement of Qi energy with the help of ringing bells or a musical pendant

An ornamental plant located diagonally from the entrance will enliven the atmosphere, and bright objects, light and large, will distract attention from the stairs

These could be flashy rugs carelessly thrown on the floor in the hallway that leads to the rooms on the first floor. Sometimes the staircase is located away from the entrance, in this case, place a partition or a stylish movable screen - this way you will create a barrier that will “retain” the release of Qi energy.

A small hallway can be visually enlarged

To do this, just hang a beautiful mirror on the side of the door. There are three rooms in the house that need to be “hidden” from the eyes of entering guests - the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom.

Make sure that the doors to them are always closed, and distract attention from these rooms with the help of color schemes, lighting or eye-catching objects

If two or three doors open into the hall or hallway, behind which there are internal rooms, and they are located opposite each other, then an atmosphere of wariness and tension is created - and this is not surprising. The Qi energy will find itself in a difficult situation of choice, and therefore will begin to rush randomly from one door to another, giving rise to the degeneration of positive energy into negative, and this entails an undesirable effect on the health of the people living in the house.

Hallway according to the laws of Feng Shui: If you have just such a hallway, don’t worry.

It is enough to hang a magic crystal or “wind chime” from the ceiling of the hall, place a bright painting, mosaic or poster - attracting the attention of people leaving each door, they will contribute to the orderly movement of Qi energy. It often happens that when entering a house, we come across a wall - hang a mirror on it, decorate it with flowers, paintings or photographs

To the right of the front door is the “Helper Zone” (as the Feng Shui school calls this place)

It often happens that when entering a house, we come across a wall - hang a mirror on it, decorate it with flowers, paintings or photographs. To the right of the front door is the “Helper Zone” (as the Feng Shui school calls this place).

Provide an umbrella stand here,

phone stand or shoe cabinet. A table for gloves will also look good - in general, something on which you can rest your hand and put several objects. Hallway according to the laws of Feng Shui. World of books on the Book World portal download or buy at a discount.

If the size of the hallway does not allow you to place such furniture, then hang a small lamp on the wall - a wonderful indicator of space, softly whispering about your concern for your neighbors. Luck loves light, so be sure to place lamps at the entrance to your house or apartment - and let happiness and peace reign in your home

Feng Shui in the office: organizing space

According to Feng Shui, well-being in all areas of a person’s life largely depends on the environment both at home and at work. So, by organizing your office space according to the principles of Feng Shui, you will attract favorable energy to your office, which will be the key to successful activities. There are several stages and important points for this:

Area layout

Proper office design contributes to the financial success of the enterprise, reduces friction and stimulates productivity. The plane of the office space and all its sections must have four corners, that is, have a square or rectangular shape. Missing one of the corners can lead to an imbalance of energy in the room.

How to arrange an office according to Feng Shui


Any office has a corridor or hall where, according to Feng Shui, paintings depicting a flying airplane or birds, a sailboat, the horizon, trees, a calm sea or a clear spring must hang on the walls. But a waterfall, no matter how beautiful it is, is strictly prohibited, as it represents a downward movement. When choosing a landscape, you should also consider the stylistic direction in which the office design is designed.

Feng Shui paintings in the office photo


The main assistants in arranging an office according to Feng Shui are mirrors. A full-length mirror will repel negative energy entering the room and harmonize the positive energy that will settle in the space of the entire office. The mirror that is located in the hall should not reflect the front door and the entrance to the toilet room. It is also not recommended to place mirrors opposite each other, in which case the energy will be repelled and stagnate, which can turn into a “deaf time” for the company.

Flowers and water

Living sources of energy – flowers and water – have a great influence on the successful development of a company according to Feng Shui. Vegetation attracts good energy, establishing harmony with nature and improving the performance of each person. Living plants, especially flowering ones, attract customers and imply business prosperity. Water cleanses the energy of the room, removes emotional stress and restores strength. You can attract positive events to the office with the help of artificial ponds and fountains.

Feng Shui flowers for the office

Feng Shui flowers for the office

Color solution

The main Feng Shui colors in the office are cream, yellow, orange, light brown, greenish. The blue and red color palette is used in individual interior details. Silver, gold and white colors are favorable for the executive's office.

Feng Shui office photo

Feng Shui office photo

Office areas according to Feng Shui

It is also believed that the organization of each zone in the office according to Feng Shui should be carried out based on the cardinal directions. So, to increase profits, you should hang pictures in wooden frames in the southeastern part, and you can also place flowerpots with flowers whose leaves have a round shape. But for the company to become famous, wood products need to be placed in the southern part. If the company's activities are related to creativity or there are designers on staff, one should not forget about the area located in the western part of the office. According to Feng Shui, it is advisable to place metal vases and ceramics there.

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Wallpapers and photo wallpapers

Experts in the eastern teachings of Feng Shui recommend starting work on interior design by determining the location of the room relative to the cardinal directions. Depending on the location, you must choose the appropriate wallpaper color. When choosing, you should take into account natural light and the size of the hallway. Most often, the corridor occupies a central place in the house and belongs to the Earth sign. In this case, you should choose a brown or red wallpaper palette for the room.

Floral motifs or nature themes are suitable as patterns. Choosing the animal or plant world when decorating your interior will bring a positive flow of energy into your home. Photo wallpaper is often chosen for corridor design. There are situations when not very welcome guests enter the house. Even close friends don’t always want to show off the most intimate areas of the apartment. Negative energy from strangers should not enter the private parts of the apartment.

Photo wallpapers are suitable for distracting attention. When decorating the hallway, various themes are provided:

  1. Animal world. Most representatives of the animal kingdom are attributed human qualities and endowed with magical powers.
  2. Scenery. It is considered a universal solution for interior decoration and carries positive qi energy.
  3. Still life.

Mirror in the hallway

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