Hour of the Monkey, hour of the Rooster and other animals according to Feng Shui

According to the Eastern tradition of Feng Shui, not only does each year correspond to a specific zodiac patron, but also the month, day and even time of day. And based on the characteristics of the character of this patron, a specific time will impose a number of obligations and rules on a person. And if you learn them and learn how to use them correctly in everyday life, you can significantly improve your reality.

Features of different clocks according to Feng Shui

Did you know that it is quite possible to choose the perfect date for doing something based on your own and general date selection tools, but not achieve a positive result? This happens due to the incorrectly chosen hour.

Find out what awaits you today - Horoscope for today for all zodiac signs

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And, on the contrary, almost every day there are watches that can give a person additional luck. Different types of forecasting practices, whatever they may be, pay special attention to the selection of positive hours no less than the selection of favorable days.

If you are also interested in improving your life, read the information about choosing the time in which absolutely all your endeavors and expectations will be crowned with success. During such hours, you receive a portion of additional support from the Universe, which contributes to a more active realization of what you want.

If you were born between 5:00 and 7:00

You are ruled by Mars. It should be noted that birth exactly at sunrise is a special sign of heaven. Your isolation and exclusivity are so great that when you enter the room, everyone present drops their business and interlocutors and looks only at you. And it depends only on you what they see.

All others born between 5:00 and 7:00 also have a strong personality and vitality. You are the favorite and pride of the whole family. You are highly valued in any society, without you it is boring. Any, even the most ordinary event in your life, looks like a novel. Therefore, often you need not so much a full partner as just a listener. But you will find true happiness only by finding your soul mate. Although at first he will have a hard time, because you need to be tamed, just like in the movie “The Taming of the Shrew.” But then you admit to yourself that this is exactly what you have been waiting for all your life. Next to you there should be a worthy, strong and strong-willed person whom you would respect. It is difficult for you to limit yourself to home and family, and you will definitely make a career in your chosen field. The worst thing for you is disappointment and loss of faith in yourself and your strength. In general, a lot in your destiny depends on yourself and, no matter what trials befall you, you will always have enough strength to overcome any problem in life.

Day according to favorable and unfavorable hours

Every two hours of the day correspond to one or another of the twelve animals.

Hour of the Mouse (lasts from eleven o'clock to one in the morning)

It is a very restless, fussy and anxious time, completely corresponding to its patron. This time should be set aside for small tasks and painstaking work - then they will be successful. Now is not a good time to fall asleep. And those same people who wake up at these hours feel the urge to snack on something, do not give in to this desire, it is better to read something interesting or listen to soothing music.

Hour of the Ox (lasts from one to three in the morning)

The ideal time to sleep soundly and, oddly enough, work mentally! The Ox, the patron of this watch, will give you its calmness, determination and stubbornness. If you decide now to keep a diary or compose something, you will receive indescribable pleasure.

Hour of the Tiger (lasts from three to five o'clock in the morning)

At this time, a person has the most attractive dreams that are stored in memory. This is facilitated by the courage, energy and unpredictability of the ruler of these days - the Tiger. If circumstances are such that you have not yet fallen asleep, it is worth doing meditation in order to quickly get to the kingdom of Morpheus.

The Hour of the Cat (also called the Hour of the Rabbit) lasts from five to seven o’clock in the morning.

The cat loves to be lazy, so waking up at this time is quite difficult - it’s tempting to lie under the covers for as long as possible! To boost your morning vigor and energy, you should eat something crunchy, for example, a cracker or raw carrots. Cats and rabbits also add capriciousness to this hour of the day; it is important to keep yourself under control so as not to quarrel in vain with loved ones.

Hour of the Dragon (from seven to nine in the morning)

This is the right time to be proactive and not be afraid to make decisions. Now we need to move, communicate, share new information, get into arguments, defend our position. Luck during these hours will be on the side of energetic and active individuals. But dreams at this time are very restless, people often suffer from nightmares.

Hour of the Snake (from nine to eleven in the morning)

This is the best time to practice active mental activity. Thanks to wisdom and insight, a person can easily cope with many pressing tasks. Representatives of water signs at the hour of the Snake need to listen to their sixth sense, which is now manifested to the maximum. Air signs will be able to show their eloquence at this time; they can safely plan business negotiations or public speaking at this time. Earth signs should beware of conflicts, and representatives of the fire element should make important decisions very carefully.

Hour of the Horse (lasts from eleven in the morning to one in the afternoon)

A diligent, independent and persistent horse will help you successfully complete any physical work. Even at this time, it is recommended to practice fitness or visit the gym. What you need to give up now is sorting things out, since this is not the most suitable time to find harmony.

Hour of the Goat (from one to three in the afternoon)

The goat is impulsive and fastidious; it will make this time of day especially attractive for conversations - a person will be drawn to communicate. Therefore, if this desire took you by surprise at work, you should not be surprised later that this time was low-productive for you. If possible, you need to rest a little during the hour of the Goat, taking a short break from work.

Hour of the Monkey (from three to five o'clock in the afternoon)

The monkey is characterized by restlessness and resourcefulness; this animal tends to present various surprises, which are not always pleasant. At this time you need to be alert. Use your dexterity and cunning to solve unexpected problems.

Hour of the Rooster (from five to seven in the evening)

Think about your loved ones and relatives, arrange a visit with them, or at least call or write. This will not take much effort from you, and you will give them positive emotions, because at the hour of the Rooster, a person on an unconscious level expects to receive family support. Shopping will also be successful now.

Hour of the Dog (from seven to nine in the evening)

A peaceful and calm time, when it is best to communicate with friends, because this animal is associated precisely with loyalty and devotion - the main values ​​of its patron. For those who are patronized by the element of water, the dog advises them to start learning something new (a foreign language, professional literature), and for air signs to indulge in their hobbies. Those who belong to the Earth element need to focus on creativity, while fire representatives need to practice active activities, for example, sports or dancing.

Hour of the Pig (from nine to eleven)

During this period, it is best to go to bed, because Pig makes a person touchy and irritable, and due to sudden changes in mood and inconsistency in actions, you may encounter various troubles. If possible, there is no need to plan any important things now - allow yourself to finally calm down.

If you were born between 9:00 and 11:00

Your patron is Uranus. You are pleasant and friendly. You may not make a lasting and stunning first impression, but once people spend time with you, they will be captivated by your warmth and understanding. You have many friends, you are the life of the party. To feel free and comfortable, you need the company of good and pleasant people, where all your best sides are revealed. Friendship is sacred to you. You strictly observe all written and unwritten laws adopted in your “circle” and immediately call to order those of “yours” who violated them. The position obliges you, you are an informal leader. You also don’t like everything ostentatious, any work “for the public.” I must say that your demeanor is so friendly and open that members of the opposite sex often mistake it for something more. You yourself often confuse friendship with love, completely unintentionally misleading those around you. Your feelings change from “Let's stay friends” to “Let's start all over again,” and both are completely sincere. Only a true and devoted friend, who, in fact, will become your husband (wife), can withstand this. And most likely, in any case, you prefer to hear only the truth, whatever it may be. Most likely, at work, you are universally loved; your bosses are partly afraid of you and respect you, because they know about the power of your influence among your colleagues. You rarely come into direct conflict with your bosses, since by nature you are unambitious.

Unfavorable hours of the day

So, when the day of the day on which you are going to commit some significant event for you comes, your first priority will be to eliminate the negative hours of the day. Every day contains an hour responsible for destruction.

  • on the day of the Tiger - the hour of destruction is the Monkey;
  • on the days of the Rabbit - the hours of destruction of the Rooster;
  • on the days of the Dragon - the hours of destruction of the Dog;
  • by day Snakes - clock-destroyers - Pigs;
  • on the days of the Horse - the clock-destroyer of the Rat;
  • on the days of the Goat - the watch-destroyer of the Ox;
  • on the days of the Monkey - the Tiger's destroyer clock;
  • on the days of the Rooster - the Rabbit's destroyer clock;
  • by day, Dogs are the watch-destroyers of the Dragon;
  • on the days of the Pig - the clock-destroyer of the Snake;
  • by day the Rats are the hours-destroyers of the Horse;
  • on the days of the Ox - the Goat's destroyer watch.

It turns out that if some important event is to take place on the day of the Ox, under no circumstances should it be held during the hour of the Goat (from one to five o'clock in the afternoon); if on the day of the Tiger, it is worth avoiding the hour of the Monkey (from three to five o'clock in the afternoon ). By acting in this way, you will increase the effectiveness of your endeavors and will be able to independently determine whether success awaits you in some business and when you should not take on new endeavors.

Finally, it’s worth watching an interesting thematic video:

If you were born between 11:00 and 13:00

You are ruled by Saturn. Let us especially note the birth at exactly noon. When they see you, everyone involuntarily “gets together” internally; they want to straighten their clothes, smooth their hair and watch their speech and manners. The most unbridled hooligan will not say a word to you and will quietly retreat to a corner - so great is the unconscious power of your authority. You are given unlimited opportunities for career advancement.

All others born during this period are also successful in their careers. For years you can assure all your relatives and friends that you don’t need this career and responsibility for other people at all, that it’s just a headache, but you yourself won’t live a day without this headache. If you suddenly get sick, call your work ten times to find out how you are doing and check everything. You are an ideal manager; you adequately carry out the orders of your superiors and do not allow your subordinates to relax. Of course, ups and downs are possible in your career, it can be postponed for a certain period of time, after all, no one is immune from failures. But fate will inevitably take you to the top, so you cannot avoid the boss’s chair. From the outside it may seem that your personal life is as uneventful as that of the unfortunate bossy aunt from “Office Romance.” In fact, this is not true at all. Of course, your career comes first, but no one has canceled your personal life. You will get along well with a person who shares your ambitious plans, this could be your boss or co-worker. Or vice versa, a person who will wait for you at home and provide rear support may suit you. In any case, you will be distinguished by constancy and attentiveness to your spouse and his problems.

If you were born between 15:00 and 17:00

Your patron is Pluto. You often catch the glances of people in difficult situations. They expect help from you and will undoubtedly receive it. What can you do if you regularly encounter critical situations in your life and you probably know the best way out of them. You have some special inner strength and it helps you solve problems. Although, why do moments of crisis and sudden changes always bring only bad things? As they say, if the bride leaves for someone else, then it is not known who was lucky. For example, after a divorce from a once dearly beloved husband, you can find another, even more loved and loving one. And when solving property problems, you will not be left at a loss. In any life collisions, you feel like a fish in water; it’s funny for you to watch how someone intrigues against you - you know all his inept moves in advance. You are incredibly cheerful, strong and easily recover from all sorts of shocks that your life will undoubtedly be full of. You also have a special charm and undeniable sexuality. Sexual compatibility with your partner plays a huge role in your personal life. And therefore, you will feel like a Woman with a capital W (or a Man) even when most of your peers have forgotten what it is. You may not work for the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but as part of your job, you probably often have to skillfully resolve conflict situations. At work they will quickly understand that they need to be friends with you. You absolutely know all the weak points of your colleagues and can direct them in the direction you need. Perhaps you often handle large sums of money (alas, not your own) or on duty you deal with other people’s property.


If you have the Rat in your chart, then you have charm, wisdom, quick reaction, common sense, adaptability and resourcefulness!

Such people should be sure that their efforts will not cause difficulties! They can express and show themselves well. Always reason logically.

If their own element is strong and favorable to them, then they can be masters of planning and strategy.

The sign of the rat in the BATZI chart is, first of all, a sign of accumulation. Accumulation of everything - information, knowledge, money. People with this sign, as a rule, have the ability to introspect and see the very essence of the matter. They love privacy. They are often very emotional, have good intuition, and are creative innovators. They are very cautious and smart.

They do not pretend to be a leader, they get along well in a team. They look for their own benefit in everything. They can be secretive and cynical.

Their activity increases in the evening. They work and love to work according to their mood. Good at communication, able to inspire others. Loves travel and new experiences. If the Rat is an unfavorable element in the Bazi chart, then this indicates stinginess and greed.

Negative qualities: they cannot always clearly express their thoughts; they have rather inflated desires. Emotionally unstable.

Relationships: Very popular among people who are loved. Thoughtful, gentle, romantic with a great thirst for love. They are very curious, love to give each other mutual pleasure, create comfort, and usually settle down well after marriage.


The key word is creativity.


If you have a Horse in your chart, you are energetic, cheerful and active. You are not one to please others. If you are under too much pressure, you become rebellious. You are very outspoken and also good at influencing other people! You are always joyful and cheerful, you know how to build relationships. You have literary and artistic talent!

A horse is a brave, courageous, loyal person who knows how to distinguish good from bad.

Such people are able to admit their mistakes and correct them.

These are smart people. They always come forward, strive for dominance, and can be leaders. They look at life on a grand scale. They always need to be the first to know about everything. Open and talkative, they cannot keep their mouth shut. They pour out all their experiences at once. People who have the Horse sign in their fate chart always lead, they should be in charge. They are logical, simple and proud. Faithful in friendship. Sociable. They are overly emotional, hasty to decisions and conclusions, because of this they make enemies and spoil everything in life for themselves.

They are also eternal messengers, they grab onto everything, but do not often follow through. They like to take on the problems of other people, they have compassion, but also some callousness, due to their strong character and masculine “YAN”. They pile up family worries on themselves for some reason, then they get tired and fall into hysterics or anger at their household members. Very strong and courageous. Because they take on a lot, they grow old faster. And their mood is unstable, they are easy to lose their temper. Because of this, they often get angry and may shout. They are irritated by weak people. With such a person it is difficult for weak personalities. They can’t keep up with him and can go to the side.

Negative qualities: most of them love luxury, they lack persistence, easily give up halfway, and do not know how to keep secrets.

Relationships: focus on love/hate, like/dislike, do not like protracted affairs. Most women get married late. Relationships should be built on mutual love, attention and understanding; if not, then they are prone to crises.


The key word is brotherhood.


If you have a Snake in your chart, then you are full of energy. Once you have made a decision, you will act without delay! You are fast, swift and smart! Although you position yourself as an ordinary person, you have an amazing quality - to see new opportunities and put them into action at a very fast speed! You are a very flexible person in business! You are very well versed in the psychology of people and have your own charisma!

Snake people are inspired, insightful, creative individuals. They are especially good at expressing their creative energy in the scientific or artistic field.

The snake is the energy of knowledge and analysis. Such people are attentive to details. The Snake's field of activity may be related to analysis, research, collection and processing of information to form a system.

People who have the Snake in their chart are very hardworking, tend to put their skills into practice, and this is one of their strengths. Full of life and energy, they do not like to complain or be offended. They are able to get things done quickly and accurately.

Has wisdom. Elegant, sensual, reserved, careful, vigilant. They always know where to get money, they are thrifty, and they can be a good accountant. They keep secrets and know how to listen. They are secretive and suspicious, they do not like to reveal their knowledge and invite strangers into the house. They like to wait and watch the enemy. Very prone to esotericism and magic. This is a type of sorcerer or witch. They have the most powerful intuition!

Negative qualities: They are calm and calm, somewhat cunning and treacherous. they need to learn how to use their talent and intelligence correctly.

Relationships: In family relationships, controls all processes. They have a strong sense of ownership. Demanding in love and relationships. But they themselves can be betrayed in love. Women love to dress up.


The key word is spirituality.


If there is a Rooster in your chart, then you are a frank, sincere, sentimental and full of romantic feelings.

Rooster people say exactly what's on their mind! They don't like gossip behind their backs!

They like to wear perfect and impeccable things; they are idealists and majors. Once they see something they like, they will buy that thing regardless of its cost or usefulness.

Such people are not entirely ordinary. They have good taste, love pleasure, and often shirk responsibility. Dreamy. If they work for themselves, they have a good nose for money. They are distrustful, self-centered, and try to stand out in the team. Emotional and lazy. But they are trying to fight laziness.

They do not tolerate competition. There is a penchant for entertainment, alcohol, tobacco. They have intuition and charisma.

Their activities may be related to women's interests, such as fashion and cosmetics. They like to talk more than listen.

They don't like to work for hire. They have their own opinion on everything, and they consider themselves smarter than everyone else.

Negative qualities: arrogance, demanding of other people, like to gossip, but do not like to accept someone else's point of view. Therefore, they should talk less to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Relationships: love is their state of mind. They have strong self-esteem. They love sweet words and believe in illusions. And this is the reason for a hasty marriage. But such rash actions never lead to anything good. They should be more careful and attentive when making important decisions. A husband, in the eyes of a woman who has the Rooster in her chart, must have a sense of responsibility.


The key word is trade.


If you have a Pig in your chart, then you may seem like an ordinary person on the outside, but inside you are full of drive! It is very important for you to be sure that everything is in order. You are a passionate, enthusiastic, fair person!

Such people deeply empathize with those with whom they are friends and whom they consider members of their family (brothers and sisters), those they love. These are charismatic people who can take on enormous responsibilities and face enormous challenges!

They love to ponder questions, daydream, and are often full of fantasies. However, they lack the determination to put into practice what they think about. They need everything to go well and successfully before they take action.

The pig is instability. People are very active. They do not strain others, avoid conflicts, are soft, pliable, and kind. Comfort, coziness, and cleanliness in the house are important to them. They lead a domestic lifestyle. These are educated and flexible people. They try to build harmonious relationships. They love all sorts of little things that create joy and comfort. They have very developed intuition. They can become a parasite, or live with a partner of convenience.

They have a good sense of style and are excellent designers. Their problem is gullibility and naivety. It is difficult for them to defend their interests. They strive to get out of complicated situations as quickly as possible. They often make concessions and are ready to compromise.

Negative qualities: the Pig's calling card is touchiness. They do not express their thoughts clearly. They often have inflated desires and are not stable enough, which is why they cannot aspire to the role of leader.

Relationships: Very popular among people who are loved. Thoughtful, gentle, romantic natures, with a great thirst for love. Very curious, they love to give each other mutual pleasure and create comfort. They usually settle well after marriage.


The key word is home.


If you have a Rabbit in your chart, then you are a beautiful and elegant person. You are careful, reasonable, attentive, cordial and not temperamental. People love this sign!

Such people are good comrades and know how to attract the attention of others. But they will not do anything if they do not see benefits for themselves personally in this matter.

They are born gifted in art. These are very creative and creative people. They may have luck in the fashion and design industry. They can become successful fashion designers or models.

Outwardly, they may look reserved and sedate. They are observant and able to notice small details.

Rabbit is the energy of tenderness and love. Symbolizes healing and care. But such a person is prone to inconstancy. It is difficult to build a relationship with him, because... he is in constant search. These are quite open people and have a sense of compassion. And they themselves love the company of open people. They can be diplomats. They have good artistic taste. Attaches great importance to family and the well-being of his relatives. Loves the comfort of home and does not tolerate betrayal.

And if you offended him, then hold on, he can take revenge. Such a person also always avoids collisions, chaos, conflicts and is very peaceful. It's difficult to bring him into battle. He will give in.

Negative qualities: Strong jealousy (suspicion) and escapism (escape from reality).

Relationships: Romantic, women have feminine patience and care for others. Men are overly picky and demanding.


The key word is empathy.

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