Which wallet attracts money: signs when buying

A wallet is not only a convenient accessory for storing money, but also one of the most important attributes that create the external image of the owner. The appearance of a wallet can tell a lot about the wealth and habits of its owner. No matter how carefully a person treats things, they all wear out over time, including a wallet. It has to be changed about once every couple of years. However, this matter is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. In order to constantly have money in your new wallet, you must follow a number of rules when purchasing it.

Signs when buying a wallet

The timing of purchasing a new wallet is very important. A wallet bought at the wrong time will never be full. Therefore, those who are thinking about changing their wallet need to choose the right day and take into account other details.

Good time to make a purchase

The most favorable period for purchasing a new “storage” of funds is the week before Christmas and New Year. You can make a purchase any day this week, but it is best to make it on Wednesday or Thursday, before lunch.

Does the phase of the moon matter?

The Earth's natural satellite influences many processes on our planet. According to astrologers and psychics, he also controls financial flows. The growing month “attracts” money, so it is best to buy a wallet on the new moon.

It is believed that the ideal time for such a purchase is the second or third day after the new moon. But on the ninth day you cannot purchase a new wallet - the money will literally “fly” out of it. Astrologers do not prohibit buying a wallet on the waning moon, but not on the 19th, 26th and 29th days of the lunar month. A wallet purchased on one of these days will provoke the owner into unnecessary purchases, which he will later regret.

Talismans to attract wealth and good luck

To attract wealth and financial well-being, you should put Chinese coins tied with a red thread in your wallet. You can put one dollar, it is a symbol of prosperity and good luck. You can put cinnamon sticks in your wallet; this plant attracts good luck and prosperity to your home.

You can drop a little mint essential oil, add a pinch of green tea, a wheat ear, dried geranium leaves, lavender or a small mirror, which will double your money luck.

Before the New Year, you can buy a new wallet or put a figurine of the symbol of the coming year in it.

Folk signs associated with a new wallet

Our ancestors noticed long ago that not only the time of purchase of a wallet affects its future content. In order for the new “vault” of money to contain rubles, it must have the correct color, size, structure, as well as a money “magnet” placed inside the wallet immediately after purchase.


Nowadays you can find wallets in any color range and shades in stores. However, knowledgeable people recommend choosing the color of the wallet not randomly, but focusing on the financial preferences of the future owner:

  • Those who value stability are recommended to purchase a red (or pink option for girls) wallet. A wallet of this color will “automatically” replenish all expenses made from it.
  • It is better for a person striving for financial growth to buy a green wallet, since green is the color of development. Such a wallet will literally “swell” with banknotes.
  • Thrifty people should give preference to wallets in brown or black shades. These are the colors of those who stand firmly on the ground. And even though the expenses of such people are not very large, the money in their wallet will never be transferred.
  • Creative individuals can pay attention to yellow or gold wallets. Sunny-colored wallets are as “impulsive” as their owners, and often attract large sums of money in the form of one-time, but substantial fees.
  • It is better for all categories of people to stay away from wallets in the color of the water element (blue, light blue, turquoise). These colors can “wash” money out of a wallet like water.

Size and cost

Money does not like being cramped, so the wallet purchased for it should be quite roomy, more than 15 cm long. In addition, the wallet must have separate pockets for bills, small change and foreign currency, as well as a small secret compartment. If the wallet looks poor, then the money will not love it.

The wallet should look solid and expensive (the more expensive, the better). It is believed that the bills inside such an accessory will never expire.

What to put in it

Having paid the seller for the purchased wallet, you need to take the latter with your left hand and mentally say: “I give money a new home, may it soon multiply in it! God help me! Amen!". After this, without yet leaving the store, it is advisable to put an irredeemable ruble inside the new “house” for bills and coins, which was lying in the person’s old wallet and successfully attracted money to him.

If there is no such ruble, then in the secret pocket of a new wallet you can place a bill (coin) received from a financially successful person. In a short time, it will become a reliable “magnet” that will attract money to your wallet.

Options for conspiracies

One of the most useful rituals at home is done to charge your wallet. It also needs to be carried out on the waxing Moon. The phases of the full moon and waning moon can give the opposite result.

Taking into account the phase of the moon

On the new month, sit at the table facing the window. Take off your shoes, comb your hair and light a church candle. Cross the product three times and place a precious coin or a silver or gold ring inside.

Addressing the growing month, say the following words: “Just as the month has silver horns, so there will be gold and silver in my wallet. So that he grows, so that the money multiplies. As it is said, so it will be.”

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Using water

A powerful energy conductor is water. Place a glass of regular drinking water on the table and place your new wallet on it. Sit opposite with your eyes closed and visualize how prosperous your life will be.

You can imagine that you have won the lottery or are developing a successful business. The more detailed your imagination is, the better. Then drink the water with pleasure, imagining that all your plans have come true. Say: “I want this, so it will happen.” The ritual can be repeated every three months.

The simplest ritual

Bring home the wallet you bought in the morning during the waxing Moon phase. Take several coins and bills so that their denominations do not repeat. The more of them there are, the more powerful the ritual is.

Say: “The coin runs to another, and wealth rushes to me. There will always be a joyful ringing in the new wallet - enough for large purchases, new clothes and sweets. Let it be so".

After this, carry the wallet with you until the evening. It is forbidden to cast this spell on money that was borrowed.

Option with candles

For the next ritual, purchase 7 green candles from the church. You can't save money on your purchase. At midnight, place the new wallet in a place where moonlight falls from the window. Light candles around your wallet.

Say the spell: “Let the money flow like a fast river into my new wallet.

Let my income grow, money not be lost, the energy of success only multiply.”

When the candles burn out, bury the cinders in the ground. Carry a charged wallet with you at all times and keep it in order. Don’t tell anyone about the ritual you performed.

Enchanted coin

During the waxing phase of the Moon, stand next to a window so that the moonlight falls on you. Take a coin in your right hand and, looking at the luminary, say the spell three times:

“A rich man passed by, a merchant followed him, and so I went there too. You, coin, help me. Attract money and success."

Having said these words, pass the edge of the coin three times along the wrist of your left hand. Movements must be made counterclockwise. Then hit yourself on the forehead with a coin three times. Wash your hands with soap and leave the charmed coin in your wallet for three days. Then spend it on personal pleasures - buy something that you previously denied yourself.

If you want to achieve financial well-being, be more attentive to your finances and the place in which they are stored. There are many conspiracies that allow you to charge your wallet so that it begins to attract money. Choose the one you like. Believe in what you are doing, then you won’t have to wait long for results.

How to activate your wealth wallet

After purchasing a wallet, you need to immediately go home, without talking to anyone along the way or bragging about your purchase. Arriving home, the new wallet must continue to be “charged” with wealth.

There are a number of proven methods to activate your wallet. There is no need to use them all; just select 2-3 suitable ones from the list below:

  • To start, you can add a drop of mint oil to the lining of your new wallet. It is believed that this will start the process of “connecting” the wallet to the cash flow. The same effect will be obtained if you fumigate your wallet with St. John's wort on a new moon.
  • Many esotericists consider the following ritual effective. You need to take a large bill, write with a pen the multiplication sign and the number 27 next to the denomination of the bill, and after the equal sign put an infinity sign. Next, this bill should be placed in a secret pocket of the wallet. After such manipulations, the funds in the wallet will never be transferred.
  • From the third to the seventh lunar day, you can place a small silver spoon inside your wallet. This will “connect” the wallet to the source of the “money” energy of the Moon.
  • Another good way to attract money is considered to be some small object or piece of red fabric sewn under the lining of a new wallet. Such an amulet will steadily attract rubles into your wallet.
  • From time immemorial, our ancestors “fed” new wallets by placing various plants in them: cinnamon, beans, horseradish root, heather, sage, rosemary. Even an ordinary crust of rye bread, placed in a secret pocket in a wallet, can charge it with wealth.
  • Finally, green (money) colored stones are considered powerful activators: garnet, malachite, emerald.

Some people may find that an antique gold, silver or copper coin placed in a wallet would be an effective way to increase their income. But this cannot be done.

Previously, such coins were often used in rituals to spoil the trade of competitors, and gold and silver are capable of storing old negatives for centuries. Therefore, such a coin placed in a new wallet can have the opposite effect, and the wallet will actively repel money.

What to do with an old wallet

Knowledgeable people claim that not only buying a new one, but also getting rid of an old wallet must take place in accordance with certain rules that have existed for centuries:

  • If the old “vault” of money has not only lost its original appearance, but has become so worn out that holes have appeared in it and corners have broken off, then you cannot keep it at home. Through the holes in such a wallet, even if it is not planned to be used to store money, finances will flow like a river from the home. Therefore, the advice here is simple: you need to burn the old wallet.
  • If the wallet has retained its integrity and is still dear to the owner, then it can be used as a kind of home trap for money. On the first day after the new moon, all bills and coins are removed from the old wallet, on the second, a ruble is placed in it, on the third day, two rubles, on the fourth, three, and so on. The ritual is carried out before the end of the lunar month. After this, you can be sure that there will be money in the house constantly. The main thing is to never take the trap wallet outside again; it should be stored inside the owner’s home.

Of course, people often get used to things, and many do not part with them for years. But if one day a person notices that his financial affairs have stalled or begun to deteriorate, then perhaps it’s time to change something.

Replacing your old wallet can be the first, and sometimes the only necessary, step to improve your financial situation. Sometimes it is enough to buy a new wallet, “charge” it correctly, following folk wisdom, and then the money will love its owner again.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. Read this amulet to help relieve lack of money. Read here

A wallet is a house for money. In order for money to flow, it is necessary to create comfortable “living conditions” for it, and this is done already when purchasing a wallet. There are simple rules for this, invented in ancient times.

The well-known wisdom that money loves counting also applies to spending planning . The more order there is in the distribution of funds for various needs, the sooner these needs will be satisfied. It is also worth knowing for sure the amount of funds you have.

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