Research work “The symbolism of the apple in the cultures of different nations”

The apple is an ancient symbol of life, eternal youth and immortality. Thanks to its almost perfect spherical shape, it symbolizes integrity, infinity, eternity, reversibility, cyclicity, perfection.

State seal of the American state of Washington. The apple is the official fruit of this state.

The healing properties of the apple were highly valued in many ancient cultures. There was a belief that apples could give those who eat them, if not immortality, then at least good health. Apples were considered the food of gods, magicians and sorcerers, thanks to which they gain their supernatural abilities. A widely spread story is about the hero getting a magic apple: Hercules steals an apple from the garden of the Hesperides, characters from Slavic fairy tales go in search of “rejuvenating apples.”

If you cut an apple in half, its core will look like a five-pointed star, a sacred pentagram. Perhaps for this reason, the apple was a symbol of the goddess Aphrodite and was associated with Lucifer. The five-pointed star manifests itself in nature in many ways. Most likely, this symbol appeared from the pattern of movement in the sky of the star Venus, repeating its outline. The pentagram is a symbol of femininity, secret knowledge, initiation. The apple also takes on such meanings.

William Tell shoots the apple on his son's head. German engraving from the 16th century.

The appetizing seductive appearance of the apple and its aroma have become a symbol of love, pleasure, joy of life, physicality, youth and freshness.

In the Song of Songs, the apple is a symbol of passion, carnal desire. However, the apple is an allegory of everything worldly, coming, futile and subject to withering and rotting. As Josephus wrote, while outwardly smooth, shiny and juicy, the apple of Sodom was filled with ash inside.

A multi-colored apple has become the emblem of Apple Corporation, a world famous manufacturer of computer equipment.

Death of King Arthur. Painting by the English artist J. Archer. According to legend, Arthur was buried on the island of Avalon, whose name translates as “Apple”

Use of the talisman

Practitioners recommend keeping a stone figurine in the shape of an apple in your home. It is better to place it according to the rules of Feng Shui. If a girl wants to get pregnant, then an onyx talisman is placed in the south of the bedroom. However, this position is contraindicated if the couple is not yet ready to have a baby. If you hang the figurine over the bed, for example, tie it with a red ribbon, then the household will feel a surge of strength, will get a good night's sleep and will retain beauty and youth for a long time.

To cure depression, neurosis or panic attacks, practitioners recommend applying a stone apple to the chest. 5-10 minutes is enough. per day, but the procedures must be regular.

If you place an apple made of stone on the table in your office, you will soon be able to move up the career ladder, expand your business, or receive a successful order. Practitioners advise, in order to improve the health of all family members, to place an onyx talisman in the center of the dining table. If there are fruits nearby - stone, glass or real, then the magical composition will cleanse the living space of negativity and transform it into warm energy. The owners of such a talisman note that dramatic positive changes will soon come.

The image of an apple in proverbs and sayings

The frequent occurrence of the image of an apple in myths, fairy tales and works of art is not accidental. This symbol, rooted in the history of the people, filled with the deepest philosophical and human meaning, reflects the worldview and culture of the people, their wisdom. It is no coincidence that the image of an apple is preserved in folk traditions and culture today. The apple very successfully and accurately “appeared” in Russian proverbs and aphorisms.

"The apple never falls far from the tree" -

"There's nowhere for an apple to fall." This is what they say when there are a large number of people in a place, and as a result it becomes crowded

“Like the apple tree, so are the apples.” The apple seed knows its time.”

“An apple a day and you don’t need a doctor.” It is believed that an apple is a symbol of health and restoration of vitality.

“Like the gardener, so is the apple.” A good gardener has a good garden. A good master always has a good result.

In the collection of proverbs V.I. Dahl 251 proverbs about apples.

  • Without labor there is no fruit
  • The Savior has come—it’s only an hour: the fruits are ripening.
  • An apple on a plate.
  • All of Europe is talking about the Michurin hybrid.
  • Nice on the outside, but rotten on the inside.
  • If you've eaten your fill of fruit, don't break the branches.
  • From generation to generation - the same freak.

What does a souvenir apple mean?

There is no doubt that an apple brings happiness, especially if it is carved from onyx. In addition, stone fruit is believed to be able to change the owner’s life for the better. Everyone who receives or purchases an apple will become more decisive and purposeful, learn to be disciplined and firm. It is believed that onyx fruit attracts money, not random, but earned through honest labor.

  • Since onyx itself is a stone of a leader and speaker, a symbol of power, will and power, in combination with an apple it can work wonders. Having a stone fruit at home means avoiding neurological diseases, overcoming insomnia, and forgetting about worries and heart disease.
  • The onyx apple talisman has special magical properties. The fruit reveals the owner’s potential, helps him become more open, responsive, sociable and kind. Moreover, an apple of green, white or pink color reveals the desire and ability to learn, helps to properly accumulate energy and direct it in the right direction. It is believed that the onyx apple treats almost all diseases, literally “pulling” them out of the owner’s body, improves memory, helps get rid of tumors, and defeat inflammatory processes.
  • The ideal combination is onyx and silver. A green or pink apple with an elegant silver branch and leaf is not only beautiful. Such a symbol in the house is necessary to combat heart disease.
  • Since ancient times, onyx has been placed among special stones that improve eloquence. Put an apple in your pocket if you are going to speak in public.
  • The black onyx apple motivates and inspires to win, helps a person become more purposeful and enterprising.

Where to put

To enhance the effect of the onyx apple, place the souvenir in a visible place, for example, on your desk or bedside table. It is not forbidden to combine the fruit with other types of fruit, also made from ornamental stone. A beautiful element of decor and a source of positive energy will be an onyx dish with colored fruits of minerals of different colors.

An interesting solution is an apple above the bed on a beautiful chain or ribbon to enhance its properties. In this situation, an onyx fruit will help the owners remain young, energetic and happy.

Team LyubiKamni

Apple – a symbol of precision

“Bullseye” is another catchphrase that means amazing accuracy of a hit.
The legendary archer William Tell, as well as other heroes and robbers, most often chose an apple as a target for archery competitions. We can talk endlessly about the symbolism of the apple. Few fruits can boast so many mentions in world literature and myth-making. Let's not forget about the beneficial properties of this real gift of nature. His healing power always hits the bull's eye

, protecting us from many ailments, giving us health and active longevity.

Isabella Likhareva

Apple - symbol meaning

It would seem like an ordinary fruit, but there are so many stories and legends around it! The apple is often mentioned in the mythology of different peoples, and its meaning is not always positive. Some believe in the power of the apple as a fruit for love and rebirth, while others consider it a forbidden fruit that brings despondency and discord to the home.

People are accustomed to considering an apple a symbol of a strong family. He is often remembered in folk songs and proverbs. One of them is about the forbidden fruit, which always seems sweet. The origins of the expression are in the Bible. We are talking about an apple from the Garden of Eden, with which Eve was tempted and which subsequently became the cause of the Fall and the expulsion of the first people from paradise. Despite the background, the fruit is still considered the personification of heavenly pleasure and love.

Do you remember what importance was attached to fruit in Russian folk tales? It was called there the “rejuvenating apple” and was considered a source of beauty, health and longevity. This is another meaning - a symbol of eternal life and unfading beauty.

The Slavs have a special relationship with the apple. Since ancient times, they have revered it as a symbol of a happy family life, health, and prosperity; they believe that the fruit allows one to comprehend the mystery of death and forever preserve in the soul the images of the departed. This is precisely what can explain the tradition of the ancient Slavs of leaving fresh apples at the graves of relatives.

They didn’t forget about the apple at the wedding feast. Particular importance was attached to the fruit itself and the branches of the tree. It was believed that the fetus is a symbol of the girl’s consent to the marriage proposal. It was customary to decorate the festive table at a wedding with apple blossoms.

Apple figurines completely replicate the outline of a real fruit. This is a large, life-size fruit with a branch and leaf made of silver, gold or the same onyx. The most popular apples are green, white, red and golden.

Judgment of Paris

The goddess of discord, Eris, was outraged that she was not invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. To avenge the insult, she tossed the guests an apple with the inscription “To the most beautiful.” A dispute broke out around the apple as to which of the three goddesses present, Hera, Athena or Aphrodite, should receive it. Paris, the son of Priam, king of Troy, was entrusted with judging the goddesses. Each of the goddesses tried to bribe Paris in order to get the coveted apple. Athena promised him wisdom and invincibility, Hera - honor and power.

However, Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite, who promised to give him the most beautiful woman on earth as his wife. The beautiful Helen, whom Paris chose, was the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus. The abduction of Helen by Paris was the cause of the Trojan War. The myth about the quarrel between the goddesses over the status of the “Most Beautiful One” gave rise to the catchphrase “apple of discord” - a reason for confrontation that threatens to entail frightening consequences.

P. Rubens. Judgment of Paris

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Apple is a universal symbol

Such a simple and familiar, at first glance, apple is a rather controversial symbol in the history of culture.
On the one hand, the fruit personifies the fullness of life, the joy of love and spring rebirth.

At the same time, it is the apple that is called the forbidden fruit and a symbol of discord.

The duality of the nature of love between a man and a woman is also contained in apple symbolism. A gentle, romantic “apple tree in bloom” is contrasted with an apple

, as a symbol of the goddess Ceres, exposing people to the madness of passion. The fruit in folklore is also a symbol of hope for a successful marriage for future spouses, and also personifies family ties.

An apple is the fruit of a lost paradise, a symbol of lost unearthly bliss. At the same time, the earthly rulers rest their right hand on an apple-

, therefore the fruit is a symbol of worldly power.

Quite a few stable “apple expressions” associated with symbolic meanings have entered the stock of the Russian language.

Apple Spas

Apple Savior - Transfiguration of the Lord, celebrated on August 6 according to the old style, August 19 according to the new style. Forty days before his death, Jesus went up Mount Tabor to pray with his disciples Peter, James and John. During prayer, the face of Jesus was transformed, and his clothes became shiny and white. Jesus spoke with the prophets Elijah and Moses. The voice of God came from the cloud: “This is My Beloved Son; Listen to him."

Rafael Santi. Transfiguration

What happened is interpreted as a declaration of the divine nature of Christ, his special purpose. The consecration of fruits on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord has a symbolic meaning - they are transformed, cleansed of worldly, sinful things. Apples and other fruits and vegetables usually ripened for Apple Savior, but before this holiday it was forbidden to eat them.

Apple - forbidden fruit

The forbidden fruit, as you know, is always sweet, which cannot be said about all varieties of apples.
However, the first translators of the Bible blamed the apple for the fall of the first man, although the Book of Books itself does not specifically name the fruit with which Eve seduced Adam. Why did the apple become a symbol of original sin? Probably the reason was the incredible popularity of this tasty and healthy fruit. At the same time, the apple personifies heavenly bliss before the Fall. It is no coincidence that the name of the mythical city of Avalon comes from the Welsh name for the fruit.

Adam's apple

It is traditionally believed that the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which Eve bit into following the teaching of the serpent, was an apple. The apple became a symbol of the Fall, initiation into secret knowledge. Having tasted the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve became able to distinguish good from evil and learned a sense of shame. The first people emerged from the state of innocence and serenity in which they were in paradise. Because they acquired the ability to judge in terms of Good and Evil and in this they became closer to the gods, they were expelled from Eden.

The eating of the apple by Eve and her husband is also symbolically interpreted as their involvement in sexual relations, which were previously unknown to them. The apple appears here as a symbol of knowledge, sin, and carnal pleasures. The original sin of Adam, according to theologians, was atoned for by the agony of the cross of the “second Adam” - Jesus Christ. "Adam's apple" is the second name for a man's Adam's apple, which supposedly appeared when a piece of apple got stuck in the throat of the first man.

A. Durer. Adam and Eve

What is onyx

We are talking about a natural layered mineral of different colors and shades. Durable and easy to maintain, the stone has properties similar to marble. It is classified as an ornamental stone, so it is often used for making souvenirs, dishes, inexpensive jewelry, rosaries and talismans.

The appearance of the stone can hardly be called special. Translucent, with parallel layers, the mineral can be light, dark and even golden. In nature, there are pebbles with stripes of pink, brown, yellow and green.

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