The meaning of the name Elena for a girl: characteristics, character and fate


The name Elena is of Greek origin and means “bright”, “sunny”. It is believed to be derived from Helios, the name of the mythological sun god in Ancient Greece. The ancient Greek heroine Helen of Troy (Sparta), who caused the outbreak of the Trojan War, was described in the epic of Homer. In Rus' it began to be used after Princess Olga was baptized under the name Elena. Moreover, both representatives of the nobility and commoners named their children with it. The meaning of the name Elena for a girl from an early age was associated with the bright images of fairy-tale heroines Elena the Beautiful and Elena the Wise.

Despite its ancient origin, this female name is still very popular and occurs quite often. Moreover, girls are given this name not only in Russia and the post-Soviet space, but also in European countries and non-CIS countries. For parents, it is important not only the origin and meaning of the name Elena for a girl, but also the presence of many diminutive forms. A loving mother and father can call their daughter Lenochka, Lenusya, Alyonushka, Elenushka, Alenka. Modern English analogues are Helena, Ellen.

The meaning of the name Elena in Orthodoxy

One of the most revered Orthodox holy women with the name Helen can rightfully be considered Equal to the Apostles Queen Helen of Constantinople (venerated on March 19 and June 3). She converted to Christianity under the influence of her son Constantine. Having gone to Jerusalem in 326, the queen set herself the goal of finding Golgotha, the site of the Savior’s crucifixion. At the prompting of an elder she met, she ordered excavations under a pagan temple, which was built on the site where Jesus Christ was crucified. As a result, three crosses were found, one of which was the Cross of the Savior. By the decision of St. Helena, the construction of an unusually beautiful and majestic temple began on this site. Almost ten years later, on September 13 (September 26, new style) 335, its construction was completed. The next day, the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord was brought into the temple with great honors. Since then, on September 27, according to the new style, the Orthodox Church has celebrated the Feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

If we talk about the church meaning of the name Elena, then we can name several more Orthodox wives with the name Elena:

  • Martyr Elena (Chernova) - veneration on February 8 and September 17;
  • Venerable Elena Diveevskaya (Manturova) – veneration on June 10;
  • Venerable Queen Helena of Serbia - November 12 and others.

Beautiful legend

There are hardly any experts in ancient history who have never heard of the woman who gave birth to the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great; she also bore the name Helen. Supporting her famous son, who advocated the spread of Christianity in his lands, she also converted to this faith.

Legend has it that Helen of Constantinople had a dream in which an angel told her to reveal to the whole world divine places where relics related to Jesus were hidden. The dream prompted the woman to travel to Palestine, where she discovered the Holy Sepulcher and Cross. Also, Constantine’s mother became famous as the founder of a huge number of churches, the patroness of the disadvantaged and sick. Thanks to her, many unjustly convicted people gained freedom.

What does the name Elena mean for a girl?

The little bearer of this name loves everything beautiful, imagining herself as a fairy-tale princess. The baby likes to be pampered. Helen is pleased when her parents approve of her actions. A girl usually has a strong friendship with one friend. The origin and meaning of the name Elena for a girl are important in that they endow her with qualities characteristic of its great owners. Lenochka is a kind, sympathetic and trusting child, but she will never forgive deception towards herself.

Possessing an excellent memory, schoolgirl Elena finds her studies easy, without much effort. At school she strives for leadership and loves to be paid attention to. Lena has her favorite items that she prefers. He loves music and enjoys attending music school. She strives to be the first in sports. He loves handicrafts and can achieve significant success in knitting. She pays a lot of attention to her wardrobe.

The meaning of the name Elena for a girl is reflected in her emotionality, excessive activity, and mobility. But she is also characterized by such qualities as capriciousness and inconstancy. Despite her controversial character, the girl named Lena has many friends. Loves cheerful companies. Responsibly approaches the choice of future profession.

Astrological characteristics

The fate and character of the owner of the name largely depend on belonging to one or another zodiac sign.

An astrological characteristic will help to create a more detailed psychological portrait and identify Elena’s strengths and weaknesses.


Elena-Aries is a powerful, ambitious girl who cannot and does not want to hide her thoughts and emotions from others. If she is happy, she will infect those around her with her positive energy, if she is sad, she will spoil the mood of everyone who meets on her way.

Due to her authoritarian character, it is difficult for a girl to build a harmonious relationship with her chosen one. Her husband usually becomes a typical henpecked man.


Elena-Taurus is a born speaker. Being an expert in human psychology, he knows how to manipulate people and often uses them to his advantage. Likes to brag and exaggerate his merits. Decisive in words, but not in actions, she tries to shift her own problems onto the shoulders of others.

A woman enjoys increased attention from the opposite sex, but remains faithful to one man.


Elena-Gemini is a cheerful, open girl who is optimistic about the future and hates boredom and routine. He perceives life as a holiday, easily overcomes any adversity, and does not focus on problems. Sometimes she seems too careless and somewhat frivolous.

She loves male attention and masters the art of flirting. She approaches the choice of her future husband responsibly and seriously.


Elena-Cancer is a dual and impulsive nature. She is talented, generates a huge number of ideas, but often does not implement her plans. Prefers to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of others, counts on other people's help and support instead of acting independently.

Tends to exaggerate personal merits. Accepts failures and defeats painfully. She is suspicious in love, torments her husband with jealousy, and demands constant attention.

a lion

Elena-Leo is a proud, vain, ambitious and self-centered person who sincerely believes that the world should revolve around her. Dreams of fame and fame, demands recognition of his merits. He behaves arrogantly with others, communicates somewhat condescendingly, which alienates people from himself.

Relationships with the opposite sex are not easy, since not every man is ready to indulge all the whims of a representative of the fire element.


Elena-Virgo is a demanding, principled and serious woman. Values ​​constancy and stability, does not like change. When making decisions, he is guided by reason and never gives vent to his feelings.

Due to emotional coldness, it is difficult for a representative of the earth element to establish relationships with the opposite sex. What suits a girl best is a man with a cheerful disposition who will teach her to approach life more simply.


Elena-Libra is an energetic and active girl who strives to keep abreast of all events. She is curious, loves to find out other people's secrets, but because of her talkativeness, these secrets become public knowledge.

The representative of the air element has developed oratorical abilities and prefers to talk rather than listen. She values ​​her independence, so she will not tolerate a chosen one next to her who will limit her freedom.


This is an incredibly impressionable and vulnerable girl who lives by feelings and emotions. She is talented, spiritual, and can realize herself in any creative profession. The implementation of her plans is hampered by the hot temper of the owner of the name: when making decisions, she is guided not by common sense, but by a momentary impulse, which is why she often makes mistakes.

In love she is capable of deep feelings, but sometimes she torments her chosen one with nagging and unfounded insults.


Elena-Sagittarius is an extraordinary personality, a real generator of ideas. She knows how to think through an action plan to realize her plans, but she rarely starts implementing it herself. A representative of the fire element will make a successful boss, but a bad subordinate.

In love, Lena-Sagittarius is fickle, is in search of new sensations, and does not want to tie the knot. Her novels are numerous, but short-lived.


Elena-Capricorn is a serious, pragmatic and sensible woman who loves order in everything. She despises frivolous people and never makes decisions spontaneously. Every step and action of a woman is thought out to the smallest detail, so she rarely makes mistakes.

He treats men with suspicion, shows restraint and coldness. Due to the inability to liberate herself, it is difficult for the owner of the name to arrange her personal life.


Elena-Aquarius is an ardent individualist, a freedom-loving and independent girl who will not tolerate intrusion into her personal space. Stubborn, willful, but without conflict: in case of disagreement with the opinion of the interlocutor, she will tactfully remain silent rather than enter into a discussion.

Thanks to her femininity and grace, she is popular with the opposite sex. The future husband of Elena-Aquarius should be her like-minded person.

Winter and spring Helena

The meaning of the name Elena for a girl and her future fate may depend on the time of year in which she was born.

  • If a girl was born in winter, she is an active person, demanding of others. This Lena is distinguished by an analytical mind. In her constant desire to develop, Elena makes many plans, which, as a rule, she brings to fruition. He is a born leader, manipulates people, subjugates them to himself. Leads an active lifestyle.
  • Born in the spring, Lena clearly demonstrates her quality of self-interest. The meaning of the name Elena for a girl at this time of year is expressed in her desire to rule, to seek her own benefit in everything. It is important for her to feel like a winner in any situation. If her personal interests are affected, she can easily betray her. Pays special attention to material values. She loves to dress beautifully and jealously ensures that her outfits are better than those of her friends.

Summer and autumn Helena

Summer and autumn also endow the bearers of this name with certain character traits.

  • The meaning of the name Elena for a girl born in summer makes its owner ambitious and envious. As a rule, this is a strong personality who strives to rise above others by any means. To achieve her goal, Lena sometimes neglects such concepts as kindness and decency. Because of her love of intrigue, she may lose friends. But fleeting romances may well replace her relationships with friends.
  • If the child was named Elena, what does this name mean for a girl whose birth time is autumn? She is distinguished by foresight, foresight and prudence. The owner of the name has a complex character, the girl is painfully worried if she loses to someone. He is demanding of young people. To create a family, autumn Elena prefers honest and unselfish men. She likes to be looked at with adoration.

Youth years

It is curious that the name Elena makes its owner look like her dad. Similarities can manifest themselves in appearance and character traits. It would be great if, even as a child, Lena learns to take control of her emotions, otherwise, in her teenage years, excessive emotionality can cause many problems for her and those around her. People who don’t know the girl well may think that she is overly shy and not inclined to communicate. However, close friends love her for her cheerfulness, optimism, and rich imagination.

If in childhood Lena can rarely boast of an abundance of friends, then in her teenage years the situation changes, the girl begins to strive for communication. Also, her ability to flirt is finally making itself felt, which allows her to get many admirers. Thanks to this, Elena finds peace of mind, becoming the “princess” she dreamed of being from early childhood.

Number of the name Elena

What the name Elena means and its meaning depends to a certain extent on numerology. The bearer of this name corresponds to the number five. Fives are independent, distinguished by their conviction in the correctness of their actions and judgments. Many people are attracted to Elena precisely by this trait. Most fans completely trust the A's, listen to their opinions, and respect them. Although some people are disgusted by their excessive self-confidence and arrogance.

The number five helps people become successful. Such a woman will not sit still. In her desire to move forward, thanks to her perseverance, she will definitely achieve what she wants.

Fives love to travel, get new emotions and impressions. A measured routine life seems boring to them. Therefore, they prefer work that involves business trips and business trips. The number five gives some of its charges the ability to learn foreign languages, which allows them to collaborate with foreign partners. Fives not only follow various new products, but they themselves are able to surprise others with innovative ideas. True, the desire for constant self-improvement pushes their usual life into the background.

As for the main characteristics, people with the number five are capricious and impulsive. They have a critical attitude towards the judgments of others; they themselves act out of considerations of their own egoism.

Growing up

It’s also interesting what Elena becomes as an adult. The secret of the name says that its owner does not attach much importance to everyday life. She is rarely picky when it comes to food, is distinguished by a peculiar desire for asceticism, and often succumbs to bouts of laziness. The kitchen is far from Lena’s favorite place; she perceives housework as a heavy duty.

Friendships for the matured Elena mean much less than in her youth; she can turn into a real homebody, rarely leaving her home. Women who have received this name are reluctant to open their inner world to people and are tense about attempts at excessive closeness from others.

The meaning of the name Elena, compatibility with male names

Now, perhaps, every woman is interested in what name a representative of the stronger sex should have, with whom she can create a happy and prosperous family. There are a number of male names with which Elena will have a successful union. And there are those with whom it is better not to start a relationship.

  • Alexander, Dmitry or Vladimir can make an excellent match for Elena.
  • With Maxim, Yuri, Taras or Fedor, the marriage of the owner of this name will be strong and successful.
  • But relationships with men named Evgeniy, Arthur or Vasily may not work out.

Almost any patronymic goes with this euphonious name. Some of the most favorable ones can be considered Ilyinichna, Iosifovna, Aleksandrovna.

The name Elena, the meaning and origin of the name, characteristics, make it possible to analyze the qualities inherent in the bearer of this name in family life. In marriage, Elena is a caring wife and mother, a good housewife, a real homemaker. Having tied the knot, Lena is a faithful and devoted wife. She demands the same loyalty from her husband. She may be jealous, but she will never show herself outwardly.

As for material well-being, Elena believes that a man should be a breadwinner. Although she herself works no less. Housekeeping is conducted economically, but in moderation. He tries to ensure that the family has everything they need. She really appreciates it when her husband also takes part in household chores.

In her free time, Elena enjoys doing needlework, knitting for herself and all family members, and growing flowers. Delicious food prepared with love is always waiting for your husband and children. Such a hostess greets guests cordially and is always ready to surprise with original home-cooked dishes.

Lena raises her small children herself. She can only use her husband’s help when preparing dinner or cleaning. When the children grow up, she pays tribute to the attention that her husband pays to them. Elena loves to give nice gifts to her family members. Appreciates the kind attitude of household members towards him.

Career and business

We learned about the origin of the name Elena, what this name means for a girl. Now we’ll find out how it affects the career of its bearer. Elena’s ability to communicate with people and captivate them with her ideas often leads them to creative professions. Women named Lena are attracted to the beauty industry; they often choose modeling for their activities.

Elena can also show her creative nature in teaching children about beauty. For example, she can teach at a music school or an art school. Often those with the name Elena become singers or actresses.

But sometimes Lena prefers to create her own business, for example, in the field of trade. As a rule, this type of activity turns out to be quite successful for them. Elena treats the money she earns thriftily, but boldly invests the necessary amount in the development of the business she has started. Doing business gives her the opportunity not only to show her innate ingenuity and enterprise, but also frees her from the need to follow a strict daily routine. Elena works exactly as long as necessary to achieve her goal. Relations with business partners are smooth and businesslike.


The name Elena gives its owner a certain predisposition to flirt. This does not mean that the husband should be afraid of her infidelity; such cases are extremely rare. Intimacy with a regular partner eventually turns into a routine activity for Lena; she rarely makes attempts to add variety to her sex life, absolutely not needing it.

The chosen one of a girl with that name is categorically not recommended to flirt with other representatives of the fair sex in front of her eyes. Elena, allowing herself to flirt lightly, will not tolerate such behavior from her boyfriend or husband; she may feel insulted and inflamed with a thirst for revenge.

Name horoscope

The characteristics of the name Elena, fate and meaning, are influenced by various symbols.

  • The zodiac sign favorable for Elena is Gemini.
  • Patronizing planet - Mercury.
  • The patronizing element is water.
  • Colors – gray and blue.
  • Protective tree - ash.
  • Treasured flower - aster, orchid.
  • The totem animal is a deer.
  • Natural talisman stone – chalcedony, jade.
  • The color that brings good luck is yellow.
  • Happy day is Wednesday.
  • The number according to numerology is 5.

Famous women who glorified the name Elena in history

You can name many wonderful women who bear this name, who wrote it in golden letters into history.

  • Elena Obraztsova, Soviet Russian opera singer with a magnificent mezzo-soprano, People's Artist of the USSR. She was also involved in teaching activities. Awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Elena Gnesina, a famous teacher and talented musician. Author of the collection “Piano ABC”.
  • Elena Bonner, wife of Academician Sakharov. She showed herself as a public and political figure.
  • Elena Vodorezova, Soviet figure skater, five-time USSR champion in singles skating. She became the first among Soviet single skaters to win the European Championship. Now he is engaged in coaching.
  • Helena Roerich - writer, religious philosopher, public figure. Her diaries served as the basis for the publication of a series of books about the religious and philosophical teachings of “Living Ethics”. Wife of the great artist Nicholas Roerich.
  • Elena Blaginina is a Russian Soviet children's poet and translator. She was the editor of everyone’s favorite children’s magazine “Murzilka”.
  • Elena Vyalbe is a Soviet and Russian skier, president of the Russian Ski Federation.
  • Elena Petushkova is an Olympic champion in equestrianism, Honored Master of Sports.
  • Elena Isimbaeva is a Russian athlete, two-time Olympic champion in women's pole vaulting.
  • Elena Proklova is a magnificent actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Familiar to all of us from the films “They’re calling, open the door”, “The Snow Queen”, “Mimino”, “The One and Only”, “Be My Husband”.
  • Alena Khmelnitskaya is a Soviet and Russian actress, well known for her striking roles in the films “Hearts of Three”, “Turkish March”, “Ondine”, “Who else but me”.
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