Modern signs about Kalanchoe for home and work

Kalanchoe signs, properties, is it good to keep at home
Kalanchoe is a familiar home healer, which was grown by our grandmothers. But this flower is not as simple as it seems. He cares not only about the health of the family, but also about the prosperous atmosphere in the house. This plant will not bloom where the energy is bad. Read the article and find out where to place Kalanchoe and why it is dangerous for babies.

Is it possible to keep Kalanchoe at home? Magical and energetic properties Useful properties of Kalanchoe What does the Kalanchoe plant symbolize - signs and superstitions. Impact. Beliefs about Kalanchoe flowering

Magical and energetic properties

Kalanchoe by nature is suitable for people of the element of Fire. They should place the flower on the brightest windowsill so that the plant is saturated with the life-giving energy of the sun. Then the flower shares its positive energy with its owners.

The plant can increase people's performance, so it is good to keep it in your office. In this case, the flower pot can be placed on the desktop if there is enough lighting.

Kalanchoe is perfect for noisy offices where eternal disputes take place - the flower will calm even the most zealous debaters and create a pleasant working atmosphere. The plant has the ability to extinguish emerging conflicts and help people find peace of mind.

Bioenergetics specialists say that Kalanchoe wards off damage and the evil eye. If suddenly a curse has been placed on you, then the flower nearby will take on the negativity. The plant, like a shield, protects your home from adversity and bad influence. If Kalanchoe is in the house, then there is no need to be afraid of evil slander, gossip and witchcraft.

What does the plant symbolize?

Kalanchoe is an evergreen indoor plant that does not have a dormant period. It is associated with longevity because its development cycle is 10–15 years. The succulent symbolizes tranquility, peace of mind, harmony and security.

In ancient times, magicians and sorcerers used it to prepare a potion that protected people from the evil eye and damage. They believed that this flower was able to protect a person from the negative consequences of magical influence. Since then, it has been believed that giving Kalanchoe as a gift is a good omen. Whoever receives it as a gift for Christmas will find peace and happiness.

How to replant a flowering Kalanchoe?

young Kalanchoe seedlings in pots after transplanting
Consider a number of parameters before transplanting:

  • choose the diameter of the new pot a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one
  • plan the procedure for the end of March - mid-April and repeat every year
  • maintain soil composition to speed up plant adaptation


  • fill the new pot with drainage and soil 50%
  • Carefully remove the Kalanchoe from the old pot. Leave its roots with a lump of earth
  • install in a new flowerpot and add soil
  • lightly tamp the soil around the stem
  • Water the plant in a new pot moderately
  • feed it for a week until it fully adapts

Signs about the energy of a flower

There is not a single belief about this plant with a negative interpretation.
According to signs, Kalanchoe fills space with good energy, improves the well-being of household members, brings abundance and strengthens relationships between people. It is recommended to grow it in houses where large families live, because there are often quarrels there. The flower will eliminate misunderstandings between household members and help them become more friendly and optimistic. Kalanchoe is ideal for older people who, due to their age, tend to constantly grumble and complain, showing their dissatisfaction with every little thing. According to the sign, the flower will help them become more tolerant of others.

Kalanchoe does not bloom and stretches upward: what to do?

Kalanchoe stretched up and without flowers
First, determine the possible cause. It's either:

  • lack of sunlight, which the plant reaches for
  • daylight hours are too long, 12 hours or more

There are also 2 ways out of this situation:

  • move the pot of Kalanchoe to the windowsill without any neighbors other than succulents,
  • monitor the length of the day for the plant, cover it with opaque polyethylene in the evening until the morning.

Kalanchoe begins to form flower stalks when:

  • he has enough strength, that is, watering and fertilizing are normal
  • he sees sunlight for no more than 10 hours at a time

Health effects

The succulent has healing properties. Its juice has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and regenerating effects. How to use it:

  • juice from the leaves is used to lubricate gums for gingivitis;
  • nose drops for sinusitis;
  • treat cracked nipples in nursing mothers;
  • the tincture is used to gargle for sore throat;
  • apply applications with flower juice to wounds and bedsores.

Kalanchoe-based ointments are widely used in dermatology. They treat acne, boils, psoriasis and other skin diseases. In gynecology, diluted succulent juice is used for douching for erosions.

Where should a Kalanchoe flower be placed according to Feng Shui?

flowering Kalanchoes are located on the southern part of the house, therefore they bloom profusely.
According to Feng Shui, the best locations for Kalanchoes are:

  • window sills on the south side of the house,
  • the extreme left corner of the home - to attract abundance and wealth to the owners,
  • left corner from the computer monitor for those who work in the dark. The plant absorbs fatigue and replenishes the worker's strength.

So, we have looked at the main stages of caring for a flowering Kalanchoe, the reasons for its drying out and pulling up. We learned about the benefits and favorable signs of having a plant in the house.

Get yourself a Kalanchoe if you haven’t already, and test the power of its healing effects in practice.

Known proven signs

There are many beliefs associated with a guest from the tropics, and almost all of them have a positive meaning. Kalanchoe Kalandiva, according to legend, brings prosperity and material wealth to the house, promotes mutual understanding between residents and colleagues, and relieves chronic fatigue. The flower absorbs bad energy and removes the consequences of damage and the evil eye from those who care for it.

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The most common signs about Kalanchoe are:

  • the flower brings happiness to its owners;
  • improves health;
  • helps to achieve success in professional activities;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • gives vitality and revives interest in life in older people.

For harmony in family relationships

According to an old superstition, the Kalanchoe flower can be kept at home, especially if the family has existed for several years. In this case, the plant will help revive youthful passion and strengthen relationships. The spouses will again feel the joy of communicating with each other and will begin to spend more time together, as in their youth. The house will be filled with joy and happiness.

Kalanchoe will become a real amulet of the family only under one condition - if the husband and wife are sincere towards each other and want to save the marriage. A flower feels the energy in the house - when it is clean and positive, it grows well and delights with lush flowering. If spouses are angry with each other and there is no respect between them, then it develops slowly and does not bloom.

Protection from negative influences

Our ancestors believed in the sign that Kalanchoe protects against negativity directed at humans. It absorbs bad vibrations emanating from evil, envious people, magicians and sorcerers. However, at the same time, the growth of the flower slows down, its leaves begin to fade.

In the old days, people used a talisman made from a dried part of a plant, filled with epoxy resin. They carried it with them everywhere to protect themselves from damage, the evil eye, love spells and other magical influences.

Protection from diseases

Kalanchoe is a medicinal flower. The juice of the leaves contains tannins and phytoncides, thanks to which it is used in folk medicine for inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. However, according to ancient superstitions, the plant is also capable of healing on an energetic level. If a person’s illness is caused by negative external influences, then the Kalanchoe will absorb bad vibrations, cleanse the patient’s aura, and he will recover. True, in this case the flower itself will most likely die.

Indicator of the evil eye and damage

According to the superstition, Kalanchoe withers if it is in a room with bad energy. Based on the state of the plant, you can determine what kind of people live in the house. If there is no love and peace between them, then the succulent grows slowly and looks weakened.

The sudden death of a Kalanchoe is a bad omen. This means that someone in the household has recently been damaged. Perhaps there is a lining in the apartment, an object that witches use to harm others. Also, the flower withers with good care if there are often people in the house with an evil heart who harbor hatred or envy the family.

Impact on children

A succulent growing in a children's room not only purifies the air and enriches it with oxygen, but also strengthens the baby's immunity.
According to research, the plant normalizes sleep. If you believe the signs, red Kalanchoe helps to quickly restore strength, which the baby spends on active games and learning. For children who take a long time to fall asleep and often toss and turn in their sleep, Kalanchoe will help get rid of overexcitation. Read also: The meaning of omens associated with ravens

Is it possible to grow at work?

Esotericists recommend growing Kalanchoe in the office. It’s good if the pot is right on the table. It helps to quickly restore strength, get rid of nervousness and get ready for productive work. The plant promotes career growth and success in your own business, helps you think rationally and make the right decisions.

If your work involves constant nervous tension, or conflicts often arise between employees, it is worth putting several plants in the office. It is important that each member of the team cares for succulents as much as possible. This will help restore a healthy atmosphere.

Magical properties of Kalanchoe

If there is a succulent in the room, conflicts rarely arise and quickly cease, headaches are less common, and chronic diseases, even if they worsen, do not last long. Kalanchoe cleanses already infected space, stopping the influence of magical rituals.

To always be protected, you can make an amulet. Flowering branches are cut, dried so that the petals do not fall off, and filled with epoxy resin. Should be worn under clothing on a rubber thread.


When combined with precious stones or metals, Kalanchoe loses its potency.

Is it possible to keep Kalanchoe at home?

Growing an indoor Kalanchoe flower in the house, according to signs, does not bode well. It only benefits the residents of the apartment. The positive effect of the plant is especially pronounced when it is grown by elderly people or married couples who have lived together for a long time. But it is not advisable for newlyweds to bring this flower into the house until they have their first child.

The juice of the plant in its pure form cannot be taken orally; it can cause nausea and vomiting. For this reason, it is not advisable to grow Kalanchoe at home for those who have cats or other pets that might eat the leaves.

Where to put the pot

Kalanchoe needs good lighting. The recommended length of daylight for him is 12 hours. In summer, it is better to place the pot on a western or eastern window, and in winter - on a southern one. When choosing a place for a plant, you need to consider that it can absorb bad energy. For this reason, it is better to place it in the living room or kitchen, where the whole family usually gathers. In order for the prediction of the sign of abundance to come true, you need to place the pot in the far left corner of the room, which is considered the wealth sector.

How to water Kalanchoe in winter and summer at home?

watering can with water near pots with Kalanchoe
Since Kalanchoe is not a picky plant, caring for it is not difficult.

On the other hand, like any other green resident of your home, it is sensitive to excess moisture, cold, and a complete lack of sunlight.

In summer, water Kalanchoe sparingly once a week.

  • Choose water that has stood indoors for a day.
  • Avoid pouring cold tap water under the roots of the Kalanchoe plant.
  • Leave the plant stem without drops of moisture so that it does not provoke disease.
  • Soak the soil with moisture so that water does not remain on the surface or in the base of the pot. In the second case, pour it out immediately.
  • Remember that Kalanchoe comes from the tropics, so it tolerates a short period of drought more easily than an excessive amount of water in the soil. After all, it tends to accumulate moisture in its leaves and stems, which it uses during dry periods.

In winter, reduce the frequency of watering to once every 1.5-2 weeks.

  • Gently lift the leaves before watering. Avoid accumulating water on them to avoid starting the processes of rotting and disease.
  • Reduce the amount of water for one watering by half. It is better to wait until the soil in the Kalanchoe pot is completely dry and then water it, rather than adding liquid to wet soil. This way you will reduce the likelihood of the plant freezing and stress from the watering procedure.
  • The water temperature should not be lower than room temperature in which the Kalanchoe lives.

The general principle for watering at any time of the year is good impregnation of the earthen clod, but without flooding.

Signs about flowering

This plant can delight you with luxurious buds only if it grows in a house where peace reigns. If Kalanchoe blooms at home, folk signs predict changes for the better:

  • if someone in the house is sick, he will soon get better;
  • for a young couple, the appearance of buds portends the birth of a child;
  • According to legend, if a Kalanchoe suddenly blooms in the office, it means that its owner will have career growth;
  • long, lush flowering portends success in all endeavors.

The absence of flowering indicates that an unhealthy atmosphere prevails in the house - disrespect, quarrels, scandals. Kalanchoe does not grow well in such conditions and never blooms. Accumulating negativity coming from family members, the plant gradually withers.

Bright red buds usually appear in late January or February and are pleasing to the eye for the whole month. According to popular belief, if Kalanchoe blooms in winter, it means that there is a favorable environment in the house, peace and tranquility reigns there, and all family members treat each other with love and respect.

How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering?

trimmed peduncle of Kalanchoe after all the flowers have withered

  • Make sure all flowers are wilted.
  • Using garden shears, remove the peduncle as far down to the roots as possible. Then no fungi and mold are afraid of him.
  • And also cut off the outer 2 leaves on each branch of the plant. In this way you will stimulate the growth of Kalanchoe with a regular oval shape.

Kalanchoe should be pruned not only after flowering, but after purchase and for preventive purposes.

Signs and superstitions for women

It is useful for the fairer sex to grow succulents at home. At the energetic level, it has a beneficial effect on women’s health, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and fills the life of its owner with happiness.

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According to the superstition, a blooming Kalanchoe foretells a woman's imminent pregnancy. For unmarried girls, proximity to a plant will help them find a worthy man who will become a spouse in the future. If Kalanchoe appears in the house of a woman who has already met her love, but has not yet gotten married, then she will soon receive a marriage proposal.

Kalanchoe - the personification of spiritual comfort

The literal translation of the name of a succulent from Chinese is what falls, grows. This indicates the extraordinary resilience of the plant. In its homeland, it can be found in the rocky desert and on rocks; it does not require fertile soil and easily tolerates drought and temperature changes.


In Madagascar, Kalanchoe is given as a gift to people who want to achieve their goal at any cost in order to increase strength and stamina.

According to Eastern sages, the meaning of a flower in the house is that it helps to concentrate attention on the main problem. Thanks to him, all household members will improve relationships with others, achieve mutual understanding, gain peace of mind and become more balanced.

Flower as a family protector

Growing Kalanchoe at home will bring happiness to the family. The flower clears the space of bad energetic influences and improves relationships between spouses, as well as parents and children. According to the superstition, if you place a succulent in a child’s bedroom, the baby will become more active, inquisitive and focused. This will improve school performance.

Kalanchoe also benefits older family members, increasing vitality. By growing a flower, older people get rid of depressing thoughts and the infirmities of old age. The plant helps heads of families achieve success in their professional activities and develop self-confidence. According to the sign, the flower helps household members maintain harmonious relationships with each other, live in peace and harmony.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow, curl, dry out and fall off?

Kalanchoe leaf tips dry out.
There are several reasons for this phenomenon, depending on the nature and location of the affected leaves.

  • If these are only the top ones, then the plant does not have enough sun light.
  • If only the lower ones - you allowed the soil to dry out and have not watered the Kalanchoe for a long time. And also, perhaps, there is a too hot battery under his pot. Therefore, change its place to a cooler one.

A few more reasons:

  • tightness of the pot,
  • the plant is aging, which means it’s time to pinch off its healthy shoots/leaves and take rejuvenation measures,
  • infestation with aphids, if a similar situation occurs in the summer, and the plant itself lives on the balcony or in your garden.

Plant diseases as warning signs

Our ancestors knew that a flower was able to warn its owners about impending changes. By the appearance of the plant, you can determine whether everything is in order in relationships in the family or in the work team. The most common signs associated with Kalanchoe diseases:

  1. Despite good care, the lower leaves of the flower die off, which means there will be a quarrel with a loved one.
  2. If a plant located in the office withers, the sign promises tense relationships with colleagues and superiors.
  3. A rotten stem warns of possible betrayal of a close friend or loved one.
  4. According to the superstition, if a Kalanchoe suddenly dried up, although it was regularly watered, it means that one of the family members was damaged. The flower accepted the consequences of the negative impact on itself, which led to its death. In this case, the household has nothing to fear; nothing threatens them anymore.

How does flowering Kalanchoe reproduce?

healthy Kalanchoe seedlings on a plate before planting.
Flowering Kalanchoe can reproduce in 2 ways:

  • vegetative, that is, cuttings, leaves
  • seeds

In the first case, choose:

  • healthy material,
  • warm season, when the duration of the daylight hours is at least 12 hours and the temperature does not drop below +24℃,
  • a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight.

In the second:

  • different soil composition. It should be made of peat and sand, taken in equal parts,
  • regularly ventilated room with a temperature not lower than +18℃,
  • insulating the pot with cellophane until the seeds germinate. This usually occurs 7-10 days after sowing.

Feng Shui meaning

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, Kalanchoe belongs to the fire element.
In order for its magical properties to be fully revealed, good lighting is necessary. The more sunlight hits the leaves, the better the plant will absorb negative energy from the surrounding area. Only on hot summer days should the Kalanchoe be slightly shaded with a light translucent curtain. In the cold season, it is advisable to illuminate it using a special lamp for plants. For signs about Kalanchoe to come true, each family member must take care of it. The tropical guest does not require much attention - you just need to water it as the soil dries, feed it once a month with fertilizer for succulents and replant it once a year. However, the most important condition for the growth and development of a flower is the light energy emanating from the owners.

Signs by plant type

You can grow not only flowering types of succulents, but also those that delight only with lush spreading leaves. Breeders have bred more than 200 species, which are valued for their beneficial and magical properties.


Plants are so different in appearance that it is often impossible to assume that they have the same common ancestor. They even have different methods of reproduction.


In natural conditions, the plant forms a lush bush up to 70 cm high. In an apartment it grows up to 50 cm. The plant has long gray-green leaves with purple spots along the veins on the underside, giving it a fabulous look. The plant blooms once a year, and at different times. If you believe the signs, then household members are protected from viral diseases, and their maximum creative abilities awaken.

Botanists define the succulent as viviparous due to its reproductive characteristics. Flower buds form in the notches on the platinum leaves, which fall into the pot and take root easily. If such a flower is at the home of the newlyweds, they will quickly have healthy and beautiful children.


This flower is artificially selected. The bush is up to 30 cm high, the leaves are smooth, the color of the petals can be red, burgundy, white, lemon or coral. There are mini-varieties with a stem height of no more than 15 cm. There are no medicinal properties, the magical properties are weakly unexpressed.

Laciniata (Deer Antlers)

This is one of the most unpretentious non-flowering species. The shoots, reminiscent of the horns of a young deer due to their serrated edges, are colored rich green and directed vertically. An adult plant has a pronounced medicinal effect. The stems droop and spread along the ground. It also reacts to the microclimate in the family, protects households from damage and the evil eye, taking negative energy onto itself. More suitable for retirees as it supports vitality.

With pink flowers

Pots with such inflorescences can be given as a gift for the birth of a child and to girls prone to depression. Flowers improve your mood, help you find good friends and always be positive.

With red flowers

This is the only species that will not cause harm in the home of young spouses. It will help preserve passion, deep feeling, prevent the emergence of rivals and quickly extinguish emerging conflicts.

The magical power of the plant

Kalanchoe is a flower with powerful energy. It has a positive effect on the environment and people. The plant not only improves physical health, but also cleanses the energy and stabilizes the aura.

The qualities of Kalanchoe are enhanced by its correct placement in the home. Signs tell about such nuances:

  1. According to Feng Shui philosophy, this flower belongs to the element of fire, so it is necessary to provide constant access to the sun and warmth at home.
  2. Placing the plant in the kitchen or dining room will improve family ties and help find the right solution in a difficult situation. The most serious problems are often discussed in the cafeteria.
  3. Kalanchoe has the best effect on a person’s mood and well-being when located at a distance of a meter from the owner.
  4. It is not recommended to place the plant in a noisy place. Kalanchoe prefers peace and quiet.

To dispel melancholy or remove unnecessary thoughts, just go to a flower, stroke the leaves, and talk to it. It is important to treat the Kalanchoe as a living creature so that it feels respected and needs advice. This treatment will help to establish an exchange of energy.

Keeping the plant at home is not difficult. Watering and periodic replanting will go unnoticed, given the impact of its energy on a person.

Propagation of Kalanchoe by seeds

Kalanchoe, which is most often propagated at home in early spring, can also be obtained from seeds.
They have good germination. Before sowing them, prepare well-drained, fertile soil. The temperature in the room intended for seed germination should not fall below 20 °C. Seed material is evenly scattered over the surface of moist soil. Then they are pressed down with a finger. The pot or box with seeds is covered with glass or film. Periodically, the glass or film is removed to ventilate the crops. Water them with a spray bottle with water at room temperature. The substrate must not be allowed to dry out at the slightest level. Glass or film is removed after germination. Slightly grown seedlings dive, removing the weakest specimens. Young succulents are transplanted into pots filled with substrate.

Kalanchoe kalandiva mix and mini: features and characteristics

Kalanchoe kalandiva mini is a variety of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. Kalanchoe Mix is ​​a succulent plant that was bred using Kalanchoe Kalandiva Mini, and is essentially a hybrid form of it. The homeland of the parent variety is Africa, South America and Asia.

Breeding work has allowed the Mix variety to obtain some of the distinctive characteristics of the mother culture. The main difference is the significant duration of annual flowering. The most common color is pink inflorescences and white flowering culture.

Use in magic

Practitioners warn that a dead Kalanchoe indicates severe damage or a curse sent to the owner. The plant has absorbed negativity, but in order to protect your home, you should immediately purchase a new one.

If you place a flower in a child’s room, then he will have no problems with sleep and getting up in the morning.
Practitioners often use the flower to track the accumulation of negativity in the home. At the first signs of wilting, it is recommended to clean it with salt or wax, and also install protection from ill-wishers and envious people. Meditation next to a magical plant will quickly help you relax and relieve negativity; the procedure will be especially useful after a magical ritual. A magical Kalanchoe placed in a nursery will improve their health and add strength and energy. Children will also find it easier to wake up in the morning and go to school without arguing, and fall asleep more easily in the evenings. The aroma of Kalanchoe will have a beneficial effect on the ability to concentrate and remember large blocks of information.

If a practitioner often has to deal with scandalous, aggressive or envious people, then he should constantly carry a flower in his pocket or in a bag made of natural fabric. Such a magical amulet will also protect you from energy vampires. To identify ill-wishers, envious people and potential partners who should not be contacted, it is recommended to place a flower in the office. If the Kalanchoe shrivels, drops leaves or inflorescences when a guest appears, then there is no need to have common affairs with him. A common business will only bring losses and unnecessary worries.

What is the importance of Kalanchoe for work?

People who keep such a plant on their desk or windowsill notice the following good and bad signs:

  • if the working day is hard, it is enough to spend some time near the plant, and your strength will be restored;
  • next to Kalanchoe, the mood improves and work is more productive;
  • For managers, a flowering bush allows them to identify well-wishers and envious people. If after the employee leaves, the leaves droop, it means that the office was visited by an ill-wisher.

In addition to the good and bad signs and superstitions described above, you must also pay attention to the fact that Kalanchoe will be an ideal addition to any interior.

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