Rauchtopaz (smoky quartz) - a stone with powerful energy

Rauchtopaz is a stone that stands out from others with its unusual, chocolate-brown hue.
Its name is translated from German as “smoky topaz,” although the gem refers to quartz, not topaz. It also attracts attention with its hardness and the fascinating play of golden shades in the depths of the mineral. The significance of the rauchtopaz stone in jewelry is enormous. This is one of the most popular crystals in our time. It is used to make beads, brooches, earrings and rings. Both magicians and psychics do not forget about the mineral. For those for whom rauchtopaz is suitable for energy, it will become a powerful amulet.


Currently, mineralists have decided that it is correct to call rauchtopaz smoky quartz.
In former times, peoples had various names for this mineral in use:

  • rauhquartz;
  • smoky crystal;
  • radiant diamond etc.

The French called the gem “Alençon stone” (after the name of the town of Alençon), the British called it “Cairngorm” (its main deposit was in the Cairngorm mountain range).

In Rus', the mineral was called “suslenik (suslik)”, “smazen”, “talianchik”.

The translation of the first part of the word “rauchtopaz” from German means “smoke”. The second part means a “historical mistake” by gemologists, since the stone was previously considered a type of topaz. Now we have found out that it does not belong to topaz, but is quartz.

In jewelry, the term "rauchtopaz" is a trade name for smoky quartz. Some unscrupulous traders do not write the prefix “rauh” on the price tag, misleading buyers.

Smoky quartz has been known to people for a long time, but under different names. It is mentioned in the written sources of the ancient Jews. In India, it has long been used for mystical practices by brahmins and yogis.

This stone was popular in Europe and Russia. It was very expensive, but by the 19th century it began to become cheaper. At this time, the sciences of mineralogy and gemology finally emerged, and scientists found that this stone had nothing in common with topazes.

According to the Bauer-Fersman classification, smoky quartz is classified as precious stones of the 2nd group, and its opaque variety is classified as ornamental stones.


Flawless rauchtopaz with mesmerizing golden inclusions is of extraordinary beauty and is in great demand. Smoky quartz has become very fashionable recently, which has affected the cost. The gem moved from the category of an ornamental stone to a jewelry one.

The price of one carat today is about $5. Stones with darkening, chips and cracks have a lower cost.

Physicochemical characteristics

Rauchtopaz is a type of quartz. Chemical nature - silicon oxide, silica.

It differs from topaz in composition and physical characteristics:

  • color scheme;
  • less hardness and density.

The hardness of rauchtopaz is like that of ordinary glass (not strengthened or tempered). It is processed with harder minerals: corundum, diamond, topaz, as well as needle files or files made of superhard metals and alloys.

  • Chemical formula - SiO2 .
  • Impurities - sometimes Fe, Al .
  • Color - various shades of brown, sometimes grayish.
  • Gloss - from glassy to greasy at the fracture.
  • Transparency - transparent, translucent.
  • Hardness - 7 ; fragile.
  • Density - 2.52–2.65 g / cm3 .

When heated to 350 ° C , the stone brightens, shades of yellow and gray disappear, and the haze disappears. As a result, the gem becomes transparent like rock crystal.

In nature, rauchtopaz occurs in veins next to colorless quartz. Transparent and translucent crystals of rauchtopaz sometimes reach 1 m in length .
Crystals often form branched intergrowths and druses.

Place of Birth

Rauchtopaz is found in many places on the planet, since quartz is one of the most common rocks. Currently, smoky quartz is mined:

  • In Russia (Urals, Transbaikalia, North Caucasus);
  • Spain;
  • France;
  • Great Britain;
  • Brazil;
  • USA;
  • China;
  • India.

It is mined in rocks of hydrothermal origin and accompanies rock crystal.

Rauchtopaz crystals form druses, intergrowths, the weight of which can be up to several tons .

Where is it mined?

A fairly common gem. They are mined everywhere, every continent has a deposit. The extraction process is not complicated. The crystals are quite strong, hard, and occur in large clusters. They are located inside quartz veins. Individual samples cannot be extracted without special equipment. Their weight can be more than 200 kg, and their length is more than 1 meter. There is information about finds weighing more than a ton.

The largest deposit is considered to be the Brazilian deposit, where the bulk of nuggets for jewelry processing are found.

Interesting samples are mined in America, fused crystals or druses, resembling branches that grow from the same base. There are known mining sites in Namibia, Germany, Russia, Madagascar, and Spain. Asian countries also have deposits in India and China. Currently, only Antarctica has no known quartz deposits.

Raw smoky quartz.

Colors and varieties

The main color of rauchtopaz is brownish-gray. The most valuable samples are those with a golden hue. They look like citrine.

A characteristic feature of the stone is an increase in brightness and density of color from the base of the crystal to the top.

Color range: grey, brown, brown, black.

  • Morion is a black variety. It is opaque and is classified as an ornamental stone.
  • Raccoon Quartz is the name of a rare variety with dark and light stripes.
  • “Hair of Venus” is a variety with diverging rays on the surface (they are created by rutile).
  • Brown smoky quartz is the most common type. Color ranges from almost yellow to dark brown.
  • Gray-brown or gray smoky quartz is used to make talismans, but it is rare in jewelry.
  • Greenish and purple smoky quartz are artificially colored stones.

physical characteristics

For a very long time it was considered a type of topaz. However, they later found out that it was quartz. Belongs to the quartz family. Therefore, he took the main properties from ordinary quartz. The color is affected by the amount of metal impurities of iron and aluminum. Haze is determined by the amount of silicon dioxide, which is the basis of quartz.

Natural radiation changes the color and shade of the crystal.

Scientists came to this decision after detailed laboratory studies. They studied the relationship between deposits and the shade of the stone. Crystal becomes smoky and turns into rauchtopaz under the influence of radiation. The mined crystals have the shape of a hexagonal prism. They have the property of changing color when a ray of light passes through. They are piezoelectric.

The hardness of rauchtopaz is like ordinary glass. Quite fragile. They are processed with hard minerals: topaz, diamond, tools with hard coating.

When heated above 300 degrees, smoky quartz loses color.


Jewelry-quality rauchtopaz is used for inserts into jewelry (rings, pendants, earrings, pendants). The frame is usually made of silver and other white metals; gold is rare.

Jewelry with rauchtopaz also looks interesting.

This mineral is convenient for stone cutters to process. Figurines, figurines, as well as objects for esoteric and magical practices - balls, cylinders, pyramids, etc. are made from it.

4,500 carats the faceted egg is one of the largest pieces of smoky quartz ever created.
It is kept in the Smithsonian Museum (USA).

Jewelry with mineral

Jewelers use rauchtopaz quite widely, as the stone looks impressive and is relatively inexpensive. Natural stones decorate pendants and brooches, necklaces and bracelets, earrings and rings.

Brown minerals are used to decorate figurines and other decorative items. Balls or eggs carved from gemstones look impressive and stylish, worthy of decorating the most sophisticated interior or becoming an integral part of a practicing magician’s office.

The cost of jewelry with stone is low and largely depends on what kind of metal the rauchtopaz is framed in. For example, today you can buy elegant gold earrings with noble gems for 0 rubles, and a silver ring that can become an effective talisman for 2,000 rubles.

Medicinal properties

According to healers in Tibet and Northern India, rauchtopaz has a beneficial effect on the sacral chakra. Therefore, the functioning of the rectum, genitals, and musculoskeletal system is normalized.

An ancient Dravidian legend speaks of a bowl made of smoky quartz crystal. After drinking water from it, a person becomes healthy.

Having decided to use the stone for healing, it is not recommended to avoid the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The mineral is believed to:

  • Helps cleanse the blood of “bad” cholesterol and toxins.
  • Helps get rid of any addiction: alcohol, drug, gaming, Internet addiction.
  • Relieves stress, helps with neuroses.
  • Great for meditation (especially morion and dark brown stone).

They say that with the help of rauchtopaz you can get rid of mental and physical pain. Take two copies in your hands and concentrate. When the stones begin to warm up, the pain will go away.

Magic properties

Rauchtopaz is an energetically very strong mineral. According to Tibetan lamas, it helps to create a pseudo-material double of a person (tulpa), which exists for a limited time.

Rauchtopaz is of particular importance for a person whose profession requires the ability to come up with believable images and plots. This stone will be an excellent assistant for a poet, writer, screenwriter. In moments of creative crisis, he can help any creator (sculptor, artist, journalist, etc.).

Warning: accelerating the flight of a person’s imagination, rauchtopaz does not endow him with willpower. Therefore, if the owner of the stone is weak-willed by nature, he can escape from real life into his fantasy world.

People who know how to control their consciousness and master meditation techniques (including techniques for their safety) can use the power of rauchtopaz to travel to the astral plane.

Of all the types of smoky quartz, morion has the strongest magical properties. The darker the rauchtopaz, the higher the power of its magic. But the effect of such stones is sometimes negative. Gems with light shades are less effective, but have a positive effect on the owner.

It is believed that smoky quartz exhibits its healing and magical properties more strongly if it is uncut.

Rauchtopaz is an effective amulet against damage, the evil eye, and generally against external negativity. But it is not recommended to wear this stone constantly, as its energy is too powerful. Long-term “communication” with rauchtopaz can be harmful, so it is better for the owner and the stone to take a break from each other from time to time.

You can learn about the magical properties of morion (black variety) here.

Talismans and amulets

Rauchtopaz is a stone of flight of thought. It erases the boundaries of space, helping a person penetrate into the most intimate corners of his inner world. It develops imagination and helps you find inspiration. It lifts the veil of the other world, making it possible to draw information from it, while protecting its owner from attacks of all kinds of entities. It helps you concentrate, isolate yourself from what is happening in the real world and go to the astral plane.

It is recommended for people of the following professions and hobbies to have this stone with them:

  1. Creative - writers, poets, actors, musicians, artists, screenwriters, sculptors and anyone else whose work requires inspiration.
  2. Mystical - fortune tellers, clairvoyants, psychics, fortune tellers, spiritualists and so on.
  3. Spirituals - those who are interested in yoga during meditation, monks during prayer.

When deciding to purchase an amulet with rauchtopaz, you should definitely look at its compatibility with a specific zodiac sign, since it is not suitable for everyone.

Also, talismans, amulets and amulets with rauchtopaz enhance intuition and help find a way out even in very confusing situations. They protect their owner from any influence of evil forces directed both from people and from the universe itself. At decisive moments, smoky quartz helps to sense deception, bring out envious people and ill-wishers, and also make the right choice. It accumulates feminine energy, helps ladies become softer, more restrained and calmer.

Therefore, it is also recommended to have rauchtopaz with you:

  1. Businessmen, especially at the time of concluding deals and making important decisions.
  2. Representatives of the fair sex in any purely female occupation - when raising or teaching children, cooking, knitting, sewing, cleaning, and so on.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

In terms of energy, Rauchtopaz is not compatible with every zodiac sign. And its black variety, morion, has a special relationship with them (you can find out about it here).

Smoky quartz affects the zodiac signs in different ways:

  • According to astrologers, it is most suitable for Capricorn . Representatives of this sign, under the influence of the mineral, will become less hot-tempered. The personality of such a person will become more harmonious, since the magic of rauchtopaz helps to awaken fantasy and daydreaming, which Capricorn sometimes lacks.
  • According to the horoscope, smoky quartz is also suitable for Libra and Virgo . They will become more purposeful and eloquent, so it is worth wearing jewelry with this stone to work.
  • Taurus and Gemini are recommended to use rauchtopaz for medicinal purposes. In addition, it will encourage them to new achievements and protect them from bad habits.
  • Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius , according to some astrologers, are too susceptible to the influence of this stone. They may become too dreamy and touchy, but rauchtopaz can help in solving serious problems, so it can be worn at important moments in life.
  • The triad of the fire element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) is characterized by activity. Rauchtopaz can prevent them from achieving their goals, so it is recommended to wear it only on vacation and use it during meditation, relaxation, and yoga. You don't need to wear it for a long time. for Sagittarius not to wear jewelry with rauchtopaz at all to avoid depression and melancholy.

Representatives of all zodiac signs should not wear jewelry with smoky quartz too often. Rare interaction with this stone will contribute to a calm state of mind of the owner, and constant wearing will promote anxiety and dissatisfaction with life.

Compatibility with other stones

Rauchtopaz belongs to the element of Air, and morion (the black variety) belongs to the element of Earth (for the rules for combining morion with stones, see here).

Rauchtopaz is energetically compatible with “airy” gems:

  • citrine;
  • amethyst;
  • rock crystal;
  • topaz;
  • rose quartz;
  • golden beryl.

It also gets along well with stones of the element of Fire (except for diamond and ruby), for example, with garnets.

The attitude towards minerals of the Earth element is neutral. But the light variety of rauchtopaz is incompatible with morion, since it suppresses its energy.

A combination with stones of the Water element will negatively affect the owner’s biofield:

  • opal;
  • emerald;
  • pearls;
  • alexandrite;
  • moonstone;
  • chrysocolla;
  • peridot;
  • aquamarine;
  • euclase;
  • heliotrope.

How to wear and care

Rauchtopaz is a fragile stone, so wearing rings with inserts made from it is risky - the stone may be damaged. There is less risk of scratching if it is inserted into a pendant or earrings.

It is better not to wear jewelry with rauchtopaz in sunny weather so that the stone does not fade.

When caring for smoky quartz, we recommend:

  • Protect it from scratches and impacts.
  • Do not use abrasive products for cleaning.
  • Wash in soapy water, then rinse with clean water.

If the stone is used as a healing or magical stone, it must be washed regularly with running water.

It is better to store jewelry separately from harder stones, placing it in a soft bag.

The rules for wearing and caring for Morion can be found here.

How to distinguish from a fake

Sometimes, instead of rauchtopaz, they offer a glass fake. If it is a separate piece and not included in the jewelry, you can ask the seller for permission to scratch it with a sharp metal object. Glass will leave a mark, but natural stone will not.

Plastic imitation can also be passed off as morion. You can expose it by running a hot needle across a stone. If there are shavings and a burning smell, it’s plastic.

If a stone is inserted into a piece of jewelry, it will be difficult to distinguish a fake without a specialist. So it is better to buy rauchtopaz in jewelry stores that have a good reputation.


Rauchtopaz is not very expensive. A cut stone without defects costs 200–500 rubles per 1 gram (the difference is due to color), and without cutting it costs from 50 rubles .

A faceted morion can be purchased for $3 per carat , and a cabochon from it (5 mm) can be purchased for $1 .

It is better not to buy morion from Arkansas (USA), as there is a danger of harm to health - gemologists believe that it is exposed to radiation to improve its appearance.

Examples of prices in Russian online stores:

  • tumbling 2–2.5 cm - 340 rub. ;
  • earrings (gold plated) - 950 rub. ;
  • drusen 5 x 4 cm - 1,140 rub. ;
  • cut 9.5 x 8 x 4.5 mm (1.58 ct) —RUB 1,730 ;
  • earrings (925 sterling silver) — RUB 2,250. ;
  • bracelet - 3,350 rub. ;
  • rosary - 3,480 rub. ;
  • ring (925 silver) — 5,950 rub.

Read also : Tiger's eye - stone healer and wizard

What is the price?

Smoky quartz is not an expensive stone. But the exact price depends on the type of crystal. This means that calculating the cost of finished products is much easier.

Approximate prices:

  • a ring with pink gold and rauchtopaz weighing 2.98 carats can be bought for about 10,000 rubles;
  • silver earrings with an English clasp and a “Buddha stone” will cost 1,500 – 2,000 rubles;
  • a silver ring with an insert of 925 rauchtopaz will cost from 1100 to 1500 rubles.

But the prices shown are approximate. The cost of jewelry is influenced by the brand, the number of stones, and the metal used for framing. Therefore, always check the price of the product with the seller.

Is smoky quartz right for you? Write about it in the comments!

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