The element of water - the 7 of Cups Tarot card and its meaning in fortune telling

Characteristics of the 7 Cups

To understand the meaning of the Seven of Cups in the tarot, you need to study its image in detail. The Rider-Waite deck shows a person. There are several cups in front of him. They are located in the clouds. Each of the cups has contents. Tarot readers have not come to a consensus about what exactly is in them. Some experts believe that the card symbolizes mortal sins. Others tend to see in each cup some kind of alchemical process. One way or another, the 7 of Cups in the tarot does not have a clear meaning.

The card indicates instability and illusoryness. It is difficult for a person to make a final choice among such a variety of possibilities. Moreover, he does not realize that all cups are an illusion. There really aren't any.

Straight position

In the upright position, this is a card of illusions of well-being, a deceptive card that promises:

  • sadness;
  • severe disappointments;
  • losses.

This lasso appears if a person does not have a sober outlook on life, and he cannot decide on his preferences and sets his priorities incorrectly. If the 7 of Cups is present in the layout, it means that there are many vile, two-faced people around who are preparing betrayal.

7 of Cups (Illusions) Tarot of Black Cats

Learn more about the Tarot of Black Cats.

Meaning of the 7 of Cups Tarot in Romance and Friendship

Straight position

Man is subject to illusions. As a rule, he finds himself in a similar state at the very beginning of the novel. Indeed, during this period, lovers idealize their other half. Everyone believes in a happy future together and makes plans. The meaning of the Seven of Cups tarot in love relationships comes down to romance and inspiration. When feelings arise, partners are in the clouds and enjoy every minute spent together. Unfortunately, it is often difficult for a person to part with his illusions.

The meaning of the Seven of Cups tarot in matters of health

Straight position

In most cases, the card indicates alcohol or drug poisoning and mental disorders. We are talking about nightmares, delusions and hallucinations. One way or another, Arkan indicates the presence of addictions and their consequences.

Inverted position

The person is susceptible to obsessive states. He cheats himself and invents non-existent diseases. In addition, the 7 of Cups tarot indicates that a person’s condition can indeed be bad. However, experts are unable to give him a correct diagnosis.

Map in relationship layouts

In relationship readings, the 7 of Cups Tarot appears as a card of disappointments and false feelings towards a partner. Having met his love, a person lives in a dream world, falls in love with the image he himself invented, and then suffers, because... fantasies do not correspond to reality.

Straight position

For people in relationships, the lasso in a love scenario promises a sharp awakening, liberation from illusions. The triumph of reason over feelings will be overshadowed by sadness, because... there will be an understanding that the relationship has been built on lies all this time.

Another interpretation is that the requirements for the other half are too high.

Idealizing your partner will lead to a painful collision with reality. Frustration will increase, leading to divorce.

The lasso also has a positive meaning. It concerns pleasure. The card speaks of active sexual energy. The meaning of the Seven of Cups Tarot often concerns a whirlwind romance, passion, and carnal pleasures. But these events are short-term, created for emotional saturation. The Seven of Cups also warns of disappointment. A difficult period will come in love, when emotions will subside and a sober mind will rule the life of the fortuneteller.

Inverted position

The reversed position of the 7 of Cups has the opposite meaning. It gives the fortuneteller the right to choose. A person has the opportunity to inhibit his feelings by using his mind and intuition. The meaning of the card is progress, a way out of the crisis.

There is also a negative interpretation that predicts betrayals that are important to survive in order to become stronger. It is also possible to idealize your other half.

Combination with other cards

An alliance with neighboring arcana transforms the interpretation, enhances its positive or negative features, and warns of problems. Therefore, the meanings of the 7 Tarot Cups are diverse.

Each lasso affects the Seven of Cups in different ways. Thus, in alliance with the Devil, Cups promise the emergence of dependence on relationships, they speak of the impossibility of living outside the family and day.

An alliance with the Empress foreshadows a sudden pregnancy. The combination with the Emperor indicates family plans that are not destined to come true.

Combination with the Ace of Pentacles promises a lack of money, affecting relationships. The desire to get rich remains only a desire; the fortuneteller again suffers from his own fantasies.

The meaning of the 7 Cups of Tarot in characterizing personal and psychological characteristics

Straight position

Man is captured by his own illusions and misconceptions. He is concerned with the implementation of plans that cannot be realized. He lives in the world of his fantasies and has no connection with the surrounding reality. In some cases, the meaning of the Seven of Cups tarot is the inability to make a choice.

Inverted position

Over a long period of time, a person is subject to illusions. However, circumstances force him to return to the real world. As a result, he experiences disappointment with the state of affairs and realizes that what is happening does not meet his expectations. Sometimes the card says that a person needs to deal with the consequences of a decision. He is very worried and tormented because reality is different from the world he imagined.

Reversed position


  • Reality.
  • Awakening.
  • Responsibility.
  • Priorities.
  • Achievements of goals.
  • Everything becomes clear.
  • Make your choice quickly.
  • Will and determination.
  • Unresolved love.
  • Force.
  • Permission.

The Reversed Seven of Cups is a sign of clear thinking and understanding. You have decided to let go of an old way of life that no longer suits you. You figured out what the problem is and where you are going wrong. Perhaps you saw your life in absolute clarity when one day you woke up to everything that was not in order and in your interests, and wondered why you were hostage to your own illusions for so long?

It's time to go beyond your dreams and take action. But before you change anything, you should change a lot within yourself: reconsider your values, views on different things and situations, set priorities according to your goals and desires. It is internal work on yourself that will be the key to success in many endeavors.

If you have been involved in the creative process of something, be it a project, a piece of art, or even building a house, you will now begin to see the results.

On the other hand, you may have become so caught up in planning and visualizing your ideas and fantasies that you have lost all logical ability to implement them. The worst thing is if your imagination leaves you and what you dreamed of turns out to be impractical, impossible or ridiculous. All this time you have been chasing rainbows.

The Seven of Cups represents a time for growing up and maturing. A sense of responsibility for your life awakens you from lethargy and laziness. A card in a reversed position can have a very sobering effect and will help you set new resolutions and strengthen your resolve. But the card also sees the extremes to which a person can go when sobered up from the world of dreams. He is like a blind kitten in the real world, where dangers may await.

You may embark on a new lifestyle and feel successful and determined, or you may develop a craving for nicotine. On the one hand, you can turn into a health freak obsessed with diet and exercise, or you can go into full free fall and become even more sloppy and careless with everything in your life, and have a hard time resisting the slightest temptation. Everything is determined by the surrounding cards.

The meaning of the Seven of Cups tarot in the professional and material sphere

Straight position

Making a choice is extremely difficult. A person cannot make a final decision between different vacancies or projects. It is difficult for him to decide on priorities. In another case, we are talking about self-deception. The person is confident that the chosen field of activity will bring him recognition and financial independence. However, this does not correspond to the real state of affairs. Sometimes the card foreshadows deception and fraud. Loud promises will not be fulfilled. Wealth will turn out to be imaginary. In reality, incomes are modest.

Meaning in combination

Interpretation of the arcana when combined with High cards:

  • combination with the Jester shows the stupid fantasies of a person;
  • the alignment with the Magician symbolizes deception and illusions;
  • with Death – a person does not see changes.

Interpretation of the arcana when combined with Minor cards:

  • combination with the Five of Staves speaks of the possibility of fighting for ideas;
  • with the Ace of Cups - shows love dreams and daydreams;
  • the alignment with the King of Swords indicates the presence of some kind of intriguer in the environment.

Meaning of the 7 Cups Tarot and Major Arcana

  • Combination with the Jester: stupid illusions and dreams.
  • Combination with Mage: scammers. There is a high chance of being deceived. A person is in the clouds and loses touch with reality.
  • Combination with the High Priestess: unclear circumstances.
  • Combination with the Empress: false or unplanned pregnancy.
  • Combination with the Emperor: future plans related to professional activities or starting a family.
  • Combination with the Hierophant: disappointment in a person who inspired trust and was endearing.
  • Combination with Lovers: chaos and misunderstanding in romantic relationships.
  • Combination with the Chariot: a person dreams of trips and travel.
  • Combination with Strength: illusions that what is happening can be taken under control.
  • Combination with the Hermit: vagueness of plans and dreams in complete solitude.
  • Combination with Wheel of Fortune: “dead zone” on the road.
  • Combination with Justice: inability to give an objective assessment of current events.
  • Combination with the Hanged Man: illusions will cause complete collapse and defeat.
  • Combination with Death: a person does not notice the changes taking place.
  • Combination with Moderation: adjusting plans and bringing desires closer to their implementation.
  • Combination with the Devil: depravity of fantasies. Drug or alcohol addiction.
  • Combination with Tower: illusions and dreams will be destroyed.
  • Combination with Star: fantasy.
  • Combination with the Moon: the presence of misconceptions.
  • Combination with the Sun: plans will become clearer.
  • Combination with the Court: you will have to pay for the mistakes you make.
  • Combination with the World: serious plans.

The meaning of the Seven of Cups of Tarot and the Minor Arcana

Suit of Staves

  • Combination with Ace: Creative dreams will be very attractive and tempting.
  • Combination with Two: prospects are of great interest. However, they are too vague and incomprehensible.
  • Combination with Troika: the situation will be unpredictable and uncontrollable.
  • Combination with Four: abuse of alcoholic beverages at a celebration.
  • Combination with Five: the struggle for one’s own ideals and goals. Defending your position and principles.
  • Combination with Six: a person loses his head. He is unable to see the real target.
  • Combination with Seven: meaningless confrontation and fruitless struggle.
  • Combination with the Eight: expectations will be deceived.
  • Combination with Nine: unfounded doubts and false suspicions.
  • Combination with Ten: fantasy is too wild and uncontrollable.
  • Combination with Page: a vague idea that should be carefully dealt with.
  • Combination with the Knight: meaningless vanity and chaos.
  • Combination with the Queen: the feelings that arise will give real pleasure and joy.
  • Combination with the King: dreams associated with realizing one's own potential and self-expression.

Cups suit

  • Combination with Ace: fantasies associated with emerging feelings.
  • Combination with Two: promises will be unfulfilled.
  • Combination with Three: common desires and aspirations.
  • Combination with Four: the project is at the stage of detailed development and planning.
  • Combination with Five: thoughts are characterized by pessimism and sadness.
  • Combination with Six: a mistake made in the distant past will remind you of itself.
  • Combination with the Eight: the presence of misconceptions. The likelihood of self-deception is high.
  • Combination with Nine: susceptibility to bad habits. Alcohol addiction.
  • Combination with Ten: a person is too much subject to public opinion. He values ​​other people's points of view more than his own.
  • Combination with Page: a person is in the world of his own fantasies and has his head in the clouds.
  • Combination with Knight: hypocrisy and dishonesty.
  • Combination with the Queen: a tendency to deceive and lie.
  • Combination with the King: an immoral and unprincipled person.
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