Lack of active actions in the Two of Wands, taking a neutral position

2 Zhezlov (Posokhov, Bulav) symbolizes the absence of active actions, the occupation of a neutral position by a person. The Arcanum shows the preservation of physical peace and reluctance to appear in the world as an individual. The card also speaks of making plans and mental analysis of what is happening.

Two of Wands

The motto of the card: correctly assessing the situation and setting a goal is already half the success.


Keywords help to most fully reveal the main essence of the map.

Realize the situation

A person has achieved something, a person has reached some level, but now the problem arises of realizing what he has, what he has received, what he has. That's the problem with this card, it doesn't give any advice, any specific recommendations, directions, etc. She invites a person to think for himself and realize what is happening to him. He must use his own head and decide what is happening to him.

This is difficult, of course, because too often when we find ourselves in a new situation, we continue to think in old categories, but they no longer work, they have ceased to be effective. We must independently realize: what, where, how we are. Here is a man who climbed the wall, this is a positive aspect of the card, but what now, what next? Next comes the next meaning of the card: explore possibilities.

Explore opportunities

I have become aware of the situation and I am starting to think how I can apply this. My horizon has expanded, I have risen to a higher level, I see more, new opportunities are opening up for me, but what are these opportunities, how can I realize them? What will happen if I implement them, what good will I get, what bad will I get?

That is, very difficult questions, but people don’t think about it very often. No, I want, I want to achieve it immediately, to climb to the very top. Well, you got out, that's it. You have no friends, all the women who loved you have left, and only those women remain who love your money or your position, status, but we don’t often think about it.

Ambition, vanity

Why do you climb to the top, what makes you climb to this peak? I want to be the best (this is ambition) or I want to be the first (this is vanity). I want to be called Guru, to bang my head against the wall, or I want to be the first specialist in the country or city.

Ambition or vanity drives you, this is a very important point, because it determines how I will achieve and what I will achieve. But let us emphasize once again that this is a difficult map to understand.

There are specific cards that have very specific meanings, and there are philosophical cards that don’t just say what will happen to you, they suggest thinking, designed for reflection, meditation, but we don’t always succeed in this.

Questions to Ask When Drawing the 2 Tarot Wands

  1. Did I think carefully before making a decision?
  2. Can I make reasonable compromises and rational choices?
  3. Am I able to see the whole picture?
  4. What will I gain and lose when I reach a high position?
  5. Why am I climbing to the top?
  6. What are my dreams?
  7. Am I feeling anxious or bored?

Other cards:

Ace of Posokhov
Two of Staves
Three of Staves
Four of Staves
Five of Staves
Six of Staves
Seven of Staves
Eight of Staves
Nine of Staves
Ten of Staves
Page Posokhov
Knight of Staffs
Queen of Staves
King of Staffs
Ace of Cups
Two of Cups
Three of Cups
Four of Cups
Five of Cups
Six of Cups
Seven of Cups
Eight of Cups
Nine of Cups
Ten of Cups
Page of Cups
Knight of Cups
Queen of Cups
King of Cups
Ace of Swords
Two of Swords
Three of Swords
Four of Swords
Five of Swords
Six of Swords
Seven of Swords
Eight of Swords
Nine of Swords
Ten of Swords
Page of Swords
Knight of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords
Ace of Coins
Two of Coins
Three of Coins
Four of Coins
Five of Coins
Six of Coins
Seven of Coins
Eight of Coins
Nine of Coins
Ten Coins
Page of Coins
Knight of Coins
Queen of Coins

Key Ideas

Refusal to take initiative and inaction in general. Reluctance to enter into conflicts and showdowns. Lack of desire and desire to act, but this is not always indicated in a negative way. A person wants to distance himself from the bustle of the world. It happens that the card shows that the person making the wish has no plans, no goals, perhaps only dreams or illusions.

Sometimes, the card comes out as a sign that it’s time to stop and hide so as not to waste energy in vain. Indifferent expectations and third-party observation can also be played through this Arcana of Wands.

Relationship with the rest of the deck

The interpretation of what the deck answers during the reading is directly influenced by the combination of the 2 Tarot Wands with other cards. The interaction of the card with other representatives of the minor arcana can be represented in the form of corresponding groups:

Cups – studying a contract, planning a special event, deciding to travel, daydreaming, exploring new opportunities.

But arcana sometimes:

  • symbolize suspicion (Four),
  • focus on negative thoughts (Five),
  • living in the past (Six)
  • drawing up dubious plans (Seven).

Swords - difficulties due to indecision. Breakup, destruction of plans. Limitation of opportunities due to narrow horizons. A constant premonition of trouble, unfulfilled plans. Impatience that negatively affects future prospects.

In this case, cards may indicate:

  • for quick vacation planning (Four),
  • accepting one's own independence (Queen)
  • to switch to rational thinking (King).

Pentacles - difficulties in implementing a financial plan, lack of financial prospects, formation of plans to change the financial situation. Reassessment of development prospects in the professional sphere, a slowly progressing job search, maintaining a family budget.

But the main direction of the cards of this group is planning in the financial sphere, which can relate to both work and financially beneficial relationships.

Wands – a feeling of pressure from others. Choosing a direction that leads to significant difficulties is a difficult path of learning. The futility of the project, making hasty decisions.

Cards can also indicate:

  • for creative development (Ace),
  • broadening your horizons (Troika),
  • choosing a winning option (Six),
  • gaining power over your own life (Queen).

Being next to the major arcana - 2 of Wands, the tarot forms the most accurate answers:

  • Hierophant - you should once again analyze your position and future plans.
  • Hanged Man - inaction is prolonged, a period of waiting.
  • Jester - you will need to think over a route for a quick trip.
  • Empress - it’s better to think about everything that’s happening and to do this, go into nature.
  • Hermit - the opportunity will be missed due to one’s own inattention or uncertainty.
  • Magician - the process is delayed.
  • High Priestess - there will be an opportunity to learn some secret.
  • Death - a plan is drawn up or begins to be implemented to rebuild the structure of the company.
  • Emperor – should take a neutral position in the family or workplace.
  • Sun - it will be possible to reach an agreement in the near future.
  • Fairness – one should not dismiss reasonable arguments and ideas.
  • Devil – dangerous ideas appear in thoughts and plans.
  • Moderation - an angel stands behind a person and protects him.
  • Strength - there will be an opportunity to find a weak point.
  • Chariot - intrigues are actively woven behind the individual’s back.
  • Tower - you need to remain vigilant, there is a high probability of a blow from a loved one.
  • Moon - you will need to make a choice, but there is a lot of uncertainty in the situation, it is better to act based on intuition.
  • Lovers - the beginning of a parallel relationship.
  • Peace - it's time to make a final decision.
  • Wheel of Fortune - a person resists the changes taking place around him.
  • Star – It’s a good idea to compare your plans with the star forecast.
  • Court - decision making has slowed down.

Meaning in love and relationships

The direct position of the Two of Wands in love fortune-telling is always a lack of initiative from the partner or calm observation. He is not ready to take the relationship to the next level. Sometimes a card can be played as a way of cooling off to a significant other. The adjacent cards should explain the reason for this cold.

For a young couple, Arkan often shows the stage of looking towards each other. In conflict situations between two lovers, the loss of the Arcanum signals the reluctance of one of the partners to enter into conflicts and sort things out.

The inverted position speaks of secrecy and the inability to make contact. The partner has a reason for such neutral behavior in the relationship. If the nearest cards confirm, then perhaps the beloved is deliberately demonstrating his coldness as a manipulation.

In fortune telling about relationships, it often appears as a sign that routine has arrived, it’s becoming boring and it’s time to add new colors.

Situation and question

A direct card is a sign that the querent is lucky. Now is a great time to start taking decisive action. There is no need to think for a long time; you need to take action as soon as possible. You need to evaluate your prospects and realize that a person is listening to more, and also look to the future with optimism.

The answer to the “yes-no” question of the direct lasso is yes, if the querent can agree.

An inverted card speaks of the questioner’s difficult situation, uncertainty and lack of energy.

When it comes to finances and work

In an upright position, Waite's Two of Wands in work and financial readings has a positive meaning if everything goes well. It reflects stability, the absence of unpleasant surprises. However, at the same time, the situation is not expected to improve. Everything is smooth and calm.

If a person expects income or promotion on the career ladder, then he will have to wait. The development of further cases has not yet been determined. In case of bad circumstances in the work sphere, Arkan recommends not taking the initiative ahead of time and remaining calm.

If the card is in an inverted position, then you should stop doubting yourself and start taking action. It is the lack of aspiration, fears and neutral behavior that drives difficulties. Things will not get better until the person who makes the wish takes the initiative.

The Two of Wands can appear in the absence of the desire to reach high peaks in work matters.


In Waite's deck, the Two of Wands is represented as a man of high standing looking out over the sea from the tower of his castle. One staff is clenched in his hand, the other stands nearby. The man holds a small model of the Earth in his palm. The previously achieved material benefits are left behind. It's time to get ready to explore the world.

The 2 of Wands card of the Thoth Tarot depicts crossed Tibetan daggers (doje). The background is formed by the colors of Mars (red, emerald, azure). The handles of the dodge are crowned with the heads of demons, which personify fear and overcoming; 6 flames burst out from the crossed blades. The symbols of Mars and Aries are visible at the top and bottom of the card.

The Papus deck represents the Two of Wands simply as 2 crossed staves. The French school of Tarot does not draw the minor arcana in detail.

When it comes to health

The Two of Wands in an upright position indicates average health. If a person is sick, then recovery is not yet expected, but the condition will also not worsen. It can also symbolize mental overstrain; it’s time to relax or go on vacation. In the mental sphere, the card symbolizes fatigue, depression, and apathy.

The inverted position is usually interpreted as stagnation occurring in the body. Physical activity is necessary to improve well-being. You cannot remain inactive in order to recover, you will have to actively take care of your health, otherwise everything will remain as it is.

Sometimes Arkan shows physical immobility due to some kind of disease of the musculoskeletal system.

General psychological characteristics of a person

Under the influence of the direct lasso, a person has a desire to find a compromise in relationships with other people. The feeling of empathy is not alien to him. He can properly plan his actions even in emergency situations where ordinary people lose their heads.

If we talk about the sphere of personal consciousness, then at this stage of development the querent is in a state of some kind of lethargic sleep. He will be able to overcome stagnation only by abandoning meaningless dreams in favor of real actions. But now, more often than not, a person’s words are not supported by anything other than dreams and empty sounds.

An inverted lasso shows a person with extremely changeable moods. The person is passive, indecisive and accustomed to hiding behind other people’s backs instead of making decisions independently.

The meaning of the Two of Wands when divining a question or situation

If the card appears in an upright position during a reading to a question, it means that the person is required to remain calm and take a neutral position. There is no need to get into trouble, everything will be decided without the intervention of the guesser. You should maintain external and internal calm to avoid problems.

You will have to wait, because things will go slowly, but the result will be worth it. The person making a fortune or the one being wished upon is not yet ready for active action; he is in thought or has decided to temporarily retreat to restore energy.

The inverted position indicates a deliberate stretching of time. There is something that affects the speed at which the final result is determined. Also, interpretation can be expressed in the form of a negligent attitude to the situation, special inhibition of circumstances and avoidance of clear answers. Nothing is clear yet, but there is a reason for this.

In some situations, the map will show that a person has transferred the right to resolve issues to higher powers, but he himself does not want to fight anymore. As fate wills, so it will be.

Inner meaning

The Two of Staves indicates a serious test of internal strength. This is the process of transferring an idea into reality. There is a determination to move, a desire to win, but successful action requires a good strategy. Materializing an idea is a difficult process that requires willpower and overcoming internal and external resistance.

The new, the unexpected is about to happen. You will have to reconsider your usual plans, remove interference, and give up your usual life. Whether there will be luck, glory, victory, wealth or collapse, losses, disappointments will be determined only by the chosen path.

Two of Wands combined with the Major Arcana

2 Posokhov is read in more detail when the Major Arcana appear nearby. They not only help to complement the essence of any Minor Arcana, but also describe in more detail the whole picture of the alignment. The Major Arcana are read as situational symbols, that is, they help to understand the circumstances under which this card appeared.

JesterIntentions to travel. Idle time. ForceStrength is in silence and inaction. Self-control and discipline.
MageIntentional slowdown of the process. Reasonable position of neutrality. HangedWaiting and inaction. Isolation from the environment. Self-punishment.
PriestessHiding secrets. Reluctance to talk about plans. DeathHopelessness. A new stage, independent of the questioner. The end of the calm.
Empress (Mistress)Dreaming. A woman's reluctance to take initiative in business. ModerationTimely exit from conflict. Knowing the measure. Maintaining pride.
Emperor (Master)Stay away from squabbles. Maintain dignity and do not talk idle talk. High-ranking person. DevilManipulation by ignoring. Ignoring temptation. Indifference to the opposite sex and sex. Virginity (in certain thematic issues).
High Priest (Hierophant)Reflections on the spiritual. Delaying a marriage proposal or marriage. TowerComplete lack of prospects in the plan. Breakup due to indifference or silence. Inaction led to destruction.
LoversCooling towards your partner. Refrain from choosing. A modest expression of feelings. StarThe birth of hope. Cold, indifferent beauty. Untimely doubts before a promising start.
Chariot (Cart)Getting out of thoughts. Login to the game. MoonSecrets. The man has something to hide. Fear of the unknown, and the result is inaction.
Justice (Justice)Conscience forces us to refuse clarification. Decision delay. SunLack of interest in life. Stable happy life together.
HermitRefusal to take part in something. Single search for an exit. Meditation. Last JudgmentThe decision will not be made quickly. The need to wait.
Wheel of FortuneFate will decide. Powerlessness in the face of circumstances. WorldThe trip is still in plans. A sober and calm view of the world.

General description and symbolism of the 2 of Wands card

Rider-Waite Tarot, 1910
The Arcana of the classic deck depicts a richly dressed young man. In one hand he clutches a standing staff, in his other hand lies a copy of the globe. The second staff stands at his side. A person’s gaze is directed into the distance, where he tries to discern the prospects awaiting him and the results of his efforts. The main idea of ​​the Two of Staves is the need to think carefully before making a choice and decision.

Other names of the Arcana: Flame of Desire, Lord of Dominion. Alternative names for the suit are Two of Staffs, Two of Sceptres, Maces.

Description and plot of the map

The Two of Sceptres card is very interesting in its design and plot. The composition of the illustration was inspired by Edward Burne-Jones's painting He Doesn't Come.

The man depicted on the map is standing on the fortress wall. It offers a beautiful view of the surrounding area, mountains, water surface and lush gardens. But the person does not pay attention to these beauties, his gaze is directed beyond the horizon. He is completely absorbed in thoughts and internal doubts and cannot make a choice.

He holds a globe in his hands, hinting that there are great opportunities ahead and he is free to make a decision. All he has to do is assess the situation and set the right goal. And this is already half the success.

Interpretation of symbols

The two staves are a symbol of two different energies that need to be separated or reconciled. These could be two hobbies, two motivations, a conflict between a sense of duty and the desire for pleasure. It could be a choice between family and work, between two loved ones, between two paths in life.

Fortress wall. From this high point everything is clearly visible and far away. Everything is under control, this gives you peace of mind, a dispassionate attitude to what is happening, and the opportunity to find your place in the sun. A person has already achieved something while under the influence of the Ace of Staffs. This is also the possibility of departure or arrival.

Coat of arms with crossed Lily and rose. We see three classic colors of alchemy - black, white and red. Which means the transformation of energy, the achievement of perfection, the transition from gross matter (black) to higher forms (red) through purification (white).

The globe is a symbol of observing world phenomena. It advises to look at the big picture, and not at an individual case, which is only part of the truth.

View of the bay. What is happening needs to be assessed from at least two sides. It is necessary to rationally use available energies and not slow down in making a decision. The two wands warn against a one-sided view of things.

Grey sky. In the positive aspect - restraint, an objective view of things, awareness, calmness. In the negative - apathy, unawareness. It is also symbolized by the rod from which the person turned away.

Cloth. Balanced color scheme of ocher and red. The ability to be the master of your destiny, self-control, strength. In a negative sense - monotony, one-sidedness.

Blue Mountain shows the unity between hope and reality, between heaven and earth. The background of the card speaks of spirituality, of the world order, where everything is in its place. Mountains also represent obstacles.

Card tip of the day

If the Two of Staves falls in an upright position, then it means that today it is recommended not to make hasty decisions. It is better to refrain from quick answers and think everything through. When conflicts arise, it is worth taking a neutral position, not attacking yourself and not supporting disputes. It is useful to remain calm on this day, to look at everything with slight indifference, no matter what happens.

In an inverted position, she advises not to get too caught up in long thoughts, but to make decisions faster. Now it is recommended to get out of the state of thinking and slowly begin to act.

A short piece of advice is to maintain mental and physical balance and not give in to provocations.

Two of Staves (2 staves) - Minor Arcana of Tarot cards

Two of Staves – Minor Arcana

From an astrological perspective, the Two of Staves corresponds to the first decade of Aries, which is a symbol of the movement towards victory, the readiness to overcome all obstacles along this path.

The ruling planet is Mars with its powerful fiery impulse that underlies any undertaking. This is a kind of breakthrough, a push, but it has enough strength, but not enough security, which makes a person vulnerable. One has yet to adapt to the new situation, which is involuntarily accompanied by uncertainty. It is necessary to reconsider the old experience, rely on it, and only in this case the idea will gain strength.

Other names for the Two of Staves: Two of Wands, Two of Sceptres, Two of Spears.

Brief description of the Arcana: Success accompanied by disappointment, Luck, wealth and power that do not bring happiness.

Description of the Two of Staves

In the classic deck, Arcanum is represented by the image of a young man dressed in luxurious, bright and rich clothes. Behind him stands a staff, he holds another staff in his hands, looking far ahead. His other hand is occupied with the ball.

Mountains are visible on the horizon - the obstacles that the young man has to overcome, and rivers - the opportunities that he has to see. At the moment, he stands as if at a crossroads, pondering his next actions.

In the Age of Aquarius Tarot, a young man holding one staff and leaving the second behind looks very determined, but has not yet taken a step. He sees where to move, but has not yet taken action. A crown is depicted on the young man’s head, meaning that he occupies a certain position in society and has achieved a lot on his path. Now he has to take the right step to preserve everything he has achieved previously.

The sacred meaning of the Two of Staves

In its sacred meaning, the card speaks of a powerful force that simultaneously creates and destroys. This happens when the end does not justify the means. If the Ace of Wands, which precedes the Two, means overcoming any obstacle with frantic force, and on this path a person can only be stopped by fatality, then the Two of Staves indicates that the person could not withstand the pressure of his own unbridled thirst for moving forward. He is exhausted, he needs to find his strength again.

On the one hand, Arkan indicates that at some stage a person achieved what he wanted, but this struggle partially deprived him of his vitality. On the other hand, a person again has to take the first step, remember the state that he experienced under the Ace of Staffs, otherwise he will end up in the prison of his own conquests for a long time. But the Three of Wands with its prospects awaits him ahead.

To understand the image of this card, you can resort to a comparison of a person seeing a goal ahead and running in it. At some point, such a person gets tired of running and takes a step, stubbornly moving towards his goal.

But Two is also a choice, therefore, a person needs this time of peace in order to more clearly define his goals and methods of achieving them. This is a kind of fork in the road, which, in fact, forced a person to slow down on his path. He does not stop, but he does not rush in one impulse, as was the case during the Ace of Wands period.

The lesson to be learned under the influence of the Two of Staves is to learn how to interact with people and find compromises. The person himself is obsessed with ideas, ambitions and desires, but he has to interact with people who also have their own ideas, desires and ambitions, and which do not always coincide with his own. This is where an agreement becomes important so that people can find a common interest that satisfies both.

A man stands on a hill, this suggests that he has achieved something on his path under the influence of the Ace of Staffs, but ahead of him are mountains and rivers, indicating obstacles and opportunities that he will have to reckon with. He has overcome another stage and now he needs to decide what to do next.

Mythological correspondence of the Two of Staves

A very clear, deep understanding of this Arcanum is given by a Russian folk tale, in which a traveler finds himself in front of a stone at a crossroads. The stone tells him what he will find if he goes left, right or straight. The traveler can only make his choice.

The meaning of the straight Two of Staves in the layout

The Two of Wands is one of the most difficult cards to interpret, since it contains some duality and even contradictions. On the one hand, it indicates the presence of initiative, and on the other hand, indecision and some confusion.

The positive meaning of this card is that it indicates the achievement of harmony between past experiences and new goals. It shows that a person currently has enough strength, energy, experience, connections and internal resources to achieve his plans, but it is necessary to make the right choice of methods of achievement. This Arcanum is especially good if the Magician (I Arcanum), Emperor (IV Arcanum), Chariot (VII Arcanum) and the Sun (IXX Arcanum) appear next to it.

When adjacent to the Moon (XVIII Arcanum), the Two of Wands indicates that unforeseen circumstances appear in a person’s life that will serve as an obstacle, and he did not calculate these circumstances in any way when making his plans. This could be some unexpected action from a person from whom no one expects it, or some hidden moments. The nearby Arcana will tell you what exactly will be an obstacle.

With positive cards, the surprise that the Two of Staves warns about can bring certain benefits. In addition, the card indicates the presence of some opportunities that a person does not dare to take advantage of, being in a state of uncertainty. This Arcanum points to a crossroads, a kind of crossroads in life. He needs to make a decision and take a decisive step in his chosen direction. This is a state when a person hesitantly declares his intention and at the same time has no desire to undertake anything or act.

Everything suggests that a person has to make a choice, but it is not easy. He cannot be completely satisfied with any of the options visible to him, which is why he delays making a decision. He needs to understand that he will achieve his plans, he has enough strength for this, but he needs to take steps, because the Wands are, first of all, actions.

There are also negative interpretations of the card - sadness, sadness, loss of something due to a person’s temper. This interpretation will occur if in the layout the Two of Wands is surrounded by negative Major Arcana or Minor Arcana of the suit of Swords.

The meaning of the inverted Two of Staves in the reading

The inverted Two of Staves in the layout suggests that a person is lost socially, cannot realize himself, does not see motives for further action and does not have sufficient potential and strength.

A person constantly does some rash and imprudent things, and his problem is that he cannot go beyond the boundaries of outdated ideas. Negative situations arise due to the fact that a person cannot build relationships with others and find compromises. He tries to put pressure on others, but in the end he himself comes under pressure.

Without feeling the strength and determination, a person tries in every possible way to turn the situation around, increasing his problems. If the Moon (XVIII Arcanum) appears in the scenario, then the inverted Two of Staves will indicate a period of serious experiences and even depression. Near the Tower (XVI Arcana), the Two of Wands will enhance the effect of the Major Arcana, bringing it to fatality.

The card speaks of various unexpected vicissitudes of fate, obstacles in achieving something and upcoming excessive troubles. If the layout contains Arcana that speak of deception, then the Two of Staves promises disappointment in partners, as well as in joint affairs.


In career scenarios, the Two of Posokhov in an upright position indicates strong competition, rather difficult tasks assigned to a person, and the need to show personal enthusiasm. In addition, Arkan shows that a person needs to somehow strengthen previously won positions. Arkan speaks of a focus on success, but at the same time everything is accompanied by doubts and internal anxiety that it will not be as desired. If in a layout with the Two of Staves the Hierophant (V Arcanum) or the Empress (III Arcanum) appears, then the card indicates that the time has come to think carefully about your further actions. The Eight of Wands adjacent to the Two, on the contrary, advises acting without delay, since doubts and indecision will lead to the loss of a chance. In general, Arkan favors career growth.

In business, the card promises the start of a new activity or the advancement of a previously started business. This could be concluding serious deals, important agreements, or making new plans. With the Two of Wands, the circle of business communication expands, it is possible to find a like-minded partner, but one must not forget that compromises will have to be sought.

With such a map, it is very important to link goals and means of achieving them, so as not to shoot sparrows with a cannon. The problem may be insufficient persistence, loss of motivation or energy (initial fire), but one way or another you will have to overcome difficulties in order to achieve a result. Everything is aggravated by the fact that under the influence of the Two of Staves one wants to sit in inaction. This makes it difficult to define goals and build an action plan.

The card indicates that a person may be faced with a choice, and quite often none of the proposals fully motivates him. The assigned tasks do not evoke enthusiasm, and the person himself tries to stay away from the events taking place. Particular attention should be paid to this Arcanum by those who are leaders. He needs to reconcile ambitions with realities, and also correlate them with his own capabilities and the capabilities of the team. He needs to come to a constructive compromise, otherwise he may end up in a power struggle.

The Two of Wands indicates a completely stable and stable financial situation.

In an inverted position, the Two of Staves indicates rivalry, which is fraught with loss of position or various troubles. This can be aggravated by the fact that a person is currently working “carelessly”, is not coping with the tasks assigned to him due to a loss of interest in this work or motivation in general.

In a team, the person who receives the inverted Two of Wands is a gray mouse. He tries to adhere to a position of neutrality in everything, so as not to spoil relations with employees, but most often this happens due to indifference to the team.

If a Magician (I Arcanum) falls next to the Two of Wands, then we can say that the person is simply inactive at the workplace, “sitting his pants.” The Devil (XV Arcana) in the vicinity of the Two of Staves in an inverted position will warn that a person is waiting for some serious intentions from the outside to interfere with his career.

It is almost impossible to develop a business with the Two of Staves reversed: a person does not have enough resources, internal strength and self-confidence. In addition, he lacks proper motivation.

Direction of self-development

In self-development, the Two of Staves directs a person to turn to his personal power. It has quite powerful potential and serious internal reserves. At the moment, he needs to show courage, firmness, determination and assertiveness.

To pass the lesson of this card, you need to demonstrate your business skills, show eloquence and the ability to convince people. He must learn to come to compromises, defend his ideas and be able to find rational grain in others.

Quite often, with such a card, a person tries to stay away from what is happening to him, but this is only for the reason that he does not yet see how to act at the moment. He becomes indecisive, which is why he cannot fully realize himself. We must remember that a choice will still have to be made, it is better not to indulge your indecision, and then the Two of Wands will gradually lead to the Three, which opens up new prospects and broad opportunities.

In essence, Arkan teaches willpower, forces one to demonstrate a desire to fight, and requires a person to be willing to take risks by stepping over their internal blocks.

Inverted, Arkan indicates that a person does not strive for self-realization, he is haunted by apathy and loss of interest in self-development. With such a map, you are more likely to come to degradation, so it is imperative to step over your inertia, put aside dissatisfaction with yourself and others, and try to exhaust your internal reserve as much as possible so as not to slide into the abyss.

Personal relationships

Relations in an alliance characterized by the Two of Staves are similar to the struggle of two partners for leadership. This struggle can be both in a family union (who is the head of the family) and in a business union (who will lead whom). As a rule, such a struggle also has a side effect - the partners test each other’s strength.

It cannot be said that the relationship between partners is blissful and calm. There is tension, and sometimes the Two of Wands can foreshadow unexpected turns in relationships that can cause surprise and even “tickle your nerves.”

Quite often, Arkan foreshadows quarrels, disagreements, relationships that require a compromise. All this may be accompanied by sadness and sadness. Sometimes the card shows the departure of a loved one. In general, the map shows not very good partnerships, and quite often none of the partners strive to change them, taking a position of neutrality. True, in some cases we can talk about a union that is not supported by feelings, but at the same time the partners creatively inspire each other. Marriage in this case will be based on mutual respect or calculation.

It is very important to look at the neighboring Arcana in the layout. They will tell you in which direction to look for the source of the problems. For example, the Hermit (IX Arcanum) will say that one of the partners is trying to pull away, and this is not necessarily due to internal alienation. Often, such a bunch of cards indicates a desire to test the partner’s depth of feelings: how he will behave if I push him away.

If the Ace of Cups lies next to the Two of Wands, then we can talk about the partner being in euphoria from the relationship.

If we are talking about a lonely person, then the Two of Wands will talk about new relationships standing on the threshold, but they do not inspire the person himself. He sees no compelling reason to agree to them, just as he sees no reason to refuse.

The inverted Two of Staves indicates that in an alliance the partners are not sincere, they make empty promises, make loud confessions, but at the same time they are not supported by feelings. Most likely, this is all done out of habit, but it could be out of personal gain or calculation.

If the card falls on one of the partners, then we can talk about low self-esteem, uncertainty about one’s attractiveness and, as a result, actions aimed at correcting the situation - trying to appear better.

Neighboring cards will tell more accurately about the motivations of partners. Thus, the High Priestess (II Arcanum) will say that a person builds relationships and flaunts words solely for the purpose of obtaining some information, most likely secret.

The Three of Cups will talk about empty promises to formalize the relationship, but these promises are not destined to become reality.

Personality characteristics

The Two of Wands shows a person who has a lot of inner strength, he is full of desires, but does not actively strive to achieve everything. He is hampered by indecision, the inability to correctly set priorities and plan actions. However, he can be assertive, sometimes even militantly assertive. If necessary, he may develop the gift of eloquence, which helps him to involve other people in his idea.

No matter how effective a person is, under the influence of the Two of Staves, he will most likely prefer to take a neutral position in the situations that happen to him. He tries to distance himself from everything precisely because he does not see how to act. He understands that he needs to make a decision and make some choice, but none of the options visible to him, as a rule, impresses him.

At the same time, the card shows a self-sufficient person who has achieved a lot in his life, but at the moment he is a little tired and is in a state of inaction. It could even be a person who has some kind of power. Moreover, if earlier he frantically strived to achieve his goals, now he is equally indifferent to his conquests. He has lost his enthusiasm and is not trying to regain it.

The Two of Wands also describes a person who is faced with choosing a new path, as if at a crossroads in life. He understands that he has new horizons to discover, and prefers to think carefully about where to direct his steps.

An inverted card will speak of a person who has not yet managed to realize himself. On this occasion, he experiences grief and sadness, he is oppressed by mental anguish. He is inactive, and if he has to do some work, he does it somehow, carelessly.

This is a loser in life, losing what he previously gained: career, money, relationships. At the same time, any of his actions aimed at preserving all this become imprudent and reckless. He may try to go all-in, but it won't end well for him.

This is a person who can be managed by anyone, even if he himself is in a leadership position. He cannot find constructive compromise solutions with anyone, he tries to manage, but in the end he lets everything take its course.


The Two of Wands in the position of health warns of loss of vital energy, lack of strength, and apathy. For a woman, it can mean postpartum depression.

Both literally and inverted, the card indicates chronic fatigue syndrome.

Layout for the situation

In layouts in which a certain situation is considered, the Two of Posokhov speaks, first of all, about the need to make a choice in order to find the right solution. Moreover, the further course depends on this choice: good prospects may open up, or the person may drive himself into a dead end. Nearby maps will help you understand your options.

The card suggests that in order for the situation to be resolved correctly, it is necessary to understand the relationship between opportunities and the ultimate goal. She suggests stopping and taking a good look around, weighing the pros and cons, understanding your place in the situation, calculating the obstacles and trying to see the opportunities that open up behind everything.

You need to understand that any situation requires a person to make a decision, and a wait-and-see attitude will most likely lead to a prolongation of the situation. At the same time, when making a choice, you need to understand that there may not be a second chance.

The reversed Two of Staves indicates that the situation has reached a dead end due to the fact that the person took a neutral position and chose not to take any action.

It also indicates a person's doubts about previously made decisions. It seems to him that everything is not going quite as he planned. Quite often a person seems naive in assessing the situation, which prevents him from using the opportunities that arise to the fullest. Naivety can become a shadow of indecision when a person believes that everything will happen without his participation.

In a word, we can say that a person does not feel the situation, does not navigate it and cannot fully calculate it. In addition, the map shows that surrounding circumstances also have a negative impact on the situation.

Card of the day

During this time, indecision will become your main companion. It will not allow you to take any actions, often even necessary ones. Good opportunities may be missed because of this. But this is not always a bad thing: sometimes a neutral position can help not to commit rash actions, which also has its positive side.

On this day you should not take on any obligations; it is better to postpone the decision to another day.

The inverted Arcanum warns of possible unpleasant surprises and negative influences on what is happening from outsiders. On this day, plans may be destroyed, and this will happen due to overestimation of one’s own capabilities. The day will be accompanied by apathy and sadness.

Card of the Year

During this year, it is necessary to learn the main lesson of the Two of Staves - the ability to find reasonable compromises with other people. Fortunately, circumstances will definitely push towards this. A bonus in such a lesson will be the start of a new project, successful plans and emerging opportunities.

When inverted, Arkan promises anxiety, indecision or rash actions that threaten to lead to losses. This is a year of disappointments and unpleasant surprises, loss of authority among friends and a time of uncompromising decisions leading to nowhere.

Arcana Council

You should not try to assert yourself in any way. You need to build beneficial interactions with people, then success will not pass you by. When striving for something important, we should not forget that enthusiasm is not limitless; it can dry up at the most inopportune moment. Sometimes you just need to step aside and make decisions only in full confidence that they are correct.


In the direct position, the card warns that in any case it is better to remain in the shadows for now and not be active, otherwise there is a risk of plans being disrupted. If you hurry, you will make people laugh, this is the best warning. The reversed position shows that the person is likely to have too much planned and overthinking. It is advisable to put off brainstorming for a while and rest to avoid overexertion.

The Two of Wands appears in Tarot readings when there is no point in being active. It is considered a sign of a kind of balance and consistency: first think, then do, but for now stop. For everything to go according to plan, you need to take a neutral position; only in this state can the right decisions be made.

Author of the article, practicing tarot reader

Sergey Yupatov

At the level of consciousness

The 2 of Wands of the Tarot in the reading speaks of a period of reflection, a forced stop, which will last until a decision is made. Doubt will destroy action. You need to quickly overcome your fears and realize your desires, intentions, and ideas. Delay will only complicate the situation and cause new doubts or apathy.

The Two of Posokhov communicates the need to respect the feelings, desires, and plans of other people. The success of interaction with society depends on the ability to take into account the interests of others without sacrificing your own. The two sides must complement each other. Self-assertion or manipulation is highly undesirable.

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