Mantra dedicated to Guru Rinpoche: how to read correctly

The history of the origin of the sound “Om”

Symbol of the mantra OM.
There are many speculations about the origin of this symbol.

In India, it is generally accepted that God originally created sound, which was the impulse for the appearance of everything in the world. The syllable “Om”, causing vibrations in the Universe, connected the earth with the heavens. It symbolizes the Divine Trinity, which includes Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

In some ancient scriptures one can find a comparison of “Aum” with an arrow, which, passing through the body, finds its way to True Knowledge. In others, the sign is associated with 3 levels of existence and human abilities.

Each religious movement has its own idea of ​​the origin of sacred sound, but they all consider it a manifestation of a higher, divine principle.

Bottom line

To summarize - "om" is a very powerful sign that has many meanings. There are approximately 19 of them. But to summarize, we can say that it is a symbol of the highest spirituality that a person can achieve. It can be used in meditation, reminding yourself of spiritual harmony and constant development. Many musical groups use it to show the mysticism and versatility of the world. The “Om” sign today is a symbol of world culture.

Mantra in various practices

“Aum” is considered one of the main symbols of Eastern religions, although its meaning varies in different movements. “Om” is used in yoga practices, meditation, esotericism, occult rituals and other areas.

In Hinduism

In Hinduism, this sign is sacred. It connects 3 deities - Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma, symbolizing the Universe. One of the ancient Hindu documents says that "Om" represents a boat on which a person can swim across the rivers of his fears.

Sound has not only ritual significance, but also metaphysical meaning. It is believed that it can manifest itself in various human consciousnesses and has the power of true love. The syllable is pronounced during rituals, meditative exercises, reading spiritual texts, and prayers.

In Jainism

In the philosophical and religious teachings of Jainism, worship is performed not by a single individual, but by a combination of sacred qualities that have the characteristics of 5 supreme beings.

  1. Arhat (Arihant) . Literally translated it means killing the enemy. The objects of struggle here are considered to be human passions: pride, anger, greed and deceit. Those who were able to get rid of these vices are called arhats. This is the highest level of spiritual development that can be achieved while staying in a physical body.
  2. Siddha (Ashiri) . People who have achieved the divine state, manifested in the liberation of the soul from all obstacles, including the body. Possessing perfect knowledge, they are beyond sense perception and independent from birth to death.
  3. Acharya . Monks who not only independently conduct rituals and observe asceticism, but also serve as mentors for others. They govern communities, guide students, maintain discipline, and enforce rules.
  4. Upadhyaya . Ministers who preach sacred knowledge among people are spiritual teachers for students.
  5. Muni . Jain monks.

The initials of the objects of worship form the syllable "Aum" in Jainism.

In Buddhism

The spiritual symbol “Om” came to Buddhism from the traditions of Hinduism. The interpretation has changed a little, but the meaning remains the same. The sounds of the spell, symbolizing the body, speech and mind of the Buddha, are aimed at achieving enlightenment.

Tibetan philosophy, endowing “Aum” with a sacred meaning, uses it in the form of a sacred mantra, called “6-syllable”.

The text is pronounced "Om Mani Padme Hum". It is believed that reciting the spell frees hungry ghosts, humans, animals, demigods and gods from being born in hell.

Each syllable of the mantra purifies the mind. There is a deliverance from pride, jealousy, envy and greed. Selfish desires are pacified, anger and hatred are transformed.

Om in Buddhism.

In esotericism and occultism

Followers of the esoteric movement claim that the “Om” mantra has great power and is capable of influencing various levels of consciousness and human energy.

Repeated repetition of the spell in combination with meditation harmonizes the state of mind, activates energy centers, removes material desires, and develops magical abilities.

The goal of occultism is to penetrate into the mysteries of life and death, to master the secrets of psychic penetration into other worlds. It is believed that consciously, through clearly formulated thoughts, one can change the properties of matter.

Magicians believe that all sounds came to the modern world from the deep past. In this case, the mantra serves as the strongest energy tool for changing human consciousness and the physical world.

In popular culture

The symbol “Om” has become widespread not only in spiritual practices, but also in world culture.

In one of the books of the English writer Terry Pratchett, there is a fictional character, the Great God Om, who preaches the religion of Omnianism.

The mantra is used in cinema and music. It can be heard in the compositions of Madonna, The Beatles, “Picnic” and other performers. The image of the symbol is used to design the covers of music albums, magazines, T-shirts, souvenirs, and tattoos.

Who is Vajra Guru

According to legends, Guru Rinpoche, to whom the mantra is dedicated, was born in Udiyana, the northwestern region of India. The birth of the Precious Teacher was a miracle. Padmasambhava emerged from a blossoming lotus in the ninth year after the passing of Shakyamuni Buddha.

It is believed that Vaja Guru was born in 500 BC.

Other legends say that Padmasambhava grew up in the royal family that ruled Udiyana. The amazing eight-year-old boy was adopted by the ruler Indrabhuti, who saw in him the divine essence - the incarnate Buddha Amitabha.

The people of Tibet call Padmasambhava a precious teacher, Guru Rinpoche. They see in it a manifestation of the wisdom of the human world. It is believed that Buddhism came to Tibet thanks to the incarnated Buddha Amitabha. They pray to him using a mantra.

Guru Rinpoche is the founder of a mysterious religious movement called Tantric Buddhism. It is based on the assertion that the true state of a person is to be outside the boundaries of reason, outside life and death. This state is eternal and indestructible. However, it is intermediate. The final result is Buddhahood. A person should strive for enlightenment, a transition to a new level of understanding of the world.

Tibetans see Guru Rinpoche as the founder of the tantras. The activities of many schools of yoga and Buddhism began with an appeal to the Precious sacred teacher for a blessing. Padmasambhava left many termas for people. We are talking about the instructions and teachings of the incarnate Buddha Amitabha. The founder of Tantric Buddhism, along with predictions and mantras, left them to everyone living on Earth.

Followers of the religious movement believe that Guru Rinpoche did not leave the world of the living. He constantly stays with people in a rainbow body - a special enlightened state beyond life and death, the embodiment of the wisdom of the Universe.

The text of the spell and its meaning

The word "Om" in Sanskrit is a combination of 3 sounds "A" "U" "M" and is pronounced as "Aum" and in Latin it is denoted as "Omn". Graphically it looks like a unity of letters above which a crescent is depicted.

“A” represents the physical world and man during the waking period. "U" represents the Supreme Mind and the state of sleep. "M" symbolizes a reality that cannot be explained, i.e. This is everyone's individual understanding.

The symbol is sacred and has great energetic power that can purify a person’s consciousness. It is believed that "Om" is infinite.

Representing the main sound in the Universe, it reflects 3 processes - creation, maintenance and destruction. In another interpretation, the syllable personifies 3 main human states, which include reality, sleep and dream.

"Aum" symbolizes spiritual development. It is often compared to “Amen.”

Magic text.

Tattoo with the “OM” symbol.

It is allowed to apply the “OM” sign on the human body in the form of painting or tattooing. But there are several rules that you need to know. 1) Under no circumstances apply this wonderful sign to the lower half of the body. Can only be applied above the waist. 2) It is possible to apply this sign with other positive symbols, for example: a lotus flower or a ring, or other wonderful and positive ornament. 3) When applying a divine sign to the body, it is best to recite the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum”. 4) The “OM” sign is applied to a person of any religion, and at the same time it helps to overcome difficult life circumstances. 5) This sign will also be useful to those who are on the path of enlightenment; it helps to overcome any difficulties on this difficult path. Apply the wonderful, divine, unsurpassed and incomparable sign “OM” and your life will become brighter, more spiritual, happier and richer.

Features of the practice

The mantra has strong energy, so to achieve the desired effect in practice, you need to know the rules of pronunciation, listening and meditation.

Chanting the sound "Om"

The “Om” mantra, like other prayers, is based on a combination of vowels; it must be pronounced so that sound vibrations are formed in the body.

First, it is recommended to concentrate and calm your breathing and mind. You can sing out loud, in a whisper, or to yourself. Mentally reading a spell gives a stronger effect. The pace is determined independently. The main thing is to pronounce the letters clearly and make a smooth transition between them.

The "A" sound comes from the abdomen and is read as "ah" through wide-open lips. "U" is more like "oh". "M" should be spoken with the mouth closed, forming a kind of buzzing sound. After this, a resonance is created in the nasal cavity, which ensures long-lasting sound.


Performing mantras out loud has a strong effect. Especially if the singing is accompanied by playing traditional musical instruments.

Audio recordings are often used for room cleansing, space harmonization, or meditation.

The frequency of the sound “Om” is 136 Hz. It is recommended to listen to mantras at a medium volume level.

For deeper immersion, it is recommended to use headphones.


Meditative work with prayer is one of the most powerful techniques.

You need to take a comfortable position and relax your body and soul as much as possible. It is better to practice while sitting in a comfortable, quiet place. To stop the internal dialogue, you can take a deep breath, hold the air and finish with a calm exhalation.

Then you should close your eyes and concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, directing all your attention to the sound. The rhythmic repetition of prayer should replace habitual thoughts. The use of beads is not mandatory, but they help you enter a meditative state more quickly.

During practice, especially for beginners, headaches may occur. In this case, you should shift your attention to the heart area. It will be safer for your health.

Daily meditation on “Om” brings peace, energizes and strength.

Meditate every day.

The Benefits of Repetition

1 circle of the mantra “Aum” counts 108 times. This number is sacred. Beginners are advised to start with a small number of readings, gradually increasing the practice time.

The meditative repetition of a mantra is called japa. There are 3 forms of japa, where the spell is pronounced out loud, in a whisper and silently in the mind. To avoid losing count, it is suggested to use a rosary.

There is an opinion that if you cast a spell at least three times, the deification of body and spirit occurs. Repeating the prayer 21 times spiritualizes all being.

The sound “Om” stores a large amount of energy and requires not only repeated pronunciation of the text, but also an understanding of its meaning. Otherwise, the process will become purely mechanical and will not bring the desired result.

Correct repetition of the mantra, with immersion in the sacred meaning, leads to the activation of the chakras, the opening of vitality and the achievement of divine harmony.

Tips for Sketching

When drawing up sketches, the master is guided by the principles of aesthetics. If you attach deep sacred meaning to a symbol, be sure to provide this information in the preliminary interview. This will help you express your aspirations and wishes as accurately as possible.

There are many options for artistic expressions and techniques. If the drawing is supposed to reflect the spiritual path of a person, the symbol is given a traditional look.

A flower vignette is used as decoration. To read the sign more freely, techniques for creating volume are used.

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Results and effectiveness of application

The vibrations that occur when sounding or pronouncing a mantra have a healing effect on the human body and consciousness, while:

  • the nervous system calms down;
  • mental activity is stimulated;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • vital energy increases;
  • the general mental state is harmonized;
  • control over emotions increases;
  • a feeling of peace appears;
  • Intellectual and magical abilities increase.

As a result of repeated repetition of the mantra “Om,” the work of energy centers in the body improves, consciousness is enriched, which has a beneficial effect on the spiritual development of a person and the surrounding space.

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