A little about interesting things: what the butterfly symbolizes in psychology, various cultures and feng shui

Psychological point of view

Lightness is what the butterfly symbolizes in psychology. The metamorphoses of a moth are similar to what happens to the human body in its bodily shell. This means that material existence often provokes obstacles to the manifestation of internal activity and energy. And the insensibility and numbness of the doll personify death. Not in the traditional sense, of course. It is believed that the doll symbolizes a transitional state - when the soul is separated from the body and gains final freedom.

A fluttering butterfly personifies the inner energy of a person. His soul, which seems to tear apart matter in order to dissolve in the ether, from which it originally came.

If we turn to modern psychoanalysis, we can see that the butterfly is perceived by specialists in this field as a symbol of rebirth and an unconscious attraction to light. This insect is often used as a sign of psychiatric and parapsychological institutions, often in combination with the letter “Psi”.


The cleansing of the soul by fire, represented in Romanesque art by the hot coal that an angel places in the mouth of the prophet, is depicted on a small Matthias urn in the image of love bringing a butterfly to the fire.[12]

Sometimes a butterfly can be seen in images of the Madonna and Child (usually in the Child's hand) as a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ. In a more general sense, the butterfly can symbolize the resurrection of all humanity - a meaning that is preserved in the emblematic still life.

As a symbol of death and resurrection, it was depicted on ancient tombstones above the skull and surrounded by other symbols of death. The same symbolism was placed on a number of pirate flags.

The symbolism of the butterfly as the soul freed from the bonds of the flesh is a Christian symbol[13] of both blessing and blessedness.

The path of the moth and the man

Talking about what a butterfly symbolizes, it should be noted that ancient people traced the general principles of the development of the Universe and people directly in the origin of this insect.

Everything is logical. The butterfly begins to develop from an egg, which represents the emergence of consciousness. A larva grows from it, which begins to actively feed in order to grow. In fact, this process is an analogue of the birth and development of a person who takes care of his life and daily bread throughout his life.

The doll, in turn, is associated with the desire for change and detachment from the hustle and bustle. Why? Because a pupa is a cocoon woven by a caterpillar into which the larva has grown for its protection.

After this, a beautiful winged creature flies out of the shell. The resurrection of the soul is what the butterfly ultimately symbolizes. It is not for nothing that in Christianity those who go to heaven are depicted with the wings of this beautiful creature.


  • 1 Basic values:
  • 2 Africa
  • 3 Antiquity
  • 4 Northern tradition
  • 5 Slavs
  • 6 Central Asia
  • 7 China
  • 8 Japan
  • 9 Mesoamerica
  • 10 Gnosticism
  • 11 Christianity
  • 12 Emblems
  • 13 Psychology
  • 14 Art
  • 15 Literature
  • 16 Illustrations
  • 17 Notes and comments

See also:

Insects Moth Psyche Xochipili Itzpapalotl Ora Zephyr Hypnos Somnus Soul Cocoon Pupa Caterpillar Labrys Bird Fly Fire Death symbols Witch Plum Number 70 Fire

Beliefs and signs

They are also worth mentioning when talking about what the butterfly symbolizes. This insect personifies the goddess - the Great Mother, who can both give and take life. Based on this, a belief arose that witches have the ability to turn into butterflies.

In Chinese culture, this insect is associated with joy, abundance and immortality. In Japan, the butterfly represents an attractive but somewhat arrogant girl or geisha. In Rus' they used to believe that it was into these insects that the energy of the dead was transformed. The Aztecs, in turn, believed that the souls of soldiers killed in battle were reborn in them. Among the Celts, the fiery butterfly with fluttering wings has a special meaning. She personifies the heat of the sun, passion and the desire of the soul to live. And in Ancient Rome, these creatures were harbingers of war. But in combination with chrysanthemum, this winged creature symbolizes eternal beauty and longevity. Just like a butterfly on a plum branch, by the way.

In Polesie, many people believe that the appearance of a large number of yellow or red butterflies in the spring foreshadows a dry summer and a rich honey harvest. White insects, in turn, promise wet weather and an abundance of milk.


Thanks to its grace and lightness, it serves as an emblem of femininity, a young woman, and ecstatic joy. Also - female fussiness and vanity, the craft of geishas or temporary mistresses.

A pair of butterflies “dancing” around one another represents family happiness.

The white butterfly is the spirit of the deceased. Airy, as if ethereal, butterflies are considered as wandering souls and a meeting with a butterfly foreshadows the arrival of a guest or the death of someone in the family.

Butterfly wings are a common attribute of wizards in fairy tales.

Taoist practice

It is worth mentioning briefly what butterflies symbolize according to Feng Shui. The short answer is that they represent all that is good. According to Feng Shui, these insects should be present in every home. They are believed to attract joy and love. Therefore, decorative elements in the form of these creatures need to be placed in pairs.

You just need to choose the right decorations. There should be no dried insects in the house, much less pinned to one or another surface with needles. These are bad decorative elements. They pump up the energy of nothingness and despondency. And this is not at all what a butterfly symbolizes in the traditional sense of Feng Shui.

A successful and simple solution to help diversify the interior would be elegant paper garlands in the shape of these insects, wallpaper or “bell” pendants on the door.


In secular painting, butterfly wings have as their attribute:

  • Ora or “clock time”;
  • Psyche;
  • Zephyr is Flora’s husband, “a winged baby with butterfly wings”[18];
  • Hypnos and Somnus;

“Pleasant frivolity” brings the butterfly closer to elves, geniuses and erotes (little gods of love), who are also often endowed with butterfly wings.

In paintings depicting life in paradise, the soul, placed by the Creator in the body of Adam, has similar wings.

In Christian art, the butterfly is a symbol of the resurrection of the human soul - in the hands of the Christ Child, an emblematic still life, etc. The natural cycle of caterpillars - cocoon - butterfly symbolizes life, death and resurrection.


You can often see jewelry made in the shape of insects. These can be pendant chains, bracelets, earrings, rings, brooches and much more. What does a butterfly symbolize in jewelry? The same as mentioned above. However, this insect has many meanings, as can already be seen, and in this case, what it will symbolize depends on the meaning invested in the product by its bearer.

In Japan, for example, almost every woman has a piece of jewelry in the shape of a butterfly. It is logical, because it is generally accepted that if you wear such jewelry, you will be able to preserve beauty and youth for a long time. And two butterflies represent family happiness and love. Nowadays, many newlyweds (and not only in Japan, by the way) release these beautiful insects into the wild after the wedding ceremony. This trend has given rise to a new idea for a nice gift. Some people present newlyweds with talismans in the form of two graceful butterflies, which is very symbolic, beautiful and, for now, original.


“Clock time, or clocks, are depicted by goddesses with membranous wings, like butterflies, and with sun and other clocks[14].”

“The butterfly is a sign of stupidity, frivolity, inconstancy, sometimes a soul or heart captivated by love. Butterfly wings mean love, games, laughter and fun[15].”

In the emblems, the butterfly carries the symbolism of voluptuousness and empty, vain love; the deceitfulness of pleasures and the grave consequences of destructive whims. She is depicted almost exclusively flying towards fire or burning in flames (probably, all these images are based on Gnostic gems of the 3rd-1st centuries BC (see above).


A butterfly burning in a candle flame.

  • What seemed like pleasure to me turned out to be deadly.

The symbol warns us against voluptuousness and empty, vain love.
“The human mind strives most persistently for such things, for such a kind of love and for such a way of life, which lead to shame and destruction.” EMSI 32-1, p. 236 ———— A butterfly burning itself on a candle.

  • Pleasure is dangerous.

“We whirl around the burning flame, This bright source of pleasure, until we feel the powerful force of its attraction And we fall as its unfortunate and powerless victims.”
EMSI 19-14 p.184 ———— A butterfly burning itself on a lit candle.

  • Pleasure is killing me.

A symbol of the pervasiveness of pleasures and the consequences of harmful whims. “Fools caught in the flames of beauty meet death where they hope to find life.” EMSI 9-9, p.142


  • Gura A.V. Butterfly // SMES
  • Gura A. V. Symbolism of animals in the Slavic folk tradition. M., 1997. P. 486—492 < SMES
  • Ternovskaya O. A. Butterfly in folk demonology of the Slavs: 'ancestor soul' and 'demon'. — // Materials for the VI International Congress for the Study of Southeast European Countries. Sofia, 30.III.89-6.IX.89. Problems of culture. M., 1989. P. 151-160 < SMES
  • PENG

DIY methods

A talisman, in which a piece of the soul is embedded, will reliably protect the owner. The right time to work is when the moon is in its waning phase. You need to think about how many butterflies there will be, create or choose a sketch, and choose a color. The most favorable are pink, golden, green, blue, red, silver tones and their combinations.

When making a magic item, you can use different materials. It is important to be in a good mood and focus on what excites you. Then you need to mentally ask the universe for love, prosperity, a reliable life partner, and the birth of offspring. At the same time, the artifact is filled with power.

Images of butterflies can be cut out of paper, embroidered on a towel or neckerchief, drawn, or decorated as a pillow. A simple amulet can be easily made using a church candle, asking for its support. Light the wick and drip wax onto the cardboard or plastic, giving it the shape of a butterfly. When the material has hardened, unfasten it, charge it and wrap it in a piece of fabric. It is recommended to carry it with you to attract the blessings of life.

Various materials are used to make butterflies.

Materials used in the work

To create a symbol use:

  1. Metal . Figurines made from this material bring vivid emotions and passion to life. Amulets can be decorated with natural stones, which attracts the power of earthly elements.
  2. Tree . Brings peace, tranquility, helps create comfort.
  3. Ceramics . Creates an aura of harmony and joy in the house, giving optimism to every family member.
  4. The music of wind . Attracts happiness, prevents stagnation of energy.
  5. Silver, gold, bronze . Help you find a partner for family life.

Images of moths can be found in paintings, items of clothing, furniture, and home textiles. Insects are often used to decorate gifts. In this form, the meaning of the symbol is saved.

Summon a butterfly totem for support

The butterfly is the magical insect to call when you need support during a period of transition, whether at work, in a relationship, or when you are doing inner work. A great ally during intense periods of personal transformation, she will add ease and ease to the process.

This energetic insect is a good inspiration for adding color to your life and self-expression. Those who have the butterfly as their spirit animal naturally tend to express themselves openly, reflecting their colors in the environment.

Butterflies make our lives brighter and more colorful. When the butterfly becomes your totem, pay attention to how many reasons for joy there are in life. Feel light. Hope for change and don’t be afraid to change your life at the first convenient opportunity. Don't forget that change always happens for the better. The magical powers of the butterfly help us understand that transformation is inevitable, but it does not have to be traumatic. She will make the process of change in your life pleasant and joyful.

Where to place it in the house

According to Feng Shui, butterflies are good for decorating a bedroom. They should be placed in pairs or in a group so that when waking up, the gaze immediately lingers on the wings. Such proximity forms a powerful whirlwind of energy that attracts love and good luck.

The love relationship zone is located in the southwestern part of the house. Here you need to place a picture or figurine with a paired image of flying butterflies or decorate a wall or ceiling with them. Bright wings and correct placement will enhance the effect of the magical artifact by 2 times.

Feng Shui masters recommend decorating a child’s bedroom and the interior of any living space where there is a lack of positive energy with fluttering insects.

Activation of the amulet

To activate, flowering plants in bouquets or pots should be placed next to the home amulet. It is recommended to ventilate the room frequently. To attract good luck, it is important to balance the composition with the image of a bird.

A simple way to activate a decoration: holding the item in your hands, concentrate and mentally imagine its task. Then take quick breaths, exhaling forcefully into the magical assistant. Silver items can receive the support of the moon if left on the windowsill during the full moon.

To activate the amulet, you need to mentally imagine its purpose.

A charged item should not be given into the hands of strangers or lent to those who ask to wear it. An object that has been damaged or has lost its beautiful appearance must be buried in the ground. It has fulfilled its function and has accumulated a lot of negative energy that needs to be gotten rid of. Items made from precious stones can be cleansed of negativity using holy water and repaired by a jeweler.

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