Celestial trunks in Bazi and types of their interaction. Part 1

Star of the Heaven and Earth Network

Star of the Heaven and Earth Network

(sometimes said to be the Network of Heaven and Earth) belongs to the section of inauspicious Symbolic stars. It operates more on the internal level, causing a person to make wrong decisions, doubt and incorrectly assess prospects.

Main impact: confusion and limitations.

The presence of the Star of the Network of Heaven and Earth in the map is an indication that in some area there will be errors due to the incorrect perception of the person himself. The star also gives a hint that a person may encounter restrictions (prohibition, impossibility, constant obstacles) in certain situations.

of the Network of Heaven and Earth is calculated

very simple. These are two pairs of Earthly branches in the chart.

Earth NetworksSky Networks
辰 Dragon and 巳Snake戌 Dog and 亥 Pig

The indicated two Earthly branches can stand in any pillars of the map.

The main condition is that
both branches are in the map at the same time.
It is the presence of two branches that is considered a star. For example, the Network of the Earth is the branches 辰 Dragon and 巳Snake. If there are two Dragons and a Snake in the chart, or two Snakes and a Dragon, then we still say that there is only one star of the Earth Network in Bazi.

We look at the Star of the Network of Heaven and Earth only in the Bazi map itself

. If one of these Earthly branches is located in the chart, and the other appears in the current beat or comes in the year, then the Networks are not formed. Although some experts indicate that the Star of the Network of Heaven and Earth, formed due to the appearance of the Earthly branch in tact, will also influence a person. In my practice, I have not seen such a manifestation of this star.

The main themes of this star:

— Increased sensitivity — Tendency to pessimism — Unstable psychological state and, as a result, addiction to addictions — Limitations in some area of ​​life

The presence of such a star makes a person more susceptible to external influences: rudeness, difficult situations, problems. It is more difficult to objectively perceive statements addressed to you. If a stressful situation arises, the owner of such a star may commit rash acts or fall into deep blues and depression. One of the unpleasant aspects is that under the influence of this star, a person may seek solace in alcohol or antidepressants and have a tendency to abuse such products or drugs.

Watch the video about the Heaven and Earth Network star on my Youtube channel

The networks of the Earth
辰 Dragon and 巳Snake have a stronger effect
on women. The Network of Heaven
戌 Dog and 亥 Pig have a stronger influence
on men.
That is, if in a female chart we see the Earthly branches 戌 Dog and 亥 Pig, then we note the presence of the Networks of Heaven, but the influence of such a star will be minimal, because this is a female card.

Utility of a star in the Heaven and Earth Network

Usually, the auspiciousness of a star is determined by whether the auspicious element in the chart is the element of the Earthly branch, which the star is.
But in the case of Networks, the usefulness of the elements does not improve the quality of that star.
In general, this star has an unfavorable meaning. The only relatively positive manifestation can be considered that a person, due to increased sensitivity, is able to distinguish between falsehood and lies.

Star of the Network of Heaven and Earth as a symbol of limitation

The most important manifestation of the Networks is that this star indicates possible restrictions in a person’s life.
By limitation we mean the inability to achieve some goal, despite the effort and time expended. The area in which restrictions are possible depends on what element the Network element is for the Personality.
That is, we look at what the element of Earth, Fire or Water is for the Personality. For example, a woman Personality 甲 Yang Tree, in the card there are Earth Networks 辰 Dragon and 巳 Snake. Earth in the Dragon is the element of Money for the Wood Personality, and Fire in the Snake is the element of Self-Expression. This means that in these areas of life there may be stiffness, confusion and limitations.

If the Network element is:

  • Resource – problem with getting education, getting help, real estate
  • Self-expression - goals are limited, interests and ambitions are reduced
  • Money – limited income level
  • Power – limited career growth
  • Friends - problems in social activity

In fact, the star of the Heaven and Earth Network does not always have a strong manifestation in the Bazi chart. Rather, it needs to be analyzed as an additional factor, combining information with other signs in the Bazi.

Each Symbolic Star contains a lot of information about the character, abilities of a person, talks about possible life events and the potential for luck. The most complete information about the Symbolic stars is in the course The Secrets of the Symbolic Stars.

What are heavenly trunks?

If you look at your pillars of destiny, you will see signs at the top of each of the eight columns. They are called heavenly trunks. In the metaphysics of the East, it is believed that fate is given by heaven. Therefore, the upper elements of the pillars of fate are compared by the Ba-Tzu with tree trunks growing in heaven and descending with their crowns to the Earth, representing in the latter case earthly branches. The celestial trunks represent four elements, one of which relates to the hour of birth, another to the day, the third to the month a person was born, and the fourth to the year of birth. The main element is considered to be the element of personality (celestial trunk of the day), located in the pillar of the day - in the second column from the left.

Heavenly trunks

Most Bazi specialists are confident that the heavenly trunks can only combine and merge with each other. They believe that supposedly the earthly branches are not able to interact with the heavenly trunks. However, people who have extensive experience in deciphering the pillars of fate realized that the division into the energies of heaven and earth was invented by people and it does not correspond to reality. After all, energies are not really divided into categories and mix with each other or interact with each other, regardless of what type they are.

I support practitioners. After all, I myself was convinced that the division of elements into types is necessary only for people, so that it is easier for them to navigate in natal charts, but not for energies, for which there are no boundaries.

What are earthly branches?

As mentioned in the second part of this article, earthly branches, like heavenly trunks, arose through association with the trees growing in heaven. Therefore, the lower elements of the pillars are considered to be the crowns of trees, descending with their branches to the Earth. Each earthly branch relates to a specific birth date unit. The first left - by the hour, the second - by the birthday, the third - by the month and the fourth - by the year the person was born. Located on the right, the first lower element is the main element in Chinese astrology. After all, the Chinese are accustomed to considering the animal of the year, or, as it is also called, the demon of the year of birth, as the main unit of their date of birth.

Earthly branches

Masters of Eastern astrology believe that, like the heavenly trunks, the earthly branches can only combine and merge with each other. However, these are again the rules of Ba Tzu , which actually distort the essence of energies, their flows and mechanisms. Energies are not separated by any boundaries, therefore they reside in a dark substance - the basis of the entire universe; they exist in the subtle world where beings live, visible to clairvoyants and heard by clairaudient ones. And besides, energies influence all living and nonliving things that exist in the physical world. All living organisms live according to the rules of energies. The elements permeate everything and constantly interact with each other, without reacting to the boundaries invented by the astrologers of the East.

Hidden sky trunks. Classic version

At all times, the heavenly trunks hidden in the earthly branches were considered according to the classical scheme presented below: 1. The tiger contains within itself - Yang-tree, Yang-fire, Yang-earth. 2. Rabbit is a yin tree. 3. Dragon - Yang-earth, yin-wood, yin-water. 4. Snake - Yang-fire, Yang-metal, Yang-earth. 5. Horse - yin-fire, yin-earth. 6. Goat - yin-earth, yin-fire, yin-wood. 7. Monkey - Yang-metal, Yang-water, Yang-earth. 8. Rooster is a yin metal. 9. Dog - Yang-earth, yin-metal, yin-fire. 10. Pig - Yang-water, Yang-wood. 11. Rat - yin water. 12. Ox - yin-earth, yin-water, yin-metal.

Merging of heavenly trunks and earthly branches

As is clear from the previous part of this article, the rules of Ba-Tzu were invented by people, and are very different from what is happening in the universe. But since you still need to focus on something, you should know these rules. This part of the publication lists what is accepted as truth by the masters of Eastern astrology. So, according to the rules of Ba Tzu, the heavenly trunks merge with each other only in this way: - a yang tree merges with yin soil, creating earth; - Yin wood with Yang metal creates the metal element; - Yang fire and Yin metal are capable of creating water; - Yin fire and Yang water produce the wood element; - Yang soil with Yin water can create the fire element.

In fact, the energies of the heavenly trunks and earthly branches of the pillars of the destiny of an individual person can interact with each other and with the energies of space and time, creating the elements listed above. That is, a small tree, being the heavenly trunk of the day, can strengthen the metal in the energy of a person born in the year of the Monkey or who is in his home, in the corner of the Monkey. This can be tested in practice to verify the fallacy of dividing energies according to their belonging to earthly branches and heavenly trunks. For example, in 2016 - the Monkey, in March - the month of the Rabbit, it became very cold, only because the Yang metal of the Monkey created a strong metal element with the yin tree of the Rabbit. Here is an example of how the earthly branches created metal in the same way as the heavenly trunks do.

The order of the elements was invented by the Ba-Tzu masters in order not to get confused when trying to understand how the elements that are embedded in the pillars of fate interact with each other. However, these rules do not always help to correctly decipher the qualities of a person’s energy and his destiny. And besides, both are influenced not only by the time of birth, period and year of life, but also by the direction of relocation, place of residence and directions of daily movement. The body's energies and daily routine are also greatly influenced by places to sleep and work. That is, a specific corner of the room has a strong influence on a living being.

According to the rules of Ba Tzu , like the heavenly trunks, the earthly branches interact only with each other, creating new elements: - The Rat creates the earth with the Ox; - Tiger and Pig - tree; - Rabbit with Dog - fire; - Dragon with Rooster - metal; — Snake and Monkey — water; - Horse and Sheep - fire.

If you are depressed or suffering from edema, you should spend the whole day in the north-eastern room - in the Ox sector or next to a person who has an Ox in his pillars. This will help you get rid of unpleasant sensations. After all, the strong water of energy, which is not directly related to the Rat, is transformed into earth under the influence of the element of earth inherent in the Ox. That is, there is an interaction between pure energy similar to a heavenly trunk and the Bull, which is an earthly branch and a demon of the northeastern direction.

Demons of the pillars of fate can also combine three animals, forming new energies: - Monkey, Rat and Dragon create water; - Tiger, Horse and Dog - fire; - Pig, Rabbit and Sheep - tree; — Snake, Rooster and Bull are metal.

In the world of energies, the elements are combined with each other not according to the rules of Ba Tzu. For example, a person who has a lot of wood in the pillars of destiny and, in general, in energy, by drinking coffee and working in the Dog sector for about six hours, will provoke an increase in the fire element in his energy. In this case, a large amount of wood is not a Tiger, and coffee, which is related to fire, is not a Horse. However, these energies are capable of creating a strong fire element, just like the three demons Tiger, Horse and Dog. This example again shows that energies similar to heavenly trunks can combine with each other exactly like earthly branches.

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