Guide to How to Read the Bazi Birth Chart

This is the first lesson in the basics of Bazi and Feng Shui.

In this lesson we will cover:

  1. What is Bazi?
  2. How does a person’s birth chart work?
  3. What elements does it consist of?

Bazi is an ancient and very accurate predictive system of Chinese astrology. Literally, Bazi - in Chinese, means Ba - this is “eight”, Zi - means “hieroglyphs”. Eight hieroglyphs . It is the eight main characters that make up the Bazi map. It is also called the “Four Pillars of Destiny”.

The Bazi card is a person's date of birth, calculated according to the Chinese calendar.

At first glance, it looks very unusual and incomprehensible. For example, this card belongs to a man who was born on June 28, 1981, at 17:10 minutes.

And right away I want to give you the first task - build your Bazi map on a special calculator.

Most Bazi practitioners use the calculator on the site

On this page you must enter your date of birth, time of birth, if known. If the time of birth is not known, do not indicate anything. You also need to enter your city of birth and your gender. Then click the calculate button and you will receive your BAZI card.

I recommend that you do this right now in order to clearly see the picture that will accompany you throughout your entire training. It is best to always have it at hand, print it out or draw it, and hang it in front of you, in the most visible place.

As you progress through the lessons, you will discover more and more new information, get acquainted with each hieroglyph of your map and find answers to all your questions.

Once you have built a map, you will be interested to know what to do now with this Chinese letter?

In order to analyze and understand our Bazi map, we will use a natural approach .

But first, I want to say a few words about what the Bazi card is. What can we learn by analyzing the map? And how we will apply this knowledge to ourselves in real life.

All Chinese metaphysics is based on the principle of the TRINITY.

Ancient Chinese masters determined that a person's overall luck depends on three factors - Heavenly luck, Earthly luck and Human luck.

Heavenly Luck is exactly what we will study. This is your destiny. This is the information that was given to you by Heaven at the moment of birth.

Earthly luck is Feng Shui. The surrounding space in which you live and work.

And finally, Human Luck is the free will of a person, these are your actions, actions, these are the decisions that you make every day.

By tuning your life according to these three notes - Heaven - Earth - Man, you will receive a wonderful melody that turns your life into a song.

And only the harmonious interaction of these three factors will lead you to success, self-realization and personal happiness.

Analysis of the Bazi card and the knowledge that it stores is only one of three important components of your overall luck.

By studying your Bazi card, you study your destiny. From it you will learn what is good for you and what is bad. See the reasons for your failures in life. You will find out where your money and personal happiness are hidden, and also find answers to many other questions.

The Bazi card speaks to you in the language of energies. It clearly shows what energies and what interactions of these energies occur in your life. And in order for you to change your life, solve your problems, you must change the flow of energies within yourself.

Where can we influence energy?

At the Earth level - at the Feng Shui level. Therefore, you and I will study both Bazi and Feng Shui together. Everything on Earth consists of energy, just like you and me. Therefore, by applying the principles of Feng Shui, we can influence the flow of energies around us, and thereby improve and harmonize our lives, according to our birth chart. What is good for you must be supported, and what is bad for you must be blocked and neutralized.

And the next, final step towards your happy life will be your correct decisions and thoughtful actions. After all, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, you will no longer make mistakes. You will know your right direction and move towards your goals much faster.

From the Bazi card we learn what is good for you and what is bad for you.

Feng Shui helps us maintain the good and neutralize the bad.

Our decisions become correct, and our actions and actions become reasonable and thoughtful.

Now we will see how the Bazi map is structured.

The Bazi map consists of 4 pillars.

Pillar of the year, pillar of the month, pillar of the day and pillar of the hour.

The map has 8 main cells.

These cells are called Palaces, or houses. You live in one of these palaces as the owner or mistress of the card. This is cell number 2. *Note. The numbers don't mean anything, they are put here just for the sake of clarity.

And in the rest live the people around you: your relatives, children, friends, parents, brothers, sisters, and other relatives. Also, these Palaces are responsible for a certain age and areas of your life.

The year in the chart corresponds to ages from 0 to 15 years.

In the upper Palace, for a woman, there is her maternal grandmother, for a man, her paternal grandfather.

In the lower Palace for a woman there is a paternal grandfather, for a man there is a maternal grandmother.

The month is responsible for ages from 15 to 30 years.

In the month, in the upper Palace there is a mother for a woman and a father for a man.

In the lower Palace there is a father for a woman and a mother for a man.

The pillar of the day is responsible for the age from 30 to 45 years.

In the pillar of the day, the upper Palace belongs to you personally, the lower Palace for a woman is the Palace of the spouse, for a man it is the Palace of the spouse.

And the pillar of the hour is responsible for age 45+

The Upper Palace is occupied by children, colleagues, subordinates, people younger than you in age. For a woman, the daughter is on top, for a man, the son is on top.

In the lower Palace, for a woman it is a son, for a man it is a daughter.

If we look in general, then for a woman, all the upper palaces are occupied by female relatives, and the lower Palaces are inhabited by male relatives.

But for a man, on the contrary, male family members live at the top, and women are at the bottom.

Spheres of life.

The year is responsible for a person’s character and health.

The month is a society, people around you, it is also a hired job.

The day is family, marriage, spouse.

Hour – children, own business or own business.

Next, let's see what elements the Bazi card consists of .

The top floor in the map (Sky) is occupied by the Heavenly Trunks.

There are 10 Sky Stems in total.

The lower floor - (Earth) - are the Earthly Branches.

There are 12 Earthly Branches in total.

The next component is the Hidden Heavenly Trunks.

They are located under the main Bazi card, at the bottom of the eight cells of the map.

And another component of the Bazi card is the beats of Luck. These are 10-year periods of a person's life. Every 10 years there is a change in the tact of Luck. After changing the 10-year tact, cardinal changes occur in a person’s life, events, people, circumstances, a person’s character and outlook on life change.

This is what your Bazi map looks like as a whole.

Ba Zi - human energy map

Astrology in this sense gives recommendations that are aimed at equalizing energy. It is rare to find balanced cards, and any imbalance in energy entails imbalances in character and fate in general, and health problems. Map analysis allows you to find means and ways to bring the energies into balance in the body.

There is something similar in the practice of qigong, where a person uses exercises to cultivate the necessary energy. For example, cultivating the energy of Water will strengthen the genitourinary system, make a person adaptive and flexible in society, eliminating fears. By analyzing the Ba Zi card, you can get a whole set of recommendations on how to replenish missing energies by changing environmental conditions (Feng Shui), the environment inside the body (due to proper nutrition), and the right choice of occupation or type of activity. For example, drawing or dancing can sometimes give even greater effect than constantly thinking about how you need to become wiser and softer.

The principle of complementarity or replenishment of energies can also manifest itself through partnerships. An analysis of a person’s energy can give a hint about in which area and what kind of partners one should look for. The ideal partner is the “other half”. It’s good if your partner complements you energetically. His Pillars of Destiny should contain many useful elements for the first half. Therefore, Chinese emperors entered into their marriages only according to the predictions of court astrologers, when a favorable date for the wedding was calculated.

Compatibility Analysis

The analysis will help find energies that are deficient in the couple’s relationship, identify moments that are best avoided, and identify those aspects of the relationship that are important to pay attention to. An astrologer can read the dynamics of the development of a partnership, both personal and business.

Man is a part of the universe, and it is subject to strict laws. But you can influence Fate by reducing the number of losses during periods of recession and increasing the number of acquisitions during times of recovery. Chinese astrology provides this opportunity to a sufficient extent.

For a specific date of birth, a data set is calculated representing four pairs of characters, which ultimately yield eight hieroglyphs. 4 pairs of signs are a combination of Heavenly trunks and Earthly branches, corresponding to the year, month, day, number at the time of a person’s birth.

To draw a map of Destiny, you need to purchase a Solar Chinese calendar, which contains records of all past and future dates in the form of hieroglyphs. It is not difficult to find a calendar on sale; publishers regularly publish it. You can do it differently: use the automatic online services of the Ba Zi calculator on the astrological portal and calculate the Pillars of Destiny.

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