The circle of generation and cycle of destruction of the five elements of feng shui

The Five Elements, or elements, system is one of the main foundations. It is believed that the interaction of Yin-Yang allows Qi energy to exist in different forms. And they are called the five elements - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water.

Nature and the external environment can be described by a system of 5 elements. If you delve into the essence of this theory and learn to understand it, you can achieve amazing results.

In China, since ancient times, the principle of the Five Elements has been widely used - for fortune telling, in martial arts, Qi Gong, and medicine. After all, all objects and phenomena, including emotions, food, and even we ourselves consist of Five Elements!

The Chinese gave this principle the name Wu Xing, which means five transformations, or five phases of Qi energy and divided any life process into five stages of development:

  • The beginning of the journey and growth. During this phase, the Qi energy rapidly grows upward, like a Tree . It is persistent and persistent.
  • Then comes the peak of development - like Fire, has a maximum of energy rushing in different directions.
  • The next phase is energy stabilization. She is like the Earth - reliable, powerful, stable.
  • Then inevitably comes decline. Energy acquires the properties of Metal - it is compressed inward, concentrated, and hardened.
  • The end of life and the beginning of a new cycle in development - Water . It flows freely, penetrates inside, and permeates everything around it.

Feng Shui Elements Destruction Circle

Each Element also destroys the other in sequence.
Wood is destroyed by metal tools, which are melted by Fire. The fire is extinguished by Water, which can be blocked by a dam from the Earth, from where the Tree, that is, vegetation, takes its nutrients. In this case, the destroyer is the parent of the parent of the element being destroyed. For example, Metal is the parent of Water, which in turn is the parent of Wood. Therefore, Metal is the grandfather of Wood, but it also destroys Wood. This circle is sometimes called the circle of Dominance, or the circle of Control. Use this circle to weaken the Element by adding its grandfather, but just don't overdo it as this is a really destructive way to achieve the goal.

Circle of desires.

On the waxing moon, wear comfortable, clean clothes, choose any surface in your living room. For example, it could be a small table or bedside table. I also advise you to use a small tray; it can be rearranged anywhere, for example, hidden if you have guests (negative looks and inappropriate questions, I think you don’t need it). So, on your tray (you can pronounce your desire and affirmations) place a small cup (glass) with clean water (Water element); next to the right, place a twig, or place a wooden frame or any other small object made of wood (Wood element); then place a red pyramid or candle (Fire element) in a circle; then follows any ceramic or clay product, for example a small vase (Earth element); and any metal object (not a knife or any weapon) closes the circle (Metal element). The circle of desires is closed! Collect these items into a beautiful composition, you should like it.

Circle of generation of feng shui elements

Let's take a look at what the generating circle of feng shui elements is:

  • Fire. When burned, it creates ash that goes into the Earth.
  • Earth. Metal is born in its depths.
  • Metal. Condenses Water.
  • Water. Nourishes the Tree.
  • Tree. Serves as food for Fire.

Destructive Circle of Elements:

  • Fire. Melts Metal.
  • Metal. Cuts down a tree.
  • Tree. Draws strength from the Earth.
  • Earth. Blocks the path of Water.
  • Water. Puts out the Fire.

And one more point that must be kept in mind. Each subsequent element draws energy from its “parent”. Thus we get:

  • Fire burns Wood.
  • Wood absorbs Water.
  • Water wears away metal (rust).
  • Metal cuts the Earth.
  • The Earth extinguishes (throws in) the Fire.

Elements give rise to each other in the order shown in Figure 15.1. In the feng shui circle of elemental generation, Wood is burned to produce Fire. The result is Ash (or Earth) in which Metal can be found. Metal can also be found in the veins of the earth, from which (according to the Chinese worldview) underground streams (Water) emerge, feeding vegetation and in turn giving rise to Wood. In a certain sense, each Element is the parent of the Element next to it in the Circle. This order corresponds to the order of the seasons and their Elements. Thus, the Water of winter gives birth to the new vegetation (Wood) of spring It gives birth to the heat (Fire) of summer until the harvest is harvested with metal tools in the fall.

Use this circle to strengthen an Element by adding a Parent Element to it.

Circle for making wishes come true

You are all already familiar with the teachings of Feng Shui; in our articles we wrote about Lo Shu, Bagua and much more. But today we will talk about such a concept as a circle and, more precisely, as a circle of generation. So what is it? You already know, of course, that Feng Shui has a section on the elements. There are five elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal. And depending on how they are located, these elements can interact, resulting in a circle of creation or generation (i.e., one element generates another), if this order is disrupted, a circle of destruction and negativity is obtained. But today we are interested in the circle of creation so that we can fulfill our good and wonderful dreams and desires. So

Feng Shui Elements Weakening Circle

The third circle of weakening feng shui elements is the exact opposite of the circle of generation, and it is this circle that is most often used in feng shui when choosing a correction remedy. Each Element in this circle weakens the Element from which it originated, that is, the parent Element. Use the Feng Shui Elemental Weakening Circle to weaken an Element by adding its child to it. This is a more natural way to achieve your goal than the Circle of Destruction. These Circles provide a practical key to the choice of corrective means in Flying Star Feng Shui, so it is very important that they are clearly imprinted in your imaginative memory.

Energy exchange between the Elements really occurs, and if it seems strange and even mysterious to you how some Elements embodied in specific objects, when in the company of others, can strengthen or weaken them, think about acupuncture. After all, there is a purely physical object - a needle inserted into the right place causes changes in the intensity of the flow of qi passing through this place of the body. So neither acupuncture nor feng shui are just speculative theories, they are very real and concrete things.

By remembering the above Circles, you can easily create adjustments for different combinations of Stars. But any remedy is used only against Stars interacting within the same Palace. Face Stars tend to react to changes much more quickly than Mountain Stars, who are slower and calmer in nature. It is better to use the Circle of Weakening where you constantly influence the negatively affecting Element with its descendants in the same way as you would divert the attention of a mother to her children, instead of entering into Direct confrontation with her. This is a question of both subtlety of approach and practicality.

© Ogudin Valentin

Properties of the Five Elements

Each of the elements has its own properties, but the elements are not the materials themselves, but only their comparison with them. The properties that objects have indicate which of the five elements they belong to. Their names - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water will help you better understand the essence of the 5 types of Qi energy. But you should not take these words literally. Otherwise, you will go very far from a correct understanding of this system!

Tree Fire Earth Metal Water
MaterialWood, paperFire, heatCeramics, stoneMetal productsWater, glass
ColorGreenRedBrown, yellowGolden, white, grayBlack blue
FormVertical long rectangleTriangleHorizontal rectangle, squareCircle, sphereWavy irregular shape
Side of the worldEast SoutheastSouthNortheast Southwest CenterWest North-WestNorth

For example, a round white ball is the element of Metal, and if it is black, then it already combines two elements - Metal and Water. A tall wooden cabinet painted red represents the elements of Wood and Fire. You can arrange any item yourself in this way and imagine it as a combination of 5 elements!

For Feng Shui purposes in the Five Elements, when creating an interior, color, shape and material are of primary importance, since they are the ones that are perceived first. But in food products, color and shape are no longer so important; taste plays the main role here.

You can see more qualities of the Five Elements here

Compilation method

Each vertical column of the calendar corresponds to 1 month, which does not begin on the 1st day of the European calendar (for example, the beginning of Yin falls on February 4-5) and does not start at 0 o’clock. The start time of each month is written in the calendar header (the month of Cheng, for example, began in 2010 on April 5 at 23:32). The calendar shows Beijing time, which means time zones must be taken into account. To build a map of the Pillars, you need to find the pillars in the calendar that correspond to the birth parameters. The year in China begins in February, i.e. birth in January will refer to the previous year. Make up a table of 2 (Trunk, Branch) rows and 4 (hour, day, month, year) columns, from left to right, starting with the hour.

Hieroglyphs are entered by finding the name of the pillars in the calendar. The name of the hour pillar is found at the intersection of the vertical graph of the day pillar and the horizontal graph of the hour, moreover, the clocks on the calendar are double and every 2 hours correspond to one earthly branch of Tzu:

  1. The earthly branch of Zi (i.e. Rat) corresponds to the double hour 23-01.
  2. Chow (Bull) corresponds to the hour 01-03.
  3. Yin (Tiger) belongs to the hour 03-05.
  4. Mao (Rabbit) – corresponds to the period 05-07.
  5. Cheng (Dragon) – 07-09.
  6. Sy (Snake) corresponds to the hour -9-11.
  7. Wu (Horse) denotes the hour 11-13.
  8. Wei (Goat) – double hour 13-15.
  9. Shen (Monkey) – 15-17.
  10. Yu (Rooster) corresponds to the double hour 17-19.
  11. Xu (Dog) corresponds to 19-21.
  12. High (Pig) – 21-23.

It is quite possible to compile such a Ba Zi map based on the Chinese solar calendar, but then it will need to be deciphered (interpreted).

Safety precautions.

*Place the composition in the sector that corresponds to your desire, for example: your dream is connected with money, wealth - the south-eastern sector of the room; the dream is related to career and fame - northern or southern sector...

* The water in the glass should always be clean, and wash and dust off other items more often.

* Make only your own wishes, and they should not harm anyone, neither people nor nature.

* As soon as the wish is fulfilled, it is best to disassemble the entire composition and create another one for a new one. And hide your circle of desires from immodest eyes, that’s why I advised you to place the composition on a tray.

Be sure to make such a composition for yourself and make wishes, and have your dreams come true, and become even happier! Congratulations to you!

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Progress of work with the circle of creation

If you have precisely determined your desire and the date of achieving success, pick up the Ba Gua grid to understand which sector you will have to work with in direct contact. Now think through the affirmation in the present tense, so that you can then say it affirmatively.

The next step is the circle of creation that you create yourself. And this circle, according to Fen, is made up of household items, where metal is a spoon, wood is a kitchen spatula, earth is a clay jug or vase, water is a jar of water, fire is a burning candle. You can replace it with other objects, or depict it more simply - arrange the pictures into your own places. This will do too. Candles can be taken according to the color of the sectors that are activated to fulfill a wish. White color is universal, suitable for any request.

When the time for the hairdryer ritual is over, turn to the symbols and the Universe, thank you for your help. Put out the candle. Leave the circle of creation for a week in the zone that was activated. Every day, alone, work with the desire to change the water for fresh water again. Don’t forget to thank your helpers in the ritual.

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