Feng Shui talismans and their meaning - attracting success and prosperity to your home

The oldest science, great art, the teachings of the smartest elders - all this is Feng Shui. This teaching arose a long time ago, but to this day it does not lose its relevance. People turn to ancient Chinese science to gain self-confidence, find peace, cultivate and improve their daily life system. As with all spiritual teachings, Feng Shui has its own nuances, the study of which can be interesting and exciting. The area covered by Feng Shui is very large. Today we will talk about symbols and talismans.

First, let's look at what a talisman is. First of all, it is a certain object that is given a sacred meaning. Such objects can contain energetic force. Now we will tell you about some symbols and talismans. What do they carry with them? How do they help?

In Feng Shui philosophy, symbolism is given great meaning. Figures of animals, people, coins, hieroglyphs carry a certain energy for the believer, which is aimed at solving or helping in a particular problem. Now we will introduce you to the most popular and used symbols in Feng Shui.

Feng Shui symbols

Any hieroglyph, carried with you or placed at home, on a scroll or wall, becomes a symbol that helps you in life. For example, carp is a fish that can swim against the current, retains its strength and symbolizes intelligence, success and easy learning.

Feng Shui talismans and their meaning

Before activating areas of the room, the space must be cleared. Make sure that the positive energy of your life circulates calmly throughout your home and place of work. Get rid of garbage, rubble, there should be no dirty corners or things that fall out of cabinets. Tidy up the living space in which you spend a long time as much as possible. And only after that proceed to activate the zones. Below we will talk about Feng Shui symbols and talismans, as well as their meaning.

Feng Shui amulets and talismans: the meaning of love symbols

  1. To activate the Love Zone, you can place a picture of a couple in love in the southwest of the house.
  2. Place red paired long candles.
  3. Carry rose quartz with you or make a “tree of happiness” from it and it will help you attract love
  4. A fan is a symbol of sexual life, most importantly, do not hang it above the bed.

Feng Shui figures and their meaning play an important role in activating living space. Choose powerful talismans to make your life sparkle with new colors.

  1. An aquarium with eight goldfish activates the wealth zone. Any fish is considered a symbol of wealth. But in such an aquarium the ninth fish should be black (for protection).
  2. Carp - will contribute to spiritual development and success.
  3. A cat with a raised paw attracts wealth and good luck. The raised left paw attracts partners, the right paw attracts money. Can be kept in pairs. Or stand the cat with its front paws raised.
  4. The dragon is a symbol of power.
  5. The crane is a symbol of justice
  6. Stork - depending on the needs, will bring the owner an heir or successor at work.
  7. The bat is a symbol of good luck. Five bats symbolize the “five heavenly blessings”: long life, financial well-being, good health, love and natural death in old age. The owner of such a talisman will find happiness and a serene life.
  8. Mandarin ducks. It is recommended to keep them in the Love zone. They not only improve your personal life, but also attract to you exactly the person you are destined to be with.
  9. Butterflies. If you've been waiting to meet someone for a long time, haven't seen each other for a long time, or are looking for new acquaintances, keep these beauties close. They will bring romance and quiet time into your life.
  10. Two swans looking at each other also activate the Love zone in the house
  11. The horse is a symbol of courage, freedom, individuality and endurance
  12. Heavenly Lions (Fu dogs) are a symbol of protection, greatness, masculinity and beauty; they will give peace to your home and protection from all evil.
  13. Kirin - symbol of protection
  14. Rams and sheep symbolize goodness, positivity and good luck
  15. The Rooster will add courage, reliability and confidence to men.
  16. The elephant is a symbol of prosperity.
  17. The eagle is a symbol of help in all endeavors.
  18. The owl symbolizes wisdom.
  19. Magpie is a symbol of happiness.
  20. The dog is a symbol of protection.
  21. Tiger - courage and valor. White tiger - strength, protection and power. If you work in show business, the tiger will bring you fame and fortune.
  22. Phoenix is ​​a symbol of fertility.
  23. The rat is a symbol of prosperity.
  24. Turtle - will provide a covered back

How to attract?

The energy of the house you live in greatly affects your well-being. There are several rules to help clear the space around you of accumulated negative energy and attract positive Qi energy, which gives health and longevity. Using them will help you feel better.

View from the windows

The view from the window plays a big role. It’s good if the windows overlook a park, green spaces or a playground. But most city residents look at the walls of neighboring houses, passing traffic or protracted construction.

In case of a bad neighborhood, you should protect your home from flows of negative energy. It is recommended to hang thick curtains, and if the windows face east, use blinds.

The view from the windows of a hospital or cemetery creates extremely bad energy, even if they are located in the distance.

To reduce the influence of negative energy, you should hang a protective Bagua mirror above the front door. It will reflect the unfavorable energy that is trying to enter the house.

Cleaning the room from unfavorable energy

The procedure is carried out once a month, during the full moon. After general cleaning, open all cabinets, windows, and room doors to release stagnant energy.

The procedure uses incense sticks that produce smoke. Cleaning the premises begins at the front door. Then you need to go around all the rooms around the perimeter, without missing a single corner. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of your home.

Feng Shui talismans and their meaning: plants

  1. Lotus is a symbol of purity, tranquility and creativity. The lotus makes the water in the swamp clear, which means it will bring you good luck.
  2. Bamboo is a symbol of confidence, resilience and invincibility. A bamboo flute or recorder tied with a red ribbon is perfect for hanging on the ceiling.
  3. Peonies. They are quite often depicted in engravings as a symbol of true love. Peonies are also often present in wedding dresses.
  4. Peach is a symbol of immortality.
  5. Pomegranates and cucumbers are a symbol of having many children, as well as any dried fruit.
  6. Tangerines are a symbol of good luck, longevity and prosperity for the whole family and a successful marriage.
  7. Aichreson is the tree of love.
  8. Anthurium - male happiness and spaciphylum - female happiness will be symbols of family well-being for you.
  9. Mac - will help you understand people, show you the right path and unravel the most difficult relationships

Feng Shui talismans: symbols of health

  1. Scroll with a symbol of longevity.
  2. Gourd pumpkin - brings wealth and bestows health.

Feng Shui talismans to attract money

Feng Shui talismans and their meaning for attracting money
Coins for wealth:

  1. two coins tied with a red thread will help save money;
  2. three Feng Shui coins with a red thread - will attract wealth from three different sources;
  3. five Chinese coins tied with a red thread will attract wealth from four different sources, relevant for people engaged in trade and businessmen;
  4. six coins symbolize heavenly luck;
  5. eight coins will attract wealth from almost everywhere;
  6. The nine coins tied with a red thread must be made during the Qin Dynasty, then the symbol of the completeness of the world will work for you. This is the most powerful amulet, it will attract wealth and the people you need;
  7. a cup of abundance will also help to attract wealth to the family.

And then to Scandinavia: japanordic

If we add Scandinavia into the equation, we get the japanordic style. Japanordic in the interior is a hot trend that has not yet gone among the people, but is already stirring the minds of the design community. However, there are skeptics among designers who call japanordic an invention of marketers who want to serve us the old Scandinavian interior with a new oriental sauce.

Such a tandem seems strange only at first glance. It’s worth taking a closer look, and the nature of the geographical collaboration is clear - both Asia and Scandinavia gravitate towards interior minimalism, simplicity and functionality.

Unlike the good old Scandinavian, japanordic prefers unique items and handmade goods to the mass market. Otherwise, japanordic in the interior is the same light walls, minimum color, maximum naturalness and functionality. Only with an Asian accent.

This approach is completely in tune with Feng Shui: light, spacious, everything is in its place, each functional area is thought out to the smallest detail and there is no ostentatious luxury.

Chinese coins feng shui meaning

  1. Coin “Arhat No. 9 – Protector” is a symbol of protection.
  2. The coin “Eight Immortals – Lan Tsai He” is a talisman for gardeners.
  3. The “Eight Immortals – Li Te Guai” coin is a talisman for creative people.
  4. The coin “Eight Immortals – Lui Dong Bin” will help you find happiness.
  5. If you are into music, the Eight Immortals of Han Xiang Zi coin is for you.
  6. The coin “Eight Immortals – He Xian Gu” is a symbol of purity and family protection.
  7. Coin “Eight Immortals – Cao Guo Jiu” is the patron of trade and businessmen.
  8. The coin “Eight Immortals – Zhang Guo Lao” is a talisman for travelers.
  9. The coin “Eight Immortals – Zhong Li Quan” will contribute to spiritual development.
  10. Chinese gold coins are also a symbol of wealth.
  11. It is better to tie silver Chinese coins with a red ribbon, then they will work as talismans.
  12. Fiat coin - it is better to keep such a coin in your wallet to attract funds into it.

Feng Shui figurines and their meaning

  1. Magic knots. Knots help ward off evil forces and bind good ones to oneself, and also mean longevity. They are used both to enhance talismans and act as separate amulets.
  2. Double sign of good luck - the name speaks for itself
  3. Buddha is a figurine of good luck, don’t forget to pat his belly
  4. Wind chimes - ringing pipes that disperse negative energy
  5. The pagoda neutralizes negative energy. If you have a rather “aggressive” area in your house, it is better to place the pagoda there.
  6. Bishamon (Tamonten) is the god of happiness. Particularly patronizes lawyers, military personnel and doctors.
  7. Hotei is the god of carefree fun and prosperity. In addition to attracting money, you can make a wish and rub the god's belly more than 300 times to fulfill it.
  8. Daikoku and Ebisu are the gods of happiness and good fortune. When they are together, they work in enhanced mode. Ebisu is the god of hard work and luck, and Daikoku is the patron of wealth.
  9. Benten (Benzaiten) - goddess responsible for luck, learning, love, wisdom and art
  10. Jurojin gives longevity
  11. Fukurokujin (Fukurokuju) gives longevity and wisdom
  12. But the gods of happiness work best when they are all together on the same boat. Therefore, it is better to buy one common figurine-composition, where all the gods are together. And don't forget

Chinese coin of luck feng shui

  1. A coin with the image of a phoenix and a dragon will attract a partner and a successful marriage into your life
  2. Coins for attracting money and good luck according to Feng Shui “three in one” in the form of a flower will give financial well-being, longevity and good health.
  3. A coin of happiness with five bats will provide support to its owner. This is a talisman of wealth, prosperity, happiness and longevity.

Feng Shui money figurines

  1. Three-toed toad with a coin - place this figurine in the Wealth zone. The larger the toad, the more money it will bring you.
  2. Ganesha - the talisman came to Feng Shui from India, and patronizes businessmen, removes obstacles from the path and imparts wisdom

Sector of wisdom and knowledge

The northeastern part of the room is responsible for wisdom and the acquisition of knowledge. In this zone, it is optimal to do homework, read books and engage in other study-related activities. In the wisdom sector, it is useful to install a desk and a home library.

Feng Shui symbols

The best talismans for the zone of knowledge and wisdom:

  1. Crystal: ideally, the talisman is made of real crystal, which will help enhance its energy potential. An imitation crystal is also suitable as a catalyst for an aura of knowledge and wisdom.
  2. Snake: in eastern countries, this reptile personifies wisdom and discovery, so the figurine of a snake will be an ideal attribute of the described zone of space.
  3. Owl: In all cultures, this bird is associated with the acquisition of knowledge and high intelligence. The talisman can look like a painting or a figurine.
  4. Globe: A smaller model of the Earth installed in this zone will help a person become more inquisitive and gain a thirst for travel.

Feng Shui signs for the wisdom zone should be made of glass, plaster or crystal.

If preference is given to paintings, then you need to pay attention to what exactly is depicted on them. Canvases on which unlimited space is drawn - a meadow, the surface of the sea - are ideal.

The most popular talismans and figurines in Feng Shui


The familiar figurine of a smiling pot-bellied man, carved from bone or wood, can be an excellent assistant in your business. Hottei - a symbol of wealth and prosperity - should be on your desktop and in the Wealth Zone.

Toad with three legs

The same toad with a coin in his mouth. Indeed, in Feng Shui it is considered the strongest stimulant for attracting financial flows. Place the toad in the Wealth Zone and handle it carefully and respectfully. It is recommended to wash the toad twice a week, under running water, to wash away the negative energy of people’s views, envy and rumors directed in your direction.

Interesting moment! Dropping a coin yourself is considered a bad omen, but if you find that the coin fell out on its own, this is a good sign. Expect some good cash flows soon!


In all esoteric teachings, mirrors are given a special meaning: a channel to a parallel world, a reflection of the human essence, an energy magnet... with the help of mirrors you can correct the shortcomings in the layout of your home. For example, if the Wealth Zone, according to the construction plan, ended up in the toilet, a mirror hung on the door will negate the negative impact of this situation. It will, as it were, reflect the negative energy of the sewer aimed at your well-being.

Conversely, an incorrectly hung mirror can nullify all your efforts - for example, a mirror that reflects hottei. The energy of the first talisman will “fail” in the mirror surface, alas, bringing you no benefit.

It is also important that the mirror should not be old - these magical “wells” absorb a colossal amount of energy, information, human experiences and emotions. They will then begin to share all this “wealth” with their new owner. Do you need this? Hang new, WHOLE mirrors in your home without chips or defects. Of course, octagonal mirrors are considered especially beneficial, but that depends on your luck.

Crystal sphere

An elegant piece of furniture and also an assistant for eliminating financial failures. Such talismans are sold in themed stores; an ordinary glass ball does not give the desired effect. The fact is that to make a Feng Shui sphere, an alloy of glass and lead is used, which gives a special (and very beautiful) effect of refraction of sunlight on the edges of the sphere.

"The music of wind"

Or, as these hanging structures are also called, “dream catchers.” Metal tubes and rings suspended at different heights not only caress your ears with a pleasant ringing, but also relieve you from unpleasant experiences. The “dream catcher,” as the name suggests, should hang in the bedroom. According to ancient belief, evil thoughts and dark desires will become entangled in the threads and will be frightened by the sound of metal, and your sleep will be carefree and bright.

Bundles of coins

Chinese coins, knitted in threes and nines, are a must-have in your wallet. They take up no space at all, but bring enormous benefits - after all, they are a real magnet for money!

Green plants

The energy of life and prosperity emanating from the stems of green plants will help you establish peace and love in your home. Place pots with plants in the Family and Love Zone, and again in the Wealth Zone!

Just make sure that the plants do not dry out, water them on time and remove wilted leaves. Artificial flowers, besides collecting dust, do not bring any benefit.

Water (fountain, waterfall)

Water has powerful energy, so it must be used carefully. Depending on the goals you want to achieve: to pacify or, on the contrary, to activate this or that energy, use the symbols of seething, rising water (fountain) or passive, falling (waterfall).

Place fountains in places where energy stagnates (near the front door, for example). Never place a fountain in the bedroom or kitchen. A fountain would also be inappropriate in the Glory Zone.

Family photos

Yes, Feng Shui talismans do not necessarily have to be Chinese-ethnic in nature. Our usual photographs, beautifully hung on the walls or placed on the wall in nice frames, activate the energy of Family and Love. It is clear that it is better to place them in the Family Zone.

Read more about Feng Shui photography>>

Horseshoe (bells, children's drawings)

Place them in the nursery, because these talismans activate creativity and thinking, and who doesn’t want their child to grow up smart and talented.

The horseshoe should hang upside down, forming a kind of bowl, and not downwards (so that your luck does not “drip” from the edges).

There are many Feng Shui talismans, I have only listed a small part! Fans, images of flying cranes, netsuke figurines, the Taoist “wheel of Glory”, a wish whistle, and much more are also loved and popular.

When surrounding yourself with Feng Shui talismans, do not forget to act yourself: a figurine or a painting alone will not make you rich and successful, they will only activate YOUR life energy, therefore, live actively and be happy!

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