Handicraft as a tool to influence fate: all about embroidery signs and superstitions

No matter what happens, every person believes in signs and superstitions, as well as in the fact that you can attract good luck and improve your health with the help of various objects, such objects include embroidery. Many needlewomen who do cross stitch choose a subject for a future painting following one or another embroidery signs. If you are embroidering as a gift, then it is especially important to know what the embroidered picture means.

For the fulfillment of desires

The most common subject for wish embroidery is a lighthouse. If there is a river or sea in the picture along with the lighthouse, then they should be calm.

Embroidery itself is a desire for peace and well-being, so the chosen picture should correspond to this. There is no need to choose gloomy schemes where the sea is raging, thunderstorms, etc. It is better to choose an image that exudes calm and tranquility.

In addition to the lighthouse, you can embroider windmills and hummingbirds. It is believed that they allow dreams to come true faster and improve material well-being. Or an icon, which will also serve as a talisman.

But there is an easier way. It is enough just to make a wish before starting work on embroidery, with the first cross. Or you can make a wish on the first knot.

It is believed that holidays and Sundays are not the best days for embroidery at will.

To improve living conditions

If you want to expand your living space, buy an apartment, a private house or a cottage, then pay attention to the embroidery with the image of a house. Its size does not matter; it can be either a small or a large mansion.

Also, the technique in which this house is embroidered does not matter; it can be satin stitch, cross stitch, or tapestry stitch. Experienced embroiderers who are familiar with Dimensions products embroider the “Victorian Charm” set.

This set is very popular among those who choose a painting to improve their living conditions. And in most cases the sign works.

Embroidery to meet your soulmate and get married

In order to meet your betrothed, it is recommended to create paired embroideries - a pair of wolves, birds, fish, people, etc. The main thing is that there are two in the picture. Of course, an image of wolves is best. Wolves themselves personify loyalty and devotion. The “Kiss of the Wolves” cross stitch kit is also popular.

If you want to depict birds, then you should choose swans. Swans are a symbol of family happiness and fidelity. If you embroider people, then it is necessary that in the picture they hug or kiss, that is, express love for each other.

You can embroider poppies, poppy fields or peonies. According to Feng Shui, peony is a flower of joy and a symbol of love. For newlyweds, such a picture is like a talisman, especially if you hang it in the bedroom. But peonies and their beneficial effects are relevant only in the first years of marriage. Because when a couple has a child, the image of peonies in the bedroom is a sign of infidelity.

Girls who have not met their love are advised to embroider strangers. And if an unmarried girl embroiders a unicorn, then she will probably get married soon. You need to embroider on knitted canvas.

Slavic motifs or a pair of pigeons also favorably influence the search for a soul mate. On the first knot you need to whisper the names of the lovers. Roosters also contribute to the search, but if a beloved man appears in a girl’s life, then it is necessary to add a hen to the rooster. The image of a butterfly is a symbol of love, family, happiness. This sign came from China.

In order to speed up the wedding, you can depict wedding rings on a red canvas or a red background.


Cross stitch. To some, this type of needlework seems to be the lot of extinct noble maidens who whiled away boring evenings waiting for their betrothed, or, on the contrary, old maids surrounded by fat lazy cats and walls covered in ugly chintz.

Have you presented the picture? Forget it, this has been out of date for a very long time. Many people are now interested in embroidery, regardless of gender, age and social status. As in any community of people connected by some kind of business, embroiderers develop their own signs. There are even a number of embroideries that have special “magical powers”. To get married, they embroider peonies, which must be hung in the apartment of the girl’s parents. Any couples - animals, people, birds, butterflies - also, according to embroidery signs, lead to finding your soulmate. When they dream of their own home, they embroider any house or image of a mill they like. The image of a four-wheeled friend helps with purchasing a car.

People who do not want to be alone are not recommended to embroider single female portraits. It would also be better to refrain from embroidering the raging sea. But embroidering a lighthouse means the fulfillment of a wish made with the first stitch. Those who want to improve their financial situation take up designs with a money tree or a three-horned money frog with coins in its mouth. Horses are embroidered if they want to change their job to a more successful and better paid one. Embroidery is used to test people to see how “one of them” they really are. On any forum you will find many stories about how relationships between people deteriorated or improved after donating embroidered works.

The symbolism of embroidery is mostly based on the symbolism of Feng Shui - the science of harmony with the environment, mainly with interior items. Many people are quite skeptical about it. But even if you don’t take Feng Shui seriously, the theory of visualization still remains. The magic of stitches really works. But witchcraft, of course, does not lie in the hands of the embroiderer, not in the floss, not in the needle and canvas. She is in the power of thoughts. Concentrating on the embroidered image, cherishing his dream, which is drawn out with the help of a thread and a needle, a person is determined to acquire what he wants. And in principle - if you tune in properly - for any embroidery that you start, you can make absolutely any wish and believe that it will come true as soon as the work is finished.

After all, thoughts are material. And each will be given according to his faith. We embroider a house. Resolving the housing issue. To acquire your own home, or simply expand your existing living space, you need to send the appropriate impulse to the Universe. It doesn’t matter what kind of house you embroider - a castle, a mansion, a dugout, a gazebo - the main thing is what kind of energy you endow your work with. Embroidery for love Flowers (peonies, poppies) - for a meeting with a loved one. Peonies and poppies, according to Feng Shui, are flowers of joy, passion, and carnal love. If you need sexual relations, then embroider bright and strong flowers, with powerful legs and alluring petals. You can't go wrong. However, there is a caveat - peonies are only suitable for couples without children. After the birth of a child in the family, the peony symbolizes infidelity. If you want to add passion specifically to family relationships, then you should decorate the bedroom with embroidery of a happy couple of animals, birds or people. To find not only a sexual partner, but also a husband, you need to embroider a Unicorn. Spell on children For children, they embroider something tender, touching - angels, soft toys. Spell for health Embroidery of graceful cranes symbolizes health. Embroidery of delicious peaches is also suitable for health spells. For good luck Sailboat. A strong sailing ship, embroidered by your own hands, and with its entire hull turned into a home, symbolizes sure and ongoing good luck. Money Goldfish, carps are symbols of wealth, success in financial matters. As in life, so in embroidery, a three-legged toad with a coin or a horseshoe means great luck. Attracting money to the house. It is better to place the embroidered toad as if it were “jumping into the house.” And hang the horseshoe with the ends up. We embroider a horse. It is a symbol of speed, joy of life, and an optimistic attitude. With her appearance in your home, you will feel changes. An embroidered horse can throw up its head, dispelling its former life with its mane, giving another in return. She may bring a gift on her back for you that you greatly desire. Embroidering a car By analogy with an embroidered house, a car promises the acquisition of your own transport. Again, what type of transport you will embroider and what dimensions it will have does not matter for buying your own car. The main thing here is attitude. And in general, get used to doing everything in a good mood and everything you touch will work out for you, and carry with you only positive information. While embroidering a picture and admiring your work, think about the fulfillment of your deepest desire. Soon you will simply have to believe in miracles. Let's live and see, live and find out, survive and take into account. 1. Housing issue or what to embroider to expand your living space (buy a dacha, apartment, get your own house). An embroidered HOUSE contributes to the appearance of your own home. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a set from some company, embroidery according to a pattern, cross stitch, tapestry stitch or satin stitch. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a rural hut or a luxurious mansion. Any building will help improve living conditions. According to the experience of the embroiderers, small pictures were also embroidered. 2. Love, get married. POPPIES and POPPY FIELDS (and flower fields in general) - to “male power”. PAIR embroidery of animals or birds - two storks, ducks, a couple of wolves - contributes to meeting your soul mate, as well as family well-being. It is especially good if there is a painting with a pair of wolves hanging in the house. If you are embroidering a couple of people - a man and a woman, then ideally they should hold hands or kiss. PEONIES are a great way to meet a loved one. According to Feng Shui, PEONY is a flower of joy, a symbol of exquisite passion and carnal love. It is the most favorable symbol for young married couples. The image of a peony in the bedroom or in the love sector is a wonderful talisman, but its beneficial effect is only relevant in the first years of marriage. When children are born and a young wife becomes a mother, peonies in the bedroom begin to symbolize infidelity. That is, it is better to embroider peonies for couples who do not yet have children, so as not to provoke infidelity in marriage. Therefore, after several years of a happy marriage, replace the embroidery with another. To speed up the wedding, you can embroider gold wedding rings on a red (required!) background (I think it can also be done on red canvas). If an unmarried girl embroiders a UNICORN, she will get married in the near future. 3. Children The most famous sign among embroiderers is the embroidery of three angels from the company Dimensions – Almost Perfect (“Almost Perfect”). If you embroider them, you will definitely get pregnant. Judging by the reviews on the forums, embroidery works in 99% of cases. 4. Health CRANES (preferably a pair of cranes next to a pine branch or tree) are one of the most important symbols of health. PEACH is also considered a symbol of health. 5. Good luck in business, money, wealth SAILBOAT – embroidered to attract good luck in business. It signifies the symbolic “arrival” of good fortune. What you need to embroider is not a modern boat, a wooden one, but one that is beautiful, powerful, and outwardly reliable. When you hang it, carefully choose the place; it should not hang opposite the entrance, it should “float into the house,” i.e. should be facing the inside of the house. If you place pieces of gold, its imitation, or coins on the deck of a ship, this will significantly increase the effectiveness of the talisman. GOLDFISH - success in financial affairs. CARP - symbolize wealth. A THREE-LEGGED TOAD WITH A COIN IN HIS MOUTH is a symbol of great luck. One of the most effective talismans for the wealth zone. Brings wealth, increases monetary luck. It is better to place it in the wealth zone (southeastern sector). It needs to be positioned - as if she is jumping into the house. HORSESHOE is a symbol of good luck, abundance and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place the ends up. MONEY TREE - to wealth and the attraction of money, but only if it is embroidered correctly: According to Feng Shui, the tree should have: - an odd number of coins (otherwise the money will decrease rather than increase). It is best if there are 9 coins. Coins must have a hole in the middle and hieroglyphs; - an odd number of flowers, preferably 3 flowers. The flowers should be like cherry blossoms. Flowers and coins should be attached with a red thread. The tree should hang opposite the front door so that money goes into the house. The HORSE is a symbol of speed and endurance, joy of life, optimism and good fame. It is better if the horse is directed upward. The horse brings with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life. If you attach a symbolic image of gold to the back of a horse, then the horse will bring you fame and money... 6. Car The embroidered CAR has repeatedly helped embroiderers to acquire a four-wheeled friend. You can embroider any car - from a Ferrari to an antique Opel of 1898. Since most of the signs in embroidery came to us from Feng Shui, I give the meanings of the main symbols: • AIST - Longevity, a happy and peaceful old age • QUINCE - Fertility and a happy marriage • BUTTERFLY - Love and joy; two butterflies - marital happiness •BAMBOO - Health, longevity, flexibility. Is a conductor of favorable energy • BULL - Reliability and strength. Long and fruitful life, stable and sustainable •VASE - Calmness; a vase filled with something is a symbol of attracting wealth •FAN - A traditional symbol of protection. Protects not only the house, but also the person himself from misfortunes • GRAPES - Abundance, fun • WATER - Health, well-being • WATERFALL - Attracting good luck to the house • CROW - Marriage, fidelity • DOVE - Meekness and purity. A pair of doves - love, friendship and marital fidelity • MOUNTAIN - Support, protection and help • GARNET - A burst pomegranate - numerous offspring • GOOSE (pair) - Faith and fidelity in marriage • DOLPHIN - Dignity, hope, safety • TREE - Longevity • DRAGON — The highest symbol of luck, creativity; brings success in business • THRUSH - New favorable opportunities, joy, happiness • TOAD - Strength, strength • GIRAFFE - Wealth • CRANE - Good disposition, calmness, fidelity, long life. Often depicted under a pine tree - another symbol of longevity • HARE - Sensitivity, abundance, longevity • STARS - Happiness and eternity • ZEBRA - Peace of mind in any situation • KINGFISHER - Grace, nobility, marital fidelity • SNAKE - Movement and renewal. Represents wisdom and deep knowledge •IRIS - Life that knows no old age •KARP - Luck and spiritual achievements. Nine carps symbolize prosperity and material well-being. Two carps - A symbol of complete harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman • HUMMINGBREE - A symbol of the joy of life • A HORSE - A sign of victory, courage, power • A BOAT - A symbol of increasing good luck in business, security, hope • A BASKET - Filled with something - a symbol of abundance, fertility , prosperity •RAT - Prosperity, prosperity, well-being •SWALLOWS - Success and abundance •SWAN - Grace, beauty, purity, fidelity •LEO - Energy and valor. Protector of home and public places •LEOPARD - Bravery •BAT - Happiness. Five bats - “five blessings” - longevity, wealth, health, virtue, life to the end, predetermined by fate • LOTUS - Perfection, spiritual grace, peace, female genius, summer, fertility • HORSE - Patron of children. Symbolizes speed, perseverance, gives strength and endurance, and for children - rapid development •MAGNOLIA, ORCHID - Love, sophistication •BEAR - Symbol of strength and courage •MONKEY - Originality of thinking, cunning, quick wit •DEER - Career •EAGLE - A powerful symbol of success. Power, courage, sharp mind • PEACOCK - Beauty and nobility. Loose tail - titles and awards • PALM - Victory • LANDSCAPE - Symbol of good luck and favorable opportunities • ROOSTER - Symbol of vigilance, vigilance. Bearer of male dignity. Protection from fire • PEACH - Symbol of longevity • PEONY - Ardent passion, undying love, glory, dignity • PARROT - Symbol of a cheerful disposition, friendly communication, good memory • BIRDS - Symbol of joy, beauty, happiness • BEE - Hard work, success in science, art, trade • PISCES - Guarantee of success in financial affairs, successful development • SAKURA - Luck, love, beauty, youth and renewal • ELEPHANT - Power, strength, insight • OWL - Erudition, reputation, wisdom; protects against irrational financial investments • DOG - Reliable protection • MAGIE - Symbol of a “happy meeting” • SUN - Sign of providence, abundance, truth • PINE - Symbol of long life, fidelity and devotion • DRAGONFLY - Grace • TIGER - Protector from evil spirits, symbolizes strength and power • DUCKS (pair) - Happiness in love • PHOENIX - Symbolizes the warmth of the sun, summer and fire. Helps childless couples. The Phoenix paired with the Dragon is depicted during weddings as a symbol of a fruitful union, a happy marriage and healthy children •PERSIMMO - Joy •CHRYSANTHEMUM - Good Luck •HERON - Symbolizes fidelity and longevity •TURTLE - Longevity, strength, endurance. Symbolizes steady movement forward. It is not recommended to hang pictures of lonely (even worse, undressed) women IN THE BEDROOM - this promotes adultery. Agree, many people love and embroider such designs. A waterfall is not a very good symbol (a symbol of downward flow), tho. deterioration of the current condition, and above all financial. But the opposite symbol - a fountain - shoots up! The presence of images of fruits and dishes in the kitchen contributes to abundance in the house. How to embroider an amulet with your own hands On Monday, on the full moon (or on the waxing moon, if you want to increase something, or on the waning moon, if you want to get rid of troubles), buy at one time, without haggling and without taking change, an ordinary sewing needle and 3 spools of thread - green, yellow and red. You need to go home without talking to anyone, and even if you see someone you know, pretend you didn’t notice him and quickly go home. There, place your purchases on a pre-prepared white handkerchief and wash your hands in cold running water. Then sprinkle the needle and thread with holy water and say: “Lie here, repent, get rid of evil, feed on the light. Exactly". At sunrise the next day, speak to the needle, taking it by the ear with your right hand: “Neck, neck, for me, (your name), higher fate! Stitch by stitch, day by day. Let it be so". And then, one by one, on the threads: “I went and bought it so that the Force would be with me. For good luck, without any change. Let it be so". Then decide which talisman you would like to embroider with these threads. Here are the options: 1. Change your personal life (get married, get married) - two intertwined candles or two interpenetrating rings. Embroidered with yellow threads. 2. Concerned about the problems of love - three red roses. The flowers are red, the leaves are green. 3. Buy or sell something - the subject of purchase and sale. All three colors are used at your discretion. 4. Reconciliation - front garden, colors are used as desired. 5. Repayment of debt - a bag of money “on legs”, walking towards you, all three colors. 6. So that there is money - the same bag of money standing in your house. The bag is green, the money is yellow, the place where it stands is red. 7. Punish an evil person - a red arrow flying towards any green spot. 8. To be safe and sound on the road - three wheels, respectively embroidered in three colors. 9. For health - a red heart, surrounded first by a green and then a yellow outline. If you are not good at embroidery, then you can embroider with symbols: The square helps in work, it is an emblem of the earth and nature, materiality. For prosperity, embroider on a small piece of fabric with beige or brown threads and hem it on the inside of the wallet. Triangle - dawn. A new beginning will be successful if you embroider it with red thread on your handkerchief and carry it with you. The circle is the sun, the bowl, a symbol of prosperity. Embroider it with blue threads on the runner on the inside and lay it in the corridor. Embroidery in the form of the letter “F” symbolizes two figures (union: marriage, business), it depends on the color. Business - orange, marriage - purple, blue. You can embroider on fabric used to cover furniture. A wavy line means a smooth, calm life and helps you find your way. You can embroider with silver threads on the inside of a scarf or hat. Spiral - wisdom, intuition, enlightenment. Embroider with burgundy threads. Watch for 10 minutes with an absent-minded gaze. The color of the embroidery also matters. Red - beginnings; Orange - cooperation; Yellow is joy, a symbol of health and good luck; Green - practicality; Blue - changes; Blue - responsibility; Purple - faith; Beige-brown - success; Pastel colors - completion; Black, white, or pearl gray - intuition; Reddish brown, yellowish brown - greatness; Brown and blue - a happy road and clear sun; The size of the talisman does not matter. It can be hung on the wall, folded and carried with you, or placed at night under a pillow or bed along the projection of your head. Embroider amulets for a person on clothes. For your home, you can decorate tablecloths and towels. You sewing balances the mental state, there is a concentration of spiritual forces. Embroidery is such a magical technique when you put your imagination into patterns, imagining the final result. You should embroider carefully, counting the stitches: for good they should be even in each design, for evil - an odd number of times. And another indispensable condition: once threaded into a needle, you must embroider the started design (at least one color), but if it is not enough for at least one stitch or knot, consider that this embroidery has no magical value. Then think about it, are you doing everything right, are your thoughts pure? If not, it's better to stop. When creating a talisman, you can use the spell: “As in the wide sea there is a small island and a large stone lies on it, and on that stone I am sitting, the servant of God (name), a red maiden, a seamstress, holding a sewing needle threaded into it with a silk thread. I embroider happiness, share, sew joy and love. Amen". Read the plot slowly 3 times: at the beginning of work, in the middle and at the end. So, the talisman has been made, but this does not mean at all that you can sit and wait for your problem to be resolved on its own. This ritual gives you additional vibrations in the energy corridor in which you act to achieve your goal. Therefore, in this case, you simply must intensify your actions in the direction you set for yourself. To further activate the amulet, put it into the “not sparing your belly” mode for the day, take it in your hands and, imagining a flame burning in the middle of the picture, say three times : “It flared up, it turned red, it didn’t burn out. He gave strength, but he himself did not disappear. Burn! Burn! Burn!” Remember that thoughts are material. When embroidering a picture for yourself or as a gift, knowing that it symbolizes what you wish for the recipient or yourself, think about it, imagine your wish fulfilled and, we are sure, everything will come true!

For the birth of a child

The birth of a child is a long-awaited and joyful event. If you believe in omens, then you can embroider angels or little children.
A stork bringing a baby or a mother with a baby. Moreover, it doesn’t matter who will be depicted; it can be both people and a family of animals, for example, a mother bear and a bear cub. You can often see a girl planning to get pregnant stitching an “Almost Perfect” cross stitch kit. And, judging by the reviews, in 90% of cases this embroidery helps.

The most powerful image for such an occasion is the image of the Madonna and Child. It is believed that church motifs and icons contribute to family well-being and the birth of healthy children.

If you are expecting a second child, it is recommended to embroider a family of teddy bears or a burst pomegranate. These symbols suggest the presence of numerous healthy offspring. Slavic amulets, icons and images of saints are also considered preferred subjects.

There is an opinion that pregnant girls should not embroider, but this opinion is erroneous. You can and should embroider. The main thing is not to spend too much time embroidering.

Magic in crosses

Cross stitch patterns for peony flowers are popular due to their influence on the needlewoman. It is believed that embroidered flowers help to improve relationships and improve family life, and unmarried girls will be able to find a soul mate.

It is not necessary to embroider large and complex subjects. It is enough to sew a flower or bud to attract changes in your life. To do this, you need to do embroidery in a good mood and imagine the future. You need to start a new process on the waxing moon, preferably at night, so that nothing distracts you from your work.

If you want to create a thing that will always be nearby, then you can choose patterns of miniature peonies in cross stitch and use them to decorate a beautiful pendant or make a bracelet. The magical influence is not felt immediately, it is necessary to give positive energy the opportunity to come into life through constant visualization (the embroiderer should imagine the future guy so that the crosses are filled with the energy of love).

For good health

The main symbol of health in embroidery is cranes. It is advisable to choose an image where, in addition to cranes, there is a pine tree or a pine branch. Because pine is a symbol not only of health, but also of long life.

Turtles are also considered amulets of health - they are also a symbol of longevity and good health. Irises, bamboo, peaches, birch trees - personify unquenchable vitality, help get rid of evil spirits and are often embroidered for a person who needs to be cured of a particular illness.

To combat extra pounds, it is recommended to embroider a lady in a hat.

Stitch types

As a standard, a cross is used for work. It conveys the clarity of the drawing and creates content. Its convexity and volume depend on the folding of the threads. Needlewomen often alternate a cross with a half-cross to achieve the desired effect of smooth transitions.

Backstitch (or backstitch stitch) is intended for drawing contours. No design can do without it. In cross stitch patterns for peonies, backstitch is done with threads of different shades. In other designs it is often black in one piece.

French knots are used to convey volume and dot application. In creating flowers, droplets of dew or rain are drawn through them. Often embroidered with light threads for added volume. Fractional crosses can be used together with different types of stitches. This is a high level of craftsmanship, because the cell is divided in half, and the finished stitch looks microscopic.

Thanks to them, detailing in embroidery occurs, the elements look clear. Fractional crosses, like backstitch of this type, are created on homespun fabric or linen in order to get as close to naturalness as possible.

For a successful career

In order to live in abundance and have a successful career, you can embroider a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth - the most common oriental plot. It is important to place such a painting correctly in the house; it is better to hang it in the hallway, then it will have a positive effect.

A similar symbol is the Japanese maneki-neko cat. If such a cat has its right paw raised, then it attracts money into the house. If it is on the left, then this promises good luck in business. A maneki-neko must have a coin embroidered on its neck, and the cat itself must be three-colored.

Another popular amulets are the money tree. But it is worth remembering that there should be an odd number of flowers and coins in the picture, and each coin should have a hole in the middle and hieroglyphs.

Moreover, the flowers should be attached with a red thread. Such paintings should also be hung opposite the entrance to a house or apartment. Symbols of wealth are also carps or goldfish, bees, eagles, and phoenixes.

To move up the career ladder, horses are embroidered. The horse is associated with endurance and speed. An image with her can bring changes to life and help you find a job if you have been looking for a long time. A plot with a sailboat is also suitable for a career, but it must be positioned so that it seems to “float” into an apartment or house.

You should not embroider a waterfall if you want a picture that promises wealth and a career. Because water flowing down is the main disadvantage of such a scheme.

Strong amulets that can attract wealth - vases, baskets, plates with contents reaching to the brim. Horseshoes are also considered a symbol of good luck; such an image should be placed with the ends up.

Embroidery amulet

Many people do not embroider amulets for themselves, because there are some superstitions that prohibit this.
But as a gift to friends and family, this is a great option. As a rule, animals are embroidered as a talisman: tigers, lions, wolves. Animals should not have an angry grin, they should be on guard.

Dogs allow you to make new friends and protect you from quarrels. Embroidery with a dog is essentially a talisman that protects the house from troubles.

As a talisman against bad dreams, you can embroider a dream catcher, bells, or a horseshoe to attract good luck. A painting with five bats helps improve health and is also a symbol of wealth and longevity.

Of course, icons are considered the best subjects for amulet. Such amulets can be presented as a gift; it is better to give on Sunday. Because Sunday is a day off, calm and peaceful.

Other embroidery signs

Under no circumstances should you embroider pictures that depict loneliness, sadness, death, offended and naked people. It is believed that embroidery on church holidays is an unfavorable activity. But this is everyone’s individual choice.

According to the signs:

  1. If a thread sticks to your clothes, then soon you will meet your soulmate. Moreover, if the thread is light, the young man is blond, and if it is dark, he is dark;
  2. If you prick your finger while working, you will soon be praised and encouraged. But you shouldn't do this intentionally;
  3. if during the embroidery process a knot is formed on the thread, this means that a long and successful life awaits the person;
  4. Girls are also not recommended to embroider during menstruation.

Scheme selection

This is considered the initial stage in the preparation process. The choice of scheme is an important point, because thanks to it the needlewoman determines what she wants to see in the finished version and how it will be designed. Each needlewoman knows her level of skill. According to it, you can choose a scheme and motive for work.

Cross stitch patterns for peonies can be either monochrome or color. The first option consists of several shades of the same color, which helps convey its depth. Monochrome motifs are small, often embroidered for applied items. Full color paintings can consist of 20-30 shades. If the work is of the haed type, where the parameters allow you to depict the plot in detail, then the number of colors will be much larger - from 40 to 60.

When choosing a pattern for cross stitching peonies, you should pay attention to the presence of additional types of stitches and backstitch. This affects the production time of the product and the quality of the finished work.

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