Tips from Feng Shui masters for those who want to not only decorate their home, but also improve their lives

Nowadays, Feng Shui and Chinese astrology are becoming increasingly popular. You can easily find dozens of offers to provide you with a professional consultation of Ba Zi, Feng Shui, Zi Wei Dou Shu or Qi Men Dong Jia. But, unfortunately, not every one of those who offers consultations on Chinese metaphysics is a professional.

We don't have many professional Feng Shui consultants. Many of those who now call themselves consultants and even Feng Shui masters have actually read only a few books or limited themselves to free initial courses. So you should not trust yourself to the first consultant you meet. Try to make sure of his qualifications.

A good consultant who is truly professional in the methods of Feng Shui, Qi Men Dong Jia, Ba Zi or Zi Wei Dou Shu can help you radically change your life and find a way out of a problematic situation. So, if you want advice from a professional consultant, you will have to work a little harder to find one.

In this article I will tell you what points you need to pay attention to when choosing a Feng Shui specialist

You should not contact someone who hides information about themselves.

Surely, before seeking advice, you will want to get to know the person who will give you advice in advance. So go to the consultant's website and see if you can find there, at a minimum, his name, photo and phone number?

If there is no information on the site, then we can assume that they are hiding something from you. Professionals usually always introduce themselves to their potential clients and provide several contacts on their website. You want to know who you are going to collaborate with?

The preliminary conversation with the consultant left a feeling of fear.

If during the preliminary conversation the consultant begins to intimidate you with possible unpleasant events in your life, there is only one piece of advice - RUN AS FAR AS POSSIBLE!

Firstly, in order to confidently talk about any troubles, you need time to do a feng shui analysis or at least look carefully at your astrological chart. It is very difficult to do this in a short conversation.

Secondly, no professional will tell you about possible troubles if he cannot suggest a way out of the current situation.

And thirdly, our Destiny is not predetermined. The outcome of any situation depends on your actions, and not on the predictions of the astrologer. At every moment of life, several roads are open to a person. The consultant’s task is to show you these roads, point you in the right direction and suggest the best way to change the situation for the better, and not to scare you more.

Therefore, if even a preliminary conversation with a consultant has left an unpleasant aftertaste of fear in your soul, thank Fate for the life lesson and go look for a real specialist.

Read more about misconceptions in astrology >>

Ask your Feng Shui consultant the names of the Masters he studied with.

The carriers of large-scale classical knowledge in Chinese metaphysics are mostly Masters from Malaysia, Hong Kong and Europe. In Russia there are also very experienced and professional consultants who are engaged in teaching activities and are students of world-famous Feng Shui Masters (see list of Masters).

Usually Masters issue a diploma or certificate to their students. Don’t be shy to ask your potential consultant to prove their knowledge with a certificate.

But if a specialist claims to have diplomas from all Masters, most likely, you are being deceived. World-famous masters do not hand out their certificates to everyone. Training with internationally recognized Masters from Malaysia, Hong Kong or Europe lasts several years and consists of several levels. So if your potential consultant has several dozen certifications, but all of them are entry-level, then it is very likely that you are dealing with a novice consultant who has taken several entry-level courses from different teachers.

Many novice consultants try to get more diplomas from different masters in order to look more authoritative (according to the principle: “the more beautiful pictures, the more respectable”). But at the same time they did not complete a single course.

However, you should not immediately refuse to consult a novice specialist. He may well turn out to be an attentive and talented consultant who will help you solve your problem. In addition, prices for beginner consultants are much more reasonable. Just talk to him, ask additional questions to ensure the quality of his knowledge.

Tips from Feng Shui masters for those who want to not only decorate their home, but also improve their lives

I want to share interesting information that I learned on the Internet. Moreover, I am sure that all manipulations, if done correctly, work.

Why am I writing this with such confidence? It's simple: I experienced and tested Feng Shui on myself.

Several years ago, I had to overcome numerous difficulties; after a divorce, I raised my son on my own.

I was not born with a “golden spoon in my mouth.” In general, it was very difficult without support, but everything has changed. Now my son has grown up, I changed the country and moved to live in Italy, and then I decided to live a little in England and, at the moment, I am in London. I can’t say that everything is “in chocolate” for me, but when I remember my previous life, I see a huge difference!

Now I live an interesting life, I can do what I love, last winter I vacationed at a resort in the Czech Republic. I had never even dreamed of such things before and could not think that it was possible.

First of all, I want to say that it’s never too late to change your life and don’t listen to any skeptics who say that it’s too late to do anything... As long as you live, you can always try and try to change your existence for the better! Only after death nothing can be changed, and there is nothing left to change.

Let me return to my story about how I decided to move to Italy.

To move to another country, I needed funds that I did not have. At that time, when I decided to radically change my life, I learned about Feng Shui.

I read a book about how you can change your life with simple manipulations in the house. I was very skeptical about the information I received, but because of my insatiable curiosity I wanted to try it. Why not?

To implement my plans, I decided to quickly sell my apartment and buy one of equal size, but in another city, where apartments were cheaper. Thanks to the difference from the sale, my trip to Italy became more realistic.

I put the apartment in which I lived for sale at a price slightly higher than most apartments for sale. My friends, who had been trying to sell their home for two years now, said that I would not sell my living space at such a high price. However, as they say: Vaska listens and eats...

First of all, I cleared out the debris and cleaned out all areas of my home. Then I put up my cute photo wallpaper that showed a swampy pond with a forest in the background.

It is not recommended to have images with stagnant water in the house, and hanging stormy landscapes on the walls. Stagnant water brings stagnation in all your affairs, and a storm can bring drastic changes to your destiny, but not for the better.

Then, I changed the upholstery on the front door from brown to bright blue. The door was in the North and the blue color improved my career zone. This helped me get a temporary job immediately after moving, which improved my financial situation and brought me one step closer to Italy.

I sold the apartment a month later and happily rushed to the implementation of my plans!

I'm not a super-specialist in Feng Shui, but even my modest knowledge in this area has helped change my life for the better.

Feng Shui masters recommend what symbols and pictures should be placed in order to activate the flow of the necessary energies into your home, improve and adjust your life:

Southeast (sector “Wealth, money”) Element: Wood; generating element: Water The predominant colors in the picture: red, blue, violet, green, lilac, blue, white, black. Recommended paintings: trees, forest, park, fountain, mountain lakes, waterfalls, seas, sea animals, money, black and white versions.

South (sector “Glory”) Element: Fire; generating element: Tree Predominant colors in the painting: red, green, yellow Recommended paintings: flying birds, bird feathers, peacocks, horses, sunrise/sunset, poppies, sunflowers, fields, forest

South-West (sector “Love Relationships”) Element: Earth; generating element: Fire Predominant colors in the painting: beige, all shades of brown, terracotta, orange, red, pink, yellow, burgundy Recommended paintings: paired animals and birds, swans, doves, cranes, peonies, roses, flower arrangements, couples in love.

Some Feng Shui masters recommend placing an image in the bedroom

Moons with a lunar path. This will help single people meet their

soul mate, and for already established couples to improve their relationship.

West (sector “Creativity, Children”) Element: Metal; generating element: Earth The predominant colors in the picture: beige, all shades of brown, terracotta, orange, gold, silver, white, yellow. Recommended paintings: elephants, peaches, mountains, deserts, fields, black and white versions, night cities, cities of the world, castles.

North-West (sector “Travel, assistants”) Element: Metal; generating element: Earth The predominant colors in the picture: beige, all shades of brown, terracotta, orange, gold, silver, white, yellow. Recommended paintings: dolphins, sailboats, boats, trains, hot air balloons, cars, cities of the world, castles, night cities, mountains, deserts, fields, world maps, black and white versions.

North (Career sector) Element: Water; generating element: Metal The predominant colors in the picture: blue, light blue, black, white, silver, gold. Recommended paintings: oceans, seas, islands, mountains, mountain lakes, waterfalls, sailboats, cars, sea animals, dolphins, turtles, black and white versions.

North-East (Knowledge sector) Element: Earth; generating element: Fire The predominant colors in the picture: beige, all shades of brown, terracotta, orange, red, pink, yellow, burgundy. Recommended paintings: world maps, globes, money, snakes, owls, fields, deserts, sunrise/sunset.

Traditional for the wisdom zone are images or figures of owls,

snake, globe, carp with a dragon's head, crystal ball.

Among the “earth” talismans, crystals, ceramic or porcelain vases,

A crystal globe is generally an ideal option. Among the “fiery” activators, candles are good,

fireplace (real or its image)

East (Family sector) Element: Wood; generating element: Water The predominant colors in the picture: red, green, yellow, all shades of brown, blue, indigo, violet, lilac, sand. Recommended paintings: sunrise/sunset, poppies, sunflowers, fields, forest, mountains, mountain lakes, seas, palm trees, bamboo, peaches, fruits.

The photographs in this publication are not mine.

Another friendly tip from me:

Don't go overboard in your quest to change everything in your life!

Choose one or two areas where changes are most important.

Try, create and be happy!

Ask about the experience of a Feng Shui consultant.

Most often, a specialist indicates his work experience on his personal page on social media. networks or on the website. The experience of a specialist is his pride. But if they tell you that they have 8-10 years of experience, and the arsenal of completed work includes more than 2,000 objects, then most likely they are trying to mislead you. Believe me, if a high-quality and complete Feng Shui consultation is carried out, then this is physically impossible.

Such an amazing performance of the consultant can only indicate that the consultations are superficial or that he has never encountered this at all.

When to Call a Feng Shui Master

The best option would be to call the represented specialist while searching for the site on which the house will be built. In this case, it will be possible to find a place where there will be no negative energies or they will be minimal. If the site has already been selected, it is worth calling a specialist when building a house, so that he can suggest where it is better to locate this or that room, so that all negative energy is bypassed, and positive energy constantly accumulates inside the room. If the house has already been built, consultations with a master will be needed to design the rooms. Most people choose colors according to their taste, but you need to choose them according to their designation.

Please note, what is the consultation price?

As a rule, the services of Feng Shui, Ba Zi, Zi Wei Dou Shu and Qi Men Dong Jiat professionals all over the world are quite expensive. For example, in Germany or the UK, hiring a consultant to supervise the construction of your own home will cost you more than $10,000. In Russia, the services of a good specialist are much cheaper.

Compare the cost of consultation with different specialists.

Too low a price should alert you. Training in Feng Shui and Chinese astrology from world-famous Masters is very expensive. If a person has invested several thousand, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in his training, then he will not give away his knowledge for pennies. A consultation cost that is too low may indicate that you are dealing with either an altruist or a scammer.

But too high a price for a consultation is also not a reason to be convinced of the consultant’s skill. Many pseudo-consultants deliberately inflate their prices in order to look like an expensive specialist and attract a wealthy client.

Teacher - Master Howard Choi

Master Howard Choi and Alexandra Naumova in China, sacred mountain Taishan

Howard Choy (Cai Hong) is a master and teacher of Feng Shui, Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan with 40 years of experience, a professional architect, and the author of books on Feng Shui and Qigong. He heads the architectural company and the European College of Feng Shui ECOFS in Berlin, is the founder of the Feng Shui Association of Australia and the coordinator of the European branch of the Feng Shui Association of Great Britain and Europe FSS.

Howard Choi teaches Feng Shui, Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan in Germany, Australia, UK, France, Italy, Finland, Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Belgium, USA and Russia. Howard also teaches Chinese philosophy and the I Ching Book of Changes, physiognomy, palmistry, Chinese massage, traditional Chinese gardens and conducts Feng Shui training tours in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan.

Howard Choi is a master with the deepest knowledge and experience, a man of great generosity, with an open heart, endless patience and kindness towards people. His insight and wisdom change his understanding of the world every time. Being around him makes you a better person. Meeting him is a great success.

More about Howard Choi

Ask if the consultant offers walk-in consultations.

A professional practitioner will definitely try to dissuade you from an in-person Feng Shui consultation. The fact is that it is very difficult to conduct in-person Feng Shui consultations for a home, apartment and office. In most cases this is not possible. A quality Feng Shui consultation can only be conducted in person to understand the movement of energies.

If your potential consultant immediately and unconditionally agrees to a correspondence consultation on Feng Shui, then feel free to refuse his services. This is not the consultant you were looking for.

BUT there are exceptions!

Consultations on Chinese astrology Ba Zi, Zi Wei Dou Shu, as well as consultations of Qi Men Dong Jia can be carried out in absentia and remotely.

For astrology consultations, a specialist astrologer does not need to meet with you in person. Simply knowing your date of birth is enough. You can talk to a consultant by phone or, for example, on Skype.

Therefore, if you are looking for a professional to consult on Chinese astrology, then the correspondence option will not differ from a personal meeting. And the price for correspondence consultations will in most cases be much lower.

Feng Shui classification

There are several directions (schools) in Feng Shui. It is important to distinguish between these directions (schools) and what exactly is used so that you can recognize a real Feng Shui master almost instantly.

It is fundamentally necessary to understand that there is Yang Feng Shui (Feng Shui of houses, apartments, offices - living spaces), where the formulas of Imperial Feng Shui, San He and San Yuan are applied, and Yin Feng Shui (Feng Shui of graves), where the formulas of Imperial Feng are applied Shui and San He.

It is because of the incorrect interpretation that many people believe that Feng Shui is an art for graves, which means it doesn’t work in homes, it’s scary, and so on.

In this article we will not consider Yin Feng Shui, because this will be given a separate article, which will tell you about real Yin Feng Shui, what it is for, how it works, how you can check its work yourself and what real secrets of application exist in Yin feng shui.

Feng Shui can also be exterior (macroenvironment, roads, rivers, mountains, etc.) and interior (inside a house, office, apartment).

Imperial feng shui

The most powerful in terms of influence on a person. Considers the exterior , namely, where the Dragon comes from (the mountain range), where the Mouth of Water is located (where the mountain range “dies”), the rise and fall relative to your house, the influence of the landscape on your house or apartment. Gives 70% influence on a person .

If you have excellent Imperial Feng Shui, then even if you have crappy San He Feng Shui or any interior feng shui, then you still have more pros than cons. Your home will still support you.

Usually a specialist who knows imperial feng shui does not have any compasses, notebooks or books with him. He can diagnose your home simply by walking around the house and/or looking at a map of the area.

San He (3 harmonies)

School of forms, school of physical phenomena (mountains and rivers). San He considers physical objects exactly as they are: a river is a river, a mountain is a mountain, unlike San Yuan (see below), who may consider roads and/or streets as “rivers”, although in fact, in the aspect influence on a person, this is not so.

There is an exterior and interior San He. Basic formulas: 6+2+2. Additional formulas: 14. Usually a specialist who knows such techniques and formulas practically does not use the lopan compass. He uses it only to customize interior solutions (table and bed). Everything else is in the consultant’s head and in the palm of his hand (the formulas seem to be hidden in the palm of his left hand).

Exterior San He gives 50-70% influence on your house or apartment, interior is less weak, but still even stronger.

San Yuan (3 periods)

A school that puts time first. San Yuan literally means "3 Periods". For San Yuan, the period we are in now is of greater importance, although the application of this practice is again based on knowledge of the forms and school of San He. San Yuan is more of a predictive system and I attribute its influence more to the “placebo” effect, when people try to move beds every month throughout the apartment, trying to sleep in good natal and annual stars, determined by fortune telling made at the time of measurements.

You will recognize a specialist using San Yuan immediately by the compass, by the notebook, by the calculations in the notebook right on your desk, and by the constant muttering of some numbers like “5-2”, “5-5”, etc. If you want to move a table and bed around your apartment, this specialist is for you.

Chinese treatises say: “If you use San Yuan, you will meet the emperor!” . This is exactly the case. You will actually be able to meet the emperor, but unfortunately. you will never become emperor.

This school houses 99.9% of Feng Shui consultants in Russia and the CIS. Moreover, this system is so embedded in the minds of consultants that it is almost impossible to “eradicate” its use. While its influence on a person is quite insignificant and it refers to the system of predictions, and not the correction of space for a person.

And all this is because this school began to actively develop on the Russian Internet in the 2000s, while the real secrets of Imperial Feng Shui and the San He school became available only 12-14 years after the entry of the San Yuan school into the open spaces Runet.

I do not use the San Yuan school in my work, because it is important for me to make a decision for a person, and not to tell what was or will be in this apartment. Changing the degree of the door changes the entire “star map” of the apartment and there is no point in revising the forecast further, because there is also the level of a person’s luck and the level of “pumping” of his unconscious, with which he, in fact, controls the space.

Pop feng shui (modern, popular)

Mainly associated with what real girls like: curtains, pictures, mirrors, figurines, purses, red strings on the toilet (“Kabbalah” for the toilet) and so on.

Such feng shui has nothing to do with the influence of earth and space on the human body, except for the impact on the unconscious through tactile and visual channels of perception when viewing the decorative elements of an apartment or house. This also includes Ba Gua squares, Wealth zones, Feng Shui wallets, and so on.

I will not list the most modern authors on pop feng shui on the bookshelves that are overflowing in modern stores; I think you already know about them.

Precisely because you can just put a Ba Gua square on your apartment, or plant a toad on your doorstep and take out and put a coin in its mouth every day, this is extremely popular and is sold in millions of books all over the world - you don’t have to think or know the formulas , understand nature and be able to feel space. This is how I bought a figurine of a mandarin duck and I will immediately be happy. After all, it’s simple and, most importantly, inexpensive.

Does he have a compass?

A professional Feng Shui consultant must have in his arsenal a special Lo Pan geomantic compass, and sometimes several such compasses. Feng Shui consultations are indispensable without this professional compass. The ability to use Lopan is considered a sign of high skill.

Ask your potential consultant to show you this compass and see if he uses it to take measurements at the consulting site. But try not to confuse the real Lopan with the souvenir version, which can now be bought in any souvenir shop.

Professional Lo Pan has a large size, a square base, a disk with many circles filled with Chinese characters and signs, and a large “heavenly pond” with a magnetic needle that allows measurements to be taken with an accuracy of half a degree. Another difference between a professional compass and a souvenir is that a real Lo Pan has a decent weight, it is much heavier than its souvenir counterpart.

There are many good reviews on the Internet about the consultant’s work. Is it good or bad?

The first thing we do when we are looking for a good specialist is read reviews about his work on the consultant’s website. A good client review is a consultant’s pride. Typically, those who have been practicing for a long time publish reviews about their work on their website or on social media. networks.

But, unfortunately, the reality is that now many reviews are written to order in order to “show off” gullible clients. Human psychology is such that many clients who enjoyed a consultation simply do not want to share their feedback. The reasons are different: they are embarrassed, they keep the fact of the consultation a secret, they don’t have time, etc. But those who did not like the consultation very often write their complaints. However, not all consultants are ready to publish critical reviews of their work to the general public.

Therefore, I advise you to take job reviews with a grain of salt. You should not rely solely on reviews on the Internet when choosing a specialist.

A person's destiny according to the Bazi Chart (Chinese astrology)

With the help of Badzy's map we can find out what is destined for us, see the opportunities with which we came into this life, our potential, and also how life will go. The Chinese say: “First Fate, then Luck, and then Feng Shui.” Destiny is primarily what determines our life, potential and events in life. This is what we were born with! Then comes Luck, these are our opportunities, the chances that appear on our way. These two points are very closely related, because even the best fate without good luck has little meaning!

The BaZi Fate Card (4 Pillars of Fate or Chinese horoscope) is a system that describes all aspects of human life, the influence of the outside world, makes it possible to find out fate and look into the future. It is compiled based on the person’s birth data ( the exact hour of birth is required ) and place of birth.

The knowledge that we can get from the Bazi card can indicate the “Path” (in a broad sense), BUT we will have to go ourselves (act, make choices, etc.). The minimum that should be present is desire and desire.

A BaZi consultation provides answers to practical questions and the necessary knowledge for an informed choice. “Aware is forearmed .

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