The meaning of a horse according to Feng Shui - where to place figurines and paintings in the interior

Good day everyone, dear readers! I continue to collect the rules of ancient teaching for the harmony of my home, and today my attention fell on an interesting animal and its symbolism. Since ancient times, the horse has been considered an extraordinary animal, a messenger of the Gods, capable of predicting the future, transporting people from our world to the other world. Also, one of the most successful talismans is usually represented by a horse according to Feng Shui. The meaning of this symbol is very broad, therefore, with the right approach, the image of a horse can have an impact on many areas of your life.

Horse as a feng shui symbol

Horse mascot

In Feng Shui, the horse is considered one of the most successful symbols. The horse, from a Feng Shui point of view, symbolizes courage, good reputation, glory, speed, endurance and perseverance.

A horse is a majestic, noble animal. And according to Feng Shui, the figure of a horse in the form of a talisman or amulet is one of the most effective ways to bring good luck into your life. It can contribute to success in business, career, and help create the image of a successful person.

How to choose the right figurine

The figurine is static, cast in metal, sculpted from clay or carved from stone, the horse freezes in the position in which it was depicted. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right figure that will convey positive things.

You should not buy a horse mascot if the animal:

  • He hung his head sadly,
  • Scared
  • Sleeping
  • Looks back
  • Nibbles the grass
  • frolics with another horse or other animal.

You can use a figurine of two or more horses if they gallop forward together. The figurine of a horse with a monkey on its back symbolizes a successful symbiosis of cunning and endurance.

Also, do not buy or place in your home a figurine that is cracked, worn, has other flaws, or simply one that does not evoke positive associations in you.

It's best if:

  • A horse prances: it is a symbol of victory, achieving a goal, overcoming obstacles.
  • Jumps forward: such a figure will breathe strength into you and increase your performance.
  • Carries a rich load: sometimes the horse figurine is depicted loaded with bags of coins and various gifts. This symbol is placed in the southeast, in the wealth zone.

Types of horses and their meaning according to Feng Shui

In the teachings of Feng Shui, there are several types of horses: holiday, victory and gift.

  • Horse rearing up

    The festive figure of a horse is depicted as a rearing animal, which brings recognition and victory to its owner.

  • The winning symbol is an image of a fast galloping, bareback horse. This symbol indicates achievements, as well as victory over opponents. The image or figure of a galloping, bareback and freedom-loving horse is good to use for achievements in business, a successful career, and in competitions.
  • A gift horse helps to attract good luck, enrichment and increase your importance in society. This horse is depicted loaded with jewelry. The gift horse, like the winning horse, must be bareback. Such a feng shui symbol should be located in the direction of the house, as if bringing jewelry into your home. The most favorable color of such a talisman is white. To enhance the effect, Feng Shui masters recommend placing a gift horse on a money napkin, so often used to attract wealth.

Monkey and horse - an extraordinary and strong amulet

As soon as you start studying what Feng Shui is, you will see that experts in this ancient science pay a lot of attention to the mutual influence of amulets. It is believed that some of them neutralize each other, while others, on the contrary, enhance them, providing a strong positive effect. This is exactly how the figures of a proud horse and a funny monkey, placed next to each other, act.

The monkey has always been revered in Asia as a symbol of dexterity, ingenuity, and cunning. This animal can be seen on the coats of arms of many noble families. It is believed that it ensures rapid career growth and success in transactions, protects against failures and mistakes, and imparts wisdom, foresight and foresight. Therefore, the statue of a monkey riding a horse is often found in the offices of business people, bosses and businessmen.

Now many are interested in what Feng Shui is and how ancient science can influence the world around us. By making space harmonious, balancing the flow of energies, you make constructive changes in your own life. Ordinary figurines, paintings and panels can contribute to this - you just need to select and place them carefully and thoughtfully. And one of the most powerful and effective talismans is the image of a horse. Our article will tell you what the meaning of this work is and what it represents.

Where should the talisman be placed?

Talisman “monkey on a horse”

According to Feng Shui, horse talismans are especially effective when placed in the Career zone. It is desirable that they be sufficiently well and brightly lit. According to Feng Shui, any type of horse is recommended to be placed in the southwest or south direction of any room to enhance good luck in socially significant activities.

According to Feng Shui, the horse's figure should not be positioned towards a window or door. You should also not place the horse mascot in the bedroom.

If you often face difficult situations in life or work, as well as high competition, place a horse symbol on your desktop. This is a good way to attract good luck and success. A sculpture of a horse or a painting of a horse can also be placed next to the desk. A pair of horse figurine helps strengthen existing or nascent partnerships both in business and in personal life.

You should not place a rearing horse figure directly in front or behind you, as this can lead to physical injury and accidents.

How to make your own good luck talisman.

Well, if you just can’t find the right horse, then you can make a talisman for yourself. If you are good at sculpting, then it will not be difficult for you to mold a talisman horse from polymer clay or salt dough. One moment, when you sculpt your horse, put a few coins inside it. If you don’t know how to sculpt, embroider on canvas or draw on canvas or paper. If you don’t know how to do this, then buy a plastic horse (sold in children’s stores, in sets with animals), paint it in the desired color, for example white, gold or red. And then load it with whatever you want, what you dream about, want money, wealth, load it with coins, gold bars (sold in Feng Shui stores), stones painted with gold paint or gold leaf; if you wish for fame, write your wish on a red paper square, roll it up, tie it to the back of a horse, also an image of the sun or the Chinese hieroglyph “Luck”, “Glory”, “Success”, apply it to the back of your talisman in gold ink. And don't forget to apply a scent of good luck and wealth, such as Patchouli oil. On an embroidered horse, i.e. You can sew coins (Chinese, with a square hole in the middle) to her back. You can also bet your horse on banknotes, coins, precious stones (or similar items). Make yourself such a talisman and get good luck, happiness, wealth, abundance, prosperity, in a word, everything you dream about.

Combination of horse with other animals according to feng shui

Talisman “gift horse”

In Feng Shui, horses go well with other animal talismans. Thus, a monkey sitting on a horse symbolizes rapid career growth. This talisman is especially favorable for politicians, military personnel, and employees of large companies. The Chinese unicorn is a combination of the figure of a horse with the head of a dragon. It symbolizes success and prosperity, longevity, and also brings good luck to everyone living in the house.

Use the horse talisman, and, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, changes for the better will occur in your life.

Why is there a painting with a horse in the house?

According to Feng Shui, a picture of a horse can be placed not only in the career sector, but also in the zone of useful people or helpers. By activating the last direction, you can soon wait for the appearance of influential people who will help change a person’s life for the better.

The horse in the picture can be depicted in different forms. So, for example, a war horse carrying a rider will bring good luck to a strong-willed, strong person who actively participates in social life. However, for softer people such an image may be unfavorable. You should also avoid paintings where the animal stands in an aggressive, threatening position.

A horse located near a pond will bring success in gaining material well-being. Canvases in which the artist depicts horses racing in a herd are very popular in China.

In some cases, the image of a horse can also affect relationships within the family. So, for example, 2 animals standing peacefully next to each other will strengthen ties between relatives and create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and love between family members.

The picture that a person wants to hang in the house should not only please him, but also evoke pleasant sensations in other inhabitants of the apartment.


There was another type of punishment - on a stake. The accused was hung from a pole with his arms twisted behind his back, and a weight was tied to his legs. With this method of punishment, the unfortunate man's arms were pulled out of their sockets. The suspended man was beaten with a whip, could be set on fire, or had his ribs broken. There was no difference between male and female except for the ribs. They were not broken for women. Basically, in the Russian Empire, the rack is a weapon for punishing thieves.

But this type of punishment was not always applied everywhere. For example, in the agreement between Riga and Smolensk, dating back to the 13th century, it was said that the Rusyns should be given bail or put on iron, and not on the rack. But the Pskov court charter said that the rack is a punishment for those who get into court or hit the doorkeeper.

History of the symbol

Horses are animals without which life for most people in ancient times would have been more difficult. These ungulates were used for riding, agricultural work, transporting goods, and in battles. Therefore, in many cultures, horses were considered holy creatures. For example, the Celts were so dependent on horses that images of them can be compared in importance to modern icons for Christians. It was believed that a person who met such an animal would experience changes in life.

In Japan, Bato Kwannon, the goddess of mercy, was depicted as a white mare. The black horse was also not just a beast: in this form Kagutsuchi, the spirit of fire, appeared before people.

The Chinese believe that horses represent diligence and hard work. Figurines depicting these animals are placed in the apartment or carried with you to achieve a promotion at work. Parents give horse talismans to their children to help them achieve academic success.

Horses are also considered an omen of changes in life and/or patrons of hard work in Iran, Russia, Greece, Italy, and Ireland. Wales, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany.

The horse is appropriate everywhere...

To begin with, some general information about interior design with a “horse theme”. This is a fertile topic in the sense that the image of a horse will not spoil any interior; it can organically fit into almost any interior style.

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Where to put a horse figurine

Since the horse symbolizes luck and career success, it is better to place it in the south, and the figurine should not be directed towards a door or window. You can attract greater success at work if you place a figurine on your desktop. In the cabin you can not only place a figurine of a horse, but also hang a picture of this animal.

Do not place a rearing horse directly behind or in front of you - this can cause injury.

The horse's environment also matters. This animal is associated with fire, so candles, images of the sun, or various red objects can be placed near the figurine. But you shouldn’t use water objects - because it extinguishes the fire.

A horse talisman will bring good luck to your home!

Alexander, November 9, 2014.

Feng Shui horse

symbolizes enormous strength and perseverance, success and endurance in all good endeavors and deeds.
The talisman works well with motivated people, businessmen, emphasizing their desire for prosperity. The horse helps to attract good luck, career growth, and also affects the recognition and respect of a person in society. Feng Shui horse
, along with other powerful talismans, can often be seen in the offices of managers of large companies. Agree, a successful person knows what to do and how to do it. An important fact is that the animal Horse has enormous strength, obeys and works only after it is saddled, but only strong and purposeful people can ride it.

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