Nine of Cups (9 of Cups) - Minor Arcana Tarot cards

General value of the card in the upright position


  • fulfillment of desires;
  • satisfaction;
  • comfort;
  • happiness.

While the card itself is quite simple, the meaning behind it is positive. The Nine of Cups brings a lot of luck. This is a very good card because it promises that despite all your worries and fears, there is always hope.

This card is a very powerful positive indicator for you! It represents lasting or strong satisfaction in life. Although nothing is permanent, somewhere along the path of your life you can count on true happiness. The card is associated with creative endeavors and good wishes for the future.

The number nine represents personal integrity and the completion, or final stage, of any development. This final stage can bring certain challenges, and past experiences and coping methods are important here, and are integral to the meaning associated with nines.

Thus, the Nine of Cups shows a tendency to dream and enjoy the pleasures of life. You're likely to spend more time thinking about big ideas and grand schemes for your ideal lifestyle than you do about what needs to be done now to make those ideas come true. “Thinking big” is not a bad thing, but you also need to balance it with action so that you can fulfill your dreams.

The Nine of Cups is a reflection of true joy in any direction, such as success, love relationships, career, money, health. This Arcana predicts satisfaction in all areas - emotions, physiology, feelings. It is not surprising that many Tarot readers refer to this Arcana as the Desires card, since its appearance is often taken as a sign that, regardless of your heart's desire, it will overtake you in the coming days or weeks. Know that you have paved your own path to success.

The Nine of Cups usually refers to an emotionally fulfilling situation, such as the strengthening of a romantic connection, friendship, or the consummation of a sexual relationship. This shows that joy and happiness are within your understanding. In fact, you probably already have them. It is a call to enjoy the abundance of life and feel each of your emotions as if you had never experienced them before. Look at the perfection around you.

The Nine of Cups is all about your blessings and enjoying the good things life has to offer. Start or end each day by creating a mental list of three things you are most grateful for. Over time, you will find that you actually have many joyful moments, and this will only increase your feeling of deep satiety and contentment.

The Nine of Cups represents stability and advancement. This card signals well-being and pleasure from what has been achieved, and forms a stable foundation for the future. Your worries are all in the past and you can look forward to a bright future.

The self-satisfied look of the person on the card indicates that you have the right to enjoy your achievements. Don't be too shy or modest about it! Treat yourself knowing that you worked hard to get to the top and achieved the results you hoped for.

This Arcanum can also indicate idleness due to the luxury of life. This means that you love to enjoy good food and wine, appreciate art and beauty, make love, and relax in beautiful and expensive resorts. Of course, balance is needed to ensure that you do not become lazy or greedy, but generally in an upright position the card suggests that this is a time of pleasure rather than suffering from the negative consequences of such pleasure.

It is important to pay attention to the position and cards that surround the Nine of Cups. If it falls in your past position, it indicates a time when you got exactly what you wanted. If you are currently experiencing turmoil in your life, it means that the past victory was empty. It's important that you understand why the past triumph ended up being a bad idea so that you don't make acceptable mistakes in the future.

The Nine of Cups in your future position means that despite what your past and present cards tell you, the future is working in your favor. Stay focused on your goals and you will get everything you work for.

Description of the map

The meaning of the Nine of Cups Tarot (or Cups) can be deciphered from the image. The map shows a smiling man sitting calmly on a bench with his arms crossed over his chest. He is in a relaxed state, resting. The first sensations that arise when looking at the picture are peace and happiness. Hence the main meaning of the 9 Cups Tarot card - pleasure, success and implementation of plans.

Key words characterizing the essence of the lasso:

  • achieving your goals;
  • successful completion of cases;
  • happy life;
  • joyful moments;
  • satisfaction with the current situation;
  • inner harmony;
  • a dream come true;
  • rest and relaxation.

Inverted position


  • greed;
  • dissatisfaction;
  • materialism;
  • uncertainty;
  • lack of success;
  • disappointment.

The Nine of Cups is a symbol of satisfaction and wishes. But inverted, it predicts that you may be disappointed from the unfulfillment of your desires.

There is a strange feeling that you still haven’t received something, and the inner fulfillment that you were looking for is still missing. There may be disappointments due to one's own shortcomings and mistakes, complacency, excesses, greed, superficial or materialistic values, gluttony and preoccupation with fulfilling one's own desires.

The card indicates a poor state due to excessive indiscriminateness in food, alcoholic beverages or drugs and the consequences that they lead to. Be careful not to overdo it with sexual pleasures, it is better to express some moderation in your desires. Lust and promiscuity will have negative consequences.

The Reversed Nine of Cups emphasizes greed and lack of concern for other people's needs in favor of your own. Sometimes your inappropriate behavior will negatively affect others, hatred, anger, or boasting about your success will begin to surface. Be mindful, and even if you have something to envy and brag about, think about the impact it will have on others.

What personalities does the Nine of Cups Tarot represent?

The Nine of Cups indicates a person who gets what they want. The lasso symbolizes a lucky person, a person under the tutelage of an influential and wealthy individual, a person who achieves a goal through his own efforts. The means of achieving success are unknown, but the significator lives in luxury.

The person represented by the Nine of Cups enjoys life. It is difficult to force a person to do what he does not want. It is difficult to make him work for results if the work does not bring pleasure or gets boring over time.

When reversed, the Nine of Cups symbolizes a self-satisfied hedonist who strives for love victories and has several partners. The personality is characterized by narcissism and selfishness.

Love and relationships

Direct position

The Nine of Cups is a good omen for relationships. If you are looking for love, now is the best time to get out and meet someone. Your ideal partner is out there, but you certainly won't meet him by staying at home! Fate is on your side, so keep a clear mind and an open heart.

If you are already in a relationship, the card means that your relationship is moving in the right direction. It is also an indicator of good sex, sensuality and pleasure, so a lot of romance awaits you. If you were hoping for greater commitment in a relationship, this is exactly the Arcana that can result from interaction, marriage or pregnancy. You and your partner are on the same page when it comes to the future.

The Nine of Cups is your guarantee that you will get everything you want from your partner. However, decide what you really want first!

As for relationships in the early stages, they are overly sexual in nature. The Nine of Cups is a card of physical pleasure, but the excitement of it can quickly wear off. Therefore, the card warns you not to give milk for free if you do not intend to buy a cow.

If you are single, the Nine of Cups shows that your mental and emotional states are stable, and through past experiences you have acquired a level of emotional maturity and self-esteem that will greatly benefit you in future relationships. When you are ready to connect with someone, the positive energy and confidence that comes from you will help you attract the right person to you.

Inverted position

In the context of love, if you are in a relationship, the Nine of Cups reversed is not a good omen as it indicates that the relationship is in limbo, with one or both partners feeling deep disappointment and sadness. It may seem to others that everything is in order, but inside the relationship there is no happiness and joy.

Perhaps you tied the knot without fully understanding your feelings, and now you really understand that you don’t love and regret it. But here, too, the card may indicate deep-seated problems, and simply reflects the feeling of stagnation in a relationship that sometimes arises after the first excitement of love fades or the honeymoon period ends.

If you are single, the Nine of Cups does not advise starting a relationship at the moment, since your emotions and psyche are not ready to let a stranger into your personal space. No one, no matter how wonderful a person he is, can make you happy until you find your own inner satisfaction and raise your self-esteem. How and who you position yourself in front of people depends on your self-confidence and inner harmony, among whom your soulmate is probably somewhere nearby.

The card also allows for emotionally unhealthy sexual behavior or loveless sex. Alternatively, the Nine of Cups suggests that you have gone to the other extreme, and that your arrogance or vanity is putting off potential partners.

Combination with other arcana

The meaning of the 9 Cups in Tarot can partially change in combinations with other cards.

Combination with the Major Arcana

When this card is combined with the great arcana, its meaning is transformed:

  • with the Jester - rest;
  • with the Magician - actions began to bring results;
  • with the High Priestess - a prophetic dream;
  • with the Empress - fulfillment of desires, achievement of goals;
  • with the Emperor - marriage or building a career;
  • with the Hierophant - creating a family;
  • with Lovers - getting what you want in love;
  • with the Chariot - the need to make every effort to achieve your goals;
  • with Strength – the need to get rid of bad qualities;
  • with the Hermit - loneliness;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - a happy period;
  • with Justice - retribution for actions;
  • with the Hanged Man - a happy period will soon come;
  • with Death – the white stripe ends;
  • with Moderation - the desire to pour out your soul;
  • with the Devil - excess, disorder in thoughts or personal life;
  • with the Tower - carefree time is coming to an end;
  • with the Star - hope for happiness;
  • with the Moon - the illusion of well-being;
  • with the Sun - overflowing with happiness; it's time to relax and enjoy life;
  • with the Court - finding well-deserved happiness;
  • with the World - enjoying life.

Cups are able to display the power of love and reveal relationships between people.

Combination with Wands

In the layout with Staves:

  • Ace is a lucky chance;
  • 2 – reflections, hesitation;
  • 3 – dream come true;
  • 4 – holiday, wedding;
  • 5 – narcissism;
  • 6 – wedding;
  • 7 – the need to remain calm;
  • 8 – holiday;
  • 9 – carelessness;
  • 10 – loss of faith;
  • Page - good news;
  • Knight – ambition;
  • Queen - getting pleasure from creativity;
  • King - implementation of plans.

Combination with Cups

In a reading with Cups:

  • Ace - strong love;
  • 2 – pleasures;
  • 3 – celebration;
  • 4 – bad mood;
  • 5 – violation of harmony;
  • 6 – past happiness;
  • 7 – illusion of happiness;
  • 8 – unwillingness to be happy;
  • 9 – prosperity;
  • Page – good position;
  • Knight - agreement;
  • Queen - satisfaction of women's needs;
  • The king is a satisfied husband.

Combination with Swords

In the scenario with Blades:

  • Ace - a successful plan;
  • 2 – forgiveness;
  • 3 – jealousy;
  • 4 – lack of aspiration;
  • 5 – greed;
  • 6 – positive thinking;
  • 7 – illusion of happiness;
  • 8 – dependence on comfort;
  • 9 – problems;
  • 10 – end of the carefree period;
  • Page – hot temper;
  • Knight - anger;
  • Queen - aggression;
  • The king is mercilessness.

Combination with Pentacles

In the layout with Coins:

  • Ace is a happy ending to the game;
  • 2 – temporary success;
  • 3 – fulfillment of desires;
  • 4 – getting what you want;
  • 5 – unpleasant emotions;
  • 6 – financial assistance;
  • 7 – a long way to achieve the goal;
  • 8 – high skills;
  • 9 – stability of finances and emotions;
  • 10 – marriage;
  • Page - good news;
  • Knight – development;
  • Queen - hospitality;
  • The king is a successful agreement.


Direct position

In the context of a career, this Arcanum is a card of success, achievement and recognition, so any projects in which you participate will not only develop well, but your success will also be noticed by management. If you are dreaming of a promotion or want to start your own business, the Nine of Cups is an excellent omen for success. Expect a company party or a general review of your work by management.

If you are looking for a job, wait, your efforts are about to pay off. If you're waiting for a job offer, keep your phone nearby.

In a financial context, the card indicates abundance and prosperity, so everything should go well in terms of money and investment. The card also promises rewards, so don't be surprised if you receive a cash bonus or bonus for your hard work.

Inverted position

The Nine of Cups reversed may indicate that your job or your dream business has turned into something terrible. Perhaps you started your own business or got a promotion, but now you realize that it's not your thing. Expectations were not met; the business turned out to be unstable, not profitable, and not interesting. The workload in your new position seems overwhelming and is making you unhappy.

Lack of a sense of teamwork, responsibility, negligent attitude towards job responsibilities, all this already spoils your working spirit. The card sees you as a person who is struggling to find an activity that interests him and feels like a failure, an outcast from society. Financially, disappointment and big expenses are also allowed. Expenses will exceed income, investments will not bring the expected profit. Now the main thing is to stay afloat for a while, and try not to get into debt or take on loans.

General psychological characteristics of a person

The direct position of the card shows a cheerful optimist, whose mood will not be spoiled by any trouble. Such a person knows how to love life and appreciate every moment of it. The card describes a situation when the querent literally begins to have a white streak both in his soul and in business.

If we mention the sphere of consciousness, now a person is almost always in high spirits, he can charge others with a wave of positivity.

In a moderate dose, this state is acceptable, for example, on large-scale holidays like the New Year, when almost all important matters have been resolved and you can take a few days of rest, simply enjoying life. However, if you prolong this state, you can turn into a lazy person and start putting off important things for later, which will not have the best effect on your quality of life.

The inverted 8 of Cups tarot card takes on a negative meaning if a person, as people say, “gets greedy.”

He is so accustomed to luxury that he considers himself superior to others and does not take into account the feelings of other people when achieving his goals. Mentally, he experiences confusion, satiety at the same time as grief.


Direct position

In relation to your health, the Nine of Cups Card is very positive. It brings with it a surge of energy and vitality, so now is the right time for any endeavor.

If you are waiting for doctors' forecasts or examination results, you will be pleased with good news.

Cups are a positive omen, so if you have health problems, you should see some improvement leading to full recovery. However, the card warns to avoid excessive stress, as it can be detrimental to your health.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the Nine of Cups emphasizes problems with poor digestion and metabolism, possible obesity, and liver problems. All this can be a consequence of poor nutrition and alcohol abuse. The hero of the card experiences fullness of life, without physical exertion and psychological problems. In this case, laziness, gluttony, alcohol and love pleasures are a person’s true friends.

In any case, this Arcanum promises good health, but a person does not appreciate this and does everything that can ruin him. Proper nutrition, exercise, cleansing procedures - this is quite enough to keep yourself in good shape. Try to eat more plant foods, monitor the functioning of the pancreas.

Board card

Fortune is staring you in the face, don’t miss the moment, catch the bird of luck by the tail. Success comes and goes. If you are doing well and are satisfied with everything, you should not try to do even better. Relax, go with the flow, pay attention to yourself and those around you, you can afford a little holiday.

The meaning of the 9 Tarot Cups for self-development

The meaning of the 9 Tarot Cups is the area of ​​material success. The card reminds us that intellectual, emotional, spiritual pleasures are important for happiness. In the scenario, the lasso shows that the fortuneteller has no problems.

The meaning of the Nine of Cups Tarot recommends listening to your intuition, remaining calm and relaxed, not forgetting about the future, so as not to succumb to stress and not indulge in laziness.

The querent has positive creative potential. A favorable time for creative achievements. They enjoy every day they live, the results achieved, without forgetting a sense of proportion. You cannot turn the enjoyment of life into hedonism.

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