Hexagram 58 (DUY. Joy) - interpretation and meaning of the symbol

Fortune telling online > On the Book of Changes > Interpretation of hexagrams > 58

Title: Blow/Joy Judgment: Joy. Success. Persistence is appreciated. Image: Image of Joy: lakes lying on top of each other. So a great man joins friends to discuss important matters and practice.

Hexagram 58, Blow, Joy

Penetration into the depth of the situation leads a person, according to the I Ching book, to achieve the desired goal, and this brings satisfaction and joy.

True, there is a possibility of an increase in complacency, therefore hexagram 58 is an interpretation of the individual’s new experiences after his achievements in detail. Joy should not only spread to one subject, but also extend to the environment, so that there is no isolation on oneself.

Hexagram 58, Blow, Joy (Conductivity).


Accomplishment. Favorable fortitude.

The symbol shows a person that now the greatest danger in his life is the abuse of his own pleasure. It is necessary to show maximum generosity, not giving yourself entirely to joy, but making sure that your actions are correct.

The sign is represented by the double of the trigram of Permission. This means that luck will meet a person in all areas of life and he will stop being sad. However, you should pay attention to your speeches, avoiding gossip and condemnation. But on the contrary, you can safely listen to the good advice of friends.

The pictogram shows that now there is no need to be nervous about your possible powerlessness in business: happiness is almost on the threshold. Be calm and enjoy some mental relaxation. The right time comes for trading and singing.

Hexagram 58, Blow, Joy, ensures that a good mood will help solve money problems and improve communication. But you shouldn’t lose your sense of reality and relax completely. Do not go to extremes and do not succumb to excesses, so as not to fall off your lucky streak. It is useful to do charity work or travel now.

Meaning and interpretation of each line

  • Bottom line. A state of peace, tranquility, spiritual harmony and security can be called great success, and the combination of two opposite principles is called happiness.
  • Second line. You are confident that you are right in this dispute, but do not forget that everyone has their own truth, and it is multifaceted. Therefore, the joy of winning the dispute will be short-lived.
  • Third line. You are satisfied with life, but this cannot be called happiness, from the outside it does not look like that, and what they tell you about this is not true.
  • Fourth line. Each person may have his own truth and his own views on life, to avoid conflicts, start talking. This will help solve many problems and avoid unnecessary quarrels.
  • Fifth line. A state of euphoria encourages excessive talkativeness; this can lead to irreparable mistakes; not everyone around you is sincere and friendly; there are also plenty of ill-wishers.
  • Top line. A fun party has weakened your vigilance, which has led to a loss of control over your affairs. It’s good that we noticed it in time, it could have been worse.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • At the beginning there is nine . Joy be with the world. Nowadays, respect should be shown by obedience, not by ostentatious deference. With a good upbringing there is always a chance of getting rich. Circumstances encourage hard work. Human desires are quite understandable and real.
  • Nine second . Sincerity in joy brings good luck and eliminates disappointment. Great undertakings are spoiled by excesses in detail. Do not listen to friends who convince you of the importance of money and luxury, because this promises you only vanity and disaster. If a lie is repeated several times, it becomes the truth.
  • Third six . Joy turns out to come and bring failure. A person is lucky only in the love sphere. The lack of one’s own opinion makes a person uncollected and spineless. The I Ching book connects the interpretation of this Yao with the image of a worn-out cart and a tired horse.
  • Nine four . Only getting rid of mistakes brings happiness. Restless joy has weight. You need to catch luck by the tail and avoid dangers. There is a risk of falling into a well, avoiding holes. It's time to realize that most entertainment doesn't bring you satisfaction, and then choose something that will help you liven up.
  • Fifth nine . It is dangerous to be sincere about something that can ruin you. The monkeys escape from the falling tree in time. You shouldn't lie to yourself or other people now. Even nice people may not have a goal, so you need to part with them.
  • Six from the top . Joy is seductive. No need to cry over spilled milk. Try to think in advance about bad consequences rather than good ones. If you are drawn from one pleasure to another, people will rightly decide that nothing good will happen with you.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. Initially, joy arises from human achievements. In them, in these results, lies the ideal correspondence between the efforts made and the final results of the actions. That is, it is harmony that leads to positive experiences of the individual. The individual is in a streak of luck and mental satisfaction.
  2. The Chinese Book of Changes reduces the meaning of the second trait to truthfulness. It is this that represents human joy, because it is complete in itself, holistic and absolute. The truth is on the side of the subject, he said goodbye to doubts and became self-sufficient.
  3. Movement into the external environment is the essence of the hexagram, since joy must be spread to the environment. But the steps are from top to bottom, i.e. to the internal sphere, on the contrary, indicate an unfavorable outcome of the situation. Closing in on oneself leads exclusively to failure and separation from the world. Now there is no need to prove obvious truths to others, wasting your time and energy on it.
  4. A full study of the sign shows that after experiencing a crisis situation, harmony can be built again. Joy is restored because there is an agreement between the two parties (the individual himself and his environment). Only equality has not yet been observed, although a simple truce and agreement to concessions are reassuring.
  5. If the joy is too great, a person can become blind and distribute it to all the people around him, without distinguishing good and bad individuals. But when joy comes to negative characters, the individual himself experiences nothing but horror. You need to survive such a situation in order to later find your place in the world and return to harmony. You still need to act in order not to dwell on your interests and needs and transform your environment.
  6. The interpretation of hexagram 58 from the Book of Changes in this position is no longer limited to spreading joy. Even the stage of creativity for the sake of others has become obsolete. Now a person becomes isolated on his experiences and remains alone with them. This does not correspond to the overall objectives of the situation, but does not lead to unhappiness, because everything needed was given earlier.

So what is it - stupidity in the psychological sense

This desire is for constancy. This desire is to “be normal”...

What features does this show in the picture of life?

  • a person who is stupid in a psychological sense wants there to be no such Meanings that are incomprehensible to his Consciousness;
  • he wants Death to not exist;
  • he wants there to be no Wolf in fairy tales and protects his children from such fairy tales (this is why his children, having matured a little, begin to gorge themselves on “horror films”);
  • he wants there to be no Loneliness and hides his own loneliness under the dirty rags of fake social contacts,
  • he increasingly prefers to watch only “family comedies” in the cinema and criticizes everything that makes him think and feel sad.

Here's how cool LiveJournal users spoke about such perversions of taste (I can't help but quote this little literary masterpiece from the Internet):

  • stupidity in a psychological sense is ignorance of one’s Shadow traits (and they can be either truly Dark or, conversely, Light),
  • This is a persistent need not to have any pronounced features at all.
  • this is functioning on the material plane, avoiding the spiritual plane,
  • this is a passion for that petty-bourgeois fuss, which in this environment is called “Life” and really replaces life itself.

So, what has a beneficial effect (within reasonable limits) on a woman as the organizer and keeper of the Hearth, inevitably destroys a man.

Is this why Moomintroll Papa set off on a meaningless voyage with the hatifnatts, just to get further away, away from his Cozy Home? Don't be afraid - dad is back.

Is this why Tove Jansson came up with this story about real dads - who are carried away by the wind of sea adventures, thrown to a new place, and then in a new place it is already possible to build a new house - better than the previous one, or at least equip an old lighthouse as a home?


Did you still get hexagram No. 32?

Therefore, throw the gun in the trunk and return home. Others leave on their own.

They will come for you.

Elena Nazarenko

www.live-and-learn.ru – psychological portal of the “1000 ideas” center

The center's original development is a method of working with the unconscious using psychological maps. Read more…

Expanded interpretation of the sign

Now a person should think about further development, so that future situations do not seem too sudden and unpleasant to him. Achieving the final goal is already as close as possible, so the long-awaited fulfillment of the dream lies ahead. True, new desires will be realized a little later than the oldest and most secret thoughts. But you can’t do without an extraordinary feeling of joy in such conditions of luck.

A multidimensional study of the I Ching book shows that fate confronts a person with difficulties precisely during prosperous periods of life. This is necessary so that the individual is not too seduced by material successes and achievements. The current hexagram tells you how to maintain a sober view of things and consolidate your successes without losses and mistakes.

When the pure joy of realizing a desire wanes, it is replaced by extraneous feelings and emotions that are not very positive and sincere. Being satiated with results does not allow you to grow spiritually, and jealously comparing your successes with others completely inhibits the development of positive traits. The symbol warns about this, revealing the disappointing results of narcissism.

Decoding the sign speaks about the important role of generosity in communicating with people. Here, first of all, it means breadth of soul and the ability to share one’s own knowledge. It may be good for a person to be alone now, but he should not withdraw into himself.

Ruthlessly parting with the best moments of life, with experiences and emotions helps to strengthen the individual’s confidence. Opportunities to acquire something new appear only after complete dedication. Therefore, at work you should not only work for selfish interests. Think about how the activity will benefit many people, then the end results will be worthy.

Hexagram 58, the expanded interpretation of which is also associated with penetration into the situation at the previous stage, requires a person to move from cautiously finding the shadow to benevolent open communication. It is necessary to communicate with those in whom the individual is directly interested: family, friends, colleagues. You can even behave like a child, directly, sincerely and even playfully. In the current period of life, there is nothing wrong with recognizing the world as a big holiday. Show your affection, sympathy, laughter.

In a friendly and joyful mood, a person is able to easily open up ideas, thoughts and dreams to others. It is also not difficult to convince others that your plans can and should be accepted. Now people will constantly look for a repeat meeting with an individual. Therefore, join the energy of optimism to become a happy and successful person.

Why is it so sad

The fact is that constancy (as most sages and people simply striving to understand the world believe), constancy contradicts the Cosmos, which is Dynamics.

In the midst of life's changes, consistency is an almost impossible situation. This is an illusion that people create for themselves, and from it they die.

The I Ching (“Book of Changes”) does not throw out this “practically impossible situation” but finds a place for it in its structure. But how bitter and sad are the comments on this hexagram!

The central commentary-prediction of hexagram No. 32 is as follows:

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • A woman standing near a small box expresses the ideal period for a wedding.
  • A scientist enters the gazebo. The personification of unexpected career growth or climbing the social ladder.
  • The moon is visible in the sky - a symbol of a strong union.
  • A man sits on a rocker. According to the Chinese book, this is an expression of relaxation, time to rest from responsibilities.
  • The arrow lies on the papers. A sign of first place in the list.
  • The central symbol is that rain falls everywhere on time.
  • The main image is that bodies of water can refresh the entire area.

How to interpret a symbol for fortune telling

  • In love relationships, there is a real dizziness from success. Joy and flirtation, a thirst for entertainment, reign in this area. At the same time, all meetings with a partner are filled with poetry and sublimity.
  • Human health is at the proper level. No surges in chronic diseases or unexpected disasters are planned.
  • Business is booming, as the I Ching shows. The Book of Changes interpretation of this area of ​​activity comes down to receiving funds from various sources. All sponsors are active, especially quickly providing funding for trips related to antiques.
  • Interpersonal communication develops at the proper level. Spouses are not envious or enemies of each other in the family. You can be completely happy with yourself and your life.
  • The political and social spheres briefly resemble a heavenly region. All hopes are justified, and plans come true. A person engages in creation in the name of the common good and becomes enlightened. Such qualities as self-confidence and determination are useful at this moment. There is a risk of excessive euphoria.

Hexagram 58 is an interpretation of pleasant life moments that should definitely be shared with near and dear people. Chinese traditions teach a person that gifts of fate must be repaid in full to the world around him, so there is no need to skimp on emotions and all possible support.

  • 02.06.2014
  • Tags: I Ching

Hexagram No. 58 (DUY): “love” interpretation

The situation symbolized by the Dui hexagram is not so much a prediction of the future as advice on how to make it more positive than it can be. And first of all, this applies to love relationships, in which there are small but rarefied moments. You should work on your bad habits, because no matter how insignificant they are, sooner or later they can become the sparks that will erupt into big scandals and quarrels that can ruin even the best love relationships.

Also, the Dui hexagram reminds you that in a love relationship it is very important to communicate with the one you love and do not be afraid to ask him for advice.

Also, the appearance of the Dui hexagram in a love scenario indicates that your system of adequately assessing yourself is now being tested for strength. If you are a slave to pride and think that you know everything, that you can handle everything yourself, then your fate is not enviable, since very soon you will find yourself in a hopeless situation, the way out of which will be very traumatic for your psyche. To avoid this, hurry to seek help from authoritative people, those who are distinguished by wisdom and a sober outlook on life. The one who keeps all-round defense always loses. Look for allies among thoughtful and kind people, and then success will not take long to arrive.

Description of hexagram 18 Gu Corruption

Hexagram 18, hexagram 51, in its semantic load means a period of decay, damage and hidden threat. A person will be faced with a unique challenge: to find the source of damage and get rid of it in such a way that a new cycle will begin. This is the time of confrontation with that which is depraved. The best way out now is to enter the flow of life with a clear goal that has gone through the formalization process.

As a result, you can receive benefits and corresponding enlightenment. It is necessary to prepare seriously for changes, carefully contemplating them and, if the opportunity arises, taking action to direct them. This period helps to awaken hidden potential, since these are the actions that will help correct the current situation and restore the shaken order.

Book of Changes: hexagram 58 interpretation

Written by admin on 04/07/2014. in the Category: fortune telling using the book of changes

Hexagram 58. Blow. Joy.

The symbol indicates the need to communicate with other people and symbolizes a time of mutually beneficial exchange. This hexagram is directly related to everything related to discussion and the organs of speech.

The current depressed mood will soon pass, happiness is already close and on its way to you.

Refrain from criticism, do not speak ill of others, even if there is a reason for this. Better listen to friendly advice.

The present time is extremely favorable for trading and singing. Here you can show all your eloquence.

There is something in your life that you cannot change. Don't be nervous or upset about this.

Joy and luck are on the way. Stay calm, wait for good changes, and you will be happy.

To interpret the next hexagram, go to the page Book of Changes and interpretation of hexagrams.

Explanation for the interpretation of hexagram 58. Joy

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not completely clear and seems vague to you, read the explanation of the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you more correctly understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question is Blow - Joy.

The hieroglyph depicts a person saying something.

Interaction, contact area, open surface, mutual penetration. Encourage expression, persuasion. Joy, pleasure, fun. Responsive, free. Exchange, barter, collect, trade. Speech; coming from the mouth; spoken words; fog over the water.

Semantic connections of hexagram 58. Dui

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be imagined as symbolizing time for pleasure, communication with people and mutually beneficial exchange. Please and amuse people, feel free to express your personality. Bargain, purchase, exchange information. This is the period when you can openly show yourself and see people.

The time is favorable for meetings with friends and joint activities with people. Convince and inspire them, make them happy. People will forget how hard the work is if you explain the need for it before they start. They will endure any adversity if you clearly express and explain the reasons for what is happening to them. Such is the power of speeches and inspiring words, such is the joy of open communication.

Description of hexagram 38 Kui Discord

The interpretation of hexagram 38 is based on the 2nd hexagram of directly opposite energies and forces - Fire and Water, Yang and Yin, when the first strives upward with all its might, the second downwards. When water extinguishes fire, steam is produced, which sets in motion even the heaviest and most complex mechanisms. If you interpret this symbol, you can note the following:

The hexagram notes that relationships between lovers are complicated by the contradictions that exist between them, passion goes away, and conflicts intensify. Your own business is also marked by instability, it is replete with losses, and even the most reliable partners disagree in the field of common affairs. The situation in society is very precarious, as well as in the political field, conflicts and misunderstandings among fellow party members are likely

It is important to clearly analyze the situation. Interpersonal interaction in a person is complicated by a variety of mistakes, which is why the advice of a more experienced and wise person is so important

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