8 of Cups: meaning in Tarot fortune telling in combinations and in single interpretation

The essence of the lasso

There are three cards in the Tarot deck that always indicate the beginning of a new stage in life. This:

  • 6 of Swords, indicating that you will have to face the unknown;
  • The chariot, symbolizing a person’s desire to enter into battle;
  • and 8 Cups - the personification of farewell to the past.

The main meaning of the eighth arcana of the Chalice suit is a change in worldview: a person is no longer captivated by what attracted him just recently, his priorities have changed. He starts a new life. And he does it voluntarily. Usually it’s mentally difficult, but in the long run it’s useful.

Based on the 8 of Cups, it is impossible to say why you need to give up your old life and start a new one. It doesn't have to be failure or failure. Perhaps everything was going well, but something forced me to take a different path, to reassess my values. Although in most cases it is still a desire to get out of the swamp.

The complexity of the moment described by the lasso is that a person is parting with what is dear to his heart and does not know what awaits him in the future.


You should not run away from your destiny, even if at first glance it may seem like the simplest option. It may be too late to correct the mistakes you have made or go back.

Having become acquainted with all the meanings of the Minor Arcana of the 8 Cups, now everyone can correctly interpret its meaning when fortune telling in any area of ​​life. The main essence of the card is that everyone can realize how full the cup of their happiness is. If you currently feel a lack of happiness, you need to find something that will help you find it. If the need arises to move or travel, then act boldly!

Author of the article, practicing tarot reader

Sergey Yupatov

Variants of the Eight of Cups meanings in Tarot readings

  1. Refusal of previous plans, attachments, habits, values.
  2. Avoiding temptations.
  3. Missed opportunities: a person perceives a chance as a temptation and refuses it.
  4. Parting with the previous environment.
  5. Self-doubt due to the fact that the questioner finds himself in a new situation and does not yet know how to act.

However, the 8 of Cups is not always such a fateful card as it might seem. Often changes exist only in the fortuneteller’s head. There - in his inner world - they are significant and heavy, but their sides are difficult to notice.

For example, a person may refuse a pie for breakfast. “Start a new life” without a pie and suffer about it.

Advice from the card for the day

When drawing the Eight of Cups in a card spread for the day, you need to prepare for some kind of rise and upward movement. You should abandon the usual path and try to find new roads that can lead to happiness and success.

In any case, today we will have to part with the usual state of affairs. And although no one forces you to do this, there is simply no other way out.

It is necessary to move on, despite grief, resentment and fear. We need to move forward and over time the need for a new path will become clear. And important reasons will be revealed why we had to leave the familiar and turn to the new and unknown.

Therefore, you need to trust the map and take the first step. The next steps will be much simpler and easier. And they will definitely lead to the desired goal, although not immediately.

What aspects of the psyche does it indicate?

As a significator of the psyche, the Eight of Cups indicates a person who keeps a distance from others. Often self-absorbed.

Such people are timid and shy due to the fact that they have already been burned. They know how to limit themselves in many ways. Give up what once brought you joy. They have an inner core, strength, patience.

8s of the Chalice suit are practical, they know how to contact people without getting too close to them and without taking their problems to heart. They often prefer to go with the flow, without thinking about the past or the future. At the same time, they may be worried about something that is difficult to find in real life.

From the outside, such people seem callous. But in fact, their psyche may be so vulnerable that they are unable to bear stories about the problems and misfortunes of other people. If they delve into this information, they may get sick.

Card designation in health matters

In terms of health, the lasso with eight cups is quite favorable. Its appearance indicates the absence of serious problems.

And even if at the moment the situation seems hopeless and difficult, over time it will definitely be resolved for the better. You just need to be patient a little.

And show some independence: go to the doctor, start taking medications and fight better. “Fear has big eyes,” and therefore you need to drive fear out of your life and move on.

The card promises a successful resolution of health problems, if any. And it does not promise any dangers if everything was fine with your health.

Energy cards

Crisis, transformation, depression. The 8 of Cups is ruled by the heavy, slow planet Saturn, which deprives the joy of existence, teaches humility, but at the same time gives strength to act. Despite the depressive state characteristic of the lasso, it symbolizes determination. Which indicates a large supply of energy.

Since astrologically the Eight of Cups is associated with the first decade of the zodiac sign Pisces, which, together with Saturn, is ruled by Jupiter, it contains inspiration and a desire for spiritual growth.

The card is associated with the New Moon - the start of a new thing, first of all, on a mental level.

Psychological condition

The card with the Eight of Cups depicts a man who has just begun his ascent towards the mountains. And therefore, unlike other tarot cards, the lasso with eight cups often means some kind of obsession and emotional passion. Previous habits and views on life have changed, and you need to get rid of them.

But the transition to something new always causes a feeling of fear and hopelessness. And the card advises you to cope with your feelings. Only in this way will it be possible to conquer the peak and find true freedom. Otherwise, there is a high probability of being left broke, with absolutely nothing.

Meaning of the Reversed Eight of Cups

There are two fundamentally different approaches to the interpretation of the lasso in an inverted orientation - traditional and modern.

The traditional interpretation is that in the reversed position the 8 of Cups will fall to:

  • success and a pleasant pastime (usually long awaited);
  • the desire for material wealth, which can be realized;
  • the beginning of a successful business or new love.

Modern tarologists interpret the card differently and are confident that if in a direct orientation it indicates a meaningful decision to start a new life, saying goodbye to the old, usually not the best, existence, then in an inverted position it indicates that the fortuneteller himself does not know what he wants and what is he running after? In this state, he can easily give up on something truly important and chase a meaningless fantasy.

According to current beliefs, the appearance of the reversed 8 of Cups in fortune telling warns against making fateful decisions and fundamental changes in life.

Various combinations with the suit of wands

When laying out this or that fortune-telling, you can see a card of eight cups and an arcana with the image of wands next to each other.

Their joint appearance usually means the following interpretations:

  • Two of Wands - represents the search for true meaning in life and an attempt to determine one’s own future;
  • Three of Wands - portends an urgent business trip;
  • Four of Wands - speaks of an imminent return home;
  • Five of Wands - warns of unnecessary people who can interfere with the implementation of your plans;
  • Six of Wands - advises to follow a certain idea and quickly hit the road in the company of like-minded people;
  • Seven of Wands - indicates the struggle for a place in the sun;
  • Eight of Wands - portends an imminent departure from one’s own home;
  • Nine of Wands - recommends hiding for a while and hiding from others;
  • Page of Wands - indicates a desire to learn and the search for one’s own inspiration;
  • King of Wands - recommends starting to search for yourself and often foreshadows a meeting with a significant person;
  • Queen of Wands - advises following the plan to the last detail;
  • Ace of Wands - indicates a long search for a calling in life.

The listed designations will be a serious help to any tarot reader. They will help you better understand the secret meaning that the cards carry. And gradually decipher the full picture of fortune-telling that lies directly before your eyes.

Interpretations in layouts for work and career

  1. A job that is both physically and mentally draining. There is a dull atmosphere in the team. Possible bullying. There is no motivation. There are no prospects for development. The advice of the 8 of Cups in many fortune-telling about labor activity is to quit. Perhaps change your professional field.
  2. As a significator of an enterprise, the lasso indicates that it is hopeless.

However, quite often the appearance of the eighth lasso of Cups in fortune telling for work only means that it’s time to go on vacation.

In an inverted orientation, the card always states that you will have to change your job. But the direction of the interpretation depends on what approach the fortuneteller adheres to - modern or traditional.

So the classic interpretation can speak of a successful change in the workplace, possibly a promotion. Modern warns that there is a risk of making a hasty decision, quitting, and then regretting what you did.


Keywords allow you to most fully understand the main meaning of the map.


The Arcanum speaks of opportunities, but these are not chances, like the Four of Cups, they are the result of a person’s own efforts. If a person asks a question - can I achieve my goals, then the card answers in the affirmative. But she sets conditions. This condition is the need to pay.

Having to pay

You have to pay. Your success is not the result of divine intervention. It is directly related to how much you invested in achieving it. How much time, money, effort did you spend to achieve something? You can achieve results if you invest, if you pay.

Downshifting/Rat Race

The card confronts a person with a choice. The rise to the top that she talks about, the opportunity that she talks about, is not a prerequisite; rather, it is the desire of the person himself. You are satisfied with your position here and now - stay, if you are not satisfied, you can climb up. There is such an interesting aspect here. So, you achieve momentary success through enormous effort, does this make you happy?

The card only speaks of the opportunity to rise and improve your current position. Warns that this is directly related to the amount of effort and other resources that a person is willing and able to spend. But she doesn't say whether you'll be happy when you achieve it. I start climbing and it seems terribly great to be at the top. I climbed to the top, and then maybe

Financial situation

  • Crisis, material losses. At best, there is a period of stagnation when there is no way to increase income.
  • Selling property that requires too much investment to maintain. For example, abandoning an old country house, which is much more profitable to sell than to renovate.

In an inverted orientation - moving to a new job for the sake of interest, without taking into account the fact that it does not bring money. Or refusal of a profitable business offer due to fear of new responsibility. In this case, a person values ​​his spiritual comfort above material wealth.

Card of the Day Warning

Having listened to the advice from the eight bowls, it is necessary to heed the warning. The card advises you to think about the fact that not every upward movement is good. Especially in cases where the heart is pressing, and the soul becomes especially restless.

Sometimes it’s worth thinking about the new knowledge you’ve acquired and carefully choosing a different path in life.

It is important to set off on the road with a light heart and pure thoughts. Only then will real luck and many pleasant gifts await you at the end of the journey. And also a feeling of satisfaction from the journey. In the future, only stability, prosperity and happiness will be expected.

Love and relationships according to the Eight of Cups

A breakup, the end of a relationship that has outlived its usefulness, and there is no point in holding on to it. Breakups can hurt. But the verdict of the lasso is inexorable - we must leave.

For some people, in certain situations, the 8 of Cups may indicate marriage. This is how those people perceive it who categorically do not want to get married, but they have to do it for one reason or another.

The key meaning of the eighth arcana of the Cups suit in relationships is a break with the previous environment. If a person was married, this may indicate a divorce. If he was free and surrounded by rake friends - about the need to bind himself with family ties. In any case, this is farewell to the old circle. And it comes with difficulty and pain.

Reversed punishment also speaks of impasse and crisis in relationships. The only difference is that a real break on it usually does not occur, because the fortuneteller does not have enough strength to implement such an important decision.

Combining the 8 of Cups with other Tarot cards

According to this lasso, a person enters a new path. What kind of path this is and where it leads, the neighboring maps can tell you. Most often, the combination of the Eight of Cups with other arcana indicates a search for something: a new source of income, love, a way out of a difficult situation.

Examples show how combinations can be interpreted. But the interpretation must always be done independently, based on the question asked and the situation in the life of the questioner.

8 of Cups and higher arcana

Eight of Cups and Wands

Eighth Arcana with other cards of the Cups suit

Drop with Swords

8 of Cups and Pentacles

Health sector

If this card appears in a health reading, then it clearly indicates the psycho-emotional state of a person. Most often, the Eight of Cups denotes sadness, melancholy, and loss of strength. It’s as if the person is still at the very bottom; he doesn’t see the way up. The solar eclipse, which is depicted on the map, symbolizes that soon new plans, dreams and goals will come into a person’s life. The Three of Cups and the Eight of Cups in a health scenario can mean a search for a new path, and in combination with the Five of Cups - deep depression. In general, this lasso is the middle ground between the collapse of all hopes and the search for a new goal.

Arcana Council

  1. Leave your past if necessary, but don't forget it.
  2. Get out of your comfort zone. But consciously. Knowing exactly why and where you are going out.
  3. Give up bad habits.

Please note that running away from a difficult situation is not parting with the past. On the contrary, it is self-indulgence and bad habits. After all, most likely, you have already done this before. The 8 of Cups is a card of growth, which is often painful. And it has nothing to do with cowardly running away from problems.

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