7 killer in the women's chart. Ba Tzu, Chinese astrology, Ba Tzu card, human destiny, earthly luck, prediction, Chinese horoscope

7th killer in Bazi women

For those who are far from bazi, I will explain. The 7th killer is not some terrible criminal authority, it is the 7th element from the Daytime dominant in the circle of wuxing. A lot of bad things have been written about the 7th killer, and in fact, one cannot expect love and tenderness from this element, because this element is equal to ours in polarity and has no mercy. In Bazi, traditionally the husband is the Right Authority, and the 7th murderer is the Lover for the woman. But what if a woman only has the 7th killer in her chart? Will she never get married? Or will she always have lovers? Yes and no. Let's look at an example.

The female card is the famous actress Michel Mercier, who played the role of Angelique based on the novel by Anne and Serge Golon.

Beautiful Lady of the Day Wu Xu, Yang Earth on a Dog. The mountain loves coolness, it likes it when Water flows through it - Michelle was born in the month of the Rat, it is cold, but cold Water here is greatly spent on the generation of Trees. The tree prospers, although it does not acquire a season, is generated by the Wealth-Rat. There is hypercontrol of the Tree over the Mountain here. Imagine that the Mountain is overgrown with huge oak trees with powerful roots that penetrate inside and turn over stones, destroying the structure of the mountain - this will be the image of this map. The forest is thick and dark, not a single gap.

The Lady of the Day sits in the Grave phase, and in the annual pillar is Sister Wu in the Birth phase. Birth is a high phase, which suggests that the owner of the card will always be more successful representing someone else. And indeed, Michelle is actually Jocelyn, and Michelle was the name of her deceased sister, whom her parents loved much more. But that's not all - after all, Michelle was wanted, imagined, loved and hated all her life as Angelique, the Marchioness of the Angels.

If we imagine in real life a woman whose chart may correspond to this picture, then it will be a woman who is surrounded by strong, successful men who are quite unceremonious with her, force her to do as they want, without asking her wishes, come and they take it. And, if such a woman wants to be happy (provided that this is not a Follow card), she needs to learn to stand on her own two feet. Create support in the form of work, income, become strong. Michelle Mercier was a very strong woman, from a very young age she overcame pain, suffering and betrayal, as well as her mother’s dislike. She always worked very hard, which was also predetermined by the month of her birth - Direct Wealth. There is also a lot of money in her card, but it seems to be hidden, that is, it is not there. Depends on the beat.

If you want to imagine the image of a female card with strong 7 killers, remember the films about Angelique. What she was at first - daring, brave, but she was forced to retreat before the strong will of the surrounding men. Even the authorities were cruel to her, this is also a sign of a card with strong 7 killers. More than once they wanted to poison her and kill her, but each time she came out unscathed, and became much stronger and more influential, she became the Marquise of the angels, literally demonstrating the laws of her bazi card. We can say that Michelle Mercier played her bazi card in the films about Angelique. However, the reality, as always, is much more complicated.

The director of the theater where she served as a ballerina tried to rape her, which is why 17-year-old Michelle went back home. And, unfortunately, this was not the last attempt when men mocked her - this is her card. She is too brave, brave - with 4 Tigers. Too bright and attractive - with Wine Peach Flower. The stars loved her and even the Shah of Persia wanted to make her his wife. But the 7th killers in her bazi are real Devils, to whom she, however, never surrendered.

“I’m sure that somewhere out there, far away, behind the clouds, the sun is always hiding”

Michel Mercier

If Michelle had been born in May-June, her life would not have been half as bright, and she would have lived much less, for example, one of the men would definitely have killed her, such an attempt was made, by the way. And she would have children. And much more eccentricity. But Michelle had the nickname “touchy” in her youth, although she calmly played prostitutes and fallen women. And there are no children, because in her chart the energy that consumes children’s self-expression is too strong. Her husbands control her children; they were the ones who decided whether children would be born or not. This is also visible in the map.

Michelle had many novels, but experts in her biography identify 2 official marriages and 2 unofficial ones as the main ones. The first husband is a Tiger of the year. Tiger is the first to see big money in her card. And indeed, when she lived with him, everything was fine with her, she was at the peak of her fame. Happiness did not work out - he began to drink and cheat. And in order to divorce him, she had to pay him a tidy sum.

Second husband, race driver - Jia on the Rat. The wine peach flower, too sensual, partial to drink, riotous, loses its season in the Rat. And he also sees money for himself in her card. He actually ruined her, taking away what her first husband could not get his hands on.

There was also a politician husband who also cheated on her, and the man with whom she lived as a family and accepted his children as her own was happy, but, unfortunately, he died of cancer. This can be seen in the bars of her map.

In 1976, she divorced her racing driver husband, and at the age of 45 she already had her last affair with an Italian prince, which did not end in anything, so these two husbands just fell into the gap from the age of 38. What can you say - the strongest Spirit of pleasure brought other people's children into her life, but cut off the men in the bud. Her relationship didn't stand a chance. Subsequent beats completely eliminated marriage - 10 years before her 58 beat of the strongest Wealth Robber took away her advantages over her competitors.

Now the actress lives very poorly, which is also predetermined by her chart; with such a strong 7U in the hour, a rich life in old age is unlikely. Like many wise, sensitive people, Michel Mercier instinctively feels his bazi.

“Some people cry when they learn about this diagnosis, but I remain stoic, as always,” Mercier shared in an interview. “ But I just feel like an animal locked in a forest thicket .”

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Friends and Wealth Robbers

This is the seventh lesson in the basics of Bazi and Feng Shui.

In this lesson you will become acquainted with the DEITIES.

Reading BATZI cards is based on reading the 10 DIVINES.

The most important thing is to make it a rule that you don’t need to cram anything!

UNDERSTANDING is important in reading Bazi cards from nature images. Once you understand natural processes, you will understand the processes occurring in the BAZI chart. Always look around at nature and check:

  • How can this or that process be seen in nature?
  • Is it good or bad?

Write these two questions down in red ink and memorize them!

What are Deities in the BATZI chart?

Deities are the names of the spheres of influence of certain factors on a person’s life. There are 10 Deities in total. In any BATZI card they will be called the same. But for each person they will be represented by different elements of nature, depending on what nature your Personality Element belongs to. Deities are determined depending on the YIN or YANG polarity for each Personality Element.

We will look at each of the 10 Deities, for each Element of Personality.

In order for this to be useful to you, and you can immediately distinguish between these Deities, without looking at the tables, I suggest that you arm yourself with a pen and a notepad, and go through this lesson with me. In the pictures you will find your Personality Element, write down their names YOURSELF, and understand what their difference is. Draw a table in a notebook and write down the names of the Deities in it. As you progress through the lesson, you will fill in all the empty cells of the table. It is necessary to write down both the Heavenly Trunk and the Earthly Branch, which are represented in your chart by one or another Deity. At the end of this lesson, I will post all the completed tables for each Personality Element, and you can test yourself. But don’t rush to look into them, work on it yourself, it’s for your own benefit.


The 10 Deities are:

Deities Friends and Wealth Robbers - represented by the same element of nature as your Personality Element.

  • For example, if you are a Tree, and you see another Tree in your map, these are your Friends.
  • If you are a Tree and see an element of the other polarity - a Flower, this is your Wealth Robber.

Each picture has a Personality Element written in the middle, find yours and write down in the table which element FOR YOU represents FRIENDS and which represents WEALTH ROBBERS. Write down both the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. For example, I AM A YANG TREE.

The deities DEVOURING GOD and WOUNDING OFFICER are the elements that you produce.

  • If you are a YANG Tree, and you see YANG Fire, of the same polarity with you, then this is the Devouring God for you. If you are a YANG Tree, and you see YIN Fire, of the opposite polarity with you, then this is your Wounding Officer.

Each picture has a Personality Element written in the middle, find yours and write down in the table which element FOR YOU represents the Devouring God and which represents the Wounding Officer. Write down both the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. For example, I AM A YANG TREE.

The deities DIRECT WEALTH AND INDIRECT WEALTH are the elements that you control.

  • If you are a YANG Tree, and you see a YANG Earth of the same polarity as you, then this is Indirect Wealth for you.
  • If you are a YANG Tree, and you see a YIN Tree of opposite polarity to you, then this is your Direct Wealth.

Each picture has a Personality Element written in the middle, find yours and write down in the table which element FOR YOU represents Direct Wealth and which represents Indirect Wealth. Write down both the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. For example, I AM A YANG TREE.

The deities OFFICER and the 7th KILLER are the elements that control you.

  • If you are a YANG Tree, and you see a YANG Metal of the same polarity as you, then this is the 7th Killer for you.
  • If you are a YANG Tree, and you see YIN Metal, the polarity opposite to you, then this is your Officer.

Each picture has a Personality Element written in the middle, find yours and write down in the table which element FOR YOU represents the 7th Killer and which represents the Officer. Write down both the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. For example, I AM A YANG TREE.

The DIRECT RESOURCE and INDIRECT RESOURCE deities are the elements that support your Personality Element.

  • If you are a Yang Tree, and you see Yang Water of the same polarity as you, then this is an Indirect Resource for you.
  • If you are a Yang Tree, and you see Yin Water, the polarity opposite to you, then this is your Direct Resource.

Each picture has a Personality Element written in the middle, find yours and write down in the table which element FOR YOU represents an Indirect Resource and which represents a Direct Resource. Write down both the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. For example, I AM A YANG TREE.

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