Emigration and relocations in Ba Zi astrology

How to find your horse of wealth?

The Wealth Horse, also sometimes called the Post Horse, is a symbol of improved financial status, wealth and travel. And she is also responsible for any quick actions, speeds up and sets everything in motion. This also applies to the dissemination of information.

Traveling Horse in Ba Zi

A traveling horse can be found for everyone individually. To do this, determine which animal year you were born in and use the table.

Animal by year of birthtraveling horse
MonkeyRatThe DragonTiger

For example, you were born in 1991. This is the year of the Goat, so your Post Horse is the Snake. Each Horse has its own element: the Tiger is symbolized by Wood, the Snake by Fire, the Monkey by Metal, and the Pig by Water.

Secrets from Violetta

I-ma - Traveling Horse

Let's consider the 12 earthly branches from the point of view of the Chinese calendar and their functional features. The concept of “Postal Horse” is used in different areas of Chinese metaphysics: Bazi, Feng Shui, Qi Men. Choosing dates... Post Horse or I-Ma are 4 earthly branches: Yin(tiger) Sy(snake) Shen(monkey) Hai(pig). If we look at the arrangement of earthly branches by season, we will see that these 4 earthly branches begin, open the next season: Yin(tiger) - the first earthly branch of the Spring season Sy(snake - the first earthly branch of the Summer season
Shen(monkey ) - the first earthly branch of the Autumn season

Hai(pig) is the first earthly branch of the Winter season. Analyzing a person’s personal Bazi , we encounter the concept of “Postal Horse” from the point of view of the Symbolic Star. The Symbolic Star “Postal Horse, I-Ma is responsible for movements, relocations, change of residence, long trips, emigration, career advancement, changes and progress , brings wealth and prosperity. The Traveling Horse is considered a favorable Symbolic Star if the element of the earthly branch of I-Ma is favorable for a given person. But its favorableness depends on the phases of Qi in relation to the personal element of the Personality - in this case, the Post Horse contributes to happy events in life - a successful change of residence, an increase in career, personal progress in a certain area of ​​life. At low phases, Qi I-Ma brings anxiety, uncertainty, fussiness and aimless actions, leading to failure and collapse of hopes. If the earthly branch collides with the Post Horse, it also loses its positive qualities and strengthens or accelerates the unfavorable outcome of the situation, therefore I-Ma can be determined by the earthly branch of the year of birth or by the earthly branch of the day of birth, taking into account the favorableness of the element and the Qi phase of the earthly branch.

How to find the Symbolic Star “Post Horse”: Determine the Post Horse by the earthly branch of the year of birth or birthday. If the earthly branch of your year or birthday is:

Shen (monkey) Zi (rat) Chen (dragon) ____ Your I-Ma - Yin (tiger) Hai (pig) Mao (rabbit) Wei (goat)______ Your I-Ma-Sy (snake) Yin (tiger) Wu ( horse) Xu (dog)_____ Your I-Ma - Shen (monkey) Si (snake) Yu (rooster) Chow (bull) _____ Your I-Ma - Hai (pig) In Feng Shui, the concept of “Postal Horse” is used in various techniques and formulas for improving well-being and health. In Qi Men, the concept of I-Ma is used to determine the timing of the fulfillment of forecasts and determine the time of “launching an action or business.” In Date Selection, the Post Horse is used to quickly and successfully achieve results.

Post horse in the Ba Zi map

The Chinese system of fate analysis shows how active and energetic a person is. If one or more traveling stars are represented in his destiny chart, it means that the person loves adventure and travels often. He chooses a profession that involves constant business trips, presentations, tours or reporting. Most likely, he often changes jobs and moves from place to place so that he does not get bored.

When you find the Traveling Horse in your own chart, you can determine what area of ​​life it will affect. This depends, first of all, on what aspect of life in relation to the element of personality its element will be represented.

For example, if the Horse represents Resources, then your movements and travels will be related to learning. The latter can be either your own or someone else’s. For example, you can go to another city to conduct a seminar or lecture, present a project to new partners at work, etc.

The Power aspect indicates that you will cope with the assigned work task, will soon meet with your superiors, or even receive a new, higher position. If the Horse represents the aspect of Self-Expression, new acquaintances and opportunities await you to show your potential and abilities. A new trip will soon be on the agenda.

The money aspect marks changes that will be associated with new prospects for increasing money capital. Perhaps an improvement in wages, new business partners, or the opening of a successful business is expected.

A post horse can be useful for people only in a high qi phase, bringing with it a career boost and great success. In the low stage, she wanders through life without a goal and without knowing what she wants.

Feng Shui recommends...

Surely you have heard the expression “Three crosses gait” more than once, implicitly believing that you need to act immediately and quickly. This expression entered the Russian language at a time when cavalry was the most mobile branch of the military, meaning to carry out orders from superiors as quickly as possible. When the commander handed the package to the messenger, it indicated at what speed the report should be delivered. If the envelope showed three crosses (+++) - an immediate gallop, then the messenger had to go to the destination as quickly as possible, rushing at full speed.

- And what does Chinese metaphysics have to do with it? - You ask me... - Well, yes, in the past they not only delivered dispatches on horses, but also plowed. And they moved either on foot, or on horseback or in horse-drawn carriages. Today is the era of progress... But by the way, what other horses could there be?

And despite the fact that we are talking about a symbolic star, one of the most famous in Ba-Tzu and Feng Shui - the Traveling Horse. It is also called the Postal Horse or the Horse of Wealth.

The Traveling Horse means movement, it accelerates and sets in motion all processes. In practice, the techniques used to activate the Traveling Horse give amazing results. Sometimes, very unexpected ones, which may even seem completely undesirable at first. In such a situation, take this as a sign from above, a hint from the universe on where to move next, so that you can change your life and get something more...

This star characterizes the general factors of time, and also has an individual character.

Where to look for the Traveling Horse? - Look for it in your date of birth.

It is one of the four Earthly Branches: Snake, Monkey, Pig or Tiger. Almost every person has two Traveling Horses, except in cases where the Earthly Branch of the Day and the Earthly Branch of the Year are represented by one sign in the date of birth (for example, a person was born on the day of the Dragon and in the year of the Dragon).

To analyze a person’s Ba Tzu chart, the Traveling Horse is used, calculated by day, and for Feng Shui practice, calculated by the year of his birth.

Traveling Horse in Bazi Map

In Ba-Tzu, this star shows how active and easy-going a person is. If you have one or more of these stars in your birth chart, then we can say that you are a great lover of travel and adventure.

Typically, such a person chooses a profession associated with constant travel, business trips, transportation, tours, presentations or reporting. It is likely that he will often change his place of residence or place of work, just so as not to get bored. A Traveling Horse indicates that its owner is quite sociable, easily makes acquaintances and establishes new connections, strives to exchange information, quickly adapts to new conditions and is not afraid of the next changes in life.

If there is no Traveling Horse in the card itself, then a person’s luck is activated only from time to time, namely with the arrival of the corresponding periods - a beat or a year. Suddenly there is a desire to go somewhere or change something in your life. Or, out of the blue, dramatic changes occur, including, against the will of the person himself... For example, a person was born on the day of the Goat and the year of the Dog, his Travelers become more active with the arrival of the Snake and/or Monkey. Here is the current year 2016 - the year of the Fire Monkey is the year of the Traveling Horse for people born under the signs of the Tiger, Horse or Dog.

In addition, please pay attention to the fact that the Monkey is a participant in fiery punishment , which manifests itself in the form of uncontrollable emotions and increased speeds, unjustified risk and, as a result, accidents and injuries.

All the animals included in the fire punishment - the Tiger, the Snake and the Monkey - are Traveling Horses. Therefore, people who have all three signs, or two, or one of them in their Ba-Tzu chart, need to be extremely careful at such times, especially when going on the road.

By the element (Water, Wood, Fire, Metal) representing this symbolic star, one can judge the nature of the coming changes. For example, your Traveling Horse is a Tiger (Wood element), while the Wood element for you is money, which means that your movements will be related to earning and/or receiving income.

The Traveling Horse can only be useful in a high phase of Qi in relation to the Lord of the Day, such as Prosperity. Then the person will experience great success and a career take-off.

In a low stage, such as the Decay or Grave phase, success is unlikely. In this case, the person himself does not know what he wants, wanders aimlessly through life and is constantly afraid of something. And if there is still a conflict between the Earthly Branches, then we are faced with a loner, a hermit.

Traveling Horse in selecting dates

If you need to speed up something, say, the sale of real estate, a car or any other property, you can choose a good day and use the hour of the Traveling Horse on it. At this time, you will need to place an ad for sale or send a request to the appropriate authority.

Last year, my husband suddenly came up with the idea of ​​selling a set of wheels from a Hyundai Sonata, which had been kept in the garage for almost five years for some reason. It would be a pity to throw it away - since it’s a necessary thing in the household...

The announcement was placed on a certain date (to be honest, not a good one, since the deadlines were running out - the season was coming to an end, and soon it would be necessary to “re-shoe” the iron horses into winter shoes) and the hour of the Traveling Horse.

In the evening of the next day, my husband became sad, saying, who needs wheels from a car that has long been discontinued. To which I only promised him to choose another date so that the sale could be re-announced. However, I didn't have to do this. The buyer arrived on the tenth day. The wheels went off, believe it or not, at the market price prevailing at the time of sale.

If a difficult situation has developed in your life, and despite all your efforts you feel stagnant in business, start taking action by choosing the right moment, having first looked at the calendar of favorable dates . The result will not take long to arrive.

Traveling Horse in Feng Shui

Of course, houses and apartments also have the Traveling Horse. It can also be activated if you need to give movement to any event - speed up the sale of real estate, decide to move or a long-awaited trip... It is very important that in the Traveling Horse sector of your home there are no bulky furniture, cabinets, chests, things piled up, - everything that blocks Qi movement.

You can find the sectors of the Traveling Horse in your house or apartment using a compass and a template of 24 mountains (see the picture below).

And do not forget that by activating the Traveling Horse, we are thus intentionally accelerating all processes - positive and negative. Therefore, if you have bad Feng Shui in your house, then you will provoke big troubles, but if Feng Shui is good, you will be able to get the desired result very soon.


As you can see, the Traveling Horse is the star that sets in motion almost every aspect of our lives. If you manage to make friends with her, rest assured that she will take you to your intended goal very quickly.

Time flies inexorably, saddle your Horses and be the first in life!

Oksana Golubova Feng Shui practitioner. Astrologer - analyst, forecaster. Business strategist.

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Combination of horse with other animals

In Feng Shui, the horse goes very well with other animals. The monkey is considered one of the most popular mascots and is used in various forms. For example, a monkey proudly sitting on a horse indicates rapid career success. Such a talisman is a must-have for employees of large corporations, politicians, and military personnel. It not only has a positive effect on your career, but also protects you from failures in life. It also helps you make quick decisions.

Another interesting mascot associated with the horse is the unicorn. He is depicted with the body of a horse combined with a dragon's head. If you place a figurine at home, it will bring success and prosperity to all inhabitants of the home, as well as longevity and good luck.

Pair of horses


Previously we have already looked at several symbolic Stars:
- The Star of the Noble Man

- Academician's Star

— Flower of Romance

- Three sha.

Let me remind you that under the above names lies one or another sign of the eastern horoscope, which carries information about a person as an individual, and also helps to predict what events await him in a particular period.

Moreover, we consider symbolic Stars not only at the level of analyzing the bazi chart and the coming period, but also at the level of choosing favorable dates for important events, as well as at the level of Feng Shui.

This article is about the symbolic Star of the Traveling Horse.

The Traveling Horse is one of the four signs of the eastern horoscope: Tiger, Snake, Monkey, Pig.

I think the name of this symbolic Star speaks for itself.

First of all, it is a pointer to travel, movement, relocation.

If you go deeper, it’s activity, speed, quick actions, quick results. You can call this Star an accelerator of all processes.

People who have at least one of these signs in their chart are, as a rule, active and active, and do not like routine and monotony.

If there are at least two Traveling Horses in the chart, then a person often chooses a profession that involves a quick “change of scenery” and a lot of movement and travel. Such people may move frequently from place to place or even choose to live outside their own country.

If this Star is not in the chart itself, then it can come in a 10-year period, year, month, and also bring certain trends into our lives.

You can find out if your card contains one of the PL signs using a calculator.

What might the sign of the Traveling Horse indicate in a chart, depending on where it is located?

If the sign of PL is in the year , then this is an indication that people are active and active and do not like monotony in life. This is especially evident in Tigers and Monkeys - these signs are always on horseback! In a good way.

These are innovators and transformers, and they are always there when something needs to be rebuilt, transformed, reformatted. Of course, the degree of activity depends on other elements in the chart, but the general trend is this.

If the sign of PL is in the month , then such people, as a rule, choose a profession associated with the need to change and transform something. These are not long-distance runners - they like to get quick results. Their work often involves business trips, travel, and movement. It is difficult for them to work as an accountant or librarian and work 5 days a week from 9 to 6. If they are forced to do this, they suffer a lot.

If the PL sign is on the day , then this is an indication that a person may often change his place of residence, and also that the husband/wife may be a foreigner, or may be connected with the road in one way or another.

If the submarine is in an hour , then this is one of the factors of living abroad. Alternatively, an indicator that the children will leave their father’s house early.

If PL comes in a 10-year period of luck , then this is an indication that many changes may occur in a person’s life. This is a period full of all sorts of events, sometimes very unexpected. When the PL comes, it is recommended to move and move more for 10 years, otherwise the Horse itself will force you to do this, and without much ceremony. And this especially applies to those people for whom a personal Traveling Horse comes, which is determined by the day and year of birth.

Important! You need to understand that these are only general trends! When analyzing a bazi map, we look at the entire map as a whole, and take into account the strength of the elements in the map, Personality Type, and combinations of signs. But you can trace some correspondences, both in you and in people close to you.

What does the horse figurine symbolize?

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the image of a horse brings energy of success, glory, freedom and speed. These are exactly the feelings that most people associate with animal energy. Other characteristics associated with horses are prosperity, forward movement or mobility, advancement or growth, loyalty, endurance, success and victory.

According to Feng Shui, all images or figurines of a horse are conventionally divided into three types: festive, victorious and gift. They have the following characteristics:

The festive symbol is depicted in the form of a horse rearing up. It brings its owner untold success and recognition from others.

The winning symbol depicts a galloping bareback horse. It is installed in order to defeat opponents and achieve success in their industry. The freedom-loving, bareback animal is used for achievements in business, victory in sporting competitions and career advancement.

The gift symbol is depicted in the form of a horse, which is loaded with stones and jewelry. It helps to achieve fame and growth in social status. Also depicted bareback and free. The most favorable color for the symbol is white; in movement, the animal can help you regain focus and guide you along the path of success.

Red horses, especially galloping ones, are symbols of strength and aggression. These images are commonly used in offices to achieve business success. White horses on the move help ensure a steady or smooth flow of money for businesses and homes.

Individual horses placed next to each other (or images of horses in pairs) can strengthen business or personal relationships. Animals depicted in large groups (three, five or eight) are strong symbols of power and victory.

Where is the best place to position the horse?

  1. South. The southern sector of your home or office is one of the best places to place the horse symbol. This is the area of ​​your fame and reputation.
  2. North. The northern area of ​​your home or office is the second best place to place an image of a horse (or several animals). This is considered your career zone.
  3. Southwest. If you love horses and want to use their imagery in your Feng Shui love and marriage area—the southwest space of your home—choose a decor item that features two horses rather than one or three.

In general, there are possible options for using the Post Horse symbol. And don’t forget that you also need to believe in such a Feng Shui assistant.

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