Viktor Yanukovych Jr. - duplicate, karma or accident?

Hmm, it’s a little strange that I have a tendency to describe the fate of people after their death, but this is the reality

Too many deaths lately

But, again, this is a good example for beginners in Bazi, looking at the cards, you can clearly see why certain events occur

Today we will talk about the son of the ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych Jr.

His date of birth is July 16, 1981

A little about the Lord of the Day - flexible, tactful and diplomatic when necessary, highly dependent on the environment, react strongly to it, self-esteem depends on others, travel favorably. Must use friends and connections to survive

The card is weak - Wood and Water are accordingly useful

Pillars of Luck – Metal on Wood

We get:

1. Collision of the Pillar of Luck with the Yearly Pillar of Victor - this period is listed as a Treacherous Clash - loss of trust in the circle of friends, relatives, backstabbing, metal damage, danger from impact, physical accidents that damage the neck, spine

2. Vertical of the Pillar of Luck - Metal cuts Wood - the same description

3. Metal in the NS of the Pillar of Luck cuts down the Tree in the month and the Lord of the Day - the description is the same

What we get is duplicated Metal-Wood 3 times

Apparently that’s why he changed his last name, but during this period he needed to drive the car very carefully (he loved cars, was an avid racer, master of sports in the “Motorsport” category)

That's not all, let's look at the date of death: March 20, 2015 at 19.00

What do we see?!

In the date of death there is a duplicate - the Yin Tree on the Goat - the year and day

Let's look at the map of Viktor Yanukovych Jr. - Day Pillar - Yin Tree on a Goat, Monthly Pillar - Yin Tree on a Goat - this is called a Duplicate

The same pillar is repeated four times, as a rule, a duplicate does not give anything good, and it is said that if a duplicate comes, then one person must leave and usually at this time they get a cat or a dog.

Plus in the date the destruction of the Earthly Branches is a direct immediate danger

It would seem that Wood is a useful element, but as I said before, an excess of even useful elements is unfavorable. A lot of Trees - a lot of friends, there were 6 of them in the car, the destruction of earthly branches - I think his friends encouraged him to go to Lake Baikal

And the result is death. Was it possible to avoid death?! I think this is a rhetorical question, there were too many collisions, perhaps during this period, if he had been more careful, he could have damaged his spine, but all this remains behind the scenes...

I think this is not an accident. His father brought too much evil - apparently this is retribution for the sins of the father, as a rule, children suffer

But it is still not completely clear whether it was Viktor Yanukovych Jr. who died?! Or did someone realize an event that was supposed to happen and deceive Fate?! Because Bazi card is only 1/3 luck. Looking at the Oracle of Qi Men Dong Jia, the card showed life. Therefore, I think all this talk about the figurehead during the fall of the car is apparently not in vain.

After all, the Bazi map must be looked at before the tragic events. It is good to know your Useful Elements, Useful Deity, Map Structure, Noble People, dangerous periods in life, Collisions, Punishments and much more, and then you will know in what period of time to be careful, when you need to be punctual, when you can take a step forward and declare yourself, etc.

Take care of your family and friends! Be kinder and more tolerant of each other!

Go through life with positivity!

Enjoy good luck with Feng Shui!

Love, Peaceful Sky, Goodness, Prosperity and Favorable Feng Shui to you!

Clock in Ba Zi

Studying the Ba Zi system

, we move to a different perception of time.
And we no longer have 24 hours in a day, but twelve two-hour periods. And when we say, for example, the hour of the Dragon, it means we are talking about a two-hour time interval
from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.

In the Chinese calendar, the day is divided into twelve parts, corresponding to the twelve Earthly branches. Thus, it turns out twelve two-hour periods

, each of which is designated by a specific Earthly branch (animal). The cycles of the clock, like the cycles of the months, follow each other, making one revolution per day. Compared to Western astrology, the Ba Zi system has a certain advantage in matters of calculating or reconstructing the time of birth. Because you need to analyze only twelve (or rather thirteen, but more on that later) card options, choosing the right hour.

Any time interval in Chinese astrology is not just numbers or the name of the month on the calendar. All concepts are closely intertwined with natural processes. Ba Zi astrology itself is essentially an understanding of the processes of the Universe, energetic influences, natural phenomena, reduced to just a few dozen hieroglyphs. But behind each sign hides a whole list of different phenomena.

Chinese calendar clock.

Time period (two hours)Earthly branch
00:00 — 01:00子Rat early
01:00 — 03:00丑Bull
03:00 — 05:00Tiger
05:00 — 07:00卯Rabbit
07:00 — 09:00辰Dragon
09:00 — 11:00巳Snake
11:00 — 13:00午Horse
13:00 — 15:00Goat
15:00 — 17:00申Monkey
17:00 — 19:00Rooster
19:00 — 21:00戌Dog
21:00 — 23:00亥Pig
23:00 — 00:00子Late Rat

For example, the hour 午Horse is the interval from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. It captures Midday, the time when the Sun is at its zenith. The horse in the Chinese calendar is associated with summer, the South, heat, and Noon. Naturally this is the element of Fire, and it is also the peak of Yang energy. The antagonist of the Horse, the Earthly branch 子Rat, on the contrary, describes Winter, the darkest and coldest, associated with the direction North, and its time is Midnight. This is the element of Water and the most yin energy.

The Hour of the Rat deserves special attention.

In the Chinese calendar, the hour of the Rat occupies the interval from 23.00 to 1.00

. That is, a given hour falls on two days at once: the very last hour in one day and the very first in the other.

Therefore, the hour of the Rat is divided into the hour of the Late Rat and the hour of the Early Rat


The rat is quite an interesting animal. She has four toes on her front paws (even number), and five toes on her back paws (odd number).

The fact that one hour in the Chinese calendar fell on the change of day in the Gregorian calendar caused a lot of controversy.

Bazi experts are divided into two camps. Some believe that since the hour of the Rat begins at 23.00, it means that this is the beginning of the next day. Others are convinced that the day, as it should be, begins at midnight, so the hour of the Rat simply needs to be divided into two hours.

It should be noted that most online Bazi calculators consider midnight to be the start of a new day. Beginners studying Ba Zi may be confused by the fact that when calculating the card, the pillar of the hour will have a different Heavenly trunk, although the Earthly branch will remain the same - Rat.


A person is born from 23.00 to 0.00, at the hour of the late Rat

A person is born from 0.00 to 1.00, at the hour of the early Rat

This is precisely what happens because in one day there can be two different hours of the Rat: early and late.

Due to the division of the Rat hour into two separate hours, there may ultimately be thirteen variations of the hour pillar

There are no problems with the other two hours. Correctly calculated hour of birth is important. I wrote about this here.

And since every hour is some kind of Earthly branch, a certain energy, which for us personally can mean something good and useful, then the use of watches is not the last place in the list of Feng Shui techniques, Qi Men activations, Choosing dates (in In this system, the clock is simply super important).

Secrets from Violetta

Opening the bazi map in front of you, peering at the hieroglyphs - what you need to pay attention to in order to accurately learn about the possibilities of personal success in family life . There are certain parameters for analyzing relationships: 1. Analysis of the bazi map and the strokes of luck helps to identify the prerequisites for good luck in the field of marriage, stable, long-term relationships. And changes in this luck over time. 2. Analysis of the Palace of Marriage and the timeliness of the partner element 3. Analysis of symbolic stars 4. Analysis of partner compatibility

Let us analyze in order all the methods of analyzing the bazi map.

1. Analysis of the bazi chart and the strokes of luck. 1) Determine the partner’s element for a specific bazi card.

For a woman, the partner’s element is the element of power . For a man, the partner’s element is the element of wealth . For a woman, a husband is the one who controls her; this is an element of power. For a man, a wife - the one he controls - is an element of wealth. Such interaction between the elements of the partners’ elements implies a stable, patriarchal marriage, accepted during the time of the emperors in China - the wife submits to her husband. 2) We take into account the amount of the partner’s element in the bazi map and its location. If the partner’s element is in the annual pillar, it means early marriage

The element of a husband for a woman, Yi乙 (yin tree) is metal. In the pillar of the year there is a metal element - the earthly branch of Yu 酉 (rooster) If the partner's element in the pillar of the month is a timely marriage, or marriage at a young age (age from 20 to 30 years)

The element of a husband for a woman is Yi 乙 (yin wood) - metal. The partner’s element is metal (earthly branch yu 酉 rooster) is located in the pillar of the month. The partner element in the pillar of the day - marriage is possible in adulthood (from 30 years old) .

For a woman, Jia 甲 (yang wood) is the husband’s element - metal. In the pillar of the day - Shen 申 (monkey), belongs to the element of metal. The partner element in the hour pillar is late marriage (after 40 years).

For a woman, Xin 辛 (yin metal) is the partner’s element - fire. In the hour pillar there is the Heavenly trunk Bin 丙 (yang fire) 3) The partner’s element is located in the heavenly trunks and in the earthly branches - this indicates that the partner’s element is rooted. It is considered a favorable factor that allows you to save a marriage.

The husband’s element is metal, located in the heavenly Trunks - Gen 庚 (yang metal) and in the earthly branches - Shen 申 (monkey) 4) Many elements of the partner in the chart (2 or more) - is considered an unfavorable sign, since a person has a choice and it is difficult for him to decide on the choice of a potential marriage partner.

The husband's element is located in the Yearly Pillar - the Heavenly Stem Geng 庚 (yang metal), in the day pillar - the earthly branch of Shen 申 (monkey), in the hour pillar - the earthly branch of Shen 申 (monkey). 5) If there is little or no element of the partner, it is difficult for such a person to meet a partner for marriage. In this case, we look at the incoming beats - perhaps the partner’s element is contained in the beat, or in the current year.

The husband's element is found only in the pillar of the hour - the heavenly trunk Bin 丙 (yang fire). The husband element is not rooted. 6) In the bazi chart, for a favorable marriage, in addition to the element of the partner, the element that gives rise to it is favorable. If this is a woman’s card, then the element of money is favorable, since in the circle of generation, money generates power. This strengthens the element of power.

The husband’s element is metal: the earthly branch of the year Yu (rooster) and the earthly branch Shen (monkey), supported by the elements of wealth - earth: the Heavenly trunk of the year Ji (yin earth) and the earthly branch Chou (ox) . For the male bazi card, in addition to the element of wealth (wife), the element of self-expression is favorable. According to wu-xing: self-expression generates wealth (wife), strengthening the element of the wife.

For a man Ding 丁 (yin fire): the element of the wife is metal, represented by the earthly branch Yu 酉 (rooster); the element of self-expression is earth, represented by the earthly branch Chen 辰 (dragon), the heavenly trunk Ji 己 (earth yin) and the heavenly trunk Wu 戊 ( yang land). It is believed that the supporting elements - self-expression and wealth, hold the partner's element during unfavorable collisions or mergers in tact or in the current year, being protection for the star of the spouse. And thus, they help save the marriage. 7) Quality of the star (element, element) of the spouse or favorableness according to the elements. In this case, for the bazi card, you need to determine favorable and unfavorable elements - specifically for a specific person’s bazi card. If the element of the partner’s star is not favorable, this does not mean that the official marriage will be unfavorable. It may not be worth registering. But for an accurate answer, you need to take into account all the parameters of the analysis, taking into account the strokes of luck. And a person’s “involvement” in society and his self-realization. We also connect the 12 Palaces of Fate to the analysis. 8)Duplicate your Heavenly Trunk in the card and in the bars of luck.

Such a Heavenly trunk can be located in front of the Lord of the Day - in the pillar of the month or in the pillar of the year. Or - in the pillar of the hour. It means competitors in family life - you can count on marriage, but at the last moment it is not you who receives a marriage proposal, but your girlfriend/boyfriend or work colleague. Or, your marriage will be with a divorced partner, with a person who has already had a family relationship. 8)Qi phases of the partner’s element in the bazi chart and in the beats of luck.

I will talk about the partner’s Qi phases in the bazi chart and in the steps of luck in the next article.

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