Raising money for bay leaves - features, rituals, conspiracies

Did you know that an ordinary seasoning in your kitchen can be a powerful magical ingredient that can protect and bring good luck? Bay leaf spells can bring you financial well-being, good luck, and happiness. So let's take a closer look at this seemingly familiar plant.

In the modern world, this plant is seen as just another spice, but it has its own secrets.

Historical context

The bay leaf spell was first invented a long time ago - the spice attracted attention in ancient times. Legends are made about its origin and power. People believed that she appeared magically. Apollo, a beautiful young man who lived on earth at that time, fascinated everyone with his stature, strength and intelligence. He defeated the mighty serpent Python and met the god of love, armed with a bow and arrow. He laughed at Eros because he considered himself the best shot. In response, the offended god fired a couple of arrows. One was intended for a rebellious man, the second for the nymph Diana. The first caused mortal love, the second killed all tender feelings.

Apollo, who pursued the nymph, deprived her of peace. The girl, realizing that there would be no salvation, called out to her father, asking him to turn her into a plant. Peneus, Daphne's parent, obeyed, and his beloved daughter turned into a laurel tree. The young man in love made a wreath from tree branches, which has been decorating his head ever since. So the plant turned into a symbol of eternal love and sincere human devotion.

Laurel symbolizes pure thoughts, immortal life, unbending will. They believe that culture in the home teaches a person purposefulness and confidence in the chosen goal. She will help you achieve it if you ask correctly.

Legends about the appearance of the laurel bush

Ovid's poem "Metamorphoses" conveyed to his contemporaries the story of the appearance of the noble laurel. According to myth, the Olympian god Apollo was wounded by the prankster Eros with a love arrow. The object of his passion - the nymph Daphne - received an arrow that destroys attraction. She ran away from her lover Apollo for so long that she was forced to pray for the salvation of her father Peneus.

There are legends about the appearance of laurel.

The river god turned his daughter into a bush with fragrant foliage. Having lost his beloved, Apollo began to constantly wear a wreath of laurel branches in memory of her as a sign of fidelity to his love.

Magic force

A ritual using laurel rids the home of negativity and attracts positive events and money. To cleanse your house of negative energy, just put a leaf in each corner. They will absorb unwanted energy that has been accumulating for years in a person’s permanent habitat. The biofield of the home is filled when good and bad events occur in the life of the owners. Laurel leaves memories of the former, completely removing the latter.

To clean the house, use leaves and twigs. The specimens are left to lie in the corners for a week, then replaced with fresh ones. Used ones are buried or burned. There is no need to read anything, although some fortune tellers recommend mentally turning to the spice, thanking you for your help. You can repeat the ritual monthly.

There will be no harm from it, the house will be filled with a pleasant aroma.

Money box

To get rich quick, you need to put coins into a jar one by one, accompanied by comments about where the money might come from. For example, the first coin will be easily earned, the second will be received as a gift, the third will be found under a bush. Each coin should be followed by a bay leaf.

The piggy bank must be tightly closed with a lid and shaken with the words:

I won’t let poverty come to my door, I won’t miss the benefits. Bay leaves will save money and increase it. My piggy bank will be filled with hard coins, and my wallet with new bills.

The piggy bank should be placed in a secluded corner, and then, when money arrives in the agreed ways, one coin is added each time and thanks for the help.

Protection from evil

You can use bay leaves for good luck, to protect your home from thieves, and to prevent natural disasters. The maximum effect is possible if smoked with the aroma of spices. To do this, place dry leaves in a clean frying pan and heat over low heat. The heated product evaporates essential oil, which calms the nervous system and gives peace. It directs thoughts in a positive direction and drives out negativity. Meditation in the aromas of laurel gives relaxation. For spiritual practice, choose a comfortable, cozy place.

To bring wealth into the house, a frying pan with fragrant leaves is carried throughout the home. This drives away negativity, improves mood and performance, and has a positive effect on the well-being of household members. Having completed the ritual, they rinse the frying pan with water, turning to the liquid and asking it to take away all adversities and troubles.

How to prepare an old wallet for the ritual

If it is not possible to purchase a new wallet, you can use the old one, preparing it for the ceremony. For this:

  1. Remove credit cards from it, leaving only debit cards.
  2. Get rid of photos that interfere with your cash flow for a while.
  3. Place large bills behind you and small bills closer to you.
  4. Straighten out crumpled banknotes.
  5. Empty your wallet of change.

Having completed all the above steps, wait five days so that the energy in your wallet has time to change for the better. To optimize the process, you can place a red napkin inside and soak it with orange or mint oil.

Curious to know

You can use a bay leaf to attract money, happiness, good luck, because it contains the soul of a beautiful nymph. Fortune tellers advise telling him your hardships, pain and difficult situations. Such heart-to-heart communication, during which a person trusts his innermost thoughts and desires, helps to calm down and find a way out of the current situation.

To help the laurel, use an odd number of leaves. They are placed on the palm and addressed as a person. After finishing the conversation, they feel mental relief.

Choosing a new wallet

In most rituals to attract funds, it is recommended to use a new wallet, since it has not been exposed to negative energy from debts and credit cards. However, it will not be enough to simply choose a stylish container for banknotes. It is important that the wallet meets certain requirements:

As for the time to buy a wallet, it is best to do this before the New Year or any other significant date (birthday, Easter, etc.), which is suitable for the beginning of a new stage of life. However, this rule is not as fundamental as the previous three.

Beliefs about laurel

Popular wisdom says that:

  • a wreath woven from laurel protects the home from lightning and thunder;
  • a house decorated with leaves is protected from any thieves;
  • a copy constantly carried in your pocket protects against misfortune and trouble;
  • the greenery of a living bush protects household members from diseases.

Fortune tellers advise sniffing the spice more often. This will give you energy and banish fatigue. If you put a little product under your pillow or sew it into it, your dreams will be good. You can hang a bunch of twigs over a child's bed. She will protect you from the evil eye.

Superstitions say:

  • crossed branches placed under the door mat will attract good luck;
  • five leaves tied with a scarlet thread and hung above the door of the house will attract good luck in all the endeavors of the household;
  • copies placed in the shoes of newlyweds will make them happy, fill their life together with joy and mutual understanding.

Use as a talisman for the home

If quarrels begin in a family, and luck leaves its inhabitants, then a minor evil eye and negative energy can be warded off with laurel. A simple method is described in the previous recipe. A laurel branch or several connected leaves will not only attract good luck, but will also protect your home from ill-wishers.

To eliminate existing problems, fumigation is carried out. The leaves can be set on fire in a saucer to produce a rich, aromatic smoke. With a saucer they go around the entire apartment, starting from the entrance. You need to move clockwise, going into all rooms in turn. You need to finish fumigation at the entrance to the apartment.

Finance and magic

Perhaps, attracting money using a bay leaf is the most famous and popular ritual of white magic with spice. More often they say that it will bring good luck, turn the situation to the benefit of a person, help save money and increase what they already have.

The classic formula for using bay leaves for money involves a ritual with large coins. Select a beautiful, pleasing container in advance. A coin is placed inside, then a spice leaf is inserted. They talk about where the long-awaited finances will come from. This is repeated until the container is half filled. When finished, close it and shake it slightly. Pronounce the text:

The enchanted objects are hidden in a secluded place so that neither household members nor strangers can see them. As soon as it is possible to make a profit through the conspiracy, a coin is isolated from the total amount and applied to those lying in the container. Be sure to thank the higher powers for good luck and help. A spice leaf is applied to the coin.

You can use bay leaves in money magic so that you always have cash and your savings increase. To do this you will need a single large sheet. They take it with both palms and rub it, asking for help with the financial situation. A little essential oil is dripped onto the spice so that the smells combine, and stored with the money. Pronounce the formula:

They believe that a copy enchanted in this way will attract cash flow and protect against thoughtless, useless spending.

A charmed bay leaf in your wallet is useful. It is placed inside so that a person always has cash. The ritual directs financial flows into the life of a specific person, at the same time stimulating him to do better work and earn more money.

Spell on a bay leaf in a wallet

After sunset, on the waxing moon, you need to take a few bay leaves and set them on fire, saying the spell:

I will fumigate myself with the aroma of laurel, and I will get rich richer day by day. Money will soon enter my life forever, I will now forget what need is. Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

You need to walk around the house with the smoking leaves and then burn them completely. Several leaves from the same branch should be put in your wallet, in a separate pocket, and not taken out from there. The rest of the branch should be hidden away.

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There are many options

Of all the magical objects in money magic, laurel is the one most often used. Many fortune tellers practice a ritual with seven leaves. Select large specimens without damage, with long legs.

They are tied with a broom (always with a red thread made of natural wool). They tie a banknote or a coin to a thread - a source of energy. The amulet is hung above the door of the house. As they secure it, they say:

The most reliable are conspiracies read during the waxing moon. This phase corresponds to the opening of energy flows, including money.

Amulet for attracting money

In addition to being a purse talisman, laurel is used in many rituals to attract good luck and increase wealth. The amulet for the home is made as follows:

  • Take 7 beautiful and smooth dry bay leaves with long stems.
  • Combine into a small bouquet and tie with red thread made of pure wool.
  • At the other end, tie a bill for 50, 500 or 5000 rubles. You can also use a coin. Drill a coin with a face value of 5 rubles and tie it to a laurel bunch.
  • Say a little spell: “money goes into the house, but needs go out of the house.”
  • Place above the front door.

Such a talisman is a strong magnet of wealth and health.

You can get acquainted with Slavic amulets for the home here.

Luck and happiness

Superstitions link the popular spice and good luck in everyday life. To attract success, take a specimen and rub it with your fingers until a strong smell appears. They inhale it and pronounce the wish, concentrating as much as possible and imagining it as something that has already happened. You can speak loudly, even shout. They ask higher energy to contribute to the implementation of their plans.

The famous plant is associated with victory and is charged with success. It will help an ambitious person with luck and bring career and love success. To strengthen it, they perform a ritual with a candle. The best period for a conspiracy is the full moon. Write your wishes on paper in advance. The candle is lit and wax is dripped onto the paper to enclose the words in a magic circle. The most beautiful spice leaf they could find is laid out on top. Say the magic formula:

Having finished the spell, they blow out the light and fold the paper into an envelope in the moonlight so that the sheet is in the center. They put it in their pocket and always keep it with them. Can be carried in a bag or wallet.

Periodically they remember what they have planned and concentrate on their desire. Fortune tellers assure that it will soon come true.

For smart spending

A laurel leaf can help not only attract money, but also teach you how to spend it wisely. This ritual is useful for those people who unexpectedly received a significant amount of money, and they do not know how to spend it in the most reasonable way.

What do you need:

  • 1-2 bay leaves;
  • several wax candles;
  • pure water;
  • a few coins.

During the new moon period before the moon appears, sit by the window, light candles, set fire to the laurel and inhale its aroma.

Throw a coin into a previously prepared container of water and read the text while looking at the Moon:

The crescent moon came out into the sky and illuminated the paths. Now I will say “no” to all senseless whims. The number of stars in the sky is the number of coins I have. I will preserve and increase them, the Moon will give her advice.

Leave the bowl overnight so that the moonlight reflects on the surface of the water.

Place the remaining bay leaves and wax in a cloth bag and hide it in a safe place.

In the morning, go to a place away from people, taking with you a container of water and a coin.

Dig a hole under a tree, put a coin in it, wash yourself with water, and pour the rest into the hole. Bury the cache and leave.

And even health

Lavrushka is used to attract good health into the house, drive out illnesses and negativity. To make a person feel better, the spice is placed under the pillow or mattress. This way, sleep improves and well-being stabilizes.

For greater reliability, the spice is spread during the waning moon. Copies are replaced monthly with fresh ones. The old ones are collected and burned.

Bay leaves have been used for a long time to attract finance, happiness, and love. They believe that it contains the soul of a nymph, filled with compassion and love for people. She helps the suffering. The spice, filled with energy, changes the direction of global flows for the benefit of the person asking. This is white magic that does not harm anyone.

Folk signs and beliefs

  • Signs associated with seasoning in a soup or other dish refer to changes in wealth. It is believed that a leaf that comes across predicts an increase in money. This could be a salary, winnings, a gift, etc.
  • If a person (especially a girl) comes across a double sheet, the accident is interpreted as a quick marriage when there is a suitor, or the appearance of a young man in her life.
  • For married people, a double leaf predicts receiving important news.

Alena Golovina - white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics, author of the MAGiYA website

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A bay leaf can attract financial well-being and ensure success

A bay leaf, if placed in a wallet, can attract cash flows and thereby help improve the financial well-being of the family.

This plant, even outwardly resembling currency with its flat shape and greenish color, has long been considered a strong money talisman and its strong aroma plays an important role in this, which is the main kind of beacon for the flow of monetary energy.

A wallet is the embodiment of material well-being: after all, it is in it that all cash bills, as well as bank cards, are stored. Therefore, this accessory simultaneously carries the energy of its owner and the capital that is stored in it.

A bay leaf placed in a wallet triggers a mechanism that attracts flows of monetary energy to it.

It is only necessary that a certain ritual be observed. Although the laurel leaf itself is considered a strong money talisman, this does not mean that simply by putting it in your wallet, you can immediately get rich and become successful.

How to increase your income?

The aromatic spice helped me increase my income. For the following ritual, I prepare three bay leaves and natural orange oil:

  1. I drop one drop of this oil onto the laurel. Citrus fruits are considered symbols of wealth, so orange and laurel will help increase wealth.
  2. I place the leaves in places where I usually keep money and plastic cards. For example, in a piggy bank, in a nightstand drawer, a safe, a box, a wallet.
  3. When laying out, I make sure to pronounce the plot:

Laurel grown under the scorching sun, bring wealth and good luck to my house!

We charge a large bill with energy

Sometimes, to attract money, it is much more effective to charge not the wallet itself, but only one large denomination bill (not necessarily Russian) that is in it. Also, such a ritual goes well with others, since the energies of the money depository and the money themselves do not conflict with each other. Here is a brief description of the magical action:

It is strongly recommended not to use a charged banknote to make purchases, as repeating the ritual will reduce its effectiveness. Therefore, charge a banknote of such a denomination that you would not mind sacrificing it forever. However, the payback for such a ritual is quite fast (the magic can begin to work within a week).

Magic on apples

Another ritual has long been known, which was used by boyars in Rus' to live even richer. Its procedure is somewhat different from the previously described methods:

The main rule during apple magic is that you must donate apples with all your heart, wanting to help people, and not for personal gain. This ritual can be repeated every week, thereby increasing your chances of attracting money.

Ritual with river water and coin

A fairly simple, but very effective ritual that our grandparents used. To implement it, you need to put any coin in your wallet, then go to a pond on a full moon and thoroughly wash your wallet in the river (don’t bathe it, just wash it with your hands). The ritual is accompanied by the reading of a long conspiracy:

The water in the river always flows and never ends. So there will always be money in my wallet. Just as the water in the river sparkles and silvers, so the money will sparkle and silver, constantly arriving in the wallet for my joy and for the benefit of everyone. Amen.

After this, the coin used during the conspiracy must be given to someone in need or spent on buying a useful item, such as food for a homeless animal. After three days, money will begin to appear in your wallet.

How to make a wish for good luck

To make your wish come true, perform the ritual with firm faith in success, then everything will work out for you.

  1. For the waxing Moon, prepare a white candle, a sheet of white paper, a pen and a bay leaf.
  2. In the evening, you need to light a candle and write a wish of good luck on a white piece of paper, for example, in career growth or passing exams, or a successful deal.
  3. While pouring wax over the written words, enclose them in a circle.
  4. Place a large clean bay leaf on top, say the words: “I attract good luck to the winner, I apply a bay leaf. My dreams will come true, luck will smile and turn its face to me. I will seal the cherished words with wax and hide them in a secluded place. As I have said, so it will be fulfilled.”
  5. Read out loud what is written on the paper and blow out the candle.
  6. Roll the paper together with the laurel.
  7. Carry the bundle with you until your wish comes true.

Another way to achieve wealth

You can do this action at home or where you work. Select the largest whole bay leaf. On the matte side, write with a pen your desire (“receive a bonus”, “repay the debt”). The leaf should be burned and the smoke dispersed throughout the room.

Another simple ritual associated with increasing well-being. Write what you want on white paper, roll it into a tube, tie three beautiful bay leaves to the “bundle”, hide it from view at home or at work. As soon as the desired comes true, the amulets must be burned and the ashes scattered on the ground in the garden or vegetable garden.

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