Mantras that will open the chakras: how to read correctly

Since ancient times, the pyramids of Egypt have excited the minds of people with their mystery, shape and magical effect on people and objects. It is still unknown who built them. According to one version, the Egyptian pyramids were built by ancient people - Atlanteans. The principle of operation and purpose of the pyramids is also a mystery. Why they were built, their connection with space is obvious, whether it is a giant observatory or the last refuge of the pharaohs, the cradle of civilization or a huge accumulator of cosmic energy is still a mystery. One thing is obvious: next to these giants, a person feels like a grain of sand on the edge of the Universe, and understands concepts such as eternity, peace, and oblivion more acutely. But it is not recommended for a person to stay inside the pyramids for a long time, because... They contain too powerful energy. And the Mayan pyramids in Mexico, and the relatively recently discovered pyramids in European countries, the mysterious pyramidal structures in China - the list could take a long time, but what unites them? Of course: a universal (pyramidal) shape and an extraordinary, universal energy emanating from them. But in this article, we want to talk about the benefits for humans that small pyramid figures can bring.

The action of wonderful pyramid talismans.

A very long time ago, having learned about the wonderful properties of pyramids, people learned to make small pyramids similar to large, giant ones. And such small figures work for the benefit of people, very well. They heal people and the energies of the surrounding space, increase efficiency and can even make wishes come true, and also work to attract big money and success in love. When installing a pyramid talisman at home or in the office, orient it so that its sides are parallel to the cardinal points, and since the pyramid enhances the positive effect of the sectors, it can be placed in almost any place, room, or zone.

Think about it!

In 1997, Dr. Ruth Hover (USA) revealed to the world hieroglyphs from the wall of the Temple of Osiris in the ancient Egyptian city of Abydos. The inscription, which was said to be more than 3 thousand years old, indicated ... a helicopter, an airplane and a submarine.

Bird's eye view of St. Isaac's Cathedral. Photo by Vladimir Velengurin/KP Archive

Which pyramids to buy for your own benefit.

Not every pyramid is beneficial, but only a figure that meets the principle of the “golden ratio”, i.e. The base of the pyramid is a square, and the sides are an equilateral triangle. Choose pyramids for your home and office made from natural materials: glass and crystal, metal or stone (best of all: jade, shungite, jasper). The strength of the pyramid is influenced not only by what it is made of, but also by its dimensions; they range from 0.5 to 3 m. And for a beneficial effect, the pyramid should not be hollow. The colors must be in accordance with the color of the sector in which the talisman is located. 1) Pyramids of lilac or pink (and of course red) shades - are responsible for love, romantic relationships. 2) Pyramids of blue or dark blue colors - are responsible for the spiritual formation and development of a person, increase his intelligence, help him think sensibly. 3) Black and glass, transparent pyramids - are responsible for career growth. 4) Green, gold, red, purple - these are all “money” colors, they naturally attract success in money matters, attract money in large quantities, wealth, abundance, prosperity.

Text and meaning of the mantra

Eastern religion basically contains the concept of 7 chakras, which are components of the bodily and spiritual system of a person. The energy of life, according to Hindu and Buddhist faith, begins its movement from the lower point, permeates the entire body, and exits through the upper. To activate the upper sections, you first need to open the lower channel - then the spirit will be able to connect with the Universe and receive a response from space.

Using a mantra, you can fill the chakra with vital energy. To avoid blocking or clamping, you should take proper care of yourself. If negativity has settled in the soul, harmony is disturbed, the person becomes uncomfortable on the physical and mental level.

Blocked energy centers hinder spiritual development, illnesses, depression, and anxiety begin to progress.

Each chakra corresponds to a specific color and sound vibration.

SvadhishthanaTo youOrange

You can achieve concentration on positive energy using the bija mantra of the chakras or “seed”, which reflects the “grains” of energy centers. All padmas that have their root sound are represented in the form of a lotus, secondary sounds are projected by the petals of flowers.

Working with chakras begins with the use of a binja mantra - short words that do not carry meaning, but can create the necessary resonance in the human body. The vibration that occurs during reading contributes to the opening of energy centers. Song text:


The Lam mantra should always be the first word. To consolidate the result of activation, the best opening of the heart chakra, you should finally read the prayer of Great Knowledge:


The sacred mantra helps to achieve harmony and strengthen faith in the power of transforming life after opening the energy channel.

Where to put the pyramid talisman.

1) In the east of your apartment, the pyramid will improve the health of all household members and improve family relationships.8) The color of the talisman is desirable, any shade of green and brown, the material is wood and glass. 2) In the southwest of the room - a red, pink, terracotta pyramid (made of clay or ceramics) will attract good luck in love or strengthen existing romantic relationships. 3) In the west - protects children. The pyramid should be made of any metal, white, metallic, silver, gold. 4) In the southeast - brings extraordinary luck in financial matters, fulfillment of desires. The material of the pyramid is wood, the color is lilac, violet, gold, all shades of green. 5) In the north of the room - for career success. The pyramid is made of glass or stone, black. 6) At home, on your desk or in the office at work: place a pyramid for good luck in any business, increasing your salary - stone, black or red. You can keep it in a desk drawer so that your co-workers do not touch it with their hands. 7) But the best place for the pyramid is the glory zone - the south of the room. Place a crystal or red pyramid, stone or wooden, here, and success is guaranteed. It is highly undesirable to place a pyramid only in the bedroom; in any other room - please. Choose the color and material of the pyramid in accordance with the sector where it will stand, and first, of course, decide on your goals and desires. 9) Before installation and every week, clean your pyramid with water (+ two tablespoons of salt), or a Chinese incense stick (smoke the pyramid on all sides with a lit stick). 10) The pyramid should be solid, heavy, weighty, with smooth, perfectly polished edges, and the top should not be chipped or knocked down, but sharp, while for a shungite one, on the contrary, it should not be sharp (blunt).

Left no stone unturned

Today, British Stonehenge is listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site. And every year these stone “towns” are visited by 1 million tourists. Moreover, each adult pays £21 for a ticket (more than 2 thousand rubles). Naturally, substantial government grants are allocated to ensure that the stones continue to stand. By all accounts, this is a profitable business. The land next to the landmark and appears to be under it belongs to the British Ministry of Defense. The Britons were screwed in 1901, when a photograph of a crane stacking cobblestones into a “house” was published in the Times newspaper. It was then that the famous journalist John Ruskin exclaimed in the 19th century: “Restoring a historical monument is a lie.” However, he was soon asked to bite his tongue. William Blake , an 18th-century artist and engraver, is often considered “proof” of the antiquity of a monument But who can she convince if the scale depicted by the master is three times larger than the real Stonehenge!

How to make a pyramid talisman yourself or enhance its effect.

You can make such a pyramid talisman yourself using simple calculations and cardboard, or paper, or even wood. But if you don’t want to make a pyramid yourself, there is a way out - buy the right color and material, and then enhance its energy. So, take a purchased or homemade (necessarily solid) pyramid, the desired color and material, always with a new felt-tip pen, purple, red or black, draw an eye on one of the faces. I hope that you have previously cleared the energy of the pyramid using any of the methods described above. Yes, and don’t forget to clear your mind before you draw an eye, this can be any meditation, repetition of mantras, positive attitudes. After drawing the image of the eye, thank the Universe, the higher powers, for help in any of your affairs. An eye in a triangle, an unusually powerful talisman, known since ancient times. Taoists and Masons, Feng Shui masters and simply the enlightened minds of humanity, attached great importance to this wonderful and powerful talisman. That is, since ancient times, people have known the powerful, beneficial effects of the pyramids, but one must be careful with such power. You can draw eyes on all four edges, but in this case, do not forget that the power of your talisman will increase many times, and this is not always safe. Not everyone can cope with a powerful burst of energy (albeit positive, but too powerful), an avalanche of business ideas and love proposals can literally fall on you, instant fulfillment of desires can shock and frighten... And that’s not all, your energy can increase so much that there won’t be enough time to sleep... Are you ready for this? I repeat: not everyone is able to cope with the multiplied, miraculous energy of the pyramid. If you feel that you can handle it, then go: draw 4 eyes and get the consequences. If not, then draw only one, and... What next, you ask? And then, you install your pyramid in the desired sector and soon you will get what you want. You can strengthen and speed up the effect of the pyramid: write your cherished desire on a red piece of paper and place it under the pyramid. The energy of the pyramid is capable of not only fulfilling desires, but also healing the surrounding space, transforming the poisoned energy “Sha” into the positive beneficial energy “Qi”. Install pyramids in your home (you can have several, as many as you want, there are no restrictions on the number), and receive quick fulfillment of your good and wonderful desires, good luck and success, abundance and prosperity, good health and extraordinary happiness.

How to activate the amulet

The activation ritual must be repeated daily for nine days. If you miss any of the days, the talisman will not be able to fulfill your wish. To activate, approach the pyramid at a time convenient for you, from dawn to noon (when the sun is at its zenith).

Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts. Then, for a few minutes, imagine that your wish has come true. To complete the ritual, lightly touch the pyramid with the fingers of your right hand. During the touch, you will receive the positive energy that the talisman managed to accumulate during the day.

Construction of monasteries

After the celebration of the first Monlam Chenmo, Tsongkhapa's disciples invited him to found a monastery in Tibet. In the 52nd year of his life, in 1409, 47 km east of Lhasa in Tibet, Zhe Rinpoche founded the Ganden ('Good') Monastery. Thus, another prophecy of Buddha Shakyamuni for Tsongkhapa was fulfilled.

Subsequently, Ganden turned into a huge monastic complex, on the territory of which 4,000 monks lived. A few years after the construction of Ganden, two more monasteries were erected near Lhasa - Drepung and Sera. Ganden, Drepung and Sera became the main monasteries of the Gelug school. Unfortunately, in 1959, during the Cultural Revolution, the monasteries were looted, but were subsequently restored. Tibetan refugees recreated all three monasteries in India, where they continue to teach students according to the Tsongkhapa system.

Tsongkhapa's Prayer

In honor of his teacher, Tsongkhapa wrote the famous Migtsema prayer, which Rendawa rewrote and gave back to his young student, saying that he deserved it more. The five-line Migtsema prayer translated from Tibetan sounds like this:

Avalokiteshvara, the great treasure of objectless compassion, Manjushri, the lord of impeccable wisdom, Vajrapani, destroyer of countless hordes of maras, Tsongkhapa, the crown jewel of the sages of the land of snow, Lobsang Dragpa, I pray at your feet!

FPMT 2021

Formation of the Gelug school

The beginning of the existence of the Gelug school is associated with the opening of the Ganden Monastery. Initially, the new school was named after the monastery - “Gandenpa”, but was later renamed “Gelug” (from Tib. “Virtue”).

In the Gelug school, monastic discipline is the basis for religious education and practice. Most lamas of the Gelug tradition are monks. Apart from the discipline, there is also an emphasis on the study of philosophy as a necessary prerequisite for effective meditation. The curriculum of monastic education includes five main disciplines: the body of sutras on the perfection of wisdom (Prajnaparamita), the philosophy of the Middle Way (Madhyamika), the theory of knowledge (Pramana), phenomenology (Abhidharma) and monastic discipline (Vinaya).

Training takes from 15 to 20 years. Upon completion of training, the monk is awarded the academic degree of Geshe (Doctor of Buddhist Philosophy) (Loshchenkov 2019). After receiving the geshe degree, a monk can enter one of the tantric colleges. After graduating from college, a graduate can return to his monastery as a teacher or begin independent intensive meditation practice.

About Teacher Rendawa

While visiting Nyapon Kunga Pel Monastery in Tsechen, Tsongkhapa met the famous teacher Rendawa of the Sakya tradition, whom he later came to consider as his main spiritual mentor. Listening to Rendava's explanations of Abhidharma and Madhyama, Tsongkhapa developed deep respect for him. In turn, Rendawa was so stunned by the wisdom of his student that he recognized him as his teacher. Changing the roles of teacher and student, Tsongkhapa and Rendawa established a special level of relationship between themselves, based on humility and the absence of hierarchy.

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