How to arrange your desk for a successful career according to Feng Shui

We need all the items in our house for something. Well, for example, we sleep on the bed, cook on the stove, eat at the dining table, and work at the desk.

As you know, we work in order to achieve a certain result in life, be it financial well-being or creative fulfillment - it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that this requires confidence and good concentration. Properly organized feng shui desktop will help you with this.

Feng Shui desktop

Desk placement according to Feng Shui

Perhaps the first thing to start with is the location of your desktop according to Feng Shui. Of course, if you have the opportunity to choose where to put it yourself. This situation may be if you want to place a desktop in your office at home or in the office. Or if you are an employee, but you still have the opportunity to choose the location of the desk in the office.

The best table position:

Sit with your back to the wall. This rule is dictated by the very physiology of our body. We don’t have eyes on our backs, so we can’t control what’s happening behind us. Therefore, when we sit with our backs to the wall, we are completely calm, relaxed, and well concentrated. We don't waste extra energy trying to control what's happening behind us. This automatically gives strength and energy to work.

There should be an open space in front of the person sitting in front and ideally they should be able to see the door. This rule is also based on our physiology, since it is comfortable for the eyes when there is space, it stimulates imagination, and allows thoughts to move calmly. Gives us a flight of thought so we can see many solutions and easily find the right one.

When the above two rules are met, this desk position is called the “boss position” in Feng Shui. It makes a person strong, confident, gives him the opportunity to think relaxed and find the right solution. This makes the work process or study very comfortable.

Finding zones

To independently delimit the feng shui zones in your home in the correct order, you should acquire a compass, an apartment plan and an octagonal Ba-Gua grid.

First of all, using a compass, determine the place in the house where the north is. This is the starting point. Having marked the north on the plan, they combine it with the Ba-Gua trigram, which is responsible for the career; by laying out the grid on the plan, it becomes clear where a specific zone is located in the house.

However, due to modern non-standard layouts, the apartment plan does not always fit into the Ba Gua grid. Often, some areas simply fall out. It is possible to harmonize missing areas by strengthening them in the largest room - the living room. To do this, the room is divided into sectors using the same method so that the dropped zones are included in the Ba-Gua grid.

After delimiting the space into zones, you can begin to activate each individual sphere.

How to fix an incorrect table position

How to correct the incorrect position of the table
If your table stands sideways to some wall, then it is better to have the wall on the left. Since a person’s heart is located on the left, and subconsciously we want to protect the left side of the body to a greater extent.

Remove all objects that threaten the door to your office, or fence yourself off from them with a screen, indoor plant, etc.

If it is not possible to place your desk so that there is a wall behind you, purchase a chair with a high, massive back. Although this is not 100%, it will still help you gain confidence and peace of mind in your work.

If you are still sitting facing the wall, and there is no way to rearrange the table, hang a picture on the wall with some pleasant image that inspires you or helps you mentally relax and get some rest. This could be a painting / photo wallpaper / poster depicting nature, a beautiful landscape, sea motifs, etc. Aggressive or “angular” images are not allowed.

Desktop shape

Table shape
Any fancy shapes for a desktop according to Feng Shui are not needed, unless the table serves as an object of some kind of decor. If it is really important to you what kind of Qi energy you receive while sitting at your desk, then it is important to pay attention to what it will be like:

1) A rectangular table (but not square), which symbolizes “reliability and stability” in Feng Shui. This is an important point so that the desktop has all 4 points - support. Only then will you have a systematic result. What is meant here is not exactly the presence of four legs, but rather that all 4 corners are open. The corners should not be cluttered with any add-ons, cabinets, cabinets that cover, that is, block the energy of this support point. Moreover, according to Feng Shui, it is permissible for a rectangular table to have corners not only at right angles, but also slightly rounded.

Who benefits from a rectangular table shape? Those people who have their own business, those people who spend a long time and painstakingly calculating, calculating, and spend a lot of time at their desks.

2) The table is oval (but not round). Suitable for you: if you work as a freelancer, if you have a fast-moving, risky business, that is, associated with some kind of activity. This could be transportation, transport, rapid exchange of information. It will really be useful for you to use an oval-shaped desktop. Well, plus to everything, the oval in Feng Shui is associated with the element of metal. Metal can rightly be classified as money.

It is also possible to use some other shapes of ovals. For example, not the classic oval shape, but a little with a recess for sitting.

Why not round or square?

Why did you and I immediately abandon the square and round table, although from the point of view of Feng Shui these are figures of the correct shape? The answer is simple - because it is very important that there is as much space as possible on the right and left sides, because As a rule, these places usually contain various writing utensils, documents, and so on necessary for work. This way they will not be in front of you or in front of the laptop, that is, mostly on the sides. And as you understand, a square and a circle will not be able to give you this space for ease of work.

General recommendations

Regardless of the purpose and the room in which you plan to hang the picture, you must choose an object of art, guided by the following rules.

  • First of all, you need to focus on your own emotions that arise when looking at the image. The painting should convey lightness and positivity, when looking at it you should feel peace, happiness and serenity, then the energy of the decor will help make life like this. Even if the subject of the painting quite appeals to you, but its donor is unpleasant, it is better to refuse such an element of the interior;
  • You should not give preference to overly aggressive plots. Battle scenes, natural disasters and similar unpleasant images can change the energy of the house irrevocably. Feng Shui prescribes to avoid such paintings. These also include scenes featuring predatory animals and birds in aggressive poses;
  • You should not add portraits of deceased people, relatives, celebrities and others to the interior of your apartment. Regardless of your attitude towards them and their life path, the images will fill the room with negative energy;
  • Decorating your home with paintings with an abstract plot should be done with caution; they carry neither positive nor negative energy, they are neutral. But in some cases they can upset the delicate balance. Feng Shui prescribes to abandon images of incomprehensible symbols; the most beautiful hieroglyph or rune can contain a negative message that can affect the spirit of the home and family;
  • You should be wary of paintings that depict destroyed buildings, broken dishes, and elderly people. According to Feng Shui, such paintings carry the energy of destruction;
  • bulky frames with complex carvings interfere with the free circulation of energy. It is better to choose a light, seemingly weightless, frame for your favorite picture;
  • You shouldn’t hang several paintings in one room, their energy can mix, and then you won’t be able to achieve the desired effect.

So, a canvas that fully corresponds to the worldview has been selected, all that remains is to decide where to hang it. Namely, in which room and on which wall. The correct solution will be prompted by the teachings of Feng Shui.

Desk size

Table size for work
As for the size, here you need to stick to a medium and large table area. The larger your desk, the more things you have to do, the more weight you have in business, the more authority you have, the more powerful your reputation, and so on. That is, this is such a solid, powerful symbol of business that is located in your home or office and creates a certain energy for you. That’s why it’s so important to give your workspace your full attention.

In short, the larger your table, the greater your luck. A good Feng Shui desk should be large, authoritative, and weighty. And it must be clean.

Feng Shui desktop for career (zones)

There are 2 options here:

1) Use real compass directions, that is, calculate which compass direction, relative to the center of the table, is in front of you. Determine where the remaining zones are and activate them.

2) Overlaying the classic Bagua grid on the desktop. But we should not forget that in all Chinese schemes, traditionally the South is on top and the North is below.

Since the second option is used most often, we will analyze in more detail how to correctly activate each zone of the desktop according to the overlay of the classic Bagua grid on it.

Defining zones

The wealth zone is located on your desktop at the top in the far corner - this is the Southeast.

Here you can set symbols related to money or monetary growth. It could be some beautiful flowering plant. If you have some stationery here on a permanent basis, you can hang three Chinese coins.

If, due to some corporate ethics, you are prohibited from using Chinese symbols or you want to veil it, ridicule from colleagues is not common in Russian reality, just put a live flower or tree. But here it is important to take care of it so that it does not become lethargic, so that it has enough light and watering, so that it blooms and smells fragrant. Buying a beautiful pot for such a talisman, because it is a symbol of your career growth and prosperity, is important.

If relationships with colleagues and relationships with management are important to you, then do not clutter the farthest right zone of your desktop (Love zone) - South-West.

South - the place in front of you at the laptop - is your reputation, the reputation of the company.

If you are a director, then it would be appropriate to place some awards, medals, cups, etc. here. If you are employed, then it would be good to install the symbols of your company here. Because by celebrating the company you work for and being really kind to them, you have a chance to get ahead and really grow in your career.

You can also place here any symbols of success that are associated with career growth - a pyramid, a phoenix, a large Chinese coin and others.

Zones on the desktop

Accordingly, everything that is in front of you is responsible for your work. The sector in front of you is North according to the Bagua grid.

When you are sitting in front of a computer, it is appropriate for there to be some kind of sheet or diary where you write down some facts and figures that are important to you. Or, for example, you count money in front of you if you are an accountant. Many people think that the north is associated only with a career, but a career without money does not exist, so this sector, including the finance sector.

If you need help or the fastest possible implementation of projects, or to get some things moving, put the documents on them in the North-West of your desktop.

If we consider a static Bagua grid, not real compass directions, then this will be the lower right corner. Here you can put some symbol related to help. Here you can store documents that require some kind of decision. For example, if you are a lawyer and are really looking forward to resolving a case that just can’t get off the ground.

Pyramid for desktop

The northeast is responsible for wisdom and knowledge. Here you can put on your desktop, according to Feng Shui, a globe, a figurine of a snake or an owl, as well as any other symbols related to the zone of wisdom and knowledge.

The East sector is responsible for health for the family.

This does not mean that if we have a trash can there, then everything will be bad for us. This topic is not particularly relevant for the workspace and here we can place something like a small-format trash can, which we absolutely need to monitor so that it does not overflow and does not emit unpleasant odors.

It is on the eastern side of the desktop that it is appropriate to place the cabinet. It’s better if it’s on your left, the right side of the Yanskaya table is active, and here the cabinet will clearly get in the way. You will constantly touch it with your feet, the angles will get in the way, which, by the way, will be directed at you.

It's even better if the desk has internal drawers, one or two, that don't get in the way under the desk. Because free-standing cabinets lead to a narrowing of space, and this is not comfortable.

Feng Shui talismans for your desktop

As was already written above, you can put a Bagua grid on the desktop, but you don’t need to activate each zone, there’s no point. It makes sense to activate with talismans only those areas that are the highest priority for you. Traditionally, people pay more attention to the zone of Wealth, the zone of Glory and the zone of Helpers.

Feng Shui toad in the money sector

In the Wealth zone (southeast) it is best to place Hotea, a plant such as a money tree (crassula), coins or any other symbols related to the Wealth zone. But if corporate ethics does not allow you to do this. Suppose you have a computer there on which you can hang 3 Chinese coins. The upper left corner is the wealth (money) sector.

Fame also brings money, so this sector also needs to be activated either with something red, or you can put figurines or an image of a horse. You can also use a pyramid, a large coin, a peacock or other talismans for the Glory sector on the desktop.

The next, one might say, mandatory sector for activation is the north-west - the sector of helpers and patrons. White color, gold color, Ganesha are suitable here. If it is possible to place a golden reclining Buddha on your right hand, then this will bring you success in an easy way. Or choose some kind of talisman from those that are still suitable for the assistants’ area.

Color design

The color of the workplace has a direct impact on performance and well-being.

To make it comfortable for clients to visit the office, decorate it in warm colors.

  • Finance is attracted to green and purple shades.
  • The color of the furniture is natural wood and other shades of brown.

A white desktop background puts you in a working mood, while bright shades only confuse and irritate your visual organs. It is better to make one or two bright details in the wealth sector, for example a table lamp with a red lampshade.

When working at a computer, choose blue desktop screensavers : they relax your eyes. Pictures with a marine theme - depicting a turtle or carp - are suitable.

Feng Shui desktop color

First of all, we can determine the color of the desktop using the Bagua grid or look at what compass direction it falls on, and adjust the maximum color scheme to the compass direction to which it falls.

In conclusion, I want to say, if suddenly you have a situation that your desktop is at home and not in the office. And you do not use it to constantly work, but only so that it simply exists. For example, they came and did something quickly for him and left.

That is, if you don’t use it on a regular basis, you don’t have to worry about the location of the table according to Feng Shui, its color, shape, how you sit at it, and so on. Consider it just a decorative item.

All of the above rules must be followed only when you spend as much time as possible at your desk.

We accept guests

Particular care must be taken in selecting paintings for the room in which guests are received and all household members gather. With the help of the right images, you can adjust the energy at home so that peace always reigns in the family, and even unwanted visitors cannot disturb the balance. For a room called a hall, moderately active plots are suitable. They will help create the right mood, because festive energy should reign in the room where parties are organized and toasts are made. If you spend more time with your family in this room, images of animal families with babies will help strengthen this energy.

It is important that the plots are peaceful and calm; there should be no anger even in the eyes of smaller brothers. If friends often gather in the living room, it makes sense to give preference to dynamic paintings. Horses in motion, antelopes crossing the prairie, any other beautiful and noble animals. The color scheme of the canvas is also important. Feng Shui paintings should not be selected in accordance with the shade of wallpaper or furniture; you should focus solely on your own feelings.

To understand how this or that color changes the energy of the house, attach a fabric of a similar shade to the wall, listen to yourself and you will understand whether such a picture belongs here or not. The ideal color scheme for the living room would be a blue-blue design option. Accordingly, suitable subjects are views of the sea, not too calm, bordering on despondency, but not stormy either.

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