A selection of desktop wallpapers that will attract money and good luck


Lack of money is one of the main problems in modern society. The work goes on, you get paid, but it seems to never be enough. Therefore, we often wonder how to arrange our home and office to attract more positive energy, money, love and luck .

There are many ways to attract wealth and prosperity - from repeating any numbers, mantras, to arranging symbols, photographs and paintings in the correct sectors of the office or home according to Feng Shui.

In this article we will talk about what paintings attract good luck, money, happiness, wealth and love to your home or office and where it is best to place them.

Picture with a dream

Dreaming is not harmful, but very useful. It's no secret that if you really want something, it will certainly come true.

In psychology, there is a technique for visualizing what is planned: for example, you want some event to happen, which means you should imagine in all colors exactly how it will happen. By doing this, you subconsciously program yourself to take certain actions that should lead to the accomplishment of your plan. The same visualization technique is also used in the practice of Feng Shui.

Chinese masters went beyond mental images - they suggested that we use a special tool that helps us achieve our goals and help make our dreams come true. If you want to buy a new car, choose a picture depicting the same or similar car. If you want to spend your vacation on the ocean coast, set your screensaver to a landscape that illustrates your idea of ​​an ideal vacation.

Features of choice

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

A Feng Shui painting to attract wealth should definitely please you. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention to what will bring positivity and lift your spirits. It is very important that the image not only gives an effect, but also fits harmoniously into the interior.

Hang large pictures on the walls or place a framed photo on the table. It is useful to put a photo to attract money on your phone. Since you look at it quite often, screensavers attract luck more strongly. The picture may contain an image that denotes wealth according to Feng Shui or visualizes desires.

Oranges and tangerines

These citrus fruits are orange in color and round in shape, symbolizing abundance, prosperity and a successful marriage according to Feng Shui. In China, the tangerine has the same meaning as the money tree because it bears fruit as a symbol of wealth.

A picture of oranges or tangerines should be installed on the desktop for women who want to get married successfully and find family happiness. Also, the image of tangerines is recommended for married couples to rekindle lost passion and for spouses who want to conceive a child.

What colors of paintings to choose to attract good luck, wealth, happiness

Look for the dominant color in a painting to determine its element.

  • Paintings and photographs with red, orange or purple enhance the element of fire .
    Paintings and photographs with these flowers reflect joy, vibration, passion and warmth.
  • Paintings and photographs in brown or green enhance the wood .
    Paintings and photographs containing these colors are considered the colors of prosperity, change for the better, and renewal.
  • Paintings with blue or aquamarine colors enhance the element of water .
    They are associated with calm, comfort and peace in your home.
  • Paintings and photographs with brown, beige, yellow and earth tones enhance the earth .
    Earth elements are associated with stability, grounding, nurturing and receptivity.
  • Paintings and photographs of brown, black, white, gray and metallic colors enhance the metal .
    Metal represents inward moving energy, productivity, rational thinking and intelligence.

Use paintings with these colors to help soften areas where you have too much of a certain type of energy, using a cycle of destruction with water weakening fire, fire weakening metal, wood weakening metal, earth weakening wood, and water weakening earth.

moving water

A turbulent river flow, sea waves, a waterfall - all these Feng Shui images symbolize cash flow. In Chinese practice, water itself signifies wealth and money.

By setting a picture of a pond as your desktop wallpaper, you will attract enough Chi energy to strengthen your well-being. Images of water are only slightly inferior in strength to real bodies of water; they can be safely used to enhance monetary luck. Every time you look at a river or waterfall, imagine that it is streams of money flowing into your life.

Sailboat or hieroglyph “Luck”

To attract success, you can use the Chinese character “Luck”.

A photograph of a sailboat will bring prosperity in business and work, however, only when the ship is sailing with raised sails against a clear sky. Many yachts near the pier are a symbol of victory in a competition or sports competition. If you need luck everywhere and in everything, you should choose a picture where you can see a person at the helm of a ship.

Suitable colors are blue, silver, mint and gold.

Screensaver with hieroglyph

Feng Shui adherents also like to use hieroglyphs as money talismans. For example, the hieroglyph “wealth” works to attract money, increase wages, and good luck in all endeavors. Such a hieroglyph helps to gain not only material benefits, but also spiritual ones, and creates positive Qi in the home or office.

One of the most popular hieroglyphs in Taoist practice is “money”; it attracts prosperity and wealth in the places where it is placed. Unlike the hieroglyph for “wealth”, this hieroglyph promotes the formation of several sources of income, and the hieroglyph for “prosperity” will help growth in all areas of life.

The meaning of paintings and photographs according to Feng Shui

AIST - Longevity, happy and peaceful old age. QUINCE - Fertility and happy marriage. BUTTERFLY - Love and joy; two butterflies - marital happiness. BAMBOO - Health, longevity, flexibility. It is a conductor of favorable energy. OX - Reliability and strength. Long and fruitful life, stable and sustainable. VASE - Calmness; a vase filled with something is a symbol of attracting wealth. FAN - Traditional symbol of protection. It protects not only the house, but also the person himself from harm. GRAPES - Abundance, fun. WATER - Health, well-being. WATERFALL - Attracting good luck to the house. CROW - Marriage, fidelity. DOVE - Meekness and purity. A pair of doves - love, friendship and marital fidelity. MOUNTAIN - Support, protection and assistance. POMEGRANATE - A bursting pomegranate - numerous offspring. GOOSE - (couple) Faith and fidelity in marriage. DOLPHIN - Dignity, hope, safety. TREE - Longevity. DRAGON - The highest symbol of luck, creativity; brings success in business. THRUSH - New favorable opportunities, joy, happiness. TOAD - Strength, strength. GIRAFFE - Wealth. CRANE - Good character, calmness, loyalty, long life. Often depicted under a pine tree - another symbol of longevity. HARE - Sensitivity, abundance, longevity. STARS - Happiness and eternity. ZEBRA - Peace of mind in any situation. KINGFISHER - Grace, nobility, marital fidelity. SNAKE - Movement and renewal. Represents wisdom and deep knowledge. IRIS - Life that does not know old age. CARP - Luck and spiritual achievements. Nine carps symbolize prosperity and material well-being. Two carp are a symbol of complete harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman. HUMMINGBRI - Symbol of the joy of life. HORSE - A sign of victory, courage, power. BOAT - A symbol of increasing good luck in business, security, hope. BASKET Filled with something - a symbol of abundance, fertility, prosperity. RAT - Prosperity, prosperity, well-being. SWALLOWS - Success and abundance. SWAN - Grace, beauty, purity, fidelity. LEO - Energy and valor. Protector of home and public spaces. LEOPARD - Bravery. BAT - Happiness. Five bats - “five blessings” - longevity, wealth, health, virtue, life to the end predetermined by fate. LOTUS - Perfection, spiritual grace, peace, feminine genius, summer, fertility. HORSE - Symbolizes speed, perseverance, gives strength and endurance, and gives children rapid development. MAGNOLIA, ORCHID - Love, sophistication. BEAR - A symbol of strength and courage. MONKEY - Originality of thinking, cunning, quick wit. DEER - Career. EAGLE - A powerful symbol of success. Power, courage, sharp mind. PEACOCK - Beauty and nobility. Loose tail - titles and awards. PALMA - Victory. LANDSCAPE - Symbol of good luck and favorable opportunities. ROOSTER - Symbol of vigilance, vigilance. Bearer of male dignity. Fire protection. PEACH - Symbol of longevity. PEONY - Ardent passion, undying love, glory, dignity. PARROT - A symbol of a cheerful disposition, friendly communication, good memory. BIRDS - A symbol of joy, beauty, happiness. BEE - Hard work, success in science, art, trade. PISCES - Guarantee of success in financial affairs, successful development. SAKURA - Luck, love, beauty, youth and renewal. ELEPHANT - Power, strength, insight. OWL - Erudition, reputation, wisdom; protects against irrational financial investments. DOG - Reliable protection. SOROKA - Symbol of a “happy meeting”. SUN - Sign of providence, abundance, truth. PINE - A symbol of long life, fidelity and devotion. DRAGONFLY - Grace. TIGER - Protector from evil spirits, symbolizes strength and power. DUCKS (pair) - Happiness in love. Persimmon - Joy. CHRYSANTHEMUM - Good luck. TURTLE - Longevity, strength, endurance. Symbolizes steady movement forward.



The dragon is a symbol of prosperity; it brings its owner a lot of money, power, prosperity, generosity and wisdom. The dragon's magical abilities allow him to help solve problems for anyone in need. This talisman symbolizes security, rebirth and change.

A picture with a dragon on a computer monitor protects businessmen from unscrupulous partners, promotes career advancement and provides support in financial transactions.

Infinity sign

This option is especially suitable for math lovers, although it is universal and very effective.

An inverted figure eight on the phone screen promises quick attraction of financial flows, unexpected salary increases, repayment of old debts, payment of bonuses, winning the lottery and other pleasant surprises.

Screensaver with goldfish

Goldfish are also considered a symbol of wealth in Feng Shui. The Chinese character "yu" means fish, prosperity and prosperity, which makes it an excellent amulet that brings good news and joy to its owner in new stages of life.

A pair of fish on your screensaver will bring you good luck and protect you from unkind views and wishes. One of the most famous money symbols is considered to be an aquarium with nine fish - eight gold and one black - such a picture can improve the financial situation of a family.


There is such a belief: whoever finds a four-leaf clover will have great luck and success in life.

Flowers and trees symbolize prosperity, abundance and well-being.

Put an image of a clover, a lush bouquet or a blooming apple orchard on your phone, and good luck will be with you.

Ancient amulets, talismans and amulets that do not lose their relevance to this day

At all times, people believed in the magical power of talismans and amulets. Faith, like the magical properties of amulets, has not been lost to this day. The ancient amulets discussed below can become a powerful talisman in the form of a screensaver on your phone or computer. The main thing is to choose exactly the talisman that pursues the desired goals, because the power of each of them is directed in a certain direction: attracting success and good luck, protection from damage and the evil eye, protecting the family union from envious people, etc.

Nazar (Eye of Fatima) is a Turkish amulet representing a blue eye. Protects its owner from the evil eye, other people's evil thoughts, dangers and troubles.

Triskel (Triglav) is an ancient Sicilian amulet that was very popular among druids and shamans. Symbolizes the endless movement of life. Represents the harmonious unity of three elements - water, fire and air. It sharpens its owner’s sense of foresight and premonition, facilitating a timely reaction in any unexpected situation.

The four-leaf clover is one of the most powerful amulets. Attracts good luck and wealth, and also helps to find true love and peace of mind.

Four petals represent the 4 elements on Earth:

  1. The element of fire - promises success in career, study, luck and popularity;
  2. The element of Water means prosperity and financial well-being;
  3. Air - love, mutual understanding with loved ones;
  4. Earth - Strength of spirit, health and longevity.

The key is one of the oldest symbols of owning something; it will help you choose the right path in life and find your purpose in this world. It will open the doors to happiness, luck, and new knowledge. If you can’t find a job or solve a difficult problem for a long time, put the key on your phone’s screensaver and mentally open all the obstacle doors in your way.

The horseshoe is the most popular symbol of good luck, success, wealth and protection from the evil eye.

The lucky coin is an ancient Chinese amulet, which is a coin with a square hole in the center. Attracts fortune, luck and wealth.

The all-seeing eye is an amulet of wisdom and knowledge. It represents an eye imprisoned in a triangle illuminated by the sun's rays. Perfect for students' phone screensavers.

In addition, symbols of the zodiac signs can also be considered pictures as talismans. Each of them helps its owner overcome life’s obstacles, assists in difficult endeavors and attracts success.

The magic of ancient runes

Runes are symbols of the ancient Scandinavian alphabet. Each rune has its own name and meaning. Runic writing was also popular in Rus'. The Slavs believed that runes had powerful powers and used them in all areas of life. Runes as a phone screensaver will help you fulfill your deepest desires and protect you from troubles.

Pine forest or turtle

An image of a pine forest will help get rid of the disease. To enhance the effect, you can go to the forest (preferably in the morning), take a few successful shots and set it on your screensaver.

If nothing bothers the owner of the phone, but he would like to maintain health, then you need to use the image of a land turtle.

This same animal, but already floating in the water, will bring healing from psychological suffering. The best color for such thematic pictures is green.

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