How to attract money into your home using the aromas of essential oils?

In this article you will learn everything about essential oils to attract money!!!! After all, smells can affect not only our mood and health. They contain special magical properties.


In the old days, this sacred knowledge was passed down from generation to generation along with rituals and rituals to attract money.

Do you want to become more successful, richer? Do you want to live in abundance and prosperity?

There is such a way! And it is very simple - for this you just need to learn how to properly use essential oils to attract money!

Patchouli oil to attract money

Patchouli oil is included in almost all oil mixtures to attract good luck in trading and to increase the amount of money in your wallet and pockets. Patchouli money oil has a tart, warm, heavy smell and not everyone likes it.

In its production, only the leaves of the plant are used, and the characteristic smell appears only under the influence of high temperatures. This is an oil with strong energy, just like cedar oil. You can put a couple of drops of patchouli oil into your wallet once a month and your money will always have a magical aroma.

Many believe that with the help of patchouli you can achieve success in business, find effective sources of income, improve your position in hired work and program career growth.

In case of despondency and loss of strength, patchouli oil invigorates, restores a sense of self-confidence, optimism and joy of life.

There are many myths and legends associated with patchouli essential oil. For example, in the old days people believed that the presence of this oil in the house preserved the well-being of the family.

And nowadays, throughout the civilized world, the oil used to attract money and good luck is patchouli oil. It is associated with success in business, stability and growing income.

Why am I doing this?

Since ancient times, the aroma of patchouli has been considered the smell of success, wealth, prosperity, and fruitfulness.

The sense of smell is one of the main organs of our perception. How different smells affect brain function has long been studied by scientists.

Much has been written in various esoteric books about the fact that patchouli is the smell of money. But in fact, all this is scientifically based.

The fact is that the aroma of patchouli affects our brain so much that we begin to better concentrate on business, tasks, and goals. We become more active and productive, courageous and decisive. We find it easier to implement new ideas.

When a person is on such a wave, he begins to succeed in many things. Accordingly, he becomes more successful, more financially wealthy.

Patchouli oil. The rich have their own secrets of attracting money.

Smells to attract money and good luck

Patchouli and pine oil in equal parts is a universal mixture that brings good luck. You can lubricate a plastic card or money with this mixture before spending it - then it will come back to you. You can apply a few drops of this mixture to a cosmetic cotton pad and put it on your desk at your workplace, that is, use all the places where money could potentially come to you.

Cotton pads are an excellent base for storing fragrances because they are loose and made of cotton. You can, after soaking them in lavender, patchouli or orange oil, place them in closets and bags with things, and you will no longer see moths. In India, since ancient times, the scent of patchouli has been used to protect woolen fabrics from moths.

Love rituals with lavender and its aroma oil: how to perform?

Love Rituals with Lavender
Even in ancient times, people used lavender to drive away evil spirits and attract love and abundance. Later it turned out that the delicate aroma of lavender calms the nervous system and psyche, gives a feeling of relaxation, and relieves stress. In addition, lavender attracts happiness. People have used love rituals with lavender. A spell for calling in love was considered effective. Below you will find a description of how to perform the ritual.

Prepare the following items:

  • Lavender candle
  • Lavender branch
  • Small mirror
  • Scarlet pencil used in makeup
  • Parchment and one-time pen

Then you should do the following:

  • Sit in a chair, calm down and relax.
  • Imagine the image of an ideal male lover.
  • Without fail, you need to imagine the character qualities that this person should have.
  • However, there is no need to switch to a specific person from real life.
  • Holding an invented image in your thoughts, you take a candle in your right hand.
  • When lighting a candle, you should simultaneously read the spell: “Hecate, Queen of Witchcraft, I ask you to connect me with my love. Be blessed! .
  • After this, you need to use a scarlet makeup pencil to draw a heart on the front side of the mirror in the circle of your reflection, saying: “I’m in love!” .
  • Now write a letter to your chosen one with specific wishes about what exactly should be present in the relationship.
  • Next, lighting the sheet with the words: “I am sending you this letter, my true love. Could you come to me as soon as possible?" .
  • After completing the ritual, the lavender branch must be put in your pocket and carried with you until your love meets on the way.

Lavender aroma oil is often used in magical rituals to promote healing and cleansing. It enhances feelings, passion and sex drive in males. A woman, rubbing lavender essential oil into her skin, can thus attract the attention of a man and attract him to her person. You can also lubricate candles with lavender oil and then light them at home, especially if the person of your adoration is coming to you.

Pine oil for prosperity

Oil is most often obtained from fresh Scots pine needles using steam distillation. The oil promotes prosperity and the development of spirituality, attracts money, increases energy, tones, relieves stress and fatigue. Disinfects and cleans the space. It has a mild aroma and is part of almost all antiseptic mixtures.

The power and principle of action of essential oils that attract money

Magicians attribute such magical properties to the oils of various plants as the ability to attract money. Scientists explain the relationship between essences and increased well-being differently.

Aromatherapy is known throughout the world.

Inhaling a smell pushes a person to perform certain actions. For example, the aroma of coniferous trees induces rationality, prudence, and practicality. Cedar or pine oil makes you save and save money. The smell of grapefruit puts you in the mood for a lighter perception of life.

In the store, the most expensive products are treated with oils in order to force customers to purchase them.

Businessmen often manipulate the mood of their clients and partners by spraying water with added essence in the office.

Aroma oils by zodiac sign

Your oil enhances your energy:

  • Aries - cedar, pine.
  • Taurus - patchouli, geranium, ylang-ylang, rosewood.
  • Gemini - lavender, eucalyptus, mint.
  • Cancer - eucalyptus, rosewood, petitgrain, neroli.
  • Leo - rosemary, bergamot, lavender.
  • Virgo - lavender, geranium, rosemary.
  • Libra - ylang-ylang, rosewood, mint.
  • Scorpio - pine, patchouli.
  • Sagittarius - cedar, pine, mint, grapefruit.
  • Capricorn - patchouli, cedar, eucalyptus.
  • Aquarius - lavender, patchouli, pine, cedar, eucalyptus.
  • Pisces - eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, pine, rosewood.

The connection of an essential oil with a zodiac sign is necessary to know in order to prepare an effective mixture for a specific person.

Attention! All oil mixtures are prepared when the Moon is waxing, when the Moon is in the 1st quarter and in a good mood.

Fortune telling for love using rose petals with aroma oil: how to guess correctly and what to use?

Rose for telling love by petals
The ancient custom of addressing questions about love to a rose has still not lost its relevance. For fortune telling, not the whole flower is used, but only its petals. It is important to choose a plant of the desired shade:

  • The red rose illuminates issues of passion, betrayal, and jealousy.
  • Pink - knowledgeable in the intricacies of romantic relationships, an irreplaceable adviser on the eve of the wedding.

3 petals are involved in the magical ritual . Fortune telling allows you to answer exciting questions unambiguously: only yes or no. Here's how to correctly guess love using rose petals:

  • Questions should be prepared in advance and written down on a separate piece of paper.
  • Next, coarse salt is scattered on the table to form a circle 30 cm .
  • Place 7 drops in the middle of this circle. rose aroma oil.
  • Then you should concentrate on the question and throw petals of the corresponding color over the circle.

The result of fortune telling is assessed by how the petals fall:

  • If all the petals lie outside the circle, then the desired will not come true. The answer to the question posed is strictly negative.
  • If the petals are located within the designated boundaries, then the answer is positive. Your plans will certainly come true.
  • If only part of the thrown petals are inside the circle, then you can hope for a positive outcome, although this will require a lot of effort.
  • It’s good if at least one petal “lay” in the center of the circle, on rose oil.

In order for the fortune telling result to be reliable, it is better to use a rose of a color that is most suitable for the topic of interest.

Prepare oil to attract money and good luck

Pour the base oil, one teaspoon, into a bottle or small cup. It can be olive oil, jojoba oil, apricot or grape seed oil. Then add 5 drops each of the chosen money and your oil.

In the process of making the mixture, nothing should distract you from the process; think only about the purpose for which the mixture is intended, about your prosperous and comfortable life! And it’s better not about money, but about what you need it for. Imagine how with every drop of oil your money and luck are added. You can then add this mixture to the aroma lamp.

It will be good if you add 3 drops of oils to this mixture, which will be discussed below, depending on what you need most now.

You can apply aromas for money luck:

  • the inner surface of wallets and bags,
  • safes and all places where money is stored,
  • important business documents (contracts, receipts, etc.),
  • bank cards, etc.

What works well to attract wealth into the home?

Some essential oils effectively attract money and good luck not only to one specific person, but to the whole family. They are used to create an atmosphere of well-being and prosperity in the home.

The following smells can attract wealth into your home:

  • eucalyptus – helps to get used to a new workplace, improves brain function;
  • citronella – protects from bad companions, saves from the evil eye;
  • pine – eliminates doubts and gives courage to take risks, sharpens intuition;
  • chamomile – attracts the energy of money;
  • rosemary – attracts investors, gives a surge of energy.

A mixture of oils to quickly attract money luck

A mixture of oils to attract good luck could be like this:

  1. 2 drops of neroli;
  2. 2 drops of rose oil;
  3. 3 drops of sage oil;
  4. 5 drops of patchouli oil;
  5. 2-3 drops of your oil.

To enhance the effect, be sure to visualize your money dream while preparing. Clearly define for yourself why you need money. Only a bright goal will allow you to charge the produced money oil with the energy of abundance.

But the ideal option is when you make a mixture intuitively, inventing a composition of money, protective and good luck oils, checking with your feelings.

Author Irina Faydyuk

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How to attract love with the help of a scarlet rose, rose aroma oil: ritual

Scarlet rose to attract love
Rose is the queen of flowers. Its unforgettable aroma gives a feeling of reverence, enthusiastic and faithful love. This is not surprising, because many representatives of the fair sex use scarlet roses and aromatic oils to attract love into their lives. There are certain magical rituals that can attract love and improve relationships with an admirer. Here's how to perform a ritual with a rose and its aroma oil:

  • Buy a scarlet rose and retire with it in a separate room so that no one can disturb you.
  • Turn on relaxing music, light scented candles and start thinking about the pleasant love that will permeate your body.
  • Start stroking your neck and arms with the flower.
  • Say “I love you!” and continue this procedure.
  • Put warmth and love into every word.
  • Stroke yourself with the rose until you feel complete.
  • Then stand up and say these words: “Love is in me, love is around me, love is in the present, love is in the future. I am the love".
  • After this, put on a pendant with rose aroma oil and wear it constantly.

The magical effect of such a ritual begins within 7-9 days . During this time you should meet your love.

If a pregnant woman gave you an orange: signs associated with orange aroma oil

A pregnant woman gives an orange for conception.
Even in ancient times, a huge number of signs and superstitions were known about pregnant women and pregnancy in general, associated with various objects, plants, jewelry and animals. There are very few signs associated with the transfer of any edible items from the hands of a pregnant woman, but they still exist.

  • If a pregnant woman gave you an orange , then you will most likely soon be able to conceive a baby.
  • And if the expectant mother gave not just one orange , but a whole bag, pregnancy is guaranteed in the very near future.

Of the many signs, those associated with various physical contacts with pregnant women were considered the most effective. For example, if you are unable to get pregnant, although you and your partner are completely healthy, then buy an aroma pendant with orange aroma oil and ask your pregnant friend to put it on you. Thanks to this, conception may also occur soon.

What kind of roses are given as a sign of love: color, do they give rose aroma oil?

White roses are given as a sign of love.
The rose is generally considered a flower of love and beauty. However, the symbolism of the rose is incredibly deep and, of course, the color symbolism is also of great importance. That is why roses are distinguished by color and each of them carries a certain message.

  • Red roses are most often given as a sign of love.
  • The brighter the color, the more it indicates passion, and the softer, the more tender and sincere feelings.
  • For example, pink roses give more of a sign of platonic love or a feeling of recognition. In this case, there is less sexuality and more of this kind of emotional attachment.

In addition, a white rose can be given as a sign of love. This option indicates the complete purity of your feelings for the chosen person. It is worth noting that you can give rose aroma oil as a sign of love and beauty. If you place it in a golden aroma pendant, then every girl will be happy with such a gift.

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