Fire Monkey Key Traits of the Chinese Zodiac


According to the Chinese calendar, 2016 is the year of the Red Fire Monkey.

In the Chinese calendar, according to a 12-year cycle, each year is associated with a specific animal.

The Monkey is the ninth of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac, which is associated with the Chinese calendar.

Years of the Monkey include: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2021, and 2028


The monkey is a very active animal, and in the year of the Fire Monkey there is a great chance to dramatically change your life

, realize old dreams and start moving towards success.

New Year 2021: Year of the Fire Monkey

This year is considered a time of development. The Year of the Monkey is considered an exciting and interesting time, when it is worth thinking about incredible endeavors and imagining


In the Chinese horoscope, this animal is also a symbol of fantasy, since the monkey adapts to a changing environment faster than other animals, and also because it is very inquisitive


The Fire Monkey is distinguished by its agility of mind, good productivity and thrifty attitude towards money.

. Those born this year have a desire to gain new knowledge and travel.

Since spontaneity and inconstancy are one of the main characteristic features of the Red Fire Monkey, everything that happens around should be perceived with calmness, without leading to conflict.

It is believed that the Red Fire Monkey, a cunning animal

, which means she will find a way out of any situation.

In the year of the Monkey, you should not get involved in an open fight

. The best thing to do is to look for common ground with others.

And yet it is worth noting that this year’s symbol is not favorable. Few people will feel sorry for you or empathize with you, which means that most often you will have to rely only on yourself


According to the eastern calendar, the Monkey is a big playwright and loves to play pranks

, which means the Year of the Monkey will become bright and unforgettable. This year, try to catch more pleasure, have fun, travel and generally pamper yourself.

The element of fire makes them brave

The Chinese fire element is known for making people more energetic and proactive. When this element is combined with the sign of the Monkey, it makes its native more intense and extreme.

Fire Monkeys are the most impulsive and energetic people in this sign. They like to dominate, they want to be leaders or constantly compete. But they need to be careful that these traits don't become overwhelming.

These people want to be in control in every situation. This means that sometimes they can become too strong for others.

He is driven by the fact that the Fire Monkeys are the first and remain in this place forever. Each time they are in control of a situation, they get better at dealing with people and begin to care for those who happen to be their subordinates or who need them.

With Fire energy, aggressive and fast-thinking Monkeys become more courageous to do things that others would not even dare to do. And such bold behavior may not be as profitable as they think.

But no matter what, they will always be resourceful, active and will attract many people who can help them get out of trouble. Fire Monkeys tend to jump from one project to another, from relationship to another, in search of good solutions to what is bothering them.

In general, Fire Monkeys are open, happy, and always treat others well. This is why they have many friends and can make new ones very quickly. Their impulsiveness must be directed towards constructive and positive projects, otherwise Fire Monkeys can become dangerous and destructive.

If these Monkeys were more patient, they would have better relationships and things would go better for them. They also need to think more carefully about their actions to protect their interests.

Color of the Year of the Monkey: red


the color can stimulate appetite and passion, while pink stones such as rose quartz can attract romance.

Red color can add energy and improve blood circulation

, but don't forget that red is the color associated with fire.

This year, you should avoid the color red if you are in the same room with a person who has a fever, burn, sunburn, as well as someone who has suffered a sunstroke or has a fever-related illness.

What to celebrate the New Year in: Year of the Monkey

The color of the Year of the Monkey is red, so you should wear bright clothes

, which stands out a lot.

Choose clothes of all shades of red, from scarlet to brown

If you do not like very bright clothes, then you can wear clothes in bed colors
, brown and even black. It is advisable to dilute the dark color of clothing with metal accessories.

The most important thing is to wear what you are truly comfortable wearing.

, because the monkey is an active animal.

Be sure to wear jewelry and jewelry

On New Year's Eve, you simply must have decorations on yourself. It is desirable that the jewelry contain red stones - ruby, garnet or fire opal
. You can also pay attention to stones of fiery origin, which are created from volcanic rocks, for example, amber.

For the New Year, you can dare to make an unusual hairstyle that will please the Fire Monkey and make you luckier in the new year.

Chinese metal monkey character

Willful and very tough, Metal Monkeys are good at business. Proud and driven to succeed, they will convince everyone to do things their own way. Not to mention the fact that they will be able to turn any situation in their favor.

You can say that they manipulate, but only when it comes to their work. Sometimes they can be so busy with their career that they forget about everything else.

Strong, independent and knowledgeable, these Monkeys need everything to be safe and in order. Metal-Monkeys have a creative mind, so their ideal job should involve constructive thinking rather than physical thinking.

Because they are talented and practical at the same time, their work will be appreciated for being profitable and useful to others. When they do something, they prefer to do it alone rather than working in a team.

Metal Monkeys can do whatever they want, but they certainly have a short temper. They only persuade when they are knowledgeable and win-oriented.

As a matter of fact, these people have everything they need to become winners. What sets them apart from others is their tendency to be interested only in themselves.

Metal Monkeys are known for their desire to earn a lot of money and move up the social ladder. But don't think they don't know to have fun, because they can really make the most of a party.

If they are hired, the direction their corporation goes will also be their direction. They do well working in teams because they can show others what path to take to make things as efficient as possible.

Metal Monkeys are stable, free and always focused on what they have to do. These people are absolutely not averse to getting into difficult situations.

You will never find them feeling sorry for themselves. Since they like to work hard, Metal Monkeys will make good money and be confident that their future looks bright financially.

Regarding their social life, they are open to new friends and full of love and positivity. Metal Monkeys can convince anyone to do whatever they want.

These are people who can sell anything under any circumstances. Always cheerful and optimistic, Metal Monkeys have a kind heart and positivity that can influence others to remain the same.

As artists, Metal Monkeys will be able to sell their creations without much effort. Not to mention, they will likely start new trends.

Their negative traits are excessive pride and nervousness. Metal Monkeys are not loyal to many people because they think they have to deal with themselves and no one else.

Without worrying about hard work, these people can solve their problems on their own. However, they should take some help because it will only improve their efficiency.

Being so independent, many may seem vain and distant. So, the suggestion is to tone it down a bit as they will get a lot more support from others.

What can you give for 2021 year of the Red Fire Monkey?

This year, it is desirable that your gifts to family and friends stand out for their unusualness, and maybe even extravagance. This means that you will have to spend a lot of time to find the right New Year's gift.

It’s better to give not just a beautiful gift, but also a practical one.


* To a woman

You can give jewelry, gift certificates or universal sets.

* To a man

It’s better to give something that relates to his interests or hobbies. You can also give a man clothes or an accessory.

* Parents

donate household appliances.

* For children

give educational toys.

* Work colleagues

You can give souvenirs (including those made by yourself), various useful things for work, sets of sweets or gift certificates.

Compatibility of Ox woman and Monkey man

Relationships in a couple, where she is an Ox and he is a Monkey, are not cloudless. A woman may be irritated by a certain amount of carelessness in her chosen one and his penchant for adventure. When a lady in such a marriage works, it will be easier. But if the only breadwinner is the Monkey husband, problems cannot be avoided. A man is capable of making spontaneous expenses and purchasing completely unnecessary things, according to his wife.

Feeling love and devotion on the part of the chosen one, the husband will not look for pleasure on the side and will fully bestow his wife with care, warmth and tenderness. But as soon as a woman begins to “nag” her husband, he will begin to move away and stop rushing home. He wants to see softness, femininity, and compliance in his chosen one, which is what Ox girls sometimes lack.

The Monkey-Ox union is prosperous, but too fragile

A woman of this sign is inclined to control everything , sometimes crossing the boundaries of her partner’s personal space. She should restrain herself in this matter, allowing her husband to feel like the head of the family. Deep mutual respect and desires of both partners to be close to each other will allow them to “get used to” and become one.

Astrologers believe that the Monkey-Ox union is prosperous, but too fragile. There are some contradictory traits in the signs, and if they do not learn to control them in themselves, the relationship may collapse.

How to properly celebrate the New Year 2021: the year of the Fire Monkey

As already mentioned earlier, in the year of the Monkey it is customary to wear bright clothes, preferably in red shades. The Fire Monkey loves everything flashy and shiny.

* Red Fire Monkey loves fun

, which means the New Year’s costume party will go off with a bang. It is advisable that all costumes be decorated in appropriate colors - red, orange, scarlet.

Since traditionally the monkey is associated with metal, you can wear something with sparkles.

* The Fire Monkey loves noisy holidays.

, so if you are used to celebrating the New Year with your family, perhaps this time you should change the tradition a little and invite friends or go to visit yourself.

* You can also sit in a restaurant with a large group

or you can go on a trip and celebrate the New Year with many other people at the main New Year tree.

* During the celebration of the Year of the Fire Monkey, it is advisable to have candles on the table.

You can set off fireworks outside or just light sparklers at home.

Compatibility of Ox man and Monkey woman

A marriage or romance, where he is an Ox and she is a Monkey, promises to develop very favorably. The lady is flexible and adapts to her man, realizing that she is unlikely to be able to find a stronger and more reliable rear.

The husband finds inspiration in his wife, she becomes a source of energy for him, which helps him realize many dreams and plans.

The spouse in such a marriage feels complete security and stability. Despite his slightly eccentric character, the Monkey loves order, so his house will be clean and cozy. She is very hospitable and happily organizes holidays and friendly gatherings in her home.

A woman in such a union should remember that the Ox does not forgive betrayal , lies, betrayal and does not accept revenge. The husband is recommended to listen more to his wife’s needs and sometimes allow her to “prank” in the form of unrestrained shopping, a spontaneous party or a vacation with girlfriends. Trust is the most important thing that spouses should work on.

Without receiving moral or physical satisfaction from the chosen one, the Monkey is capable of committing treason

What to cook for the New Year: Year of the Fire Monkey

Because the monkey loves fruits

, then to make the New Year go well, decorate the table with fruits, fruit salad and/or fruit cake.

As with clothes, it is advisable to decorate the New Year's table with bright colors

, and in its center let there be a fruit tree or
a cake with fruit

Try to choose natural products

. Among the main dishes, you can choose light salads and baked meats (it can also be cooked over a fire).

In addition, it is important to have cheese


Serve sweets with plenty of fruits and berries


The Fire Monkey likes to eat well, but he also likes to move, which means that you shouldn’t sit and eat all New Year’s Eve, it is advisable to move around, dance or take part in active competitions


Love and relationships of the Monkey according to the horoscope

In early youth the Monkey will have a difficult time. She will not have a shortage of friends and acquaintances, but a large number of novels will cause her a lot of trouble and torment. She has great difficulty in expressing her feelings, and often chooses not to do so. Living together with someone is a very serious and responsible step for the Monkey, and she will not rush into this.

Friendly, erudite and possessing a subtle sense of humor, the Monkey can make pleasant company for anyone. She needs a person whom she could love and live with him all her life. In his youth, the Monkey is usually flirtatious with others and will have many casual affairs. But this love relationship will cause her a lot of trouble.

Despite the fact that the Monkey prefers to have her loved one next to her, she does not openly express her feelings. To others she may seem friendly and sociable, someone who can be trusted, but the Monkey herself is in no hurry to trust another. She relies more on herself and is in no hurry to make commitments.

Living together with another person is a very important step for the Monkey, and he prefers to be careful. If she feels that everything is very serious, then she immediately wonders if this is really true love. She begins to doubt herself, her partner, her feelings. The Monkey really wants to find a soul mate, but despite his desire, he approaches this issue too pragmatically.

Her pragmatism can cause her partner suffering, and he may become disappointed in her. In this case, a break is inevitable. Love is a treasure that must be protected. You need to believe and love, and various exams are not needed. In love affairs, the Monkey should listen to his heart, not his mind. Then she will find her love and be happy.

If your partner is a Monkey

The monkey is an individualist. She loves only herself, never listens to other people's opinions and does not give in to any influence. If you want to get her to do something, you have to accept that, ultimately, she will choose the course of action that suits her best.

But still, the Monkey cannot help but attract: she is incredibly charming and sweet, too smart and necessary for people. She is always accompanied by success in all endeavors, especially in commerce, diplomacy, politics or industry.

Born in the year of the Monkey

People who were born in the following date ranges are considered to be those born in the Year of the Monkey:


February 2 - January 21, year of the Earth Monkey.


February 20 - February 7, year of the Metal Monkey.


February 6 - January 25, year of the Water Monkey.


January 25 - February 12, year of the Wood Monkey.


February 12 - January 30, year of the Fire Monkey.


January 30 - February 16, Year of the Earth Monkey


February 16 - February 4, year of the Metal Monkey.


February 4 - January 22, year of the Water Monkey.


January 20 - January 8, year of the Wood Monkey.

2016: what year of the Monkey?


February 6 - January 27, year of the Fire Monkey.

Combination with zodiac signs

  • Aries - Monkey
  • Taurus - Monkey
  • Gemini - Monkey
  • Cancer - Monkey
  • Leo - Monkey
  • Virgo - Monkey
  • Libra - Monkey
  • Scorpio - Monkey
  • Sagittarius - Monkey
  • Capricorn - Monkey
  • Aquarius Monkey
  • Pisces - Monkey

General information about the Monkey sign

  • Horoscope for today
  • Monkey Horoscope for 2021
  • Characteristics of the sign
  • Compatibility
  • Combination with zodiac signs

New Year 2021: what type of “monkey” are you?

In the Chinese theory of the five elements, each zodiac is associated with one of the elements: gold (metal), wood, water, fire, and earth. The cycle lasts 60 years - for example, the Fire Monkey hits 1 time per cycle, i.e. once every 60 years.

According to the theory, a person's character is influenced by the animal in whose year he was born and the element of that animal.

There are 5 types of Monkeys: wood, fire, earth, gold and water, and each type has its own characteristics:

Wood Monkey: born 1944, 2004

A person born this year is always ready to help others. He is compassionate, stubborn and has a strong sense of self.

Fire Monkey: born 1956, 2016

A person born this year is ambitious and seeks adventure. He may also be irritated frequently.

Earth Monkey: born 1908, 1968

A person born this year always tries to be honest, optimistic and fearless.

Golden Monkey: born 1920, 1980

A person born this year is smart, quick-witted, self-confident, but also irritable and stubborn.

Water Monkey: born 1932, 1992

A person born this year is smart, quick-witted, loves to be the center of attention, but at the same time arrogant.

Compatibility Horoscope

Infographics: compatibility and love relationship forecast for 2021 Year of the Monkey

Monkey and Rat

The Rat has met his ideal. Love is mutual if the Rat can selflessly serve the charming Monkey. But if the Rat is a woman, a strong union is hardly possible, although she will be a very devoted and good wife. The Monkey can use the Rat and even harm it.

Monkey and Cat

Romantic feelings are strong. The Cat Man likes the aestheticism of the Monkey, who admires the breadth of her husband’s soul. Both love to brag. The Cat doesn’t help much with the housework, which annoys the Monkey, but she can put up with it.

Monkey and Horse

The horse should not have too much contact with others. You need to appreciate the Monkey's refined nature. The Horse husband must be a breadwinner so that happiness does not leave the family. The Monkey is ready to support the Horse with its sympathy.

Monkey and Rooster

They will definitely find a common cause: profession, hobby, craft, etc. The Monkey will give it aestheticism, the Rooster will push things forward. If the Rooster is a woman, she should chat less with her friends and devote more time to her family. A monkey man should not be selfish.

Monkey and Ox

The Ox strives to save the marriage, but it is difficult for him to see the whole soul of the Monkey, which he may consider strange. The Ox is inert enough to explain to himself the behavior and inclinations of the Monkey. He should be persistent but tactful. The Monkey needs comfort more than the unpretentious Ox.

Monkey and Dragon

These two understand each other perfectly. The Dragon wants to listen to words about love from the aristocratic Monkey. The Monkey husband should not delegate housekeeping to his wife. The Dragon can soar in his plans that the practical Monkey will consider him a narrow-minded eccentric.

Monkey and Goat

The Goat man will direct his activities towards creating material wealth for the family and will definitely achieve his goal. For the Goat, the Monkey is very romantic and admirable. If the Monkey is a man, the Goat should give him the opportunity for variety in everything.

Monkey and Dog

A tactful Monkey will reduce the aggressiveness of the Dog. Both work for the benefit of the family. Love is very romantic in a couple, the main thing is that life does not become boring. You cannot isolate yourself from the outside world; this can lead to depression for both.

Monkey and Tiger

The union of these “animals” is romantic. Both are intelligent. The tiger husband will be busy with his career. If he is not so active in the household, then his wife will understand this. They will find a common language in everything.

Monkey and Snake

The couple is harmonious, if only they do not engage too much in spiritual and esoteric searches. The Snake is quite sentimental and will support the Monkey man. Intelligence will help save a marriage from too violent passions. A female monkey can carry out everyday life on herself, which her husband will only be happy about.

Monkey and Monkey

A rather closed union, however, everyone’s personal interests are placed higher than family ones. A compromise must be sought. A man will always follow his line. A woman should run the household diplomatically, but without removing her husband too much from her affairs.

Monkey and Pig

Selfishness can take over. It's better to find out everything correctly. The similarity is that these “animals” of the eastern horoscope like a non-boring life, both love travel and entertainment. The Pig will not force the Monkey to strain himself over everyday life, which he will appreciate.

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