Feng Shui gifts for birthdays and other holidays

Gifts according to Feng Shui

Giving and receiving gifts is an art. A gift will be valuable and dear to a person if you gave it with all your heart. And it will be doubly dear if you, remembering your friend’s hobbies or his wishes regarding a gift once expressed, presented as a gift exactly what he had long dreamed of. Feng Shui gifts should be carefully selected, this should be done in advance, and not at the last moment.

If the gift is chosen correctly and in advance, the person will be flattered by your attention and care. You need to hand the gift in person and say warm words. The gift needs to be beautifully packaged, you can attach a congratulations card to it. According to the rules of etiquette, the price tag must be destroyed.

When giving gifts, we definitely wait for a reaction from the recipient, whether he liked it or not. A well-mannered person must unwrap a gift, thank and admire it.

Feng Shui in action

What are the differences between classical feng shui and symbolic feng shui? What exactly is Feng Shui and why is its use sometimes dangerous to health? How can you learn to choose a good apartment using 3 simple techniques?

more than 14 years to the study of Chinese metaphysics, which includes many techniques and tools for working with space and man. We tried, applied, tested, tested again, subjected to the critical opinions of other people, made statistical samples, observed the results in the long term, argued, just to figure out HOW metaphysical tools work and only then offer you these services.

Before you plunge into the world of metaphysics and real Feng Shui, read our articles and only then make a decision. Remember that feng shui is not magic or a magic wand. Feng Shui is about MULTIPLIING what you already have. It is a catalyst, an accelerator, it is a new fuel for your life.

And if your store is located on the outskirts of the city in a “poor” area, and you are going to sell expensive branded clothing, then no feng shui will help you. Perhaps in such a situation, it will allow you to stay afloat, but you will not get serious development, because no one has canceled marketing and sales yet.

Yes, with the help of Feng Shui you can change your destiny for the better. But if you don’t do anything yourself, if you don’t make any efforts to achieve results, then no feng shui will help you.

Feng Shui is the subtle and most environmentally friendly (of all methods known to us) tuning of your unconscious, which controls the space of possibilities, your destiny and luck.

Gifts to attract health and longevity

Trees with peach fruits are considered a classic talisman of health and longevity. A panel or painting of peaches will also help activate the health sector.

Living coniferous bonsai trees, pine or cedar, will bring longevity to their owner.

The crane is the most revered symbol of health and longevity. And the image of cranes against the backdrop of pine trees will give the strongest beneficial effect.

Health balls are Jade balls. The jade gem is called the stone of life, capable of strengthening vitality.

Chinese astrology Ba Zi

A unique astrological system of its kind, translated as “8 pillars”. Most often, people turn to this service when negative events happen to them.

However, knowing your Ba Zi card, you can prepare for negative periods in your life and adjust them to improve your luck. In other words, you can be READY for possible events, and if you already have life experience and know solutions in terms of possible events, then you can go through this period painlessly. Aware means armed .

In addition, the value of deciphering your Ba Zi card is that you get an effective strategy for getting money in your life. All you have to do is follow small recommendations that can save you millions of dollars in lost profits or lost investments.

What kind of business should you open, what size of business is most effective for you, should you have a business at all or is it better to work for hire, and what to do if your business is ineffective, but you really want it? The answers to these questions will help you control your destiny as you wish, receiving money to achieve your goals.

The main mistake in using Ba Zi is not using it! You pay 2 thousand rubles, a young inexperienced specialist who has no statistical experience, the specialist answers you with answers that you actually WANT to hear and that’s where it all ends.

You're trying to confirm your past and get some answers about the future. No more. Ba Zi is a powerful tool for personality correction and luck correction .

What is the main idea of ​​Ba Zi: not every person is given an excellent destiny. For some it looks like a tank, for others it is just a glass. But what if your destiny is only the size of a glass?

What, life is over? Or “persistence and work will grind everything down”? If you don’t know how you can beat your destiny the size of a glass, inlaying it into the space of possibilities, then “persistence and work” usually lead to loss of health, as you begin to “roll a stone uphill”, losing precious energy.

It is important to understand and apply this as if you were the captain of a sea vessel, maneuvering between reefs to sail to the island of dreams .

At our center, we use several techniques to assess your destiny. We build a spatial model from which you receive only the most important decisions for correcting your destiny. You can get acquainted with the services in more detail on the “Ba Zi” page

Gifts to enhance financial well-being

If you want to wish a person material wealth and well-being, in this case it would be appropriate to give a money tree - a symbol of wealth.

The tree with coins is an effective activator of monetary energy for the sector located in the southeast. When presenting a gift, you can tell the legend about a magical tree with coins that rain down in golden showers if you shake the tree.

The three-legged toad also attracts money luck. The ideal place for it is the south-eastern sector in the living room. It symbolizes prosperity and financial well-being.

The cup of wealth is considered a symbol of prosperity. It must be filled with jewelry, semi-precious stones, money and placed in the southeast.

To attract money, you can give a small but incredibly powerful gift - Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon. Keeping them in a safe or wallet will increase your cash flow.

Qi Men Dun Jia Strategy

The equipment, created for combat operations and hiding the emperor, has recently been successfully used in business. The largest corporations in the world have their own consultant Qi Men Dun Jia in order to build business strategies, predict the effectiveness of new projects, and much more.

Initially, many tools and techniques came from the Qi Men Dun Jia system. This technique is more than 6500 years old.

It is successfully used in many decisions: selecting a house or apartment, creating a strategy for a business, creating a strategy for courts, predictions, etc. But still, the system was originally created for combat.

That is why we successfully apply this in our work, in working with clients, for clients, creating strategies for doing business , a targeted strike on a competitor-enemy (dates for launching projects, now to advance or retreat, what the enemy can prepare for us, what project will be more successful in the market, what trend in this industry will grow and how quickly, etc.).

Qi Men Dun Jia is a very advanced system, but it is better to use it in conjunction with all other tools and techniques of Chinese metaphysics, such as Ba Zi, Feng Shui, Qi Gong.

We have annual business and client support programs, in which we carry out work on the comprehensive setup of your personality and business, where we review and set up your home (Feng Shui - we create life resources for implementation - you need energy), give recommendations on how to use it in our behavior of certain tools and personality factors (ba zi - we create an image and image, the energy field of influence on your business, your effective techniques and techniques) and calculate strategies for business (qi men dun jia - a map of the territory along which we will go to collect gold coins) .

Comprehensive support is the best solution, but not everyone is able to buy it. Still, all systems (Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia, Ba Zi, etc.) were created for EMPERORS . The information in books and in many courses of visiting masters is distorted and is not carried beyond the social circle of real masters. We have tested this in practice: the gates of birth in Qi Men Dun Jia are not always so useful and do not always correspond to their “book” purpose.

Read services using this technique in the section “Qi Men Dun Jia”

Gifts for home and family

If you are making a gift for your home and family, you can present a gourd pumpkin - a symbol of good luck and health. If a pumpkin is in the house, then the house itself and all its inhabitants will receive many benefits. It helps restore relationships between spouses, children and parents.

Family tree - to strengthen the family

An elephant or 7 elephants are symbols of a strong family and attract good luck and success. An elephant with its trunk raised will fulfill all your wishes and drive away bad energy from your home. The elephant represents stability and stability. The elephant figurine should be placed on the windowsill with its trunk facing out.

It is very good to give a strong, healthy and strong living plant - a “Family Tree”, which will personify the cohesion of the family.

A waterfall or fountain would also be appropriate to attract good luck to the house. They are a source of pure vital energy, since running water is a symbol of endless power.

Bamboo represents loyalty, stability and reliability of the family. Considered a symbol of prosperity. To strengthen material wealth, it is recommended to place it in the wealth sector.

Dogs fu

Dog Fu
This is a powerful medicine for protecting the home. Traditionally they were used as guards for rich houses. But they can also be planted inside. A pair of small foo dogs can be a wonderful gift for those who want to make a career. They can be planted on a windowsill in an office or study so that they look out.

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Salt lamp

Salt Lamp
This is not just a stunning shimmering ball. A salt lamp purifies the air in the house and creates peace and quiet. When you turn on the lamp, you release negative ions into the air, purifying the surrounding space. If there are a lot of electronics at home, then these ions can clear the air of electromagnetic radiation. Sea salt lamps help with allergies, mood swings and improve overall well-being.

Water - yang










You can give water any objects of art: beautiful paintings, decorative figurines. Their amulet is birds, especially the peacock and phoenix.

Fire - yang










Fire amulets and talismans are aromatic candles and red sticks, incense for aroma lamps. You can also give representatives of Fire crystal and glass - it stores and increases their strength and power.

Red envelopes of good luck

Red Good Luck Envelopes
These red good luck envelopes can be used in many different ways. It doesn’t matter what feng shui school you practice. You can always use these envelopes as medicine to attract abundance. You can put coins and crystals in them. These envelopes can also be used as a secret energy activator for any area of ​​the home that needs it.

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