4 ways to find out what your element is: by year of birth, zodiac sign, Feng Shui and tarot

Once upon a time, our ancestors, who lived in ancient times, determined that the basis of all things are four elements: the element of Fire, the element of Earth, the element of Air and the element of Water. An element is a dominant element that has the most direct influence on health, relationships, career and many other important life aspects of an individual. Almost all experts say that the elements are the foundation on which a person can build his life! If an individual does not know anything about his element, then it will be quite difficult for him to achieve even minimal success in any areas of life!

Why? The thing is that it is the elements that determine the main advantages, characteristics and disadvantages of a person, his priorities, views on certain important issues and trends in personal development. And if you recognize not only your element, but also the element of your loved one, then building a trusting and strong relationship with him will be much easier, since you will know in advance what to expect from this relationship.

Every person living on planet Earth belongs to one or several elements. Some people can determine the element using intuition, but not everyone succeeds. If internal sensations do not allow you to do this, then you should turn to external signs for help and find out your element by the year and time of birth, by your zodiac sign, by Feng Shui and by tarot cards.

You should not be embarrassed or worried if you find out that you have not one, but two or three elements, because a pure substance is very rarely found in nature, since it almost always contains certain impurities. An ideal and balanced personality, according to Chinese astrologers, is precisely the personality that combines the best qualities of two or three elements!

How to find out your element? Having the necessary knowledge, this is quite easy to do. After reading the useful, important and valuable information that we are happy to share with you in this article, you will not only learn to easily and quickly determine your element and the elements of other people, but also expand your knowledge about the elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth!

How to find out your element by year of birth?

Thanks to the year of birth, you can find out what sign of the Chinese horoscope a person belongs to. The Chinese horoscope consists of 12 signs, which repeat cyclically every 12 years.

We bring to your attention a detailed table, thanks to which you can quickly and accurately find your Chinese horoscope sign.

Chinese horoscope signYear of birth
Monkey1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2021, 2028, 2040
Rooster1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2021, 2029, 2041
Dog1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2021, 2030, 2042
Pig (Boar)1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2021, 2031, 2043
Rat1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2021, 2032, 2044
Bull (Ox)1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, 2045
Tiger1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034, 2046
Cat (Rabbit)1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035, 2047
The Dragon1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048
Snake1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037, 2049
Horse1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038, 2050
Goat (Sheep)1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039, 2051

Dragon, Monkey and Rat are representatives of the element of Fire

The element of Fire includes people born in the year of the Dragon, Rat and Monkey. They, like an open and not always controlled flame, sometimes burn painfully, and sometimes they gently, delicately and very carefully warm with their own warmth. These smart, attractive and determined people sometimes give the impression of being calm and calm modest people, but inside them there is a raging volcano of emotions, which at any moment (not always the most appropriate) can burst out!

People who belong to the Fire element are very hot-tempered and have a pronounced choleric type of temperament. In any area of ​​life, they try to achieve maximum results, but only if they believe in themselves and their strengths. Without faith, people of the element of Fire not only do not move up the career ladder, but also cannot find their soulmate and create a full-fledged family. People born in the year of the Fire element understand love issues much better than representatives of other elements.

The element of Fire combines best with the element of Earth, and worst of all with the element of Water.

Snake, Rooster and Bull - representatives of the elements of Earth

The elements of Earth include those people who were born in the year of the Snake, Rooster and Bull. They are very wise, logical, prudent, disciplined and cautious individuals. They give practical and correct advice, but only to those people they really care about and really love. Representatives of the Earth element often experience self-doubt, and therefore tend to inflate big problems out of minor details.

People of the Earth element are very frightened by the unknown. They often become depressed and have doubts about everything. Individuals born in the year of the Earth do not like to be in the center of everyone's attention and never demonstrate to other people their superiority in anything.

The element of Earth is best combined with the element of Air, and worst of all - with the element of Water.

Horse, Dog and Tiger are representatives of the Air element

The element of Air includes people born in the year of the Horse, Dog and Tiger. They are quite generous, wise, open people who love to experiment and try something new. Representatives of the Air element will never refuse to help if they see that a person really needs their support.

Almost all people born in the year of Air grow up very early and begin to lead an independent life. They don’t like it when someone actively and shamelessly barges into their personal space and tries to establish their own rules there.

Representatives of the Air element love to explore the world, so they often travel and create families with people living in other countries. Some of them, over time, begin to manipulate those close to them and use their charisma for personal gain.

The element of Air is best combined with the element of Water, and worst of all - with the element of Fire.

Goat, Pig and Cat – representatives of the element of Water

The element of Water includes those people who were born in the year of the Goat, Pig and Cat. They are very attentive, friendly, kind and tactful people who know how to find a common language with almost any interlocutor. That is why representatives of the Water element always have many friends to whom they can turn for help if a critical situation suddenly arises.

Water symbolizes creativity and art, so people born in the year of Water love to turn the most incredible ideas into reality. They are not afraid to study and learn something new. Foreign languages ​​are easy for such people.

Representatives of the element of Water are excellent at keeping not only their own secrets, but also the secrets of other people, therefore they enjoy the respect and trust of others. Individuals born in the Water Year are well versed in the intricacies of psychology, therefore they know how to skillfully manipulate other people and win them over to their side in any dispute.

The element of Water is best combined with the element of Fire, and worst of all - with the element of Earth.

How to find out your element by time of birth?

You can determine the element not only by year, but also by time of birth. Find out your birth time and then look at the table.

Fire Clockfrom 23:00 to 1:00, from 7:00 to 9:00, from 15:00 to 17:00.
Earth clockfrom 1:00 to 3:00, from 9:00 to 11:00, from 17:00 to 19:00.
Air Clockfrom 3:00 to 5:00, from 11:00 to 13:00, from 19:00 to 21:00.
Water Clockfrom 5:00 to 7:00, from 13:00 to 15:00, from 21:00 to 23:00.

People born in Fire hours find it easiest to interact with people born in Earth hours and Water hours. Difficulties may arise when interacting with people born in the hours of Fire and Air.

People born during the hours of Water find it easiest to interact with representatives of the hours of Fire and Air. Difficulties may arise in the process of communicating with people who were born in the hours of Water and Earth.

It is easiest for representatives of the Earth hours to find a common language with people born in the hours of Wind and Fire. Communication problems may arise when interacting with representatives of Earth and Water.

It is easiest for people born during the Air hours to communicate with representatives of the Earth and Water hours. Difficulties may arise during interaction with people who were born in the hours of Fire and Air.

Gua number calculation

According to Feng Shui, the date of birth affects the entire future of the child. It determines the element to which a person belongs. The Gua number also depends on it, by calculating it it will not be difficult to find answers to a variety of life questions. A person will know what to do correctly, and this applies to the arrangement of furniture in the room, his profession, and his life path in general. You just need to follow certain rules, then all obstacles will disappear and life will become easier. The magic number is quite simple to calculate: you just need to choose a certain algorithm depending on gender.

How to find out your element by your zodiac sign or horoscope?

Do you want to know your element by your zodiac sign (horoscope)? Our detailed table makes this very easy!

Zodiac signDate of BirthPlanet/ColorElementKey characteristics of the representative of the elements
AriesMarch 21 – April 20Mars/RedFireImpulsive, active, self-centered, proud, independent, self-reliant.
TaurusApril 21 – May 20Venus / PinkEarthGentle, artistic, consistent, charming, self-satisfied, creative.
TwinsMay 21 – June 21Mercury/GreenAirMovable, light, energetic, optimistic, creative, charming.
CancerJune 22 – July 22Moon / SilverWaterSociable, sensitive, graceful, witty, talkative, fickle.
a lionJuly 23 – August 23Sun/GoldenFireCheerful, brave, self-sufficient, passionate, quick-tempered, impulsive.
VirgoAugust 24 – September 22Mercury/Dark BlueEarthReliable, conservative, thoughtful, caring, patient, responsible.
ScalesSeptember 23 – October 23Venus/BlueAirJoyful, impulsive, grateful, energetic, sociable, friendly.
ScorpionOctober 24 – November 22Pluto / Dark RedWaterPliable, agile, sensual, plastic, impressionable, vengeful.
SagittariusNovember 23 – December 21Jupiter / Dark purpleFireTireless, passionate, demanding, unceremonious, headstrong, hot-tempered.
CapricornDecember 22 – January 20Saturn/BrownEarthHolistic, stable, uncompromising, serene, pragmatic, materialist.
AquariusJanuary 21 – February 19Uranium / TurquoiseAirSociable, idealistic, friendly, philanthropist, balanced, eccentric.
FishFebruary 20 – March 20Neptune / Light blueWaterChangeable, charming, intuitive, sensitive, gullible, charming.

How to find out your element according to Feng Shui?

According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, there are five elements: Fire, Water, Metal, Wood and Earth. You can determine your element according to Feng Shui by your year of birth.

People born after February 20 inclusive should pay attention to the last digit of their year of birth. Those people who were born from January 1 to February 20 need to pay attention to the last digit of the previous year.

Example. If you were born on September 2, 1998, then your feng shui element number is 8. If you were born on January 17, 1984, then your feng shui element number is 3.

Our detailed table will help you find out your element according to Feng Shui!

Last digit of year of birthElement/ColorThe meaning of the elements in the universe
0-1Metal / Grey, silverMagnetism, decadence, hardness
2-3Water / Light Blue, Blue, BlackPotential, art, microcosm
4-5Wood / Green, light greenBeginning, growth, fertility
6-7Fire / Red, orangeDevelopment, honesty, aggressiveness
8-9Earth / Brown, yellow, beigeStability, nourishing environment, sincerity


Men born in the year of the Metal element are almost always convinced that they are right. They are persistent, confident in their charisma and attractiveness, ruthless and very ambitious people who sooner or later become successful and wealthy individuals. Representatives of this element do not always know how to enjoy the results they have already achieved, as they always strive to get even more!

Women born in the year of the Metal element have special magnetism. They can effortlessly charm the most callous and soulless interlocutor, are not afraid to show their strongest feelings and very rarely behave aggressively. Representatives of the Metal element always strive for the ideal.

Metal is an element that represents hardness and strength.

Positive characteristics - fairness, communication, new creative ideas.

Negative characteristics - melancholy, destruction, danger, tension.


Men born in the year of the element of Water have the gift of persuasion and are excellent at finding a common language with female representatives. Some of them eventually turn into charming, but cunning and fickle womanizers who, without a twinge of conscience, manipulate the women who are in love with them. Representatives of this element know how to listen carefully to their interlocutor and ask the right questions. Such men, who have pronounced charisma, treat the surrounding reality as a holistic and diverse place where (if you make some effort) your wildest dreams come true!

Women who were born in the year of the element of Water have a good imagination and quickly charm their interlocutors, but sometimes they are capricious and mischievous. They are prone to adventure and inconstancy, prefer to avoid quarrels and conflicts.

Water is an element that personifies creativity, fluidity, art, the inner world of man and beauty in any of its manifestations.

Positive characteristics - compassion, nutrition, support.

Negative characteristics – stress, anxiety, pessimism.


Men who were born in the year of the Wood element are very emotional people. They strive for great and ideal love, but they do not always find it, because they do not understand that nothing ideal exists in the world. They often show altruism, but only towards those people who share their views on the world. Such men love to dominate and dictate their terms in relationships with women. They value friendship and moral principles.

Women born in the year of the Wood element are truthful, honest, beautiful and attractive modest women who are sometimes resourceful and cunning temptresses. They always strive for personal independence and freedom of action. They don’t like to be jealous or limited in any way.

A tree is an element that personifies the plant world, fertility, growth and diversified development.

Positive characteristics – honesty, beauty, attractiveness, flourishing.

Negative characteristics – resourcefulness, closedness, inconstancy.


Men born in the year of the element of Fire have pronounced leadership qualities, an excellent sense of humor and ingenuity. They are not afraid to take risks, experiment and try something new. They love to explore the world around them and constantly get involved in some kind of adventure. They behave very actively and do not like rules and restrictions imposed by society. Faced with another problem, representatives of the element of Fire begin to think about where to run away so as not to have to deal with solving this very problem. For them, the process itself is much more important than the final result.

Women born in the year of the element of Fire often behave impulsively. They are very energetic, loyal, active and sensible individuals who can seduce any member of the stronger sex. Constantly strive for leadership. Such women are often called fatales.

Fire is an element that represents heat, warmth, light, happiness and passion.

Positive characteristics are sincerity, honesty and energy.

Negative characteristics - aggressiveness, belligerence, inconstancy.


Men born in the year of the Earth element have a calm, balanced, thorough and thoughtful character. They are not prone to risk, haste or adventure. Representatives of the Earth element look at life with optimism. In the most dire situations, they remain calm, do not panic, and almost always finish the job they start.

Women born in the year of the Earth element are very sensual, charismatic and stylish individuals. They strive for inner harmony and mental balance, and are distinguished by their bright originality and individuality. When entering into a relationship with a man, a representative of the Earth element will always control her partner, be insanely jealous of him and demand complete submission.

Earth is an element that personifies the nutrient medium, plant and animal worlds, and life.

Positive characteristics - intelligence, intuition, sincerity, movement.

Negative characteristics - nervousness, tension, unnecessary troubles.


Taurus • Virgo • Capricorn

The element of Earth in astrology is responsible for the ability to stand firmly on the ground, provide for oneself financially, and take care of the physical aspects of life. The harmony of the Earth in the birth chart will help us feel professionally competent, help us feel our body more clearly, distribute the flow of giving and receiving money around you, and also allow us to enjoy the sensory experience of human existence and the human body.

The absence of Earth in the natal chart indicates difficulties with money. Since Earth means stability and down-to-earth, people with a deficiency of this element find it difficult to hold onto money, they are too concerned about financial topics, since money for them is a guarantee of security. As a result, they may become obsessed with hoarding. Conversely, people with a predominance of Earth in the horoscope are too rational, they pay too much attention to the material world and its pleasures.

For activation and balance:

  • Walk barefoot on the grass
  • Meditate in the park
  • Go hiking
  • Hug a tree - imagine how your auric field combines with it, as you do
  • Buy indoor plants
  • Eat vegetables
  • Give someone a massage
  • Take up gardening
  • Get enough sleep
  • Set goals
  • Maintain a budget
  • Go jogging or yoga
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