The Hour of the Dragon according to Feng Shui and other animals: what it will tell you about

According to the Eastern tradition of Feng Shui, not only does each year correspond to a specific zodiac patron, but also the month, day and even time of day. And based on the characteristics of the character of this patron, a specific time will impose a number of obligations and rules on a person. And if you learn them and learn how to use them correctly in everyday life, you can significantly improve your reality.

Feng Shui Personality of Different Clocks

Do you understand that it is completely possible to select a perfectly suitable date for the implementation of something based on your own and general date selection tools, but at the same time not achieve a good result? This happens due to the wrongly chosen hour.

And, on the contrary, almost every day owns a watch that can give a person additional fortune. Various types of forecasting practices, whatever they may be, pay special attention to the selection of positive hours no less than the selection of suitable days.

If you are also interested in making your life better, read the information about choosing the time in which all your endeavors and expectations will be crowned with success. During such hours, you receive a portion of additional support from the Universe, which contributes to the most active realization of what you want.

History of origin

Many ignorant people believe that Feng Shui is the science of the dead, but this is not so. Feng Shui originated about 3 thousand years ago in Ancient China and has passed through time, experiencing ups and downs, and continuing to develop. The founder of the teaching is Yang Yi, a Chinese master whose works are the basis of the principles of Feng Shui. And the original task of Feng Shui was to protect people and their homes from climate disasters.

Later, the teaching was used to protect members of the imperial family. But over time, the direction expanded and began to be used as a practical guide to attract prosperity, harmony and wealth.

The art of Feng Shui was passed down from generation to generation, and, as a rule, only the eldest son of the family learned it. Only after many years of study could the eldest son be considered a Feng Shui master.

Chinese astrological indicators of the day

The following steps will help you determine the animal sign of any day from 1931 to 2030. As a result, you will also receive the Element of the day. It will be needed later. 1. First, find the code number for the year of birth in table A. 2. Then find the code number for the month of birth in table B. 3. Add the two code numbers and add the birthday to them. 4. If the year is a leap year (the last two digits of the year are divisible by 4) and the date of birth is in March or later, add another 1 to compensate for the 29 days in February of a leap year. 5. If the sum is more than 60, subtract 60. If it is more than 120, subtract 120. 6. Find the number in table B and you will get the required data. Example

. What is the animal sign of June 25, 2010? 1. According to table A: code number 2010 - 47. 2. According to table B: code number June - 31. 3. Code number A = 47, code number B = 31, day = 25. 47 + 31 + 25 = 103 4. 2010 is not a leap year, there is no need to add one. 5. The amount is greater than 60, subtract 60: 103 - 60 = 43 6. Thus, June 25 is the day of the (Fire) Horse.

What year was the Snake born?

2025 marks the year of the Wood Snake.

When the year of the Snake comes, the 6th cycle of the eastern horoscope . According to China, everything on planet Earth consists of 5 basic elements:

  • water;
  • Earth;
  • tree;
  • fire;
  • metal.

Therefore, each of the subsequent periods of domination on the planet of one of the animals is endowed with the properties of a certain element.

Water1953, 2013A philosophical mindset, a lot of positive qualities, constant walking on the edge between excessive diplomacy and immorality
Wooden1965Good nature, gentleness, lack of conflict, loyalty, eloquence, ability to make decisions and go towards the intended goal
Fiery1977Activity, enterprise, self-confidence, pride, selfishness, lack of conflict
Zemlyannaya1989Tendency to bad habits, talent in everything, lack of conflict, willpower
Metal2001Secretiveness, belligerence, ruthlessness, cunning, lack of a sense of humor, vindictiveness

Each of the listed periods repeats once every 60 years.

The next year according to the eastern horoscope will be 2025 - the period of dominance of the Wood Snake

ANIMAL OF THE HOURS according to the Chinese calendar

When calculating a horoscope, the second factor (after the year of birth) is the sign of the hour. Some astrologers believe that the Animal of the hour (which is determined by the hour of birth) is the inner “I”, that part of the personality that people often keep secret, hidden plans and desires that will never come true. Animal of the year describes the image of yang

, projected by people into the outside world, is the everyday personality that outsiders know.
And the Animal of the hour is a reflection of the yin
that a person would like to be. In addition, the Animal of the Hour describes a person’s attitude towards children. If an astrologer studying a complete horoscope is asked about children, he will refer to the sign of the hour.

Summer time

However, there are one or two things that can make the calculations difficult. The first is switching to daylight saving time. If the birth time is recorded during daylight saving time, adjustments must be made accordingly. In most cases, this is not important: a person born at 4:30 in June, during daylight saving time, must subtract one hour, so that the true time of birth is 3:30. However, both 3:30 and 4:30 belong to the same double Tiger hour, so there is no difference. But if a person was born at 3:30, subtracting one hour moves his birth to the hour of the Ox.

Time Zones

The second point that needs to be taken into account is time zones (24 zones into which the earth's surface is divided to calculate standard time). The time difference between neighboring zones is 1 hour. There are also several strange anomalies in the world: for example, China is located in 5 time zones, but throughout the country one standard time is used - VIII zone. There are 11 time zones on the territory of Russia. To make travel more interesting, Russian airlines use local time for departure and arrival, but on the railway only Moscow time is used, even if local time differs by 7-8 hours.

Sunny time

The solution to both problems associated with determining the hour of birth is solar time: count time from true noon - the moment when the Sun is at its zenith (highest point). If you are afraid of making a mistake, measure the time when the Sun reaches its climax. If the clock shows 12:00, then local time is true. And if it is, for example, 12:30, subtract 30 minutes from the hour of birth to get the time for the horoscope. The ancient Chinese, who did not have instruments to measure time, determined the time of birth using incense sticks. When the child was born, the stick was lit. It burned until dawn (if the child was born at night) or sunset (if the child was born during the day), and then the stick was extinguished. When the family turned to the astrologer, he measured how much the incense had burned, and thus calculated the hour of birth.

Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Snake

People born in the year of the Snake are insightful, lucky and insightful. For the most part, they are lucky in this life, but they know how to empathize and help those who are not so lucky. They do not waste time on trifles, devoting themselves and their lives to the cause and person they love with all their hearts.

Despite the fact that the Snake woman has special charisma and charm, she is rarely lucky in love. As a rule, she chooses the wrong men .

If she is unhappy in her marriage, she will definitely seek consolation on the side. It should be noted that she manages to keep all the intrigues secret

The Snake man is sentimental, very pleasant to talk to and has a sparkling sense of humor. A calm and balanced woman with whom the relationship will develop gradually is suitable for him.

The Snake can have an excellent alliance with the Rat if the latter moderates its ambitions and stops looking “to the left.” With the Ox, the Snake will be sincerely happy; she will gladly give her partner the reins of power and will retire from equipping the family nest or raising offspring.

Ideal relationship between a Rat man and a Snake woman

A relationship with a Tiger is undesirable due to the fact that these two simply have nothing in common. The Snake exposes its quiet and cozy little world to serious danger when it allows the Tiger to cross the threshold of its own life. The Snake and the Rabbit are a wonderful couple who equally value comfort and entertainment, complementing each other in every possible way.

With the fire-breathing and bright Dragon, the calm and wise Snake is not on the same path. Even in exchange for admiration for an impressive partner, she will not receive the desired freedom.

Two Snakes will never find peace in each other. Both will look for adventures on the side, while trying to control their partner

A balanced and faithful Horse will under no circumstances understand or accept the Snake’s constant betrayals. If the Snake is wealthy and has weight in society, then the artistic and loyal Goat will gladly become her mate.

The Snake and the Monkey are a particularly explosive mixture. The latter will cause conflict, while the Snake’s patience is also not endless . Despite the fact that the Rooster evokes a sense of competition in the Snake, these relationships will always be more creative than destructive.

Incompatibility between the Monkey woman and the Snake man

a neutral and stable relationship with a Dog , which is completely absorbed in love for its partner and simply does not notice his second life. This is probably the ideal for the loving and secretive Snake. A good alliance is also possible with the Pig, but the witty Snake will in every possible way demonstrate its superiority over the slow-witted Pig.

Compatibility table for the Snake with other signs of the eastern zodiac:

Maximum compatibilityModerate compatibilityNot compatible
SnakeMonkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
HorseGoat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
SheepHorse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull
MonkeySnake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Bull, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger
RoosterDragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat
DogRabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Bull
PigTiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Bull, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
RatOx, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
OxRat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
TigerBoar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeMonkey
RabbitDog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
Rooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Bull, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog

How are biorhythms and patron animals connected?

In fact, there is no mysticism in dividing the time of day according to patron animals. The human body obeys biorhythms. In the East, much attention was paid to their study, although the term itself appeared much later. The ancients found their definitions for the phenomena, simple and understandable even for uneducated peasants.

It was noticed that at certain periods of the day people are possessed by the same desires, quite clearly expressed. Followers of the teachings of Feng Shui found for each such time period the corresponding types in the animal world, real and mythical.

For simplicity, we took the same animals that patronize the Chinese horoscope - there are twelve of them. Accordingly, the day is divided into a dozen equal intervals of 120 minutes: animal hours in Feng Shui philosophy last twice as long as usual.


Did you know that it is quite possible to choose the perfect date for doing something based on your own and general date selection tools, but not achieve a positive result? This happens due to the incorrectly chosen hour.

And, on the contrary, almost every day there are watches that can give a person additional luck. Different types of forecasting practices, whatever they may be, pay special attention to the selection of positive hours no less than the selection of favorable days.

If you are also interested in improving your life, read the information about choosing the time in which absolutely all your endeavors and expectations will be crowned with success. During such hours, you receive a portion of additional support from the Universe, which contributes to a more active realization of what you want.

The secret to effective planning

The secret of success is that each lesson corresponds to the time period that is optimally suitable for it according to Feng Shui.

Any person periodically faces the fact that some work, which he previously could easily cope with, suddenly stops and does not proceed, no matter how much effort is put in. And the reason is just the wrong time of day for him.

The proverb says: “There is a time for everything.” And indeed it is. There is an ideal time for any kind of activity or work, from eating to magical practices. You just shouldn’t plan risky things during the hour of the Monkey in Feng Shui, but sort things out during the hour of the Horse.

Day according to favorable and unfavorable hours

Every two hours of the day correspond to one or another of the twelve animals.

Rat (23.00-01.00)

The countdown of the day in Feng Shui begins not at midnight, but at eleven at night. If someone has not fallen asleep before this time, it is better not to try now: sleep will be restless. But it's not easy to stay awake either. The behavior and desires of a person are completely consistent with that of a rat. People are overcome by fussiness, anxiety, and also the main enemy of the figure - night hunger. It’s hard to fight the desire to sneak into the kitchen for something tasty.

The best way to spend the sleepless minutes of this period is on painstaking work that does not require much physical effort. For example, embroidery, knitting. You can clean up your closet or desk drawers: The Rat loves when everything is put in its place.

Bull (01.00-03.00)

The deepest sleep comes during this period of the day. But for night owls this period is also good if they are engaged in mental work. Inspiration visits writers, composers, artists. The Ox is calm, balanced, but at the same time goes towards the intended goal, not noticing obstacles.

However, early risers, even creative ones, should not experiment with the body and set an alarm clock. Their work will be much more effective if the “larks” get a good night’s sleep.

Tiger (03.00-05.00)

Last chance to sleep off for night owls. Meditation and quiet, calm music will help you go to the kingdom of Morpheus. A person simply needs sleep during the “tiger” period of the day, because his brain is now sorting out the information received during the day. The sleeper has vivid, fascinating dreams that he will remember.

And the Tiger is a hunter. Therefore, those “larks” who are accustomed to starting their day before dawn, under his auspices, work more efficiently and earn better than others.

The Hour of the Cat (also called the Hour of the Rabbit) lasts from five to seven o’clock in the morning.

The cat loves to be lazy, so waking up at this time is quite difficult - it’s tempting to lie under the covers for as long as possible! To boost your morning vigor and energy, you should eat something crunchy, for example, a cracker or raw carrots. Cats and rabbits also add capriciousness to this hour of the day; it is important to keep yourself under control so as not to quarrel in vain with loved ones.

Hour of the Dragon (from seven to nine in the morning)

This is the right time to be proactive and not be afraid to make decisions. Now we need to move, communicate, share new information, get into arguments, defend our position. Luck during these hours will be on the side of energetic and active individuals. But dreams at this time are very restless, people often suffer from nightmares.

Influence of the Hour of the Dragon

The shine of the Dragon can blind and deprive one of the sense of reality. For some signs, its effect can be detrimental. The hour of the Dragon is especially dangerous for people born in the year of the Dog. It is not suitable for work that requires concentration and attention to detail. Your mood may suddenly deteriorate and conflicts may arise out of nowhere. Representatives of the following professions are at risk: doctor, teacher, lawyer. People of the Ox sign can be quick-tempered, contrary to their usual behavior. You should not schedule negotiations or make financial transactions at this time. Rabbits are no less vulnerable: emotions run high, everything falls out of their hands.

People of the Rat sign can breathe a sigh of relief: financial success is guaranteed. Any steps taken during the hour of the Dragon will bring good profits. Good luck awaits financiers, economists, and sellers. Even if you have to wait for the result, it will not disappoint. Representatives of the Rooster sign can count on a promotion if their activities are related to creativity. These are designers, artists and stylists. People born in the year of the Monkey are no less lucky. This moment should be used to reach agreements on favorable terms. Success will accompany those who work in the service and education sectors.

Hour of the Snake (from 9 to 11 am)

This is the time when it is best to practice active intellectual activity. Thanks to wisdom and insight, a person will simply be able to cope with almost all pressing tasks. Representatives of aqua symbols in the hour of the Snake need to listen to their sixth sense, which is currently very manifest. At this time, air signs will be able to show their sweetness of speech; they can safely plan business negotiations or public appearances at this time. Earth signs should beware of conflicts, and representatives of the fire element should make fundamental decisions very thoughtfully.

Hour of the Horse (lasts from eleven in the morning to one in the afternoon)

A diligent, independent and persistent horse will help you successfully complete any physical work. Even at this time, it is recommended to practice fitness or visit the gym. What you need to give up now is sorting things out, since this is not the most suitable time to find harmony.

Hour of the Monkey (from three to five o'clock in the afternoon)

The monkey is characterized by restlessness and resourcefulness; this animal tends to present various surprises, which are not always pleasant. At this time you need to be alert. Use your dexterity and cunning to solve unexpected problems.

Rooster Hour (5 to 7 p.m.)

Think about your own loved ones and relatives, arrange a visit with them, or at least call or write. This will not take much effort from you, and you will give them positive emotions, because at the hour of the Cockerel, a person at an unconscious level expects to receive family support. Shopping will also be successful at the moment.

Hour of the Dog (7 to 9 pm)

A peaceful and measured time, when it is best to talk with friends, because this animal is associated specifically with loyalty and devotion - the main values ​​of one’s own patron. For those who are patronized by the element of water, the dog recommends starting to learn something new (a foreign language, professional literature), and for air signs to pursue their hobbies. Those who belong to the elements of the Earth need to focus on creativity, fiery representatives need to practice active activities, for example, sports or dancing.

The influence of the hour of the Dog

For some signs, the hour of the Dog is the most unfavorable time of day. People born in the year of the Dragon may be dissatisfied with everything that happens around them. Looking for someone to blame for your failures is a fool’s errand. It is better to calmly prepare for bed than to try to resolve at least part of the problems. Representatives of the Ox sign can find themselves in an unpleasant situation if they are not careful in words and deeds. You need to carefully control your behavior. A restless time is coming for the Goat; you will have to maneuver between people in order to please everyone. You should not attract attention to yourself, get into arguments and show unnecessary initiative.

People of the Tiger sign will be able to establish relationships with loved ones. The calm atmosphere of the hour of the Dog is conducive to confidential conversations. It will be possible to resolve long-standing disagreements if you behave more accommodatingly than usual. The affectionate Rabbit will be able to get everything he dreams of. It will not be difficult to convince friends or colleagues that you are right; you can reach beneficial agreements on many issues. People of the Horse sign, despite the late hour, will expect success in their work, and collective work will be the most effective. You can outline a plan for further action and discuss important business issues.

Hour of the Pig (from 9 to eleven)

During this period, it is best to go to bed, because Pig makes a person touchy and irritable, and due to sudden changes in mood and inconsistency in actions, you may encounter various troubles. If possible, there is no need to plan any important matters at the moment - allow yourself to finally calm down.

Health in September

The middle month of autumn is a transition period from summer to winter, from warmth to cold, dampness, and strong winds. In nature, autumn is a time when energy concentrates, gathers and goes inside. From the point of view of Chinese medicine, this is a very favorable period. For a person there is a lot of varied, fresh, high-quality food around, you can eat well and replenish your vitality. If you ate right and were physically active, then over the summer your body gained yang energy , became stronger, and increased its immunity. And immunity will come in handy for all of us in the second half of this year!

of the lungs and large intestine become active ; these organs must be under special control, since the lungs are responsible for the protective functions of the body and the formation of “wei qi”. The main function of Wei Qi is to protect the body from external pathogenic Qi, regulate body temperature, open and close skin pores, and moisturize skin and hair. This September there may be a tendency to bronchitis and inflammation in the intestines.

Metal is a pungent taste, it “opens” the surface of the body, directs Qi outward, increases permeability and eliminates stagnation. Most spicy foods are spicy-warm or spicy-hot, with few neutral or refreshing foods. The spicy-warm taste plays an important role in the treatment of colds. Having penetrated the body, the cold closes the pores, and in order to expel it, the pores must be open, and for this you need to sweat. Hot-hot food has a diaphoretic and warming effect, so ginger tea is a surefire remedy to help protect against a cold that has already begun.

  • Metal energy is also responsible for the condition of the skin and hair , so this is the most favorable time for cleansing procedures, cosmetic and therapeutic procedures for the skin of the face and body. It's good to go to the dentist. It would also be great to take a massage course or other body treatments.
  • Autumn is the season for fresh vegetables and fruits, but when you eat them raw, mucus accumulates in your body, which can cause colds. To prevent this, you need to eat protein and boiled foods - soups, vegetable stews, hot baked potatoes, rice with vegetables, pumpkin and zucchini are good for hydrating the body. At this time of year, it is very useful to drink decoctions (compotes) of apples, cranberries, hawthorn, and lingonberries.
  • Grapes are considered an ideal product for autumn . It has a high content of useful acids (grape, citric, and malic). Grapes of any variety promote the formation of liquids, which will help cope with the excess energy of dryness. However, there must be moderation in everything; try to ensure that the amount of grapes in your diet does not exceed 500-600 grams per day.
  • Don't forget about Goji berries , they contain a large amount of amino acids, vitamins and microelements that will help you cope with the transition to the cold season.
  • Of the exercises, those that are aimed at the elasticity of the tendons are useful, in order to maintain the Liver in order , it is now the most weakened organ.
  • Those who have problems with the thyroid gland - be sure to go to a preventive appointment and get tested!
  • · Also pay attention to the neck area, especially if there is a tendency to cervical osteochondrosis, do exercises, go for a massage, try not to be in the wind.

Check if your bed is facing north, east, south and southeast.

Unfavorable hours of the day

So, when the day of the day on which you are going to commit some event that is significant to you comes, your first priority will be to eliminate the negative hours of the day. Any day has in its composition an hour responsible for destruction.

  • on the day of the Tiger - the hour of destruction is the Monkey;
  • on the days of the Bunny - the destruction clock of the Cockerel;
  • on the days of the Dragon - the hours of destruction of the Dog;
  • by day Snakes - clock-destroyers - Pigs;
  • by day, Horses are the clock-destroyers of Rats;
  • on the days of the Goat - the watch-destroyer of the Bull;
  • by day, Monkeys are the Tiger’s watch-destroyers;
  • on the days of the Cockerel - the Bunny's destroyer clock;
  • by day, Dogs are the watch-destroyers of the Dragon;
  • on the days of the Pig - the clock-destroyer of the Snake;
  • by day, Rats are the clock-destroyers of Horses;
  • on the days of the Ox - the watch-destroyers of the Goat.

It turns out that if some important event must take place on the day of the Ox, it is under no circumstances allowed to hold it during the hour of the Goat (from one to 5 o’clock in the afternoon), if on the day of the Tiger, the hour of the Monkey (from three to 5 o’clock in the afternoon) should be avoided. By acting in a similar way, you will increase the effectiveness of your own endeavors and can determine without the help of others whether success awaits you in some business and when you should not take on new endeavors.

Symbolic meaning of the 12 zodiac signs

In Ancient China, each zodiac animal was endowed with a certain symbolic meaning - a sign. 12 animals were divided into 6 pairs in such a way that the characteristics of one animal in the pair were opposite to those of the other animal from this pair. This is how harmony was achieved - Yin and Yang .

The order of the zodiac animals is presumably not chosen by chance: in China it is customary to start with the most important, and then put all the other signs in descending order. Just as in the beginning there is always a strong, dominant beginning of Yang, and then Yin gives harmony. .

Animal of the ZodiacSignProverb
RatWisdomWisdom without hard work leads to mediocrity.
BullHard workHard work without wisdom leads to meaninglessness.
TigerBraveryBravery without caution leads to recklessness.
RabbitCautionCaution without courage leads to cowardice.
The DragonForceStrength without flexibility leads to destruction.
SnakeFlexibilityFlexibility without strength leads to infringement.
HorseStriving forwardStriving forward without unity leads to loneliness.
GoatUnityUnity without striving forward leads to stagnation.
MonkeyChangeabilityChangeability without constancy leads to stupidity.
RoosterConstancyConstancy without changeability leads to stiffness.
DogLoyaltyLoyalty without a smile leads to rejection.
PigFriendlinessFriendliness without loyalty leads to immorality.

The essence of the concept

The concept is based on Qi energy, which is responsible for life force. In other words, Qi energy is present in nature, plants, animals and people. And the goal of Feng Shui teaching is to find and build the right flows of energy to achieve balance and benefit for all living things.

For example, in areas where Qi energy is concentrated there is fertile soil, and in places where there is a lack of vital energy there is dry land without growing plants. And if we cannot change the flow of Qi energy in a large space, then indoors the science of Feng Shui helps to harmoniously fill the space with positive energy.

In addition to this, there are the forces of Yin and Yang, which are opposite but together create harmony. Yin symbolizes calm, tranquility, silence and relaxation. Yang is masculine energy, responsible for vigor, strength, light, fire.

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Let's look at the basic recommendations for arranging a space according to Feng Shui.

  • Old things, broken dishes, items that give negative associations - all this must be mercilessly thrown away. Even a favorite coffee cup with a crack will symbolize disagreements in the family, so such dishes should be replaced with new ones at the slightest chips or cracks. The same goes for a burnt out light bulb or a stopped wall clock.
  • Vintage items that have been through several owners can carry negative energy. When purchasing any antique items, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with their history.
  • Check that all reflective surfaces: mirrors, windows, glass have no cracks or scratches. If necessary, they should be replaced immediately.
  • Corners in a room negatively affect the energy of the space. To neutralize negative energy, you can soften the corners with crystals or decorate the floor lamp with balls with edges.
  • The reflection of mirrors should not reflect corners and other elements that carry negative energy. It’s good if the mirror reflects fresh flowers, plants, jewelry boxes and other objects that have positive energy.
  • The basic rules of Feng Shui say that luck and prosperity freely enter the house only through perfectly clean windows.
  • Indoor plants carry positive energy. Particular preference should be given to plants with large leaves or strong stems. But you should not place indoor plants in the bedroom and recreation area.
  • Any objects and additional elements, whether decor or images, should have positive energy. Nothing in the environment should convey aggression, pain, loss, anger or other negativity.
  • The tree carries positively charged energy into the house. It’s good if the front door to an apartment or house is made of wood. But if the door is metal, then it is worth complementing it with wooden accessories.
  • To create a favorable atmosphere, you can place aroma lamps or incense with the aroma of lavender, mint, rosemary or lemongrass in different rooms of the house.

The basics of Feng Shui have not been refuted or proven from a scientific point of view, therefore the ancient Chinese teaching cannot be classified as pseudoscience. With the help of Chinese science you can change your life for the better. Feng Shui can also be used as a way to treat a person’s destiny.

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