Yansky region how to identify useful elements

Special structure of the Ba-Zi card

Sometimes Ba Tzu cards have special structures and do not follow the general principles of Wu Xing.
They are “outside the general rules” and require a special approach. Special structures are also called “special maps” or “follow-up maps”. Types of special structures: following structures, Qi transformations, luminous structures. Super-weak Ba-Tzu cards

Sometimes the Personality element is very weak, and the other elements in the Bazi chart do not support it, but only weaken it. And then the element of Personality is considered not just weak, but super-weak, that is, practically lifeless. In this case, he loses his own independence and is forced to follow the strongest element in the chart. He has no other choice, otherwise he simply will not survive! Such Bazi maps are called following maps. Power, Self-Expression or Wealth are three types of following cards. They are also called power-following, child-following, or wealth-following. The element that is followed takes the place of the personality element and becomes the central element of the entire chart.

General rules for the special structure of the following: 1. The Personality element does not have the support of the Season (Earthly branch of the month of birth) in the main chart. 2. The Personality element does not have a connection in the form of an identical element in an hour, day, month or year in the Earthly branches, in the main or hidden ones. This position is called rooting, and the associated Earthly branch is called the root.

If the root is in the main Earthly branch, then this root is the main one. If it is in the hidden Earthly branches, then this root is non-basic). The minor root can be located in the hidden Earthly branches of the hour, day or year, but not the month. 3. The Personality Element should not be in high stages of growth (out of 12 stages of growth or 12 phases of qi), because the Entry into Service phase and the Imperial Lamp phase refer to the period when the element is in a very strong phase and is so powerful that it cannot follow another element of the chart. 4. One of the 5 elements must dominate the chart, it must be located in the Celestial Stems and must be in a high stage of growth. 5. The main element of any of the 4 Earthly branches cannot be a Resource element for the Personality element. The Resource element in hidden trunks is acceptable. The Resource element in the Heavenly trunks is permissible, but cannot take root in the Earthly branches (in the hidden elements and the main one). 6. The dominant element cannot have its Power anywhere in the 4 pillars, i.e. an element that for him is power. 7. Pay attention to combinations (seasonal combinations and kinship triangles), they can generate a strong element that warns that this may be a succession card. 8. If the element of Personality is Earth, then the month of birth should be fiery or earthly.

A special structure of following (“Follow the leader”) - a super-weak element of the personality follows the predominant element, which must necessarily be manifested in the Earthly branch of the month of birth. For the special structure of following, elements that support the element of personality - friends and resources - are unfavorable. Such structures react most painfully to the arrival of unhelpful elements; in such cycles a person is doomed to losses.

If for an ordinary weak BaZi card the elements that support and strengthen the element of Personality (Resources and Friends) are considered useful, then for a super-weak one they will be destructive! Because they are unfavorable for the “leader” - the one who is followed by the element of Personality. And the useful elements for a super-weak BaZi card will be the same ones that are good for the “leader”.

At the same time, the element of Personality remains itself, without changing its true nature. He rejects his “native environment” and depends not on himself, but on the leader whom he is forced to follow.

People with a path map often abandon their roots. They often change the city where they were born, and even the country. Such people are like “tumbleweeds”; their life resembles a “roller coaster” - continuous ups and downs.

There are subgroups of special following structures: “Following power”

- predominance of the element of power. With such a special structure in the chart, a person will strive for power or be close to it, and is able to achieve significant success in this field. In a woman's chart, power is also an element of the husband. For such women, it is not a problem to get married and take care of family and children, sacrificing everything. “Following power” (pure) must meet the following conditions: - the element of Power in the map is dominant; — the element of Power in a high stage of growth; — the element of Self-Expression is not found in the Heavenly trunks and in the main elements of the Earthly branches;

In this case: - The element of Power is favorable; — Self-expression is an unfavorable element, except when Wealth is present. This is because Self-Expression controls Power, and when Wealth is present, it takes energy away from Self-Expression. The generated element always weakens the one that generates it; — Wealth generates Power, and it is favorable; — The resource and element of Personality (Lord of the Day) are also favorable.

False following of Authority: Similar to pure following. The difference is that the element of power is in stages 1, 6 or 9 of growth. This type is very unbalanced. In good times there is great success and achievements, in bad times there are serious deprivations.

"Following Self-Expression"

— the predominance of the element of self-expression. Self-expression is creativity, the desire to show oneself, to be visible. With such a special structure in the map, it is good to be a writer, blogger, journalist, photographer or other representative of a creative profession. In a woman's chart, this special structure signifies the importance of motherhood. “Following Self-Expression (child)” must meet the following conditions: - the element of Self-Expression is dominant; — Self-expression – in a high stage of growth; — There is no resource in the Heavenly trunks and there can only be 1 element of Self-Expression; — The main element of the Earthly branches cannot be a Resource; — The element of Personality can be hidden by a root in the Earthly branch; — The element of Wealth is allowed; — The Personality Element can be at any stage of growth from the 12 phases of Qi;

In this case: - Useful element - Self-expression; — The element of Personality (Lord of the Day) is also useful; - Wealth is favorable; — Power and Resources are unfavorable elements.

"Following Wealth"

- predominance of the element of wealth. Such people need to be as close to money as possible. If there are no other indications of wealth in the map, then the special structure manifests itself as entrepreneurship and the ability to find sources of income. Such people do not sit idle even in retirement; they always have ideas on how to make money. “Following Wealth” must meet the following conditions: - the Personality element (Lord of the day) is not in a high stage of growth; — the element of Personality has no rooting; — The Wealth element dominates and is in a high stage of growth; — Heavenly trunks must contain 1 element of Wealth; —The earthly branches must combine in the seasonal combination or triangle of kinship which Wealth produces; — the element of Personality should not be in 4 pillars; — The resource cannot be in the Heavenly trunks or the main element of the Earthly branches;

In this case: - Wealth is favorable; — Self-expression is favorable; — Power is neutral; — The resource and element of Personality (Brotherhood) are unfavorable.

Super strong Ba Tzu cards

This is the other extreme - the opposite of the follow map. All elements in the super strong Bazi chart support the element of Personality. And the owners of super-strong cards in life also receive all kinds of support.

In such a map there are no other elements except the personality element and the elements of resources and friends that support it. What is important here is the Qi phase of the personality element relative to the Earthly branch of the month: it must be in a high phase (see Qi Phases).

Favorable in such cards are elements that strengthen the element of personality (Friends and Resources), as well as the element of Wealth. The elements of Power (most) and Self-Expression are unfavorable.

People with such a special structure in the chart are distinguished by perseverance, even stubbornness, and the ability to rise again and again after a fall or collapse. The women's chart promises difficulties in organizing their personal life. If a simply strong element of Personality needs to be weakened, then a super-strong element of Personality cannot be weakened! Otherwise, it can lead to devastating consequences.

Special structure “Qi Transformation”

Another name is “Change of Qi” or “Transformation of Qi” - it differs in that under certain conditions the Personality element is transformed into another element (see Heavenly trunks: mergers and collisions and Earthly branches: merging of branches), namely if the personality element connects with the heavenly the trunk of an hour or a month and the result of this merger is an element similar to that in the Earthly branch of the month. Fusion of Heavenly Stems (in short):甲 (Yang Wood) + 己 (Yin Earth) = Earth 庚 (Yang Metal) + 乙 (Yin Wood) = Metal 丙 (Yang Fire) + 辛 (Yin Metal) = Water 壬 (Yang Water ) + 丁 (Yin Fire) = Wood 戊 (Earth Yang + 癸 (Yin Water) = Fire

Rule of transformation of Qi: if an element of personality merges with the celestial trunk of an hour or a month and the result of this fusion is formed an element, which is in the Earthly branch of the month.

For example, if the Celestial stem of the hour merges with the personality element to form Fire, and at the same time there is a fiery Earthly branch in the pillar of the month, then the new personality element will be Yin Fire (if there is an Earthly Yin branch underneath it, or Yang Fire (if there is a Yin branch underneath it) Earthly branch of Yang) Above the earthly branch of Yin there can only be a Heavenly Yin trunk, and vice versa.

In such cards, the element of transformation itself is useful (in the example above it is fire), as well as the element that supports/generates it. The non-useful element would be the controlling element (water in this example). People with such cards have unpredictability.

A particular issue remains the identification of the 10 deities in the transformed chart - different schools have different views.

Yanskaya Zemlya

The nature of the Wu man is like mountains, rocks and hills - all those features of the earth's landscape that remain motionless for many centuries. The people of the Yang Earth are reliable, stable, internally stable. They do not need praise for their achievements, are self-confident, self-reliant, independent and have a strong moral compass. Friendly, caring, avoid conflicts. They are lenient towards the mistakes of others, know how to forgive and inspire confidence in others. However, Wu people often keep their feelings to themselves, which can make it difficult to connect with them. They usually plan their actions for a long time and carefully. Their negative traits may be the ability to change their minds for the sake of the needs of others, weakness of will and illogical, irrational behavior in difficult situations.

Combined with the yang earthly branches, the Wu heavenly trunk forms the completely yang pillars of Wu Zi, Wu Yin, Wu Chen, Wu Wu, Wu Shen and Wu Xu.

Wu Zi, Yang Earth on the Rat

The image of the Wu Zi pillar is of mountains covered in fog. People born under it are usually gifted, have good character, a sharp mind and are able to solve complex problems. They are careful, persistent, see their goal and do not give up without a fight. They understand well what they need, are able to give good advice, value their reputation and lead an active life.

Wu Zis are attractive in appearance, but may have low self-esteem, causing them to appear either timid or mysterious. In fact, they often suffer from internal conflicts and seek balance within themselves. At the same time, they remain a reliable support for loved ones—family members and friends can rely on them, although the Wu Zi themselves cannot always find the support they need.

They strive for knowledge and new information. They are very practical: for them, a bird in the hands is better than a pie in the sky. Ambitious and stubborn, they concentrate on the goal and can be very productive on the way to it. Their views are strong, they can become bright leaders. If Wu Zi faces severe trials, they show themselves to be humble, sacrificial and selfless individuals - they adapt to the circumstances and continue to fight.

Wu Yin, Yang Earth on the Tigris

The image of this pillar is amazingly beautiful - a high mountain covered with greenery. People born on the day of Wu Yin are usually tall, beautiful in appearance, smart, strong, and outwardly calm. They value ethical standards, are strong-willed, have self-control, and strive for excellence.

Wu Yin are always full of different ideas, have a good sense of humor and are looking for new experiences. It is important for them to avoid boredom, but from time to time they need solitude, which creates an aura of some mystery around them.

Wu Yin people have been distinguished by independence since childhood. They are naturally physically strong, and often remain in good health into old age due to their calm nature, balance and intelligence, although some Wu Yin can still be excitable, authoritarian and overly stubborn.

It happens that people of this pillar worry too much about money, because... love comfort and beautiful things. It is extremely important for them to plan their actions in detail.

Wu Chen, Yang Earth on Dragon

The image of the Wu Chen pillar is a mountain on a mountain. People born on such a day are calm, conservative, peace-loving, smart and kind. They are practical, resourceful, hardworking, assertive, but often stubborn. They know how to plan and set specific goals. They have strategic thinking, intuition, are able to consider a situation from different angles, and are objective in their assessments.

Wu Chen are sociable and charismatic. They strive to understand the world and themselves, respect laws and rules. Humor and irony help them maintain internal balance, and dynamism, curiosity and receptivity move them forward. They don’t just want well-being—they strive for absolute financial freedom. However, some Wu Chens do not see their enormous potential. It happens that they rush around and cannot decide whether to remain part of the team or become its leader. Leading a team, they inspire the team, care about those around them, and around them everyone feels valuable to the common cause. However, if Wu Chen begins to use their abilities to manipulate and gain power, they will make things worse for themselves.

Wu Wu, Yang Earth on a Horse

This pillar is like a volcano, and the character of the people born under it largely corresponds to the image. They are good looking, erudite, intelligent, creative, stubborn and reserved. However, if emotions take over, then conflict is almost inevitable, and the person becomes unpredictable.

Yang Fire endows them with kindness, responsiveness, altruism and the ability to sacrifice the personal for the common good. They are disciplined and respected among friends and colleagues. Wu Wu people are capable of being strong leaders. Their will and perfectionism support authority and keep their subordinates and opponents in constant good shape. They are persistent and independent. They are confident that they are in complete control of their lives and that they can achieve everything themselves. This usually happens if they can organize themselves and do not waste their energy. They know their desire to dominate and doubt their partners for a long time. Earning their trust is not easy, but those they trust will be treasured by Wu Wu for the rest of their lives.

Wu Shen, Yan Land on Monkey

The image of this pillar is a rocky mountain rich in minerals. People born on the day of Wu Shen are usually the most talented of all Wu, and many of their talents may be hidden for the time being from themselves and those around them. They are smart, charismatic, sociable, artistic. Curious, capable of learning, science, and research. They are often taciturn, but their voice and speech are usually beautiful and expressive.

Many Wu Shen are involved in sports and martial arts. Internal discipline is combined with sincerity and empathy. They are true to their ideals, loyal to their friends, have an internal moral code and value their environment. They are attentive, responsive, understand people and are ready to help. Generous and thrifty at the same time. Some of them are emotional, but if a quarrel occurs, after it they always strive to restore peace and smooth relationships. They love changing places, traveling and new experiences. They strive for changes in life, but if they show impatience and fuss, they can harm themselves.

They can be reckless, and then they will have to overcome difficulties in which their full potential will be revealed. Friends and colleagues appreciate their inner qualities. People like their warmth, sincerity and ability to maintain youth of soul and emotions.

Wu Xu, Yang Earth on a Dog

The image of this pillar is a rocky mountain with sharp edges, impregnable in appearance. People born on the day of Wu Xu are smart, conservative, straightforward, harsh, and sometimes aggressive. They are often distinguished by toughness, vindictiveness and a tendency to compete. They never make concessions, do not shy away from conflicts, are not afraid of aggravations and stand their ground to the last. Most of them are loners, but they know how to make friends. With friends they are generous, selfless and altruistic. When surrounded by those they trust, they relax, become peaceful and diplomatic.

Wu Xu are smart, strong, independent, creative. A restless spirit constantly drives them forward. Even outwardly, they stand out among others with their dynamism and mobility. They strive for action, react quickly, and their confidence attracts other people. They are critical of everything, but they themselves are vulnerable to criticism. Able to solve problems logically faster than others.

Wu Xu's people are ambitious and skeptical. They analyze both their own and others’ experiences. To achieve results, they do not do more than is necessary, but always achieve what they want. They care about appearance, comfort, luxury and beauty. For all their toughness, the Wu Xu value love and have a strong inner desire to help others.

Yansky region how to identify useful elements

Bazi astrology is a complex science, but interesting and very useful in our everyday life.

Bazi astrology is the science of happiness; it gives an understanding not only of what awaits around the corner, but also an understanding of oneself, which is much more important. After all, to behave in the right way means not to allow negative actions to take place, which take away strength, time and money, and you will have to deal with their consequences for a long time.

It is the Bazi that will tell you which person next to you will bring you success, make your life easier, more enjoyable, and which one is capable of dragging you into endless problems and strengthening all the negative aspects in a certain area of ​​life.

You will ask how this set of incomprehensible hieroglyphs can help us in understanding fate, the answer is simple.. We are all children of nature, and by building a BaZi map, knowing our element of personality, we can build a natural image of our map, see a beautiful landscape, an arid desert in it or the frozen ice of Antarctica. Nature is beautiful in any of its manifestations, and adapt to any landscape, add some elements, i.e. developing the quality that is most valuable to you personally means making your life much more successful and fruitful.

Qi Transformation or Following Fusion

It is believed that such a special structure arises due to the fact that an element of personality is transformed into another energy. This occurs when the element of the personality merges with the celestial trunk of the hour or month of birth. But the main condition must be the presence in the earthly branch of the month of an element identical to that which arises during the merger. The new element will be of the “yin” type if the earthly branch of “yin” is located under it. The same goes for "Yang". In cards of the “chi transformation” type, the element that appears during the transformation and the element that supports it are considered useful. Unuseful energy will be the element of power. People with the “follow the fusion” type card tend to be fickle and changeable.

Examples of fusion of heavenly trunks: - Yang-tree + yin-earth = earth; - Yang metal + yin wood = metal; — Yang-fire + yin-metal = water; — Yang-water + yin-fire = wood; — Yang-earth + yin-water = fire. It is worth noting that these mergers, like any others, do not form immutable structures and elements. They arise only under conditions favorable for transformation. When these conditions arise is known only to the energies themselves.

I once analyzed the natal chart of a girl born on August 25, 1981 at 07:30 in the +1 time zone. In 1981, summer and winter time were introduced in addition to maternity time. That's +2 more hours. As this girl said, the consultant who analyzed her pillars of destiny told her that in her pillars the celestial trunks of the day and hour of birth - yin wood and yang metal - merge and form a new element - metal. Since there is metal in the earthly branch of the month, the personality element of yin-wood turns into yin-metal. The consultant recommended that the girl strengthen metal and earth. And he advised to weaken the fire.

The pillars of the destiny of a girl born on 08/25/1981 at 07:30

The pillars of the destiny of a girl born on 08/25/1981 at 04:30 GMT

It is worth noting that the girl already has little fire in her pillars, and it is also suppressed by strong metal, as well as water and earth. Fire has little fuel, but in this case it represents the element of self-realization and the element of children. This girl had no children and could not find a job. When she began to weaken the fire element, she lost hope of finding a source of income - she became depressed and stopped looking for work.

I do not believe that by merging, earthly branches or heavenly trunks create new immutable and indestructible structures. After all, I saw in practice that these structures can arise and collapse again. Therefore, they cannot be considered substitutes for the elements available in the pillars. These elements are rather additional factors that help when considering the pillars of fate. For example, in this case it could be said that the personality element is weak because it can transform into metal. But this transformation is not possible in every case, but only under favorable conditions for its occurrence.

For a girl born on August 25, 1981 at 07:30 in the +1 time zone, I recommended strengthening the weak elements of her energy: fire, water, wood and a little earth. Six months later, she wrote me a letter thanking me for the consultation and advice, thanks to which she got out of a depressed state and found a job. And two years later the girl got married. She had an overly strong element of her husband in the pillars - metal. Because of this, the energies sought to reduce it by all means. In the physical reality of this girl, this manifested itself as the absence of a man. But as soon as the fire melted part of the metal and the wood activated it, the man was found.

If in this girl’s chart, compiled taking into account Greenwich Time, there was a merging of the element of personality with the celestial trunk of the hour or month of birth, 2 sets of energies would be favorable for her. Because her changeable personality element would have different qualities at different times. For example, if she was a metal during the merger, and a tree before the merger, then the girl would feel more comfortable if these 2 elements were simultaneously strengthened in her energy. She could find a job if she went to the south (to the fire sector - the element of self-realization for wood) and there she would have an interview in a company founded in the year of the Rat (water - the element of self-realization for metal). That is, pairs of elements would become favorable to her. This happens because any energy structures are temporary. They arise, and then fall apart into components, like the same merger. It arises at a favorable moment and then breaks down into its components if conditions are unfavorable for fusion.

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