Personal favorable directions and their use.

Where should your front door face?

Why it is important to know your favorable and unfavorable directions and how to determine them is described in detail in the article “How to determine the best directions for a person.”
This article will examine in detail each of the directions and describe how it affects a person’s luck.

Find your Gua number using a calculator.

Analyze in which direction of the world they are oriented:

- Your front door, - The door to your room (bedroom), - The head of your bed, - Your view at the dining table, - The direction of the front of the stove if you are cooking, - Your sofa or chair in which you spend a lot of time , — Entrance to your office or workspace, — Your desktop.

Favorable directions.

+4 “Great achievements and happiness.”

The most favorable of all directions, it means the best type of energy for you, gives you high vitality, and brings success in any endeavor. It enhances intuition, grants support from higher powers and provides security. Great location and orientation direction for bed, desk and home entrance.

+3 "Heavenly doctor" or "divine healing".

This is chi that heals and loves us. The orientation of the door to the house or bedroom, the slabs in this direction, as well as the placement of the dining table in this area improve health and ensure safety. This place is especially important for those who have low vitality. If, during illness, in the hospital the bed is in this direction, then healing will come faster.

+2 Means longevity, good relationships and healthy offspring.

Helps create harmony and good relationships. Very suitable for directing the entrance to the house or bedroom, directing the head of the bed. For childless couples, it is especially useful to place the bed in this sector or turn it in this direction.

+1 These energies are favorable for gaining inner strength.

This place or direction develops a person’s personal abilities and gives him the strength to succeed in his work or career. This is a great place to place an office and desk. This direction gives peace and clarity of thinking.

Unfavorable directions.

-1 Means "minor troubles".

This direction is acceptable, but it is best to avoid it if possible.

-2 Translated from Chinese it means “five spirits”.

And translated from figurative language it means the possibility of scandals and financial losses. If the office workstation or bed is located here or in this direction, it will lead to disagreements in the family and at work. If a person sleeping in this sector has low life potential, he may become seriously ill or become depressed. It is best if storage rooms, toilets and other rarely used rooms are located here.

-3 Means "six murderers" and "suffering".

If there are entrances on this side, or a workplace or bed here, big quarrels and protracted conflicts arise in the family and at work, up to and including dismissal and divorce. Often some judicial and legal problems arise that are difficult to resolve. Business may go downhill. Due to negative events and energies, you can become seriously ill.

Designing the perfect home

Additional opportunities for the use of Feng Shui arise during the construction of a country house. Ideally, we are not limited by a specific site and can choose the location of the house relative to the area. Otherwise, the principles and rules of Feng Shui will help strengthen the weak points of the location and layout.

Ideal conditions

It is best to fill a home with Qi energy if it is located in a picturesque location next to houses of a similar size and style. It is good if there are trees or other plantings nearby, but they should not greatly shade the area. It’s great if there is some kind of pond near your house.

The relief must be balanced: you cannot build your home in a lowland, in the middle of a field or endless hills.

According to Feng Shui, the ideal option is to build a house on the south side of the hill, which smoothly turns into a plain.

Accommodation on site

If the plot is corner, you should avoid building near a road intersection - it is better to hide the house behind a fence, plantings, etc. The reservoir should be located in front of the facade, and if according to the plan the reservoir can only be in the rear part of the site, fence it off.

The rear of the house must be reliably protected - the ideal option is a mountain or hill, wooded areas or one powerful tree. An unsuccessful layout would be a house in the center of the plot: it cannot be surrounded by emptiness.

The meaning of the cardinal directions

The general approach of feng shui experts is to build a house with the façade facing south and the rear facing north. An individual approach is quite possible when the facade is located in the direction of the cardinal direction, the influence of which is necessary:

  • The eastern direction has a positive effect on creativity.
  • South - for active work.
  • The western side of the world is conducive to business.
  • Northern - self-knowledge and philosophy.

Honest criticism for gua 8

Gua people are conservative to the core. As a wild example: the world has long been switching from Viber to Telegram, and Gua 8 is finally trying ICQ. Then he says: “You told me about ICQ 10 years ago, I just checked, there’s no one there, and I was right that it’s complete bullshit.”

You may not understand the essence of time. When you are young, you live as if it were a rehearsal, and you will return the wasted years, as if you had a magic remote control in your bosom, where you just have to press the “rewind” button. And when you realize that youth has waved its hand, you pretend that nothing happened.

This behavior is also inappropriate for one’s age: running around nightclubs when peers are busy building careers, and dressing “inappropriately for one’s age.”

Then the realization of old age comes as a shock. What a surprise... So we strongly recommend thinking about your goals for the next 5 years and asking yourself: What am I doing to turn my dreams into plans?

For one of our clients, such carelessness looked even sadder. It was necessary to move out of the apartment by the 1st, but instead of looking for housing, he went on vacation.

I instructed a friend to find an apartment for him while he was on vacation and didn’t even pack his things in boxes: “I’ll return from vacation, I don’t have enough things, I’ll pack it that same day, find transportation and move by evening.” The story after the vacation ended with a visit to friends to stay for a couple of days until housing was found.

Sometimes you act childish. It’s like a kind nanny who allows you to eat candy before breakfast and doesn’t swear if the kids lose their hat. Friends of friends are friends, the world is a continuous holiday in which a truck with sweets overturned, gentle and caring. This is true, but please, without rose-colored glasses.

Learn to take responsibility and clearly see the psychological boundary that people are trying to break (and you can do this). If you are accused of something, do not allow yourself to feel guilty.

Made a mistake - yes, we all make mistakes. But don't accept the guilt. But “not accepting the feeling of guilt” specifically for Gua 8 also means “you will still have to change.” Because very often they find different excuses to leave everything as it is.

A lack of understanding that they are trying to manipulate you can develop into a desire to rush into battle and finish everything offhandedly so that they can see the result. This gives the illusion that you can move mountains and dry up the seas, you work yourself to death and overestimate your capabilities and take on even more bumps.

Just don’t confuse the result and the process. Doing something all day does not mean being effective at the end of the day.

Although, in fairness, it is worth noting that you have a natural tendency to find money, plan and predict the situation. There are high chances of acquiring a large amount of real estate at the end of your life. And the second half of life, due to full cones, perseverance and correct conclusions, usually becomes happier.

You are self-sufficient. In the sense that you are comfortable going through life alone, you will find something to do with yourself, and you will not worry too much if your other half is not nearby. As a result, you become either a complete pedant, or an indifference and a lone wolf.

Gua 8 life simply forces you to develop initiative and will of character. And this is very difficult, because children’s complexes prevail. Before it becomes easy, it is always difficult to step outside your comfort zone and try something you don’t know how to do.

Why does this happen? Let’s say your life could be spent in a family with an authoritarian mother: “Don’t go there. I told you it's not necessary. I know better where you should go.”

And there are two outcomes. Either your parents have completely taken away your independence, or a protest pressure has developed. As a result, you pursue selfish goals so much that you don’t have time to look at yourself from the outside. A defensive position develops, it is difficult to understand others and make contact.

Moreover. While others are making connections and being valued, you are losing these opportunities because you live only for yourself. You don't expect help and you don't give it.

If you do not solve your childhood complexes, envy will develop in your character, and the result will be stupid decisions and a small number of friends. Between the ages of 42 and 56, a crisis and loss of wealth occurs. As an option, a young man who spends time having fun with a cool company, and in order to meet its level, gets into more and more debts and loans that he is no longer able to bear.

Of course, the above are just trends. Everything will depend on the Feng Shui in your home: how the front door, bedroom and stove are located.

Remember, Feng Shui talks about dangers not to tempt fate, but to look at yourself from the outside and correct in time what leads to trouble.

Calculation method

The number needs to be calculated differently, depending on gender and year of birth. It is important to take into account that the Chinese year does not start on January 1, but from the beginning of February. Therefore, for those born after January 1, but before February 4 or 5, when calculating, the recommendation is to use not the usual year of birth, but the year earlier.

An accurate calculation of the number helps determine the entire life path of a person. The Bagua number allows you to correctly zone space so that harmony and good luck reign in all areas. The Bagua Grid demonstrates how best to use the energy of the surrounding space in order to correctly distribute energy flows for success in individual aspects of life.

According to modern interpretations, there is no Gua number 5. Therefore, instead of this number, others automatically fall out, depending on gender and year of birth. But if, during the calculation, it turns out that a person has such a number, it is believed that people with a similar indicator are conflicted, and it is difficult for them to find a match. They feel best in an alliance with partners with the same indicator.

Compatibility of people with different numbers

If you calculate the Gua number before getting married, you can understand whether the union of people will be successful. For example, when a combination of 1 and 6 occurs in a couple, it is believed that the future for such people will be rich. If people with numbers 2 and 7 are married, this combination promises a happy and harmonious, long family life.

People with numbers 3 and 8 will not be bored together; a passionate union is expected. In the union of 9 and 4, strong, happy relationships prevail. The husband and wife will go all the way in such a way that they will achieve everything together, and they will succeed.


Calculating the Gua number

It doesn't take much effort to calculate your Gua number. And minimal knowledge is also required - only the full date of birth and the gender of the person.

The day and month of birth are needed in this case in order to clarify whether the moment of birth falls in the period after the beginning of the current lunar year or before it.

For example:

– The young man was born on January 16, 1982. The lunar year in 1982 lasted from January 25th. 1982 to 12 Feb. 1983. That is, to calculate the Gua number, one should actually take 1981.

– The woman was born on May 30, 1977. This date clearly falls after the beginning of the current lunar year, so there is no need to clarify it.

For the first part of the calculation, the last 2 digits of the year are needed. They are added, then, if the sum turns out to be a two-digit number, they are added again and so on until the sum gives a single-digit number (from 1 to 9).

Now the gender of the person “enters” into the calculations. So:

– When the Gua number is calculated for a man, the previously obtained number should be subtracted from 10 (or from 9 for those born in 2000 or later. If the result is 0, add 9 to it).

– For a woman, you need to add 5 to the number received before this and, if necessary, reduce the sum again to a single-digit number (for a girl or girl born in 2000 or after it, you need to add 6).

The result obtained is the personal Gua number.


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