Black cats bring good luck and protect against thieves

The meaning of figurines in modern homes

Unlike ancient times, today cats are not considered deities, but they are still loved and respected. They are associated with purity, independence, grace, wisdom and beauty. A cat figurine in a modern person’s home is used as part of the room’s decor, as well as a talisman or some kind of instrument for making wishes come true.

The most common pose in which the animal is depicted is a sitting cat. According to the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, such a figurine in the house means protection, prosperity and good luck. A figurine with a raised tail is a symbol of optimism and success. Graceful figurines in the Egyptian style symbolize femininity, nobility and motherhood.

Figurines of an inviting cat – Maneki-neko – are very popular. It is believed that the figurine helps to attract wealth, luck, and prosperity to the home. If a cat waves his right paw, he attracts success, and his left paw attracts money. In many oriental shops you can see a figurine of an inviting pet at the entrance. He waves his left paw, luring customers.

Also in modern homes you can see entire compositions with several figurines of cats. Most often it is a symbol of friendship and fertility.

When decorating the interior with figures of a graceful animal, you need to remember that taste is manifested in the ability to refuse what is superfluous. Designers do not recommend cluttering the room with many different figurines.

In Vasmer Max's dictionary

genus. p. -a, Ukrainian whale, gen. n. kota, other Russian, tslav. Kotka (Movary years), Bulgarian cat, Serbohorvian old cat, Czech, Polish, Nizhny Novgorod kot. Apparently borrowed. from Narodnolat. cattus “wild cat” (from the 4th century AD); Wed O. Keller, Mitt. d. D. Arch. Inst.; Röm, Abt. 23, 41 et seq.; Schrader-Nehring 1, 564 et seq.; Vasmer, RS 3, 272 et seq.; Brückner, AfslPh 42, 141; Kretschmer, "Glotta", 2, pp. 351 et seq. Borrowing from Goth. *katts (Stender-Petersen 354) is very doubtful; An explanation from Greek is also unacceptable, since Middle Greek. κάττα is known only from the 6th century. (see Keller (ibid.), Kretschmer (ibid.) vs. Vasmer (IORYAS 12, 2, 247); see also Kiparsky 273 et seq.). The assumption of borrowing from modern German. katt (contrary to Knutsson (GL. 63 et seq.)) is implausible, given the wide distribution of this word in glory. languages; For cultural and historical reasons, it is also incredibly primordially Slavic. origin (Birkenmayer, JP 26, 70; see Bernecker (1, 589), who is not sure of his conclusions) or borrowing into the Baltic Slav. era (Trautman, VSW 120; Buga, RFV 70, 256). The source of the name of this animal was unsuccessfully sought in the Celts. and Nubian; see Walde–Hofm. (1, 182 et seq.), Blankenhorn (Zschr. d. Wf. 11, 312 et seq.). Should be separated from kitty.

Cat symbols in ancient times

In ancient times, cats were credited with mystical abilities. They were believed to have a connection with the other world. Among some peoples, pets personified the gods to whom they prayed and made sacrifices.

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In Japan, cats were considered intelligent magical creatures. The symbol of an inviting cat with a raised paw has a mysterious and mystical origin. According to legend, the pet, sitting at the gate of an old temple, beckoned with its paw to the emperor, who was hiding from a thunderstorm under a tree nearby. As the emperor approached the animal, lightning struck the tree. The abbot came out of the temple and invited the emperor to wait out the storm. The ruler liked this place and gave money to restore the shrine. Since then, it is believed that the image of a cat with a raised paw brings good luck to the house.

In ancient China, the goddess of fertility was depicted as a cat, so this symbol was used to pray for the harvest. And in Ancient Greece, animals personified dark forces. In Greek mythology, the pet was the faithful companion of the goddess of moonlight and the underworld, Hecate.

Animals appeared in Europe thanks to traders who illegally exported them from Egypt. With the onset of the Middle Ages, the cat family had a hard time. The creatures came under extermination because it was believed that they harbored the power of dark magic. There is still a superstition that black cats bring bad luck.

It is worth highlighting the role of cats in Ancient Egypt. Animal domestication took place in this state.

Cats of Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians domesticated cats around 2000 BC. Gradually, the cult of the cat began to replace the more ancient cult of the lion. Cats were mummified and depicted as women with cat heads. The cat was a lunar symbol and was worshiped in the form of the cat Mau. Also very revered was the cat goddess Bast, the embodiment of the sun, the personification of the good force that protects the luminary from snakes.

In the workshop of an ancient Egyptian sculptor. Painting by the English artist E. Long, 19th century.

How cats were treated in ancient Egypt

In ancient times, the Egyptians deified various birds and animals, but cats were especially revered. The creatures became the embodiment of the ancient Egyptian goddess Bast, who was the patroness of women, motherhood and fertility.

The image of a cat in Ancient Egypt was associated with the moon and the sun. The Egyptians believed that the animal was the eyes of the sun god Ra on earth.

The honor of pets was so great that when a cat died, it was mummified and a special sarcophagus was made. Everything necessary for the animal’s other life was placed there, including mice and rats.

People in whose house an animal died shaved off their eyebrows, thereby showing their grief. Killing a creature, even unintentionally, was punishable by death.

Every resident of the ancient country wanted to have a freedom-loving animal in their home. Those who could not afford to keep the beast decorated the house with figurines, figurines and drawings with its image. People believed that, having this symbol, they were under the protection and love of the goddess Bast. After all, the Egyptian cat figurine symbolizes the goddess Bast (daughter of the god Ra). It still brings peace and prosperity to this day. Many tourists strive to bring this souvenir home from Egypt.

Meaning of the word cat

In general, this book was written specifically for her, for Red Plusha, since it was thanks to her that I remembered cats, and, moreover, thanks to her, a cat appeared in our house - a funny black and white cat that knows absolutely all cat words and misses the opportunity to demonstrate this every time, every now and then exclaiming throughout the entire apartment in his purring, heart-rending voice.

... the ground near the stable and at the completely black cat, the cat looked at how heavy and lightly it moved ..., which came and happened so quickly that the cat, every time waiting for this short ... and the mistress, but one living creature was moving, and the cat thought to itself, what is this... and even she, a fast little cat, cannot catch and understand how..., in the dark the mistress will close the barn, leave, and the cat will lap up the warm milk, the cow... with her foot on the floor boards of the closed barn - the cat knew all this in advance , But …

The forests stand in disgrace. The cat of eternity lies on the branches. And time, like a mouse on the integral, looks suspiciously at the cat. The prophetic druids foresaw And spiritualized the dead forest, And, undressed by the elders, the dryads Resigned themselves to the will of heaven. Sing a song path within the melody, Follow the tall falcon traces. An attentive cat, like a maiden, Looks at the mirror of the water. The mouse has forgotten... The cat climbs down from the tree - Eternity creeps towards the water... Cat, stop! The mouse hides inside the foliage of the song. Not a cat - just a maiden above the water.2. “The virgin stands above the water and looks at the waves...” The virgin stands above the water and looks at the waves. The composition of all reflections tends towards the fire. And in the mirrors one cannot see enough of the time in whose bosom the star is ripening, like autumn’s gift to January. So a shadow is cast on the transparent the abyss! The shadow, like a branch, breaks.

The moon was the voyeur in the night skies, and the cat was her equivalent on earth; and thus the common cat was adopted as an expression, as a natural emblem and living reproduction of the moon... The cat was called in Egyptian Mau, which means “seeing”, from the verb Mau - “to see”... The moon as a cat was the eye of the sun, for it reflects sunlight also because the eye displays an image in its mirror.

But it must be said that in their two-room apartment on Sevastopolsky Prospekt there was a small “Durov’s corner” - a cat, a dog and a parrot; the parrot lived separately, in an iron cage, the cat lived in the cupboards and closets, the dog occupied the lower echelon, as they say among pilots, and therefore no special friction was ever noticed between the animals, only one fine day the dog ate the cat’s food, the cat, out of vindictiveness inherent on the floor, urinated on the dog bed, and then the dog, getting angry, bit off the cat’s tail.

Of course, the cat was pleased,” Cicely made a grimace, which would have turned out charming if accompanied by a smile. “Cats are always lucky, and this striped cat is a real tigress.”

No, our cat is the most ordinary, so to speak, a typical cat, except that her color is something that catches the eye, a kind of smoky-ash, in a word, a ginger cat of a rare gray color.

Everyone will come to the conclusion that a cat deserves not only the best care and concern, but also gratitude and warm love!” – this is the opinion of the great animal connoisseur and researcher Alfred Bram about cats.

Where to place the figurine in the house

Despite the fact that black animals are associated with trouble, a black cat figurine in the house will only complement the elegant and sophisticated interior.

And according to Feng Shui, figures such as a cat with a raised paw should have the correct location in the room. This room cannot be a bedroom, bath or closet.

A hall or living room is a good place to place the figurine. So, to attract wealth, it is recommended to place the figurine in the southeast. In order for your business and career to “go up”, it is worth placing it in the northeast.

Read more: deciphering the Feng Shui sectors

A mysterious and graceful cat, even in the form of a figurine, can make life successful and prosperous, provided that they sincerely believe in it.


There are not very many “cats” among people, and they usually try to avoid increased attention from others. By their nature, they are independent of other people’s opinions and self-sufficient, because predators do not listen to their victims. Such people always choose their own paths, but they must be careful not to become completely “wild.”

A person whose totem is a cat is distinguished by his ability to adapt to a variety of situations.
Such people love and know how to enjoy life. Their social interactions are very peculiar: they can “play” with others, then “purr” - and then “bite” quite painfully. There's nothing you can do, it's cat nature. "Cats" love to play with other people.
Moreover, games can be both gentle and quite cruel. In some cases, it comes to very dangerous “bites”, but usually the “cat” does not do this if nothing threatens it. However, it should be borne in mind that such animals are very unpredictable.

Problems often arise in personal relationships with “cats” because they easily give up on them if something doesn’t suit them.
Freedom and self-esteem always come first for them. The “cat” can leave even if she simply loses interest in what is happening. Such people do not like boredom and are unlikely to tolerate it.
One of the most powerful aspects of “felines” is the ability to exist in different worlds and stand on their borders.
This provides great scope for magical practices. However, we can say that “cats” are dependent on magic, and this is a significant disadvantage. They easily pick up on negativity, which can make them feel very bad.

Who is it suitable for?

A talisman in the form of a domestic cat is ideal for married women , as well as those planning motherhood. A cat will not only bring prosperity and prosperity to the house, but will also give a feeling of security and ward off troubles by taking the blow upon itself. It will protect a woman both physically and spiritually from negative magical influences and will help develop intuition, because one of her qualities is the ability to see in the dark.

The talisman is also suitable for girls who are accustomed to sacrificing their own interests for the sake of someone else’s well-being. The cat will remind them of their feminine nature and that they can be useful to themselves, and not just to others, and will teach them self-love.

For men, the image of a wild cat is more suitable , giving independence and confidence. However, not every man will be able to fully reveal the full power of the magical attribute. A cat will get along best with:

  • freedom-loving;
  • active;
  • an inquisitive and active young man;
  • those who love to be the center of attention;
  • very popular with the opposite sex.

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There are no restrictions on how to wear and use the talisman. Even if he is close to the owner for a long time, he will bring only good.

It is recommended to place figurines at the entrance or on the desktop, where they will attract more attention. Wearable talismans are most often made in the form of medallions made of various materials or rag figures in which the fur of a real cat is placed.

The only caveat is that when a person keeps a cat talisman on his body for a long time, he may develop a desire for independence , and at the same time, loneliness.

Appearance and behavior characteristics

People whose totem is a cat have a very remarkable appearance. They are very attractive and sexy. “Felines” usually have soft gestures and voices. They are athletic, flexible, graceful.

The hair color of “cats” is most often brown, but there are exceptions.
Their gaze is simply impossible not to notice. He is very attentive, as if appraising, distinguished by special magnetism. Among such people there are many green-eyed and few black-eyed. “Cats” often have problems with vision: many of them are prone to myopia and farsightedness.

“Cats” are good at navigating in the dark, rarely bumping into corners even in unfamiliar rooms. They have a good vestibular system and usually have no hearing problems. When it comes to clothes, “cats” prefer soft fabrics, comfort, even simplicity, but at the same time they really love the luxury around them. These are well-groomed, clean people, they carefully look after themselves. They need to get a good night's sleep: lack of sleep has a very bad effect on their health and nervous system.

Usually “cats” are partial to meat. They are attached to their home, where it is always calm and cozy (primarily for themselves). There is everything you need for a comfortable life.

Black cat as a symbol of magic

Since ancient times, people have worshiped cats. Some believed that they were servants of light forces, while others classified them as dark. Cats love to rub against people's legs, in this case they share their positive energy and magical power with the person and take the person under their protection.

You shouldn't push them away at this moment. Because next time the animal will not be so supportive.

  1. These cute animals have a strong aura that is sensitive to negative energies and repels them. They protect and defend the territory that they consider to be their place of residence. They can even drive away a ghost.
  2. Living in a house, a cat is a talisman for him, protecting him from damage and the evil eye. It protects against magical witchcraft influence. It happens that an animal sits in one place for a long time. This indicates that not everything is in order there and it is trying to cleanse the territory of evil forces.
  3. The black cat is a talisman that protects homes from lightning strikes and thieves. Black cats attract all types of energies from space. People who are successful in business can increase their success by owning a fluffy black animal. A person who is constantly unlucky will only worsen his situation in this case.
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