What fruits should be brought into the house to bring money and good luck: oranges, peaches, pomegranates and others

Of course, even if you load yourself with tons of fruit, it won't help you change your life dramatically if you don't make an effort in all directions. But still, their wonderful aromas, solar energy and color change the aura of our home in a certain way. Admire and admire the fruit before you eat it, prepare a beautiful vase for it.

Ancient texts promise that they will bring prosperity, good relationships and good luck.

When choosing fruits to attract money, listen to your inner voice and the feeling of the energy of the fruit.

And if it is not possible to always have fruit on the table, then paintings, decorative items and beautiful photographs will help.

Pomegranates increase fertility

It is not surprising that a pomegranate full of juicy scarlet seeds has become a symbol of fertility. He brings happiness to the family. Feng Shui experts often recommend buying paintings with pomegranates to attract good luck and the birth of healthy children.

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Fruits according to feng shui

Fruits used in feng shui are associated with wealth, prosperity and success. Each fruit in Feng Shui has its own sacred meaning. If you want to improve things in a certain area of ​​your life, then use Feng Shui tips for your home and buy fruits whose energy is aimed at improving your situation.

Oranges and tangerines

These fruits, according to the art of Feng Shui, bring wealth and good luck in money. The golden color and juiciness of this fruit gives strong energy of prosperity. These fruits are also called a magical wish-granter. By eating them, you activate your full potential.


It is a symbol of longevity, wisdom and foresight. Persimmon is especially useful for entrepreneurs. If you put persimmons in the same mountain with oranges, you will get a powerful energy tandem that will attract good luck in all areas of business.


Apricot in Feng Shui gives children and happiness in marriage. This fruit is useful for women who cannot get pregnant for a long time.


In Feng Shui, peach symbolizes joy, happiness and love in relationships. This is a talisman of marital fidelity, love and passion. If your marriage is experiencing problems, try feeding your significant other peaches and eat a couple of these fruits yourself.


According to Feng Shui, grapes signify wealth and reliability. Each berry symbolizes a coin. Thus, the more often grapes appear in your house, the more luck you will have with money.


The red apple is a symbol of love and marriage. Green apple is a symbol of health, youth and beauty. This fruit is also used to maintain peace and harmony in the home.


Bananas in the art of Feng Shui are used to attract fame, recognition and authority. This fruit instills confidence, inner strength, charisma and charm in a person.

Eat what makes you successful, healthy, rich and beautiful! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

There are no useless objects in the world of Feng Shui. Absolutely everything that surrounds us carries with it this or that energy, which necessarily affects the quality of our life. In China, there is even a classification of “fruits according to Feng Shui,” some of which people began to honor many centuries ago.

I would like to start with the peach , because it has long been called (and today the attitude towards it has not changed) “heavenly fruit”, bringing love, prosperity and mutual understanding to the family.
In addition, it symbolizes wealth, prosperity and good luck, so giving it to someone means wishing the person all of the above benefits.

Pineapples offer good luck

The sound of the Chinese word "pineapple" is close to the translation of "luck on your way", which already explains a lot. Pineapple is not a frequent guest in our homes, so we will try to get a decorative image of it.

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Health and longevity

  1. Apples have always been a symbol of peace, health and harmony in the home. If someone in your house is sick, then place a basket of apples at the head of the room. It is very important that the basket is made of willow twigs.
  2. Pears will serve as protection against diseases. Place the fruit in a square dish, preferably transparent. In addition, pear can bring longevity to your home.
  3. And to cleanse the house of bad energy and improve your health, place grapefruits and lemons in the shape of a cone on a flat dish.

Channels through which money goes

The first thing you need to get rid of when starting to use Feng Shui is open channels that contribute to the disappearance of money. These include:

  • Poorly lit hallway and creaky front door. If the situation is not corrected, money will not be able to enter your home - they will be scared off by an unwelcoming creaking and complete darkness on the threshold.
  • Broken taps and unclosed toilet. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, money leaves your home through these channels, so don’t put off fixing a leaking faucet and learn to always close the toilet lid.
  • Failure to wash dishes yourself. The more often guests in your home help you after feasts, the more money energy they draw away from you. Perform the duties of a housewife yourself, politely declining all offers of help.
  • Climbing or creeping plants. According to ancient Chinese teaching, they turn into a kind of web of problems, debts and difficulties in which the owner of the house inevitably becomes entangled.
  • Water falling down. Popular mini-waterfalls, as well as paintings depicting them, help the cash flow go down into the ground, depriving you of the opportunity https://www.getyourmillion.ru:443/kak-zarabotat-mnogo-deneg-sovety-edvarda-skrippsa. Even if you prefer a decor that includes water, choose other images.


In ancient China, cherry blossoms were associated with immortality.
Cherries can symbolize fertility, fun and celebration. In Japan, where cherry blossoms are a national symbol, cherries represent beauty, suaveness and modesty. The ancient Chinese believed that it was a symbol of immortality. One Chinese legend tells of the goddess Xi Wang Mu, in whose garden the cherries of immortality ripen once every thousand years. Since it is believed that the cherry tree can protect against evil spirits, the Chinese place cherry tree branches on their doors and place cherry tree carvings in front of their homes on New Year's Day.

Career and wealth

  1. To make money energy actively circulate, place a crystal vase with orange fruits in the southeastern part of the house. If you don't have a crystal vase, take a wicker one. It is desirable that there are 9 pieces of fruit. And at work you can put a citrus tree with fruits. This will contribute to career growth.
  2. Persimmon and apricot are a symbol of longevity, wisdom and foresight. Persimmon is especially useful for entrepreneurs. If you put persimmons in the same mountain with apricots and oranges, you will get a powerful energy alliance that will attract good luck in all areas of business. Place these fruits on a round metal tray, which will also contribute to attracting finance.
  3. And to attract successful transactions, add a pineapple and a bunch of grapes. In addition, they are a symbol of abundance and prosperity, and they will also help with rapid career growth. However, for these fruits to work, they must be placed in the southeast in the kitchen.
  4. If you want to protect yourself from poverty, then create a collage depicting all the money fruits and hang it in the kitchen opposite the window or in the hallway on the south side.


Native to the Mediterranean, the fig tree appears in descriptions of the Garden of Eden. After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they made themselves loincloths from leaves believed to be fig leaves. According to Islamic tradition, there were two forbidden trees in Eden - the fig tree and the olive tree. In the mythology of the ancient Greeks and Romans, figs are sometimes associated with Dionysus (Bacchus to the Romans), the god of wine and drunkenness, and with Priapus, symbolizing sexual desire.

The fig tree has a sacred meaning for Buddhists. According to Buddhist legend, the religion's founder, Siddhartha Gautama, or Buddha, achieved enlightenment one day in 528 BC while sitting under a Bo tree, a kind of fig tree. Bo, or the Bodhi tree, is still considered a symbol of enlightenment to this day.


People in tropical regions consume coconut milk and pulp and use its oil and shell for various purposes. According to a legend told in Tahiti, the first coconut tree grew from the head of an eel named Tuna. When the moon goddess Hina fell in love with an eel, her brother, Maui, killed it and told her to bury its head in the ground. However, Hina left her head near the stream and forgot about it. When she remembered Maui's instructions and returned to find the head, she discovered that a coconut tree had grown out of it.

Love and relationships

  1. A juicy peach can give you sincerity in relationships and a long love affair. If you haven’t been able to find your soul mate for a long time, and loneliness is already a burden, then place a vase of peaches in the bedroom on the west side. A mirror opposite the fruit will only double the impact.
  2. If you place a vase with plums in the southwestern part of the house, this will help you not only meet mutual love, but also find a strong, harmonious family. However, fruits should only be placed in a green ceramic vase.


The flowers of the plum tree in East Asia are endowed with greater significance than the fruits. Blooming in early spring even before foliage appears on the trees, the flowers are a symbol of female youth and youth. Sometimes the wedding bed is covered with plum petals. The plum blossom also has another meaning. Its five petals symbolize the five Chinese gods of happiness.


The cornucopia, often curved with fruits and flowers falling from it, is a common symbol of the wealth, abundance and bounty of the Earth. The symbol originated in Greek mythology. Legend has it that Zeus, the supreme god, was raised by his adoptive mother Amalthea, who was a goat nymph or goddess who herded goats. In any case, she fed goat milk to the divine baby. One day one of the goat's horns broke. Amalthea filled the horn with fruits and flowers and gave it to Zeus, who kindly placed it in the sky, where the horn became a constellation.

Strong family and obedient children

Women who will soon be lucky enough to become mothers should place an image of a pomegranate in the northern part or place the cut fruit on a plate.
This is not only a symbol of a successful pregnancy and healthy children, but it will also help you in the future in raising your baby. Comfort, prosperity and tender relationships will always reign in your home if you place an image of a pomegranate in the nursery. A picture depicting berries such as cherries, raspberries, and strawberries is best hung in the kitchen not far from the stove.

When choosing fruits or berries to activate this or that energy, be sure to listen to yourself - what sensations do they evoke in you, do you like their taste and smell? As you fill the symbolic basket with magical fruits, wish yourself the speedy fulfillment of all your plans.


In the mythology of the ancient Greeks and Romans, pears were considered sacred and belonged to three goddesses: Hera (Juno for the Romans), Aphrodite (Venus for the Romans) and Pomona - the Italian goddess of gardens and harvests.

The ancient Chinese believed that the pear was a symbol of immortality (pear trees are truly long-livers in terms of their lifetime.) In Chinese, the word “li” means both pear and division. Therefore, according to tradition, to avoid separation, lovers and friends should not eat the same pear together.


Breadfruit has round fruits that can be baked and eaten instead of bread. It is an important food item in Polynesia. Myths about the origin of breadfruit can be found on several islands in this region. In Hawaii they say that this happened during a famine. A man named Ulu, who died of starvation, was buried near a stream. At night, his family heard the rustling of flowers and falling leaves, followed by the distinct sound of falling fruit. In the morning, people found a breadfruit tree growing next to a stream, and the fruits of this tree saved them from hunger.

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