How to properly hang icons in the house. Photos and basic rules

People who have only recently joined faith in God often have questions related to the design of their home iconostasis. In accordance with the centuries-old Orthodox tradition, in every house, be it a peasant hut or a boyar's mansion, icons were located in the corner, which was called red, and the presence of icons seemed to fill the house with a feeling of goodness and spiritual purity. Now this tradition is gradually being restored, which is of great importance, but new converts have many questions. Let's try to answer the most common questions about home iconostasis.

In what corner are icons placed in the room?

According to Orthodox tradition, this should be the south-eastern corner of the room, but if the room is too small, then you can place the icons in a free corner or against the wall. The main thing is that there are no secular objects next to them (paintings, posters, posters, calendars, etc.).

So, we found out where the icons should be in the house. Just stand, because according to tradition they are placed in an icon case or on a special shelf covered with an embroidered towel or lace napkins. The shelf is often decorated with artificial or fresh flowers, a bouquet of herbs is placed on Trinity, blessed eggs are placed on Easter, a vessel with holy water is placed, etc.

During prayer, candles are lit in front of the icons, so you should take care of fire safety

It is best to hang or place a lamp and light it during prayer, as well as on Sundays and church holidays.

It is probably unnecessary to remind you that the home iconostasis must be kept impeccably clean, and the dust from the icons is not wiped off with a cloth, but brushed off with a feather.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to take icons from the house of the deceased? Yes, you can! Place them side by side in your shrine. They should not be left in a collapsing house. Most often they are inherited.

The icon fell, what is it for? The Church does not recognize any superstitions. Strengthen it and don't think about anything. It was just poorly staged. Pick her up, kiss her, say a prayer, ask for forgiveness.

If images begin to fall very often, then invite a priest to consecrate your house.

What icons traditionally make up the iconostasis?

The home iconostasis must have icons of the Savior, the Holy Trinity and the Mother of God. It also matters in what order the icons are arranged in the iconostasis: the above icons should be on the top shelf, and the rest, which you can choose at your discretion, are located below.

It is desirable that the home iconostasis contain icons of saints whose names are borne by family members, and you need to know the history of these saints. Often they choose icons of saints that help maintain peace and harmony in the family and overcome life’s hardships (Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona of Moscow, Panteleimon the Healer, etc.). There should be no foreign objects in the home iconostasis, including photographs of relatives.

Basic rules for placing icons

According to church traditions, believers should pray facing the east. Therefore, it is recommended to place icons on the eastern side of the apartment. If you have such an opportunity, place the iconostasis in the east.

However, in many cases in the east, modern buildings have doors or windows and, accordingly, then it will not be possible to place the image there. But how to properly hang icons in an apartment in this case? Choose any other wall, because it is impossible to change the location of the building in modern conditions.

It is important not only the location of the wall relative to the cardinal points, but also its freedom and accessibility. Standing in front of the icons should be convenient for all family members, especially if the family practices joint prayer.

Location of icons on the iconostasis

Knowing what icons you need to have at home, you should also arrange them correctly. The placement of icons on the home iconostasis is strictly regulated: the icons of the Savior, the Mother of God and the Holy Trinity must be located above all other icons.

If all the icons are on the same surface (for example, on a bedside table), then the icon of the Savior is placed in the center, the Mother of God and the Holy Trinity are placed on the sides of it, and all the others are placed slightly away from these main icons.

Best location according to Feng Shui

Those who have decided to buy a new wall clock and don’t know where best to hang it should seek advice from the Chinese sages, who divide the entire home into eight sectors in accordance with the cardinal directions. True, their teaching applies only to mechanical models.

  • North. The sector is responsible for careers. An owner who hangs a clock mechanism on the north side of the house will quickly forget about failures at work and, perhaps, will soon advance in his career. For this arrangement, round or square-shaped devices made of metal with a black, gray or blue dial are better suited. For travel enthusiasts, it is better to occupy the wall facing northwest.
  • South. This side of the world is responsible for fame and universal recognition. Those who lack warmth and love should hang a clock on a wall facing south or southwest. In terms of design, products that are red, yellow or green, round or triangular in shape, or handmade, work well here.
  • West. On the western walls hang round or oval items in a metal case with a white or light gray dial. This has a positive effect on raising children, developing creativity, and promises good studies.
  • East. If you hang the clock on the east side, you can count on mutual understanding in the family. The ideal option is wooden or ceramic products with a round or wavy shape in purple, black or blue.

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So, by choosing a suitable place for your wall walkers, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, you can direct positive energy in the right direction.

Correct placement of icons in the house

The location of icons in the house may be different. You can arrange the main iconostasis in one room, and place some icons (for example, patron saints) in each room and even in the kitchen.

If it is not possible to arrange an iconostasis in the red corner, then you can select a separate table or bedside table, but there should not be any extraneous objects on them, that is, not related to prayers.

You can hang icons everywhere in the house. The only places where icons cannot be placed are the toilet and bathroom.

Is it possible to put an icon on an icon?

No, you need to place them separately.

Icons in the kitchen

These can be images of the Savior, the Mother of God or the Holy Trinity, to which prayer is offered before the meal, or other icons of your choice. It is better to place icons in the kitchen away from the stove so that they do not get dirty. You can hang them in the corner opposite the stove or put them in a kitchen cabinet behind glass.

Images in the office for work

A talisman against envious people can be placed on your desktop. But the saint will help protect himself not only from envious people. If difficulties arise, inspiration disappears, you need to turn to the Saint, taking into account work activity, or put a face with the image of the Patriarch.

List with professions and their patrons:

  • to a trade worker .
  • Drivers and sailors should have icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Sovereign Mother of God. They will bring good luck and help improve your financial situation.
  • Medical personnel will be protected at work by an icon with Luka Krymsky.
  • The scientific worker and teacher are patronized by the Mother of God of Kaluga.
  • An icon depicting the Mother of God Economissa will help make the government of a civil servant
  • The postal worker and diplomat will be protected by Archangel Gabriel.
  • All professions related to creativity will be brought material well-being and a successful career will be made by the Mother of God of the Blessed Sky.

The magic of time

Since ancient times, watches have been attributed magical properties and it was believed that they were able to give signs to their owner. They will not stop for no reason, they will not rush or fall behind for no reason. Such clues will be messages that a difficult or fateful period has come in the life of their owner.

Deciphering such signs is quite difficult: a watch can show the date of a significant event or how much time is left before it.

They require an attentive and responsible attitude towards yourself, because this household item reflects the mysterious and elusive connection of a person with the outside world. Any failure in progress is a request that deserves attention:

  1. A late clock signals that time is being wasted. Their owner chases after him, but doesn’t make it in time, abandoning things halfway.
  2. If the clock is in a hurry, its owner is too worried about future affairs, and they remind him that there is no need to rush: many things will be decided by themselves when the time comes.
  3. Stopped arrows are a call to stop in the cycle of events and look around: perhaps something in life is going wrong.
  4. If suddenly the arrows go in the opposite direction, a door to the past has opened, from where a forgotten person will emerge or some unfinished business will emerge.

Never keep a broken watch in the house. They must be repaired, because stopped or incorrect time indicates that there is no place for happiness in this house.

A clock that breaks or falls from the wall serves as a signal to the person in whose presence this happened that major troubles are approaching. These could be health or financial problems. If an object breaks into pieces or suddenly starts working after a long time, it means the death of someone close.

A crack on the body reminds of the transience of time and warns the owner so that, without wasting a minute, he reconsiders his life and does not waste it in vain, otherwise troubles are just around the corner.

They believe that watches cannot be given or accepted as gifts. It is believed that the donee will live exactly as long as they go. But if you buy them for yourself, then a bright streak will begin in life, and luck will become a constant companion.

How to properly position a home iconostasis

As stated above, the number of icons does not matter, and you should not place images haphazardly (cover holes in wallpaper, for example). Icons should have their own bright and important place.

Thoughtless, empty collecting will give your iconostasis absolutely nothing. A few icons and a prayer from the heart are always stronger than a rich iconostasis with expensive icons in gold frames “for show”.

  • The iconostasis is created in the likeness of a church one. Definitely with a hierarchical arrangement of images: in the center is the Savior with the Mother of God (the Savior is to her right!), the Holy Trinity can be located in the same row (or above all the images). If there is no Trinity, a crucifix is ​​placed at the top of the iconostasis. All other images are subject to these key icons: to the right of the Savior is the image of John the Baptist. This triptych is the Deesis (approx. prayer, basis). Next come the saints, saints and other icons (for example, local saints or personal ones), which the Orthodox choose at their own request. Saints are not placed above the Deesis, the apostles, the Trinity.
  • A lamp is placed on the shelf of the iconostasis, which is lit on the eve and on the holidays themselves, on Sundays or during prayer.
  • Sometimes the images are decorated (as in the old days) with a deity. This is a narrow and long canvas towel with embroidery on the ends. Such idols covered the images from the sides and top, leaving only the faces.
  • The icon case is most suitable for the iconostasis - the images are better preserved in it, and the red corner stands out.
  • It does not matter whether the icon was painted by hand by an artist who received a blessing, whether it was purchased as a reproduction image, or cut out from an Orthodox calendar and pasted onto a solid base. The main thing is to consecrate the icon. Although, of course, a hand-painted image covered with linseed oil will always surpass a printed reproduction.
  • The choice of image style is a matter of taste. It could be Byzantine or Old Russian style - it doesn’t matter. As long as it’s not secular (academic is also not welcome). Now it has become fashionable to paint icons as one pleases, without the proper blessing, with a lot of elements “from one’s own”, etc. Such icons have a place anywhere - just not in the iconostasis. You shouldn't mix styles either.

And finally: never confuse the prototype and the image itself. We offer prayer not to the icon, but to the prototype.

What is an image for a person?

It is necessary to make a small digression. Think about what image means to you personally? Those who are interested in where icons should be placed in an apartment are apparently believers. Images are not just pretty pictures. From them, people who once lived look at the believer, who managed to remain faithful to the Lord, to become part of the proof of his rightness and love for humanity. But they are all fundamentally different from all kinds of gurus who are usually worshiped. Remember: Christ said that he came to people to give light, to show the way to righteousness. He called me to follow the path he pointed out, to feel and understand it with my heart. And those people whose faces we hang on the wall realized this and embodied it as best they could during their lifetime.

Icons are portraits of loved ones, whom the believer wants to be like, from whom he takes example. That is, these are spiritual friends and patrons. Would you hide a respected and dear person in a dusty closet? Of course not. If he comes to visit, put him in the best place, treat him and entertain him with an interesting conversation. The images are not even visitors, but family members, revered and loved by everyone. This attitude used to be passed down as normal rules of conduct. That’s why people didn’t ask themselves where the icons should be in the apartment. They were given the red corner, the most elegant, light and clean.

What is known about the situation in the regions now?

For example, in North Ossetia, the holidays are already underway - due to the growing number of cases, all schoolchildren in the republic have been sent on early vacation from October 18 to November 8.

At the Humanitarian University, a private university in Yekaterinburg, classes will not be held on days declared non-working. But, most likely, the session for correspondence students will have to be postponed. This means changing the entire lecture schedule of the university. Kurgan schoolchildren go on early vacation from October 22 to November 7. In addition, a decision was made to transfer theoretical classes for students of universities, colleges and technical schools in Kurgan and Shadrinsk to a distance format from October 25 to November 7. Practical classes and on-the-job training will continue to be held face-to-face in compliance with all preventive measures.

In the Rostov region, the holidays will begin a week earlier than expected. Municipalities of the region are recommended to introduce them from October 25 for a period of at least 14 calendar days.

In schools in the Stavropol Territory, children will go on vacation from October 23 to November 8. Regional Health Minister Vladimir Kolesnikov noted: an epidemiological gap of at least two weeks is needed.

School holidays in Mordovia will also begin on October 25 and will last two weeks. “There have been no mass cases of disease in one class or school,” said First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic Elena Soldatova. “But in agreement with the chief state sanitary doctor of Mordovia, a decision was made to extend the autumn holidays. On November 9, children will sit back at their desks.”


How to arrange images correctly

An iconostasis can be built from an ordinary shelf or a small table with high legs. Place images on it and arrange books of religious content, if any. It is permissible and desirable to decorate the iconostasis with napkins and towels of your own making. Nowadays, handicrafts are not in honor; people buy beautiful products in the store. But while working on a special napkin for the iconostasis, you will begin to think about God, which will benefit your soul. In the past, at least, this is exactly what they did. Look at your red corner: is there not enough light there? It would be nice to place special lamps nearby. Don’t forget to wipe the dust regularly, and sometimes light candles or a lamp. It is recommended to keep icons of the Savior and the Virgin Mary in the house. The face of a guardian angel is also often placed nearby. It is the saint whose name you bear from birth or baptism (sometimes they are different).

Posting photos using the bagua compass

One way to help you in this case and decide where best to place your photos is to use a Ba Gua compass. Ba Gua is a module of your home's energy system superimposed on your home's floor plan. It establishes certain relationships between different rooms in your home and different aspects of your life. By placing photographs in different places in your home, you can activate certain energies in someone's life. For example, if you want to make a career for yourself, then you should place your photo in the “career” space (sector) of your home.

If you want to deepen your love relationship, then try placing a photo of yourself next to a photo of your lover in the sector responsible for any relationships with other people in your home. You can use the same principles to define such sectors in each room of your house or even your desk, and you can do this with the guidance of ba gua. For example, the best place for a photo of your loved one on your desktop will be in the far right corner, where the sector of relationships with other people will be located.

© Ogudin Valentin

The bigger, the better?

Often on pilgrimage trips to monasteries and churches in Siberia and Russia, I noticed that when I was in a holy place, looking at the images, I did not want to part with them. You feel peace in your soul, hope appears, and you experience an unusual feeling of God’s mercy. And you want to take with you a piece of where you’ve been. And not only. Each icon is connected with the history of a given monastery, temple. There is a desire to buy at least some from the Orthodox stall.

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov:

“Holy icons were accepted by the Holy Church to excite pious memories and sensations, and not at all to excite reverie. Standing before the icon of the Savior, stand as if before the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, omnipresent in Divinity and present with His icon in the place where it is located. Standing before the icon of the Mother of God, stand as if before the Most Holy Virgin Herself...”

But we forget that we imperceptibly create problems for ourselves and our loved ones who live next to us in the same house, in the same apartment, and sometimes have a negative opinion of ourselves by moving away from our loved ones.

We start placing icons first in the bedroom, then gradually move to other rooms, hang icons above doors, place them on windows without asking the opinions of loved ones or consulting them.

It turns out that we took into account only our desires and aspirations. Being carried away by buying icons, we forget the main thing: do not interfere, do not harm, do not impose. Everything is good in moderation.

The husband began to express his grievances. He said: “It’s already like being in church.” It turned out that I unwittingly began to impose my lifestyle on my husband and got into his space. He doesn’t go to church and doesn’t like to talk about this topic. The priest of our Church of Xenia of St. Petersburg, Priest John, gave advice regarding the current situation: “Think first of all about others. Don't try to change everything. Don't interfere."

Saint Theophan the Recluse:

“Icons do not contain miraculous power, but the Lord is pleased to show a miracle from them or in their presence: either to arouse faith demonstrated by someone, or for both. Then the high honoring of these icons will follow naturally, both because the Lord was pleased to show His mercy through this icon, and because they hope that they themselves will be honored with the same mercy before this icon...”

Having heard the priest’s advice, I put things in order: I reduced the number of icons in the house so that they would not catch the eye of my husband and my loved ones too often. When I was collecting my favorite icons in boxes, my husband asked only one question: “Where?” I answered: “To church.” After all, there are people who do not have the opportunity to buy even a small icon for themselves. And at home I calmly talked to my husband and asked for forgiveness. And gradually the situation changed for the better. Understanding has come.

The cleric of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Archpriest Alexander Nemchinov, spoke about this well: “An Orthodox Christian should understand better than others that the desire to hoard without a specific goal is a passion. And if this passion extends to sacred objects, in particular to icons, then there is already some blasphemy in this. Although, in most cases, this is most likely not passion, but some kind of inertia.”

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