Decorating your desktop: stylish and unobtrusive decor

A huge part of our life is occupied by work. Therefore, of course, work should bring satisfaction, it should be to your liking. And this depends not only on whether we like the work we are doing or not, but also on whether our workplace is organized correctly. This is what we'll talk about.

Properly organizing your workplace is important not only for those who work in offices, but also for those who work at home. Working on the sofa will quickly tire your back, and the habit of working in a dressing gown will certainly not contribute to the emergence of fresh, extraordinary ideas and work ethic.

Shelves hanging over the table, all sorts of furniture corners pointing directly at you and a door right behind you - it would be good to get rid of all this by redesigning your workspace. Let's make sure that our working hours are as productive as possible and bring joy and satisfaction.


In the house

The Chinese believe that there are no small things in life. According to experts, the location of your desktop matters a lot. It is best to sit so that your table is visible directly from the front door, but located as far away from it as possible. In other words, try to place your desk so that you can see the front door (but not directly in front of it). If this is not possible, place a mirror in your field of view that would reflect the entrance to the room or office.

You should not place the table on the same line between the door and the window opening - this will, as it were, “blow” all your plans, endeavors, new projects and profits out of the room

Also an important point: there should not be any open passages behind your back, otherwise you risk constantly experiencing a feeling of anxiety. In addition, it is better not to sit with your back to the window or door, so as not to provoke an outflow of energy and trouble.

If you are a budding businessman, then ideally your desk should be oriented towards the east. The north-west is a favorable direction for people with the makings of a leader, the south-east will attract the energies of creativity and creation, and the west will make your position reliable and stable. However, the southern direction should be avoided by everyone without exception - it introduces disharmony, adds tension and increases stress.

Try to ensure that there are no sharp corners pointing towards you in your workplace. Make sure that your workspace is not blocked by any large objects, and especially not that you should squeeze your desk into the space between cabinets. There should be no overhanging structures above your head a la the “sword of Damocles” - this is a sure sign of illness or injury. All telephone and computer cables must be carefully hidden behind special panels - Feng Shui explains this by saying that all visible tubes and wires mean an outflow of money.

The light next to the desktop should not be harsh or dim. It's good if the light flux is soft. This can be achieved with the help of general light, as well as a table lamp with an adjustable leg.

In the office

If you work in an office, then you do not always have the opportunity to choose your own workplace. But even in such a situation, you can take steps to rearrange it according to Feng Shui, for example, your desktop.

The table is an important element . Most of your working time is spent at your desk, so it should be in an optimal position. Unless you work alone, it is strongly discouraged to place desks face to face with co-workers. This provokes the “division” of territory and frequent conflicts. If the table is in a straight line between the windows and the entrance, be sure to try to change seats or turn the table itself around. If you are sitting facing a wall, decide how to position it differently, or you will block the path to new ideas, as well as the strength to implement them. Do not sit close to the window or with your back to it. The correct location of the window is on the side of the table. Do not position yourself too close to the door or with your back to it. It is better to position yourself diagonally.

Do you want to ensure yourself the support and understanding of your superiors? Position your desk so that you are facing your boss, even if he is sitting across the wall or on a different floor altogether. If you don’t want to lose your job, don’t sit in front of the opening mirrored or polished surfaces of cabinets and doors.

If your job involves money, you should avoid mirrors behind, in front and on the sides of your desk. If you still sit with your back to the window, and there is no way to change seats, you must definitely cover the window with blinds or curtains. You can’t sit under the air conditioner - it “blows” thoughts out of your head and dissipates energy, and from a health point of view it’s not healthy. Stairs near your desk and even within your sight should also be avoided. If the office door opens onto a long common corridor, do not sit facing it. In general, try to stay away from such corridors. It is important that there is no corridor behind you. This is especially true for managers.

Create a positive attitude. Place slogans, inspirational items and sayings within sight. For example, by placing a personal photo of yourself speaking at a prestigious conference in front of you, you will activate your luck in your career. Place an image of a rising staircase or road in the northern sector of your workspace - and brilliant career growth is guaranteed. Unfortunately, some company policies prohibit the use of personal desk items. No problem! You can simply put them in the top drawer of your desk. Every time you take out the things you need for work, you will see photos of loved ones or favorite trinkets. You can also decorate your desktop background with screensavers of distant landscapes or family photos.

Surround yourself with objects of pleasant colors. What should you do if the color scheme of your office does not suit you, and its furnishings do not make you feel comfortable? Use a complementary color in your workspace to counteract the overall tone of the office that doesn't match the style of work being done. For example, if personal work requires energy and the office is decorated in blue, add a few splashes of orange. You can put an orange rug under your arm or hang a picture in orange tones.

According to Feng Shui, there are five fundamental elements: fire, water, wood, metal and earth. Each element has its own color.

✅FIRE IS RED . This is the color for dynamic and successful people. However, too much of this element can lead to exhaustion and anger and you will always have a lot to do. ✅WATER - BLACK , DARK BLUE. The more symbols of this element in your work, the calmer, more creative and flexible you are. But be careful: too much water can turn you into a vulnerable and indecisive person. ✅TREE - GREEN AND BLUE . This is the color of unhurriedness, caution, but at the same time, confident steps towards victory. Too much green and blue can make you boring and bilious. ✅METAL - SILVER, GOLD, WHITE AND GRAY. Metal colors attract wealth and success, and in large quantities - greed and despondency. ✅EARTH - BROWN OF ALL SHADES, UP TO PALE BEIGE . This is the color of stability and confidence. However, its excess leads to stubbornness, self-criticism and weakness.

Personality There is office equipment that you use most often. Basically, spend most of the day at the computer. How dull your workplace would look if it didn’t carry the imprint of individuality! A favorite painting - as a background for the monitor, a desk calendar with joyful emoticons, a bouquet of flowers - all this sends a life-affirming message: “I am,” and, of course, inspires you to work.

Cleanliness in the workplace For some reason, people quickly get used to clutter.
Cleaning begins only when clients or big bosses are about to visit the office. You may not pay any attention to it, but dirt and clutter in the workplace negatively affect your work efficiency and accumulate bad energy. To ensure clarity in your affairs, clean your workplace after a working day and make sure that there is no dust on table surfaces and other places.


ship to office
The reception area of ​​your office should not be cluttered with various things (boxes, old newspapers, etc.) It should be well lit, even at night, this will increase the supply of Yang energy favorable for the office.

For the illusion of more space, use mirrors. Only the front door should not be reflected in the mirror, otherwise luck will escape from the office to the outside.

If there is a secretary in the reception area, he should not sit facing the front door. It is also recommended to install a partition that prevents the main part of the office from being visible from the front.

A model of a ship or sailing ship placed in the reception area will bring wealth to the office. Only he should swim into the room, and not swim out of it (it’s even better to choose a favorable direction according to the gua number of the company manager).

It is better to fill the hold of such a ship with treasures (coins, gold bars, money, precious stones, expensive jewelry), this promises good luck.


As already mentioned, the first and most basic rule is that your personal desktop should always be in order. No rubble, no dumps of unnecessary papers, old magazines, newspapers and other rubbish. Cleanliness and order are the cornerstones of success, according to the laws of Feng Shui. This, however, also applies to the office or office as a whole.

Now more about the zones. Here's what the experts advise.

  • The career field is right in front of you. It should be empty, providing convenience for working at your desk and symbolizing the endless possibilities for your career growth.
  • The creative area is on your right hand. Place a folder there with things that have already been completed. Under no circumstances should you put unfinished projects or letters here that are long overdue for an answer. Give preference to photographs of children and favorite images that symbolize the creative process (for example, lyres)
  • The health area is on your left. There should be a folder with unfinished tasks or projects that you are currently working on or about to start. The materials and documents you use most often should be placed within reach—say, from your chair. This way you can save a lot of time, energy and effort without running to cabinets and distant shelves for them. If it is not possible to ensure this condition, then at the beginning of each working day, assessing the upcoming tasks, you should lay out the necessary materials on the table or nearby. A figurine of a crane, a bamboo shoot or a wooden bowl with nuts will protect you from health problems.
  • The middle of the table is its spiritual and physical center, the focus of beneficial Qi energy, and should also be free. This can be easily achieved by moving the keyboard away from the monitor or moving the laptop towards you. An uncluttered center of the table will provide you not only with ease of work, but also with a free flow of beneficial energy. Keep a crystal crystal next to your keyboard, and the positive charge will not pass you by.

And further

  • In the wealth zone, you can place a living plant or its imitation.
  • Earth symbols - pebbles or shells - are placed in the health zone.
  • There should be metal objects in the creative area.

Flowers in the manager's office

Croton. If the leader is hot-tempered, this plant will help. Improves charisma, improves health, and increases stamina. Croton will inspire and improve character in terms of determination.

Cyclamen will promote self-organization and add positivity, eliminating the feeling of loneliness. Dieffenbachia will help those who rarely get out from behind the desk.

Read more about Feng Shui plants>>

"Tabletop" accessories

Try to quickly find the document you need in the pile of papers randomly piled on the table. And at the same time, be so clever as not to get your finger caught in the cup of soot-like slurry that was once coffee, and the bouquet of daisies that Vasya presented from the neighboring department last week. Hop, you didn't succeed!

It’s not for nothing that business etiquette is against...

  • leave paper piles on the table. Digging through mountains of papers will take up a lot of your time and nerves and, as a result, will make your life simply unbearable. Clean up your desk. Place documents that do not require an urgent decision in places specially designated for them - in folders or drawers of bedside tables;

  • ... to grow flower beds on the table, and especially to keep flowers that are not the freshest. There can be one bouquet, and then a small one, and its place is on the bedside table near the table or on the shelf. However, plants, both artificial and natural products, can be grown on a windowsill, floor, wall or shelf. As soon as a worker, tired from overwork, fixes his gaze on the velvet greenery, he feels a surge of fresh strength and good mood;
  • ..."open" a cosmetic store. Powder, lipstick, mascara should be in a cosmetic bag, a cosmetic bag in a purse, a purse in a closet;
  • ...keep cups, spoons and plates on the table, otherwise you will have a reputation as a slob. The best office utensils are “invisible” utensils that hide somewhere in the depths of the nightstand.

Get rid of old unnecessary things This is simply necessary in order to make the workplace comfortable. And it is important not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also psychology and health. Throw away any accessories that you never use and have accumulated dust over the years. Transfer folders and documents that have been unclaimed for a long time to the archive. Then you will not only free up space, but also gain the mental clarity and wisdom you need to succeed in your career. In order for something new to appear in life, it needs to make room.

What should be on the table? In the background there is a table lamp, a clock, a monitor (send the system unit under the table!). On the front there is a keyboard, a mouse with a pad, a telephone and office supplies. This organization of space is called “everything at hand” and allows you to receive and process maximum information while making a minimum of body movements.


  • This text does not contain a single reference to SNiPs and GOSTs, so it can hardly serve as a guide for setting up an office that will have to report on issues related to labor protection.
  • As far as the human body is concerned, two fundamentally different situations should be distinguished: a healthy person and an unhealthy one. In the first case, even bold experiments are possible; in the second, it is better to start any changes in planting with a consultation with your doctor. In this article we are talking only about the first situation.
  • There is no single right solution. Many aspects are individual, depending on predispositions, previous injuries and the structure of a particular organism. But it is important to understand where personal preference ends and the reason for an objective diagnosis begins.
  • Often, through the arrangement of the workplace, other remote issues are simultaneously resolved, for example, introducing sports into life. But we will only talk about the workplace in isolation from other problems; Read about other difficulties in other articles on our blog.

Finance zone

The south-eastern part of the office is a zone that attracts money. Therefore, this part of the office should not be empty. You can activate it using a home aquarium or a decorative fountain.

The main thing is that these items are life-giving sources of the necessary energy. There may be a fireplace in this place. One of the talismans can stand on the mantelpiece - for example, a toad that sits on money.

The office finance area must be kept clean at all times.

Projecting corners

Beware of protruding corners as they are considered unfavorable. They can be compared to sharp knives or index fingers pointed threateningly at a person. There are several ways to dissipate the harmful energy emitted by such “poison arrows”, these are twining plants (if they wither or die, they will need to be replaced), you can also line the corner with a mirror or hang a crystal ball to smooth the edge of the protruding corner.

Love zone

The office should also have a love zone. In the lives of many women, personal life and career occupy equal positions. Therefore, when a representative of the fairer sex arranges her office, she should also remember about the love zone. The energy around the desk should be organized in such a way that it has a positive impact on a woman’s personal life.

The love zone should be located in the northwestern part of the room. In this place there may be joint photographs of spouses or lovers, the main thing is that these photographs are new. This sector can only be decorated with paired items. You can use two bowls - one will contain water and rose petals, and the other will contain stones.

Office lighting

The front part should always be well lit - this is a good Feng Shui for the office.

Table lamps located behind are extremely unfavorable and lead to treachery and betrayal.

The overhead light should also illuminate the front of the desktop.

In a poorly lit office, subordinates become apathetic and their productivity decreases.

Feng Shui symbols and objects

In the practice of Feng Shui, various talismans are used to attract good luck. Choosing “your” souvenir is a purely personal matter; no clear recommendations can be given as to which particular talisman will be most effective.

In Feng Shui, the figurine of the Indian elephant god Ganesha symbolizes an advisor and ally who helps to successfully run a business and increase income. The best place for Ganesha on the desktop is the area of ​​relationships, the best material is bronze.

Another popular Feng Shui talisman is a three-toed toad with a coin in its mouth, a symbol of monetary well-being. It is better to place it in the upper left corner of the table - in the area of ​​​​wealth.

Chinese coins, which are also often used as a talisman in Feng Shui, are a universal symbol of the unity of the energies of yin and yang, as well as all the elements. They help to harmonize life in all its manifestations. Most often, coins are connected with a red cord, usually in the amount of three pieces.

The pyramid is used as a powerful talisman not only in Feng Shui. True, only a pyramid whose edges are related according to the “golden ratio” principle can be effective. This figurine is a kind of energy accumulator and can increase performance.

As you can see, Feng Shui is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. And certainly no more difficult than mastering Chinese literacy. Start by following the simplest and most general recommendations, and you will see how your life will transform. You don’t have to believe in it to change the interior of your workplace or home. He will act anyway. And then - who knows, maybe you will become another guru in the field of Feng Shui? based on materials from,

Good luck and prosperity to you!

Interesting on the topic:

Feng Shui: Bowl of Wealth and Abundance

Handle your wallet correctly and prosperity is guaranteed

Preparatory stage

What you need to do before you start arranging the space according to the canons of Feng Shui:

  1. Redecorating. Be sure to replace stale wallpaper and repair all damage. Make sure that the walls and floor are perfectly level and that the electrical wiring is working properly.
  2. General cleaning. The room should be perfectly clean. It is especially important to thoroughly clean the windows and doors—through them, positive energy enters the space and fills the office.
  3. Cleansing on a subtle level. Walk around the office with a lit wax candle to destroy any remaining negative energy. You can also light incense for a short time, read prayers or chant mantras - their sounds cleanse the space and increase energetic vibrations.

And only after the preparatory manipulations can you begin to activate the energy of the space, design and decor of the interior.

Do I need a second monitor?

Here, too, it all depends on what exactly you are doing. Most often, having two monitors is convenient for those who work a lot with data - for example, bringing together data from several sources.

For example, an accountant might use two monitors like this:

  • on one, open the source database in the accounting system, on the second - analytical and verification tables in Excel;
  • primary on one monitor, accounting system, for example an OS card with all tabs, on the second;
  • accounting program - on one, mail, news, internal CRM, chat for communicating with the client - on the second.

Even if your manager now refuses to buy you a second monitor, insist and convince: water wears away stones.

Using a computer

Nowadays, almost all types of human activity are in one way or another connected with the long-term use of computer technology. Following simple recommendations when working with a computer will help you increase productivity, provide a higher level of comfort and protect against fatigue and harmful health effects:

  • It is recommended that the top edge of the monitor screen be level with the user's eyes. However, some computer experts point out that this height is the maximum allowed level, and insist that for some categories of users this level should be a little lower, emphasizing that this position is much more comfortable for the eyes and neck.
  • Take a comfortable position, paying special attention to the position of your neck, spine, elbows, hands, hips and feet.
  • Try not to stay in the same position for long periods of time.
  • Keep your forearms, hands and arms in line and do not rest on sharp edges. Don't hit the keys too hard.
  • The keyboard should be at the same angle as your forearms.
  • Take frequent breaks. Experts recommend taking a break of five to ten minutes every hour.
  • Every ten to fifteen minutes of working on the computer, give your eyes a rest by closing them for a moment. Then, after opening them, try to look at distant objects and blink more often.
  • Install the monitor so that light is not reflected from it. For overhead lighting, use blinds and light diffusers.
  • Reading paper documents requires stronger lighting than reading from a monitor screen. If you work on a computer and with paper documents at the same time, use a desk lamp that can be used to adjust the lighting so that the additional light you need to read paper documents does not fall on the monitor screen.
  • A special stand for paper documents will make it easier for you to work on your computer and with paper documents at the same time.
  • Adjust the contrast and brightness of your monitor to a level that is comfortable for you.
  • Clean your monitor screen and other computer surfaces regularly.

How to deal with piles of documents

  • Label four empty folders or boxes for storing documents as follows: “accept for processing”, “start sending”, “read”, “send for storage” (or come up with your own options that are more convenient for you). Stock up on enough plastic bags for the most important category that needs to be recycled.
  • Get ready for the fact that you will have to throw most of your documents into the trash. Whatever their significance at the time they came to you, most likely they are already obsolete. Don't repeat previous mistakes, act decisively. Here you should be guided by the following principle: if there is any doubt about the value of a document, feel free to throw it in the trash.
  • Don't waste time reading every document. At this stage, your only task is to determine whether it is needed at all, and if so, then it should be sent to the trash or folder accordingly.
  • Do not take any other action while sorting documents, otherwise you may get stuck in this mass. Be sure to make notes on documents to make your future work easier, but do not spend too much time on this, since your main task at this stage is to sort all the documents into categories.
  • Magazines and other periodicals should be scanned quickly, tearing out pages that are of interest to you. Feel free to throw any leftovers into the trash bin. You should not read the torn notes at this stage.
  • Once you've sorted through all the bales, take a look at your baskets. Plan time to work on documents.

If everything is done correctly, the completed work will bring you deep satisfaction.

How to maintain order?

The answer to this question has everything to do with developing positive work habits:

  • If you have doubts about the value of a document, feel free to throw it in the trash.
  • Don't use your desk as a place to store documents - use special folders for this purpose.
  • Always check that you have the necessary equipment. All tools and accessories that you use regularly should be at hand.
  • Do not move piles of documents from your desk to other areas of the office.
  • Try to process and file documents daily. If you remove documents from a file cabinet, make it a point to return them to their place as soon as possible.

Do you need water?

“Recharging our batteries” in a timely manner is our personal responsibility to ourselves. These are simple things that you just need to remember, no matter how many things pile up. This includes breakfast so that you have enough energy until lunch. Lunch - so that the batteries last until the end of the day. For some, a snack is important. And, of course, water.

Making tea is an ideal option, but there is not always an opportunity to get distracted. So it’s better if the drink is always at hand - in a bottle, thermos or favorite mug.

Which chair is more comfortable?

In an uncomfortable chair, we overexert ourselves, get tired quickly, and if things get really bad, we suffer from back and neck pain. So if you can order a chair of your choice, take advantage of this opportunity.

But I don’t have a ready-made recipe for what kind of chair would be ideal. What is touted as super ergonomic options most often does not suit me. But there is another way: try, and not only in stores. If you see a nice chair at a colleague’s place, offer to swap chairs for a couple of days. Yes, at least for a couple of hours! If there is something wrong with the chair, you will quickly understand it. And don’t waste your money or your company’s.

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