Why do you need paintings in the office and how to choose them correctly

What paintings are best to hang in the office? In this article I offer a selection of the most stylish and modern paintings for office interior decoration.

For most of us, office space is a second home. We spend a significant part of our time at work, surrounded not only by colleagues, but also by the office interior.

Agree, it is much more pleasant to work where it is not only safe and clean, but also very beautiful. Therefore, if you had to be responsible for the design of your office, then you should immediately think through the concept.

Of course, there is a difference between office and office. There are spaces where decoration is part of the company, and how the office looks is how the company positions itself. And there are offices where excessive decor is not very welcome, but, as a rule, even in such conservative and traditional work spaces there is a place for beauty, that is, painting.

In this article, I offer you some practical recommendations on how to choose paintings for your office interior: by style, by color, by format, and so on. In the second part of the article I will give specific examples and show in the photo what paintings can decorate the workplace.

Why do people buy paintings for the office?

The emptiness and unnaturalness of the environment is unusual for a person. And any business owner has 2 goals:

  • To make staff productive - for this you need to create a comfortable space;
  • Show the client the success of the enterprise - a positive image is largely achieved through beauty. It also helps a person feel good in an unfamiliar environment.

The attractiveness of the interior is always achieved with the help of details. Make even the most expensive renovation, but an empty room will be repulsive. These elements are light and decorative items. And if the ficus has long become banal, like the shelves with awards and product samples, then the artistic art is fresh.

Wall art

This is an option for brave individuals who want to give an ordinary office space an original design. What does this mean for business? Recognition among clients and a pleasant working atmosphere. Yes, a drawing applied directly to the wall can intrigue and become a business card of the company.

Wall paintings in restaurants, cafes, theme clubs or expensive boutiques are especially advantageous. In this case, art sets the tone for the entire space, participates in creating the necessary mood, relaxes and captivates. But not every image gives a similar effect. Small-sized drawings, devoid of ideas and meaning, fall out of sight and go unnoticed.

Acrylic, tempera and other types of paints are used to create wall paintings. Important: this is always manual labor, exclusive. Therefore, it is of interest to designers and company owners who care about the interior of their own office.

The main problem is to find a decorative artist who will bring your idea to life or offer original designs.

The expressiveness and catchiness of this type of art depends on the nuances:

  • size of the finished work. The larger it is, the more effectively the painting stands out against the background of the general environment and becomes the main object of admiration;
  • correspondence of the theme of the picture written on the wall to the specifics of the business. A painting can tell about a company’s activities better than any booklet or a manager’s prepared speech. Don't forget that we read 80% of information with our eyes. Wall painting is an additional reason to leave a pleasant impression;
  • accuracy and quality of the final work. The desire to come up and take a closer look at the drawing will involuntarily arise in almost every visitor. Up close, all the flaws become more noticeable. This spoils the impression of the image and the company as a whole. This is how human thinking works: little things influence our assessment of reality.

The main disadvantage of such decor is its replacement. You will have to remove the old layer of paint, putty the walls again, apply primer and paint in order to invite the artist again to create another masterpiece for the workspace.

Features of choosing paintings for the office

Questions remain about what pictures to hang in the work area and where they should be placed. Let's look at them:

Styles and content of office paintings

Landscapes: the most common option. Nature, street details (sidewalks with lamps, trains, park areas) are what people miss indoors. They are beautiful. They calm you down, allowing you to freely go about your business. So the creators of the interior at the Microsoft office took a different route, installing “living” walls that look like green bushes. The concept works the same way. But grass cannot be placed everywhere.

People and Animals: In the West, animals are treated better, which is why you can see them on the walls. In the CIS, such images are only gaining popularity, so if you want to stand out, then this is your option. It is better to buy a picture for the wall containing people for the offices of modeling agencies, art and cinematographic workshops. This is not used in banks, sales centers, etc.

Abstractions: various kinds of waves, silhouettes, etc. things are also relevant. Here color plays more of a role (for example, paintings in gold) than content. They simply serve to complement the overall background.

Replicas: another universal option is to buy paintings by Russian artists (copies), or foreign authors. No matter how trite it may seem, classics are always in fashion.

Color selection

Color design is complex, but with the following rules you can never go wrong:

1. Choose shades to match the interior items - a beige sofa, opposite a canvas with similar tones;

2. Do not group one color in one zone - try to take the shade from objects and walls located at a distance from the canvas. It’s like with clothes - shoes under a shirt, trousers under a hat;

3. Start from color combinations in nature - the earth is brown, next to it is green grass, next to it is yellow rye. There is blue water below, with pink clouds on it. A light green lawn with purple flowers on it. A painting in green shades looks good next to a yellow sunflower in a pot.

Office painting format

There are two types:

  • Monolithic - works on one canvas. Classic;
  • Modular - these are 3-5 canvases containing one image. This variety is in demand due to its novelty. Although in the West the product has been used for a long time, by business centers, bars, cafes, etc.

About the frame: the rules are the same here. Can be hung without framing.


A popular genre in office design. At the same time, there are practically no restrictions in the choice of plot. The market features black and white photographs of transport interchanges, oil paintings of modern bridges, Gothic buildings in Europe, sketches of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. Diversity is not limited to the design itself. The techniques and directions in which artists paint deserve special attention:

  • realism surprises with the clarity of lines and careful elaboration of small details, due to which the canvas comes to life and attracts the eye;
  • broad strokes of paint give the canvases emotionality, emphasizing the beauty of architecture, barely noticeable to the ordinary observer;
  • color stretches not only harmonize the overall perception of the paintings, but also help give them dynamics. They look especially impressive when painting highways, along which the shadows of cars of various shades rush;
  • painting with a palette knife makes you admire the canvas due to the unusual, sharp strokes and texture that appears when working with this tool.

Oil painting "New York"

What is the appeal of architectural canvases? They help emphasize the style of almost any interior. For a classic design, choose drawings of medieval houses and palaces, which emphasize pomp and luxury. When decorating an office in a minimalist style, give preference to simple lines in the depiction of buildings.

It won’t be difficult to choose a sketch taking into account the specifics of your clients. The female audience will appreciate the sketches of Parisian streets with street cafes, and the male audience will appreciate the buildings, which are complex in architectural design, making them enjoy art in art.

One more thing.

Urban architecture does not easily evoke pleasant feelings and emotions.

The image of a house, especially a monumental one, makes you feel calm and confident. Therefore, such paintings are suitable for decorating an office if its owner is interested in attracting more clients.

What kind of painting can you hang above your bed?

It is difficult to imagine an interior in which there are no decorative elements. And paintings are the basis of any decoration. They hang in any room. But depending on the location, you must use the rules for selecting the appropriate option. It is better to hang pictures such as:

  • Painting "Rhyme". This picture completely repeats one or another part of the decoration of the room. For example, this could be a roll of wallpaper in a frame. This option is almost invisible, but this is precisely what gives it grace;

  • Painting "Accent". This option is radically different from the previous one; here you need to use the brightest shade possible, which will set the tone for the entire style concept;

  • Painting "Style". It is most often hung above the bed in the bedroom. The most important rule when choosing is that the image fully corresponds to the chosen style concept. For example, abstraction looks great in a modern room, while images of castles or offices of great figures look great in a classic room.

An additional suitable option for the bedroom and placement above the bed is the “mood” painting. It should evoke certain emotions in the people who sleep here. It is chosen intuitively and emotionally, and often may have nothing to do with the design of the room.

Study room according to feng shui scheme

For a favorable flow of Qi energy and good luck in business, we decorate the office according to Feng Shui. After choosing the right room: square or rectangular shape of the room, location away from stairs and escalators, choosing the color in the design, we arrange the furniture as the teaching advises.

How to arrange furniture in your office?

It is best to arrange furniture in the office in the form of a Bagua octagon around the perimeter of the room. In addition, there are some more rules for arranging furniture in the office according to Feng Shui.

According to Feng Shui, the desk in an office is positioned so that the person sitting does not sit with their back to the door. The most favorable location of the desktop is diagonally. It is unfavorable to place a table opposite a door or window. The person sitting should have a wall behind him. It gives confidence and strength.

According to Feng Shui, it is unfavorable to have irregularly shaped tables. And also place them in the shape of the letter P or G. The presence of many sharp corners creates destructive energy. It is highly undesirable to have cabinets with open shelves. It is better to place computers and all office equipment in the west and north-west of the room. This will strengthen the sector responsible for luck and help from influential people.

If there are many workers in the office, then it is best to arrange their desks around the perimeter so that they look at each other. And place the manager’s desk away from the door. It is very undesirable to place a table between the window and the door. And also facing the wall. Such provisions block the emergence of new ideas and the power to implement them. Be sure to move the table or turn it sideways.

Feng Shui workplace in the office

The main thing in creating a workplace is cleanliness and order. According to Feng Shui, in the workplace you need to remove unnecessary papers and wipe away dust. This helps to avoid problems at work. There should be enough free space in front of the table. Then positive energy will circulate freely and bring positive changes.

For success in work, the desk in the office is designed in accordance with the Bagua sectors.

  • The career sector is located directly in front of the person sitting. It must always be empty so that energy can circulate freely and unhindered.
  • On the left is the family sector. To activate the sector, you can place a bamboo shoot or a wooden bowl with nuts here.
  • On the right is the children and creativity sector. Metal objects should be located here, including a computer.
  • The center of the table is the sector of health, spirituality and strength. For the influx of fresh positive Qi, it must always be free.
  • In the lower right corner there is a sector of teachers and mentors. These are our assistants. Also the sector responsible for travel. This is a good place to put your phone. Then help and support from outside are provided.
  • In the lower left corner is the sector of wisdom and knowledge. To ensure that all your affairs go smoothly and successfully, place figurines of the elephant god Ganesha here as an assistant and comrade-in-arms in business. He will help in business and in increasing profits.
  • The upper right corner is responsible for love and marriage. To harmonize all directions in life, we activate this area with a photograph of a loved one, pictures of happy people.
  • The upper left corner is responsible for the wealth sector. It’s good to put symbols here: a money tree, a three-legged toad sitting on money and other Feng Shui talismans that attract wealth into our lives.

Feng Shui workplace in the office
Thus, the workplace for favorable work should be clean and comfortable. No need to store unnecessary papers, dried bouquets and the like. For wealth, success and career advancement, energy must flow freely in the workplace. At the end of the working day, be sure to remove all unnecessary papers and completed tasks from your desk. This will help the influx of new strong energy.

Flowers and plants for the office according to Feng Shui

Living plants and flowers are necessary in Feng Shui to regulate the flow of energy. It can either flow rapidly or stagnate in the corners. Flowers help distribute energy evenly, helping it flow smoothly. Offices should have flowers with yang energy. These are plants with long oval leaves that stretch upward. These include ficus, philodendron, and dieffenbachia.

For harmony, you can also place plants that carry the feminine Yin energy. These are climbing plants with soft, rounded leaves. The so-called “money tree” is especially popular.

It is believed that ficus helps in career growth, and fatsia helps to fight obstacles. Ficus is good at clearing the air of negative energy. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, this flower can be placed on the desktop near the computer and printer.

If you need to increase the activity of employees, then it is good to put some indoor plants with red flowers in the office.

Flowers that have thorns or very hard leaves can be placed in offices to eliminate the destructive Sha energy caused by protruding corners or irregular shapes of the room. These are cacti, sansevieria, yucca. But we must remember that these flowers cannot be placed close to the desktop.


This is an art object consisting of three segments. In another way they are called modular paintings. There are also polyptychs, where the number of individual canvases is limited only by imagination and budget.

This solution is mainly used by small companies. The design of the premises is often made in modern styles: minimalism, loft or hi-tech. It is these trends that encourage decorative painting without frames, which interfere with the holistic perception of already “broken” subjects.

Triptychs are distinguished by a variety of genres, color schemes and sizes of the modules themselves. All this gives room for creativity and self-expression, despite the boring office environment. They look most harmonious above leather sofas or in the reception area, where the gaze of every visitor certainly falls.

A person spends a third of his life at work. Keep this in mind when decorating your office space. Choose the most popular and spectacular works of art to add originality and comfort to your usual work environment.

Let's touch history

Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing objects in the environment. This teaching is closely related to the philosophical and religious movement of Taoism, which professes the natural path of moral self-improvement. The term itself translates as “wind and water.” That is, here lies the meaning of something perfect and ideal. The practice of Feng Shui describes architecture and interior design in various metaphorical terms, which usually denote a certain “invisible force” or energy.

Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing objects in the environment.

There is a whole dictionary of Feng Shui terminology, here are its basic concepts:

  • Qi is the flow of energy in a room (house, area). Qi energy can be both positive and negative. That is, it is a kind of vital force, thanks to which the microclimate in the room is formed. It is believed that Qi energy is born in symbiosis with such units as the universe, earth and man. According to the philosophical teachings of Feng Shui, Qi energy develops in the wind, but is preserved when colliding with water;
  • Shen-qi (or Shen-qi) is an accumulation of favorable energy or strength. The literal translation means “breath of the contented dragon.” A person who harmonizes a room using the Feng Shui method sets the goal of Shen Qi.

Historically, Feng Shui has been widely used to orient buildings, spaces, grounds, and other spiritually significant structures in a favorable manner.

Historically, Feng Shui has been widely used to orient buildings, spaces, sites and other spiritually significant structures in a favorable manner.

What picture to hang above the sofa

The space above the sofa provides more space and choice when choosing a suitable picture. At the moment, a Western trend called “art gallery” is gradually becoming fashionable in Russia. It is based on the fact that the entire wall above the sofa is hung with paintings of different sizes. The main thing is that their frames are approximately the same, and the general design concept is visible. This design option heavily loads the interior, so other decorative elements should be absent.

Another great option is a series of paintings. Now many artists are interested in this type of work. This is something like a mini-comic that tells a certain story. Sometimes a series depicts the same place, but at different times of the year. This is a very interesting design format, but the main thing is that each image in the series does not evoke negative emotions.

Office arrangement

The office itself should be in light colors; it is better to avoid red and blue as much as possible. White and light shades of green, beige, brown and yellow are best.

Hang diplomas and certificates on the walls, use closed shelves (with glass doors) on the walls for awards. This will stimulate the company’s achievements and its desire to reach the top.

As in “home” Feng Shui, the office should have four corners, no round walls and sloping ceilings. If you are still in such an office, furniture and all kinds of partitions will help you to create favorable energy. If the ceiling is sloping, you can hang two flutes. There should be plenty of light in the office. Do not choose an office opposite the stairs or escalator.

Study room according to feng shui scheme

  1. There should be as much space as possible in front of the desk; favorable energy accumulates there.
  2. The table should not be located opposite the door.
  3. The office should not be a walk-through room.
  4. You need to sit with your back to the wall. If that doesn’t work, visually enlarge the spaces in front of you as much as possible with the help of a painting. Read on to find out which painting to choose.
  5. Don't sit in front of the window.
  6. The lighting should be bright, but don't sit directly under it.
  7. Keep your work area clean and tidy.

Waterfall and its images in the painting

The philosophy of Feng Shui says that all the forces of nature should be in harmony. Shui - means water, it is one of the 5 important elements and has a powerful energy force

Therefore, you should pay special attention to it when attracting beneficial energies into your life.

The image of a waterfall in a painting or photograph symbolizes prosperity in the house, attracts cash flow and good luck. and it is better to place wealth at the entrance inside the house or apartment itself.

A small decorative fountain with flowing water can serve as the same magnet of abundance. However, you should always make sure that the water in your miniature waterfall is clean and transparent, then the money will come to you quickly and easily.

Paintings for the living room

To choose a painting for the living room, you first need to decide on the style. If the room is relatively small and also divided into functional areas (for example, combined with a dining area or study), then it is better to hang posters or personal photographs. Pictures in frames here will overload the interior.

If the room is spacious enough, but not as spacious as we would like, then framed paintings are preferred. Some works of art are framed with frames that are in no way inferior in beauty and grace, so the choice on the modern market is very wide.

If the room is very large, then it is recommended to use large modular paintings. They look great, harmonize with almost every style, and also highlight any room. But modular paintings cannot be chosen as accent ones. Since there will be too many of them in the interior, they must be combined with the style of the room.

Company logo

It's good if your brand name has a favorable symbolic meaning.

Feng Shuists most often use images of dragons, turtles, birds, fish, sailboats for this purpose and almost never choose abstract compositions that have sharp corners on their names and surnames on business cards.

Avoid emblems that taper downwards. The colors in the logo should not conflict with each other.

Compatibility is determined using the theory of interaction of the five elements. So, for example, red goes well with green and yellow. Red with black and blue is less favorable. The combination of black and white is considered the most successful, which symbolizes the balance of Yin and Yang.

Never step on a company's logo or name, as this may lead to decreased profits and financial losses. Therefore, you should not place these important symbols on carpets or make them part of the floor mosaic pattern.

You can enhance your office's Feng Shui with a foot mat by attaching three Chinese "prosperity coins" tied with a red cord to the back of the mat. In this case, every time you cross the threshold of the office (you can also do this at home), you will symbolically “walk on gold.”

Feng Shui of the manager's office

According to Feng Shui, it is best to place the manager’s office in the northwestern part of the office. This is the zone of teachers and mentors. Then the manager will be fair and wise for the employees. He will make the right decisions. The colors characteristic of the north-west are silver, white, gold. The office should be decorated in these colors.

If the office is located in the northern part, this will help in professional growth. Northeast contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge.

It is very undesirable to have an office in the western and southwestern parts. This leads to decreased performance.

The manager's desk should be large and spacious, of a regular rectangular shape. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of chair. It should be very comfortable and soft. Select a chair for an executive with a high back and armrests.

Painting for the manager's office

In the office of the head of Feng Shui, it is considered the presence of paintings depicting a calm sea with a ship, a flying plane, a soaring eagle, a staircase leading upward, a large flowering meadow.

According to Feng Shui, paintings in the office with bare trees, unfavorable natural phenomena, and desert are strictly not recommended. Pictures of water falling down will reduce the success of the entire office. Mountains or tall buildings will create difficulties in business.

Flowers in the manager's office

There should be flowers with Yang energy in the manager's office. They will help in solving complex issues, speed up progress in business and bring success to the company. These are all types of ficus, philodendron.

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