The first steps to success in the Three of Wands, access to new opportunities, the beginning of the implementation of plans

The Three of Wands is a good card for business people and careerists. It gives a person financial well-being, new opportunities, and work prospects. In personal relationships, it also indicates good luck.

Three of Wands

The motto of the card: you are already taking the first steps towards new heights, act without delay!


The key words most fully reflect the main meaning of the map.

Intermediate result

Tarot 3 of Wands has something in common with the Two of Wands, but the Two says that the person has already risen to the top, has already achieved what he wanted. The troika says that you have achieved it, but this is just an intermediate result. Everything is going according to plan, everything is fine, you have completed the next task, implemented the next stage of the plan. But this is just another stage.

A very important point is that people do not always pay attention to the fact that they have completed some stage, part of their path. There is an ultimate goal, if I don’t achieve it, then I haven’t done anything, I haven’t realized anything. But the map says, no, you achieved it, you built it. For example, I’m building a house with three floors. I have already built the first floor, the second floor is not completed, there is no roof yet, but you can already live there.

Should we move on? The Troika of Posokhov says exactly this, that I have a plan, but now in this place, when I have achieved some kind of success, a stage, I can revise the plan. To correct my course, to what extent am I going correctly, to what extent the path I am taking is effective and perfect.

After all, I started several years ago, maybe something has already changed, maybe what I’m trying to achieve is no longer so important to me. Maybe it has already lost its significance and value for me and everything needs to be reconsidered. The second meaning of the card is connected to this, it is a bifurcation point.

Bifurcation point

This is a technical term when a certain process can go in an unpredictable way. And the psychology of this moment, when a person can do something, but not do something. Do one thing or do another, thereby changing your life, directing it in different directions. This is a plan - not a dogma. So I have a plan, this is the only way I should do it - no, in fact this is not a dogma.

There are many roads leading to the goal, I have completed a certain stage, I see my final goal, I know how to get there. But I can go to it in different ways, I can go along a mountain, I can go along a ravine, I can swim along a river, I can ask a cab driver to give me a lift.

Different roads open up before me. So, when I was walking, for example, I didn’t know that there would be a ravine there, I looked, and there was such a convenient path along the ravine, I could walk there much faster. And that doesn't mean I have to stick to the previous plan. There is one more point about this card. She offers to rest before starting a new stage, before storming the heights.

I came to the base camp, if you are involved in mountaineering, climbed to the top, to a certain height, rested, acclimatized and went up the mountain. I got up, rested, and moved on. You have the opportunity to look, look back, look forward, compare what you have gone through, how much is left, how best to go. Maybe you need to make adjustments to your plans, etc.

Remains in the past

I did it, but how much are my old merits and achievements worth? Yes, they don’t cost anything, they don’t cost anything and they don’t mean anything. What you had is in the past. Whether it was a relationship, whether there were any affairs, all this remained behind your back. Tomorrow you will have a new life, there is no need to pull the dinosaur by its long tail, drag out your entire past.

The situation will change, whether we want it or not, what happened before is in the past. The card clearly says that everything is behind you, a new life lies ahead. If you don’t want to, stay in this place where you were; if you want to move forward, there is an opportunity.

General interpretation of the lasso

When determining the meaning of the 3 of Wands tarot card, you should pay attention to the following details:

  1. Ships speak of the uncertainty of the path; the person has not yet moved from the previous stage of life;
  2. A person's posture indicates his moral fatigue. He needs a break to fully comprehend what is happening and begin to move in the right direction.
  3. Seagulls symbolize signs of fate, which many, unfortunately, do not notice.

The Arcanum appears when there is a chance of deals or partnerships. Sometimes it comes up when answering the question about the rationality of a planned project. The card's answer in this case is positive.

Key words for direct position:

  • tip of the iceberg;
  • hard work;
  • general material well-being.

An inverted lasso is a less favorable sign. The card speaks of carelessness, trusting the wrong person, lack of energy, being scattered among different things. It is better to postpone the planned project until later.

Key phrases for the Three of Wands reversed:

  • carelessness in deeds and thoughts;
  • stagnation of creative character;
  • arrogant behavior of a person.

The meaning of the arcana in the Manara tarot

The Erotic Tarot of Manara, when this lasso falls out, indicates that a person often acts without thinking about the consequences. It is important to learn to analyze the possible consequences of actions and turn the results to your advantage.

The meaning of the 3 of Wands card in the Thoth tarot

When the lasso falls out, the Thoth Tarot advises paying attention to social and financial development, stabilizing their influence on life. Only then can general harmony be achieved.

Key Ideas

The Three of Wands has the following key ideas and characteristics:

  • profitable partnership, successful cooperation;
  • timely assistance and support;
  • a sense of security, a reliable foundation;
  • joining an alliance that guarantees benefits;
  • setting new goals, further conquering peaks;
  • fulfillment of desires and plans;
  • liberation from the burdens of the past.

In some layouts, the Three of Wands card warns the fortuneteller and advises him to be more careful in financial matters.

Take the test: what keywords relate to the Three of Wands?

Power. Intrigue. Hypocrisy.


Intermediate result. Bifurcation point. Remains in the past.


Passive. Careful. Pessimist.


There is no right answer.


Voted: 3

Questions for the Three of Scepters card

When doing fortune telling, before drawing a card, you should ask a question that requires an immediate answer. Requests could be:

  1. What does it take to choose your own path?
  2. What remains in the past?
  3. Meetings in the future and which of them are undesirable?
  4. What resources are available and how to use them?

Any question that interests the fortuneteller can be asked of the card.

The answer will depend on the combination with other arcana or on the layout in which the Three of Wands is used.

Meaning of the 3 of Wands in love and relationships

The 3 of Wands in relationships promises a favorable future. In the upright position, the card indicates a very strong union, where mutual understanding and respect reign. If a couple has been together for a long time, then a new stage is expected in their life soon. For example, a wedding, moving to a new home or meeting your parents.

In an inverted position, the Three of Wands in a relationship is also of a warning nature. Relationships may have problems, but they can be fixed. For example, learn to take responsibility, listen to the advice of smart people, and not give up in case of failure.

For unmarried girls, the Arcanum Three of Wands foretells a marriage proposal from a lover.

Family and home

Direct position

An established life, affection of family members to each other, good mutual understanding, the ability to find a common language.

This family is stable thanks to common work, which unites and brings consistency in actions and mutual understanding.


The relationship has not satisfied the questioner for a long time; he has been thinking for a long time about how to end it. Soon he will have the opportunity to dot the i's, correct the situation, or break up. For lonely people, an inverted card speaks of their rudeness and selfishness towards loved ones, which makes it difficult for them to build strong relationships.

When it comes to finances and work

The Three of Wands card opens up new prospects and opportunities for the working person. Soon business connections will strengthen, your career will reach a new level, and more influential people will offer cooperation. The Troika of Wands also advises looking for reliable partners and not refusing to consult with professionals (promotion organizations, advertising and service promotion specialists).

The Troika of Wands especially favors people of such professions as entrepreneurs, commercial workers, and specialists in foreign transportation. May indicate business trips, business trips, travel for work. Perhaps the person will be offered education or training at the company’s expense.

In terms of finances, there is enviable stability. There is a chance that the situation will soon begin to change for the better. If you want to make a major purchase, for example, get a new home or car, then now is the most favorable time to realize these desires.

In an inverted position, the card signals that a person has taken a wrong turn at work. Now he is wasting precious time and mental strength. It is better to change your place of work or direction of activity, then the situation will stabilize. Also, the Arcanum Three of Wands can warn that the fortuneteller has contacted an unscrupulous partner who may betray him at the most decisive moment.

The key to successful work endeavors lies in hard work and insight.

Interaction of 3 Staves with a deck during fortune telling

The result of fortune telling is directly influenced by the combination of the 3 Tarot Wands with other cards from the deck. Interaction with a group of minor arcana can be represented in the form of the corresponding categories:

Swords - a controversial state of affairs, disappointment due to inconsistency of plans, postponed matters, destruction of previously drawn up plans and goals. The emergence of bureaucratic barriers and failures accompany the project and lead to a fruitless result.

Also cards can indicate;

  • for conquest (Ace),
  • moving forward (Six)
  • the opportunity to conquer the market through cunning (Seven).

Cups - relationships built on harmony and stability, upcoming marriage. Revival of personality, implementation of plans. Conquering the object of desire, forming the foundation for future relationships.

  • But there is a risk of overestimating what is happening (Four),
  • get involved in an unprofitable project (Five),
  • get confused and try to realize something unrealistic (Seven),
  • to invest effort aimlessly (Eight).

Pentacles - new financial opportunities are opening up, a professional approach to business is chosen. The opportunity to receive help will present itself; a promising stage will begin in life, at which the practicality and perseverance of the individual will manifest itself.

But the cards may hint at;

  • ambiguous prospects (Two)
  • or choosing a path leading to ruin (Five).

Wands – getting stunning and inspiring results, choosing and following the right strategy. Increasing the level of professionalism or even climbing the career ladder.

  • In this case, a pause in business is possible (Two),
  • inconsistency in actions (Six),
  • encountering resistance (Seven),
  • emergence of problems (Ten).

When fortune telling a question or situation

If the Three of Wands card appears when fortune telling a question or situation, then its interpretation will be positive. If a person is really interested in implementing his plans, then luck will be on his side. When a young guy or girl is a fortuneteller, the Three of Wands card indicates that the time has come in their life for decisive action and gaining new experience. It is possible that the young man will make many mistakes along the way. But this will help him become more perfect, developed, spiritual.

It is important to choose the right guidelines; this gives life wisdom and the opportunity to build a career in the future. Sometimes a card can predict serious trials. But if a person copes with them with dignity, success will not be long in coming. A young person may be offered a job by an influential acquaintance or good friend. You should not ignore the offer, as new, profitable prospects will open up for the fortuneteller.

The completeness of the implementation of plans will depend on how intense efforts a person is willing to make to implement them.

In an inverted position, the Three of Wands card indicates a difficult period in life. Unfortunately, the person himself is to blame for his own problems. He showed excessive self-confidence, behaved recklessly and carelessly. If relatives or friends offer help, then it is worth accepting. The main thing is to use it correctly and not force things.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ Yes-No layout

3 of Wands yes-no Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ “One card” layout

3 of Wands General meaning Initiative, self-confidence. The card says that it’s time to stop “going with the flow” and take the situation into your own hands. The lasso may also indicate a possible change of residence and the implementation of plans. Relationships Relationships between lovers are developing rapidly. Usually the couple has no feelings, and the union is based on mutually beneficial cooperation. Health The fortuneteller should not have any health problems. However, if the disease occurs, it will develop rapidly, so the disease needs to be treated at an early stage. Dela Card suggests that you can create new projects, search for partners and carry out trade transactions. Arkan also indicates that it is time to put the acquired knowledge into practice. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For the future

3 of Wands This card predicts exclusively happiness and a positive outcome of any work. In personal relationships, you will receive a strong union, which will be supported by mutual love and tenderness towards each other. In the professional sphere, you will gain stability and complete a serious project that has been created with strong efforts for a long time. In the coming period, try to finish all the things that take up your time for a long time. This is an ideal period for completion, because it will promote vigorous activity and the correct distribution of forces. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On relationships

3 of Wands A person who, when fortune-telling a relationship, gets the Three of Wands card should take a closer look at his partner. If he knows how to put you in an equal position, and you feel understanding and harmony, then the card is a sign that the relationship will continue to develop successfully, and it is possible that you are about to move to a new level in the relationship. If such equality in relationships is not observed, then it is worth considering whether these relationships are needed at all. A new meeting will lead a person to a long-term relationship, from which you can expect a lot, including building a family. Just to do this, pay attention to romantic relationships, and not to career. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For today

3 of Wands The ability to take initiative and responsibility. The card promises new profitable deals and business connections; in the near future you will see the implementation of your plans. Serious health problems have passed you by, but if you are already sick, pay special attention to choosing quality treatment. Strong relationships between partners with respect for each other, but without strong and deep feelings. You are a decisive and self-confident person; act, move towards success, but gradually! A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For tomorrow

3 of Wands Map of painstaking and hard work. Almost always falls out to describe a situation in the professional sphere. Some situation in your professional or educational activities requires that you gather all your strength into a fist and do all the important work, even if it is boring and unpleasant. You need to carefully prepare for upcoming events. Cooperate and make contact, make every effort to resolve situations. It won't be an easy day for sure, but it can be very productive. In the sphere of love and family relationships, it speaks of the need to normalize life together or of a conversation that dots the i's. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ What does he think about me

3 of Wands Your relationships are based on shared plans, dreams, ideas and endless understanding. You look into the future with the same thoughts and desires, so it’s easy for you to find common ground that is missing in many couples. You can live with each other for many years because you have a variety of common interests. Most likely, you paid attention to each other as an interlocutor and comrade, and then this stage developed into real feelings. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On request

3 of Wands You have completed the first stage. Actions to fulfill your desire are already being taken, but you still have hard work ahead of you. Rely on the help of loved ones, because now you need it. New opportunities are opening up for you that will help you speed up the fulfillment of your desires. This is also a good time to publicize your achievements and get tips on continuing your journey. To start a new stage, take a short break and think about a plan for future actions. This may play a key role in the outcome. If you don’t lose your enthusiasm and continue to move in the same direction, then you should expect your wish to come true quite soon. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On the situation

3 of Wands Efforts and willpower led to the fact that everything turned out as desired. Lots of energy. Stability and growth. Implementation of ideas and expansion of horizons. Prosperity and excellent prospects. Everything goes its own way. You enjoy stability and confidence. However, minor problems in business and minor trials are possible. But efforts will be noted, and desires will be satisfied. The situation will end well, you just need to be patient. Don't lose faith in fate and yourself! link >>> Fortune telling with this spread ONLINE

✚ For the betrothed

3 of Wands The Three of Wands represents the complete solution to all misunderstandings and problems. So, for some it is a successful search for a life partner, for others it is the emergence of passion in a relationship, and in your case it is a marriage proposal. The only obstacle to this is the unresolved issues. You need to talk with your companion, discuss all pressing problems. This is the only way your relationship will be ready to move to a new level. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚Guardian Angel Advice

3 of Wands It is impossible to stumble without taking steps. Scattered stones on the road of life make you stop. A person feels that he needs to slow down and wait for permission from above to continue on his way. The Guardian Angel warns against further steps, suggesting that you think through everything and reflect in peace. No actions will lead to success now. To avoid failure, just wait for the right time. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On the King

3 of Wands Your young man is quite confident in himself and does not refuse responsibility. This is an active and active person, perhaps a good businessman with a bright head. However, think about whether commercialism and materialism currently outweigh your relationship. Remember that the main thing is love and respect. Your task is to move to a level where you and your partner are fully open as a loving couple. A romantic dinner wouldn't hurt. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For treason

3 of Wands Is a direct confirmation of the love triangle. Relationships in it are strong and based on strong feelings. The intentions of both partners are aimed at serious continuation and implementation of joint plans. A person who leads a double life respects the questioner very much and does not want to hurt him. Therefore, for now he leaves everything as it is, without making drastic decisions. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ “Three cards” layout

3 of Wands The Three of Wands symbolizes a period of vigorous activity and productive activity. Show curiosity, initiative and self-confidence, and all your plans will certainly come true. If you have or have already had a desire to change your environment and place of stay, then feel free to trust him. You will receive only positive emotions! A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ Love triangle

3 of Wands Arcana foretells a strong relationship with a good prospect. The partners have mutual interest, but there is no strong love yet. Relationships can be based on mutually beneficial interests. Partners can be connected by a common business. In any case, the relationship will develop well, but there are no feelings in the couple and, most likely, they will not appear. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ To fate

3 of Wands You are committed to cooperation and mutual understanding. The negotiations will be successful, your ideas will be received with due respect, and the practical implementation of your plans will acquire a real basis for implementation. Be consistent and collected, there is a lot of work ahead. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ To Work

3 of Wands The card promises new acquaintances, business trips, and the start of new long-term projects that will bring great profits. Arkan foreshadows mutually beneficial cooperation with colleagues or partners, which will give a positive result. The card recommends not to give up traveling and making new acquaintances. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For pregnancy and children

3 of Wands Joyful emotions of a woman and a man. All family members are happy for the new position. Conception is possible if there are no accompanying wands. The birth will take place easily and exactly on time, but you should carefully consider the choice of a medical institution. It is better to draw additional cards for the course of pregnancy and health. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

Psychological characteristics of personality

The Three of Wands card falls to balanced people who strive for inner harmony. There may still be a shadow of uncertainty in their actions, but this can be corrected. It is important to a person how others treat him. Because of this confusion, he often misses lucrative opportunities.

The Arcanum Three of Wands advises a person not to withdraw into himself, to actively take advantage of new opportunities, to look for inner strength and resources to overcome problems.

In an inverted position, the Three of Wands can indicate a depressed state of a person. It is difficult for a fortuneteller to look at life positively, to find new, bright facets in it. Often the mistakes of the past prevent him from doing this. So, don’t get hung up on them. It is important to shed this burden and move further along the path to self-improvement.


Direct position

The direct meaning of the 3 Tarot staves in a health reading: physical strength, improved well-being, a favorable period for improving health, conducting a medical examination, strengthening the immune system.

In some interpretations, in the presence of a disease, the Three of Staves predicts its further development, exacerbation, transition to a chronic form.

Inverted position

Health problems due to excessive physical exertion, overestimation of strength, exhausting work. Particular attention should be paid to the head and spine - they are now in a vulnerable position.

Three of Tarot Wands in combination with other Major Arcana

In combination with the Major Arcana, the meaning of the Three of Wands card is mainly positive. Negative warnings are less common, but they still exist.

JesterYou should not treat things carelessly and carelessly, otherwise the result will be appropriateJusticeLitigation and legal issues ahead
MageAn important decision lies ahead. To avoid mistakes, you should consult with a knowledgeable person HangedAttempts to do anything will end in failure. Now is not the time to implement important plans
High PriestessIt is worth increasing and accumulating existing experienceDeathEvents take their course and people are unable to influence them. We'll have to resign ourselves and trust their flow.
EmpressFruitful work will be rewardedModerationThe most reasonable solution to an impending conflict is to offer a compromise solution
EmperorThe results of the plan promise to be reliable and stableDevilSomeone is making very cunning, selfish plans against the fortuneteller.
High Priest (Hierophant)There is a difficult situation ahead, but it will test a person’s maturityTowerThe man has lost control over events, plans may collapse
LoversThe situation will develop depending on the choice the person makesStarNo need to stop dreaming
ChariotThere is something new to learn. The skills acquired will be useful in the future MoonThe plans made are very unreliable; everything can collapse at any moment. It's better to review them as soon as possible
ForceThe person’s expectations are too high, the bar will have to be loweredSunSuccesses ahead in the creative field
HermitThere will be a result, but the person will not be satisfied with itCourtSoon a person will be informed about an important decision that will affect his fate
Wheel of FortuneWork in progress, but its completion is nearWorldThe scope of activity will expand, new projects and achievements are ahead

Three of Wands

This card symbolizes the primary order and is associated with understanding and awareness. Creative energy is directed in a powerful triune flow towards new goals. At the level of this map, a vector of social activity and the ability to widely disseminate one’s ideas are formed.

In essence, everything that surrounds us is the result of such distribution; we did not create it ourselves, from a toothbrush to a computer monitor. When appearing in a reading, the Three of Wands says that life provides us with the opportunity to realize our ideas (provided that we leave behind everything that depletes our precious reserves of energy).

The map shows a person who has made the journey and finally reached the top. And in addition, from this peak he had a wide overview of the surrounding world, literally views. Views for the future! On a deeper level, this card signifies the ability of foresight as a result of spiritual development. Searching for luck on a spiritual level. One of the interesting remarks (by Filadoro) regarding the symbolism of the Arcanum is that, while dressed in aristocratic, almost royal clothes, the person on the Arcanum is not wearing shoes. Perhaps he does not know his origin, he came from obscurity - this motif is repeated in the fates of many legendary heroes and in many ways is the key to their success: if they grew up in mansions, nothing would have come of them.

Regarding the astrological meaning of the card, the following information was found: the second decanate of Aries is ruled by the Sun and symbolizes confidence, positivity and joy of life. The impulse of the initial movement gains strength and becomes stronger in its rightness. An ardent young ambitious impulse, striving for the ideal (hence the name “virtue”), is realized in life’s creativity.

The choice is conscious: the source of enthusiasm is a conscious idea (isn’t it interesting that there is a hidden “ace” in the word “enthusiasm”?). A person finds all the necessary energy resources within himself: his support is the light of reason. Compliance with internal law gives him the opportunity to realize his free will. True, to realize your ideals you need to find support among those around you: you don’t go on a ship alone. To do this, it is important to overcome excessive desire for risk and material selfishness. A reasonable understanding of the possibilities of the world, friendship and love will be the key to success.

Light and Shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: explore new frontiers! Act sensibly and hope for the best. Do not lose heart under any circumstances. Feel free to accept the help offered. Be absolutely confident in the success of your endeavors. We must do our best to implement our plans! The actions at the moment do not in any way contradict the plans of fate; they are getting on the right track. Now it is possible to overcome almost any difficulty, provided that reasonable and responsible steps are taken (the person himself usually knows very well what needs to be done). Warning: brave prowess is a sacred thing, but now it’s out of place! Recklessness and haste, the tendency to “run ahead of the locomotive,” senselessly ahead of events (“there comes a moment in the life of every person when he mercilessly breaks with his past, and with the trembling hand of the future he tears off the mysterious cover of the future!”) A warning against “mischief-making,” that is excessive arrogance and overly ambitious plans, which can lead to serious difficulties (as, for example, happens with ill-conceived business expansion, unreasonable expansion). Excessive optimism and frivolity. Neglect of useful advice and instructions. Sometimes (in old manuals) there is an indication of a hidden conspiracy, an ambush.

Card tip of the day

Fate itself favors man. Soon he will achieve success in the affairs for which he has strived for so long and put a lot of effort. Enthusiasm and inspiration will not leave him; in a creative frenzy, he can do even more than originally planned. As for personal relationships, you will have to seriously work on them. Moreover, it is not worth leaving efforts for the rest of your life. In terms of finances, a person has achieved success, but this is far from his ceiling. The ability to earn more depends only on him.

Any undertakings should not be shelved. Now is a good time to implement new projects in your career and relationships.

In an inverted position, the Three of Wands card indicates that projects need a little more work, it’s better to think about them. If you feel tired and exhausted, then it is better to give yourself time to recover, do not rush, and do not panic.

Questions to ask when drawing a card

If 3 Maces appears in the layout, you should think about whether the querent’s position is now stable. The map will tell you what to do next in order to preserve and increase your existing assets.

Arkan answers the question of whether a person can achieve what he wants. The map can tell you whether it is worth taking active action and making important decisions now. However, for correct interpretation, neighboring Arcana must be taken into account. The Arcan also allows you to understand whether the querent will be able to self-realize in the chosen field of activity.

Other cards:

Ace of Maces
Two of Maces
Three of Maces
Four of Maces
Five of Maces
Six of Maces
Seven of Maces
Eight of Maces
Nine of Maces
Ten of Maces
Page Bulav
Knight of Maces
Queen of Maces
King of Maces
Ace of Cups
Two of Cups
Three of Cups
Four of Cups
Five of Cups
Six of Cups
Seven of Cups
Eight of Cups
Nine of Cups
Ten of Cups
Page of Cups
Knight of Cups
Queen of Cups
King of Cups
Ace of Swords
Two of Swords
Three of Swords
Four of Swords
Five of Swords
Six of Swords
Seven of Swords
Eight of Swords
Nine of Swords
Ten of Swords
Page of Swords
Knight of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords
Ace of Denariev
Two Denarii
Three Denarii
Four Denarii
Five Denarii
Six Denarii
Seven Denarii
Eight Denarii
Nine Denarii
Ten Denarii
Page Denariev
Knight of Denarii
Queen of Denarii

Additional video review

Differences between the Minor Arcana, 2 and 3 of Wands.

Thus, the Three of Wands card most often has a positive interpretation and predicts new opportunities and prospects. She often gives advice and warnings, helps to correct a difficult situation in time and avoid failure.

Author of the article, tarot reader

Tatyana Ushakova

Inner meaning of the card

The height on which a person stands testifies to his already existing achievements. He needs to cast aside doubts and act. From the top, prospects and opportunities are clearly visible. 3 of Wands is a card of the gift of foresight associated with logical thinking and spiritual development. She advises listening to your inner voice and acting as your heart tells you.

The closest mythological correspondence to the Arcana is the biblical story of the promise of the Promised Land.

Another internal meaning of the card is to reflect rich life experiences. The main character of the image does not look like a courtier. He is dressed in rich clothes, but he has no shoes. This means that he achieved success himself and gained experience in the process. Judging by the color scheme of the map, not everything was rosy, there are still small problems, but they can be overcome. Perhaps, if everything had been easy for the character initially, he would not have gained valuable experience.

List of useful literature

1) Sergey Savchenko“Tarot and relationships. Love, friendship, family, work"
"Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards"“Tarot and business. Finances, career, financial situation"
2) Mary Greer"Royal Court Tarot"
"The Complete Book of Reversed Cards""21 ways to get an answer to your question"
3) Arthur Edward Waite"Rider-Uyeta Tarot"
4) Hayo Banzhaf"Basics of Tarot. Encyclopedia of Arcana"
"Waite's Universal Tarot""Your Tarot Companion"
5) Teresa Michelson"The Complete Tarot Reader"
"The Complete Guide to Tarot"
6) Alicja Chrzanowska"The Magic of Tarot"
"The Mystery of Tarot"“Psychological portrait based on Tarot cards”
"Tarot and Karma""Tarot and Love"
"Tarot and Business"
7) Felix Eldemurov"Arcanology"
8) John Baines"Fate on the steps of the Golden Tarot"

The meaning of a reversed card

The Three of Wands reversed means imprudence and recommends thinking before making an important decision. Maybe we should even put it off for a while until better times come. Also, an inverted card can mean a lack of prospects or unfulfilled expectations, a loss of chances for success.

A person does not commit new actions and does not act decisively because he does not feel reliable support and does not see prospects in the future. Such an interpretation is possible as the presence of ulterior thoughts, hidden motives, outside help.

The gloominess of the reversed card means treason, betrayal, duplicity, dependence or a dirty trick. Stagnation or uncertainty, broken plans, neglect of the enemy, lack of cooperation, bad trip.

Hollander, one of the tarot readers, believes that the interpretation should look like solved problems, difficulties left in the past and a calm life, but this meaning is used extremely rarely.

Psychological condition

Let's look at the meaning of the card from the point of view of psychology and the internal state of the questioner. If the Three of Staves falls in an upright position, we can confidently say that the person has a stable psyche. He strives for knowledge, is open to everything new, rarely gives in to despondency, and gets out of difficult situations with dignity. Such natures are rarely characterized by bouts of blues; they do not fall into a depressive state.

But there are also disadvantages - often people with the Three of Scepters in character are harsh and uncompromising. They rarely show pity for others, but they like even less to sympathize with them. Well, but these are wonderful partners and true friends. Such comrades will not cry with you, but will resolutely get down to business to correct the situation.

Three of Wands from the Psycho Tarot deck

Timidity and indecisiveness are the lot of those who have been dealt an inverted card. These people do not want to change anything in life, they quickly develop problems, always doubt, and do not know what to do. They do not know how to act decisively; they carry the burden of past grievances and disappointments until the very end, until they fall out of depression and have to seek help from a doctor.

I would add one more touch to this characteristic: the inverted Three of Wands is an attempt to escape reality. A person believes that the world is cruel and unfair, and therefore does not want to have anything to do with it. The position has a right to exist, but until it begins to influence socialization and relationships with friends and family members.

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