Symbol of victory in the Six of Wands, glory, recognition, successful completion of a task

When laid out on Tarot cards, the 6 of Wands is interpreted as a symbol of victory or the successful completion of some business. She, in the personal situation, will indicate a person with leadership qualities, who is capable of leading others. The lasso is considered favorable in an upright position, but in an inverted position it reflects its complete opposite.

Six of Wands

The motto of the card: enjoy your well-deserved success, the enemy is defeated, you are the winner!



The card represents the winner, these can be very different options for winning, these are individual or team competitions. But in any case, this is a victory, some kind of achievement. This victory does not go unnoticed. For example, I did something and I see that no one cares about it. No, no, no, in this card you receive recognition, deserved, undeserved, it doesn’t matter. You are celebrated as a winner, you are a winner, you are great. Society applauds you, says, yes, you achieved it, you are a hero, you did everything right.


This comes next to victory. I get fame, I become famous. Very interesting Latin words: glory and fame, they intersect with each other and have a common root. You get fame, you don't remain unknown, on the contrary, you become famous. How you become famous is the second question. It’s not without reason that they say that every person can count on 15 minutes of fame.

You did something completely creepy, shot 10 people, here’s your 15 minutes of fame, appeared in the news and became famous. But whether this can be considered a victory is, of course, a big question.

Take the height

This card contains an indication not only of a person’s social achievements, but also personal achievements, to achieve heights. This is a very interesting point, it is not necessarily related to social recognition. Yes, this often happens, but this is not a necessary condition. There may be what I consider a victory here.

I climbed Everest alone, without oxygen, crossed the ocean on a sailboat, not to become famous, but to prove to myself, to take my own height. This moment is also in the map and should be remembered.

When it comes to finances and work

No other Arcana can describe the success of work and financial affairs better than the Six of Wands in an upright position. It indicates successful financial transactions and transactions, career growth, obtaining the desired position and respect from the team.

Also, he describes a purposeful, diligent worker, simply doomed to recognition. This is a leader, an excellent leader, a worthy candidate for a high title, who will lead all work affairs to brilliant results. Making profits on a large scale.

A reverse position with the picture down signals an unsuccessful completion. The goal will not be achieved, financial failure. All efforts will be invaluable. It is even possible to be fired from your job or lose a decent amount of money if there are cards nearby that confirm this.

In some cases, it may indicate a change in the head of the company (boss) to a more talented and useful one.

When it comes to health

The direct Six of Wands prophesies good health or complete recovery. The person is physically strong and resilient. It also shows a surge of energy and strength, an improvement in well-being, or a way out of depression. In an inverted position, it promises loss of health. For the sick person, recovery will not follow soon. May indicate a risk of physical injury, most often fractures or bruises.

When it comes to health for a man, sometimes it indicates excellent libido or, conversely, impotence (if upside down).

Financial aspects of interpretation

Material well-being and prosperity. Successful investment. Sometimes easy money, for example, a win or an unexpected bonus.

In an inverted position, it is impossible to get the profit you were counting on. Often there is deception on the part of the employer: either completely unpaid work, or payments not in the amount agreed upon.

When fortune telling a question or situation

In the upright position, the Minor Arcana predicts receiving a reward, finding what you want, a happy completion of affairs, a final solution to the issue in a successful manner for the person making the wish. It also shows the support of the majority, recognition of others and taking a leading position. The dispute will be won, and victory will be won fairly and deservedly.

The reverse interpretation of the position becomes negative. Failure of expectations, loss of position or respect. The end of the case is not in favor of the questioner. The opponent will triumph. The situation will not be resolved or will end unsuccessfully.

To questions from the “yes/no” series, the card will give the clearest answer, depending on its position. Straight - yes, upside down - no.

Psychological characteristics of personality

When interpreting a personality, the Six of Wands gives a different interpretation depending on the position. An upright card indicates a strong, respected person, and an inverted one indicates a weak person who wears a mask of success. In its natural form, the lasso characterizes a confident, significant and active person who is already successful and shows results worthy of respect. It can often indicate a media personality, a celebrity.

The inverted form reflects a driven person, dependent on the opinions of others and only wanting to appear successful. A person can be proud, but at the same time his opinion of himself is highly dependent on assessment from the outside. He has achieved nothing, but he tries to portray a significant personality.

Often the Six of Wands appears when describing a person who loves to be the center of attention, putting their life and achievements on public display.

Subconscious level

Arcanum addresses the planes of the intangible level. This is a map of joint actions. Interactions with other people will bring development of the querent's inner nobility. To do this, the questioner needs to turn to his inner self, the spiritual part of his personality.

In the current situation, it is important to strive to use your will for joint actions. At this time, you need to be complacent. The questioner may be seduced by power over others and fall into pride. After which his potential friends will become enemies. As a result, the querent will again return to the issue of developing self-awareness.

Card tip:

Believe that everything will be fine. You need to continue on your way. To achieve your goal, it is better to use only honest means. Be confident in yourself, demonstrate your strength to other people.


Pride and snobbery prevent you from facing the truth. Self-praise takes you away from reality. Star fever and obvious overestimation of oneself. The desire to dominate people. The shadow side of the arch is forceful methods, excessive use of power.

Six of Wands Tarot in combination with other cards of the Minor Arcana

The Six of Staves in combination with the other Minor Arcana must be taken into account. The adjacent maps will help reveal in more detail the path, essence and other deep aspects of the acquired success or its failure.


The Sword Arcana next to each other will explain the mental and characteristic features that account for success.

AceWinning in a dispute or conflict. Intellectual superiority. EightSteps by touch. Behind success lies danger.
DeuceA compromise solution. A union of two or a partnership. NineSuccess does not give rest. Worry about finishing what you started well.
TroikaThe triumph upset someone greatly. Getting ahead against your opponents. TenVictory will be followed by defeat. A bad end to a brilliant plan.
FourInterruption of celebration. Victory will have to wait. The need for a break from publicity and fame. PageThe desire to surpass others intellectually. Striving for high status.
FiveSuccessfully setting someone up. Success gained at the expense of another person. KnightAggressive reclaiming of glory. Reaching the top quickly.
SixMaking plans due to fortunate circumstances. Start-up support. New territories will be developed or appropriated. QueenDivorce. The smart woman will win.
SevenUnfair victory. A cunning plan, but successful. KingIndividual approach to gaining a high position. Fight for rank. Subjugation of someone.

Pentacles (Coins)

The Minor Arcana of Pentacles in combination with the described Six will tell about the achievements of material and financial heights.

AceAchieving financial goals.EightThe work will be highly appreciated. Regularity of financial income. Business development.
DeuceDoubts in one's own abilities. Winning will be replaced by failure. NineReceiving the expected profit. The best time to celebrate.
TroikaThe work will be generously paid. Top level professional. Project promotion. TenShare positive events with loved ones. A holiday with your own people.
FourPower. Manage financial affairs. PageTrying to become successful. The desire for a high financial position.
FiveThe load is heavy to carry. A high position is a burden. KnightGradually gaining positions. Stable profit generation.
SixGetting what you want.QueenMatchmaking. Rich woman. An official's wife.
SevenWe'll have to wait for dividends. Delay in payments. KingWealth. High position and respect. Dominion over large material objects or money.

Card tip of the day

The Six of Wands indicates a successful day, so there is no need to worry too much. It is better to prepare for a series of pleasant events, public recognition and victories. It is also recommended to try to seek support from others; if you need it, there is a high probability that they will respond and even help a lot.

If the card comes out upside down, then there is no need to hope that everything will happen easily today. Triumph will be delayed, it is better to prepare for defeats or condemnation from others. It is also advisable to postpone various celebrations on this day, since there is a high probability that everything will not go according to plan.

The direct position of Arkan advises enjoying what is happening from the heart and not looking for tricks.

general description

The traditional plot for this card: a horseman with a laurel crown on his head rides, accompanied by a cheering crowd. They salute the winner. The sticks are decorated with ribbons and flowers. They all celebrate and congratulate the winner. Every detail of the plot has its own meaning.

The rider is painted red. This is a sign of passion, dynamics, energy, activity. It attracts attention and shows the primacy of man. Red color is a symbol of power and victory. The rider in such a cloak does not intend to hide. He wants to draw attention to his person. His task is to announce his victory to the world.

The horse is wearing a yellow blanket. This is the color of unification, movement, connection. The rider admits that his victory was partly due to the horse. This is a reference to ancient times, when the life of a knight sometimes directly depended on the training of his horse. In modern realities, this transfers to teamwork.

Laurel wreaths deserve special interpretation. One of them is located on the rider's head. It symbolizes victory. The second one hangs on a staff. This can be interpreted as a desire to conquer new heights or as a demonstration of one’s success to others.

The rider is accompanied by a crowd. It can symbolize people who strive to join someone else's glory, to bask in it. Or point to helping staff, friends, associates.


The meaning of the 6 of Wands in an upright position, in principle, is not warning in nature. It only makes it clear that what you want will be achieved. The person will feel like the master of the situation and can handle any questions or tasks. In its inverted form, the Arcanum already acquires more of a warning meaning. It promises a collision with troubles that will overshadow a joyful event. It will also show that what you want is not yet achievable.

6 of Staves is a very positive card that carries the energy of a winner. If this Arcanum appears in the scenario, then any business is doomed to success. It's time to prepare for celebration and celebration of positive events. Goal achieved, mission accomplished.

Author of the article, practicing tarot reader

Sergey Yupatov

Arcana energies

The 6 of Wands is filled with the energies of victory and stabilization of life after a tiring struggle. This is masculine energy of active action.

Astrologically, the lasso is associated with the elements of Fire and the zodiac signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Mainly with the second decanate of Leo, co-ruled by Jupiter, the planet of empowerment.

The energy potential of the card is very high. But in order to use it correctly, you must be able to show generosity, give and care, and not strive to take everything for yourself and more.

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