Element of fire - 7 of Wands Tarot card meaning in fortune telling

Sergey Savchenko January 29, 2021 79 384 5 Min(s) read

The first thing that attracts attention is that the character 7 Staves has different shoes on his feet. Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin suggest that the design of the card was based on a scene from Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew, when Petruchio appears at his own wedding, dressed in the strangest way.

“Well, of course! Petruchio rides in a new hat and an old jacket, in old, thrice-faced trousers; his boots served as candle boxes - one was fastened with a buckle, the other tied with a lace; an old rusty sword from the city arsenal with a broken hilt, a broken tip and no sheath.”

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Mysteriously, Goodwin and Katz connect the battle scene with Petruchio's monologue, where he shows his wife her place. But I think this is too much of a stretch. While studying the history of military costume, at one time I came across a fact that surprised me: in the Middle Ages, the Irish, Welsh, and Scots were often depicted wearing the same stocking and the same shoe. I have not found any reasonable explanation for this fact. However, there are a great many such miniatures.

The 7 of Staves character stands in a very typical swordsman's stance with a long pole. Pole fencing was very popular in England. A description of such a fight can be read in Walter Scott's novel Ivanhoe. I found an image of a fighter armed with a polearm, whose pose is virtually identical to the pose of the card character.

In one of the books on Tarot, I read an interpretation of the 7 Staves that shocked me. According to the authors, the hero of the card cultivates a field and thinks about helping other people. Okay, cultivating the field. But how they were able to read his thoughts is a mystery to me.

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The role of the 7 of Wands Tarot card in self-development

The meaning of the Seven of Wands Tarot indicates the danger of exploitation by friends, acquaintances, colleagues or relatives. Indecision will be detrimental to you. You must stick to your beliefs no matter what.

Your beliefs will be criticized, and you will most likely have to participate in a major debate on this topic. It is possible to extract some interesting beliefs and other useful things from it. But, in general, the dispute will not be aimed at finding the truth. He will have a desire to silence you or change his mind, to humiliate you or your beliefs.

Willingness to communicate or a desire to learn something from another person will not help here, rather the opposite. Be firm in your convictions, do not change your mind if you do not want to. There is no need to give your enemies such pleasure. Trust your creative inspiration, it will not let you down. Intuition is also trustworthy. In a difficult situation, she will show you the way.


Direct position

The fortuneteller runs the risk of catching an infection or catching a cold, but his immune system will quickly cope with the problem. It is necessary to reinforce the body's strength with vitamins, restoratives, a proper daily routine and a healthy diet.

Inverted position

A weak immune system is unable to resist external threats. You need to take care of your health urgently. Particular attention should be paid to the state of the endocrine system; perhaps health problems are associated with hormonal disorders.

Seven of Wands Tarot - meaning for fortune telling for work and affairs

The meaning of the Seven of Wands Tarot is mainly about fierce competition. In business, you can’t do without this, but within a work team, the emergence of rivalry can become a new phenomenon. It is highly likely that you will have to penetrate a market where there is competition; perhaps the competition for a new position will be difficult.

In addition, the meaning of the Seven Wands of the Tarot indicates the appearance of an envious person who wants to take your place. This person may make attacks, try to set you up, and also question your qualifications in order to make his qualities more profitable for the company.

In any case, your position in the market or in the enterprise is stable and stable, you have a positive reputation and everything else that may be useful in order to win the competitive battle. Be careful and vigilant, don’t trust just anyone, and all troubles will pass you by.

Meaning on a deeper level

Symbolically, the 7 Tarot Wands signify the inevitability of battle. The map depicts a man who is forced to fight off many enemies. At first glance, it seems that the forces are unequal - there is one defender, and there are many attackers. But if you look closely, you will notice that the man is located on a hill, and his enemies are below. Thus, the person who symbolizes the questioner has a more advantageous position, even if he himself does not suspect it.

This card has archetypal correspondences: “King of the Hill”, “Storm and Drang”, “Archangels”. The minor arcanum calls the fortuneteller to a serious struggle, which will be difficult, but will bring victory to the questioner.

At the highest level, the seven of wands symbolizes a test of strength. This is a necessary stage on the path of self-development that must be overcome. The fortuneteller will have to show courage and perseverance in order to pass the “exam of fate” with dignity.

What people and places does the Seven of Wands Tarot represent?

It's no secret that Tarot cards can mean not only situations or emotions of the fortuneteller. If you do not need a prediction of the future or information about the feelings of your chosen one, but exact knowledge about the person who caused the problems or, on the contrary, can help solve them, this part of the interpretation will help. Regarding the place where what you are looking for is located - this is a market, a large store, a place of trade on a large scale.

The Seven of Wands indicates that in front of you is a person who has certain advantages. This person is used to defending his point of view, not giving in to his enemies and fighting until he wins. In addition, the card can mean a dark-haired child.

The Seven of Wands reversed signifies a desperate coward. This is a person who is afraid to fight. It is easier for him to go with the flow than to swim against it. Such people often lose if they have to fight.

Board card

A leap forward does not mean running without looking back. Success, like a glass of champagne, can instantly turn your head, so as you quickly approach your goal, don’t forget to look around. Don’t stumble at the very pedestal over other people’s envy, hatred and lies. Take any mistake philosophically: negative experience also needs to be accumulated.

A full description of the deck can be read in the article “Classical Tarot” by Rider-Waite: Code of Wisdom

Interpretation of the Arcana 7 of Staves in matters of business and career

The card symbolizes the readiness to deal with the most complex tasks, the rapid receipt of interesting, but difficult to implement, business proposals and the fight for one’s projects. And although the working conditions will be difficult, the person is mentally and spiritually capable of achieving success.

The reverse image of the Seven acts as an indication of problems and failures for which the individual himself is to blame. He is not able to properly organize his work and the work of the team; he cannot defend his opinion, even if he is right. The card directly speaks of the need to reconsider your views on the situation and your behavior.

Important! The meaning of the inverted tarot card 7 of Wands (Staffs) is also influenced by its combination with other representatives of the deck. When the Hanged Man is nearby, it symbolizes failure in work. And around the Devil is the choice of dishonest ways to deal with problems or rivals in the workplace.

Reversed lasso Seven of Wands

The reversed tarot card 7 (Seven) of Wands speaks of a lack of desire to move towards the goal when the slightest obstacle arises. But you need to understand that the price of one step back is a missed opportunity with which everything could change for the better. It's time to start facing problems head-on rather than avoiding them, and it's time to stop being afraid of judgment or misunderstanding.

The personality is now vulnerable and the struggle in which the person got involved is obviously lost by him. Therefore, you will have to make efforts to reduce losses or give up the fight altogether.

Relationship with suits and major arcana

The interpretation of the 7 of Wands tarot is directly influenced by its combination with other cards in the deck. The role of the minor and major arcana located close to the Seven is equally important. Minor cards can be roughly grouped into the corresponding four categories:

Pentacles - the emergence of new work opportunities, financial negotiations, financial stability. High-quality implementation of one’s own responsibilities, well-being in the family, progress in business.

But around some cards the meaning will change and indicate:

  • unstable situation (Two),
  • to a losing position (Five).

Cups - diligently preserving feelings, defending a peaceful situation, defending one’s own position, playing the role of a hospitable owner or peacemaker.

  • At the same time, there is a chance to end up in a love triangle (Troika),
  • feel dissatisfied with one’s own situation (Four),
  • play the role of an offended person (Five),
  • cards can also indicate a lack of clarity in the matter (King).

Swords – a stab in the back from the enemy, conducting an open confrontation. Forced travel, secretive behavior, feeling of being cornered. A lose-lose situation, circumstances can result in loss or psychological wounds. But there may be an indication of fair circumstances, and the opportunity to achieve your goal (Ace).

Wands - the emergence of hope, decisive action, the position of a winner. The opportunity to defend your rights and change the situation, confident resolution of conflicts, superiority over rivals.

  • Although some cards in this group indicate a stressful state (Five),
  • mistrust (Nine),
  • risk of making mistakes (Knight)
  • or about the position of subordination (Ten).

Tarot card 7 of Wands being near the major arcana:

  • The Hierophant - the individual will need to defend his own ideals.
  • Hanged Man - efforts are pointless, desperate actions will not lead to the desired result, but will harm the person himself.
  • Jester - there is a collision with something unexpected ahead.
  • Empress - the individual will be able to get an increase in salary from his superiors.
  • A hermit - a person will be left without support, even though he needs it.
  • Magician - you will have to maneuver in your words and actions.
  • High Priestess - you will need to stop the implementation of someone’s plan.
  • Death - soon you will need to fight for the beginning of long-awaited changes.
  • Emperor - efforts will be required to protect family or property.
  • Sun - the individual will be able to defend his rightful place in life or protect his social status.
  • Justice - in the near future you will have to prove to someone that you are right.
  • Devil - dishonest methods are used in the fight.
  • Moderation - it is worth weakening the pressure and choosing softer options for action.
  • Strength - you will need to attract a certain person to your side in order to understand the situation.
  • Chariot - a person is immersed in work on developing his career.
  • Tower - ahead is the destruction of some structure, the usual way of life, a fatal discord in the family is possible.
  • Moon and tarot card 7 of Wands - you will have to act carefully, mostly secretly.
  • Lovers - you will need to fight for harmony and happiness in your personal life.
  • Peace - superiority over opponents, ending the competition with a resounding victory.
  • Wheel of Fortune - the individual will soon find himself in a leadership position.
  • Star - you will have to fight to realize your dreams.
  • Court - actions are formed on the basis of one’s own desires and thoughts, without taking into account anyone else’s opinion.

The meaning of the card in the main and reversed position

The meaning of the card in the upright position.

In the layout, the direct card of the Seven of Wands indicates that a person will have to face conflicts and interact with people who are unkind to him. In addition, these can be not only conflicts, but also negative interference from others in the affairs of the questioner, a number of difficulties in life that one will have to go through.

However, despite the complexity of the situation, a person will definitely be able to cope with all the difficulties, since he has the necessary skills for this.

Note! The presented lasso is considered a card of enormous internal strength, with the help of which good luck comes into a person’s life.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position.

If in the scenario the Seven appears in an inverted position, this indicates that ill-wishers and enemies may soon manifest themselves and give the fortuneteller a strong rebuff. Consequently, in this case the card predicts not victory, but defeat. In addition, the person finds himself in a dangerous position.

There is a possibility that the fortuneteller lacked some determination, skills, and dexterity to win the conflict. In some cases, this may be due to circumstances.

Money, career, professional activity

Ways to increase income

In this case, there is only one way to increase income - this is the fight against external circumstances, even when you don’t want it at all. The presented card requires maximum concentration of the fortuneteller at work. It is recommended to set goals and achieve them, despite all the difficulties that may arise.

General monetary situation and progress of changes

In the financial sphere, the Seven of Posokhov indicates the difficult situation of the questioner. Most likely, at the moment his finances are limited, and there is no way to find income. In this regard, it is recommended to lead a more economical lifestyle, weighing every purchase.

In addition, changes in the monetary sphere are not expected in the near future.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

This card requires the questioner to have a decisive attitude and a strong desire to find a good source of income. Only in this case can your financial situation be improved. However, this is also followed by negative consequences: mental and physical exhaustion, fatigue, loss of faith.

Choosing a promising profession

If the presented card falls on a profession, it is recommended to try yourself in the following positions:

  • Political figure;
  • Lecturer;
  • Fighter;
  • Literary scholar.

Interpretation when characterizing personality

Straight position

A person under the influence of the Seven of Scepters is bold and self-confident. He, without hesitation, fights for his own ideals and values. Often, especially in a negative environment, the card shows a certain proud person who, because of his success, imagines himself superior to others and demonstrates this in any case.

Inverted position

A person is often weak-willed, does not know how to solve difficulties that arise on his own, and gives in to obstacles. Another type of person in this card is a person who provokes conflicts and resolves them himself.

Questions to ask when drawing a card

  • Are you sure you are in battle?
  • Are you working hard to achieve the desired result?
  • Do you adequately assess your strengths and ability to win?

Other cards:

Ace of Wands
Two of Wands
Three of Wands
Four of Wands
Five of Wands
Six of Wands
Seven of Wands
Eight of Wands
Nine of Wands
Ten of Wands
Page of Wands
Knight of Wands
Queen of Wands
King of Wands
Ace of Cups
Two of Cups
Three of Cups
Four of Cups
Five of Cups
Six of Cups
Seven of Cups
Eight of Cups
Nine of Cups
Ten of Cups
Page of Cups
Knight of Cups
Queen of Cups
King of Cups
Ace of Swords
Two of Swords
Three of Swords
Four of Swords
Five of Swords
Six of Swords
Seven of Swords
Eight of Swords
Nine of Swords
Ten of Swords
Page of Swords
Knight of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords
Ace of Pentacles
Two of Pentacles
Three of Pentacles
Four of Pentacles
Five of Pentacles
Six of Pentacles
Seven of Pentacles
Eight of Pentacles
Nine of Pentacles
Ten of Pentacles
Page of Pentacles
Knight of Pentacles
Queen of Pentacles
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