Calculation of Feng Shui numbers by date of birth: determining your element

Date value

The Chinese horoscope is somewhat different from the standard one.
It includes ten character types, which are represented by a certain element with the corresponding energy. In Feng Shui, there has always been an opinion that man is in a very close connection with nature. It is she who shapes his character and leads to certain life events. Knowing that you belong to a certain element allows you to develop certain character traits or try to extinguish the most undesirable ones. The interpretation of the Chinese horoscope helps you find harmony within yourself.

Color by date

According to the basics of Feng Shui, every person has a color - a patron, which, under the influence of a number of circumstances, can have a positive impact on a person’s life.
In order to find out your lucky color, you need to determine your individual number. The last digit of the year of birth is taken as the basis. If it is 1992, then the patronizing number will be two. If this is 1887, then seven should be taken as a basis.

But it is very important to consider the month of birth, since there should be a coincidence with the Chinese horoscope. By determining your personal number, you can find out your lucky color.

The Personality Element is the main sign in the Bazi birth chart.

Many are familiar with the popular eastern horoscope of 12 animals, where you can read what properties a person born in a particular year has. Some of these descriptions actually fit. But in fact, the horoscope of the twelve animals is only part of the Chinese astrology Bazi 4 pillars of fate.

So if you want to more thoroughly understand the traits of human character, then you need to start not with the year of birth, but with the element of the birthday, called the element of personality. From it you can judge what your inner world is like; this is where the main characteristics are stored.

To find out the element of the personality element, you need to convert the calendar date of birth into the format of Chinese characters. This can be done using an online calculator that counts the pillars of fate. Go to the Bazi calculator and enter your full date of birth. The sign that you will see in the “ day ” column in the top line will be - Personality Element .

Other signs also influence fate and character; they show human qualities - relationships between people, behavior and much more. But it is the Personal Element that is the main sign in the birth chart.

It is represented by one of the elements of the Five Elements system: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. Each of them, according to the Yin-Yang principle, can be Yang or Yin. Thus, the five elements form 10 different signs, that is, 10 different types of personality with their own distinctive characteristics.

Find out personal element

Characteristics of personal element signs

The Yang tree is a powerful tree. It means internally strong people who hold tightly to their principles and will not compromise. After all, a large tall tree is more likely to break than bend.

More about the Yang Tree personality

Yin tree - flowers and plants. A person of this type, on the contrary, is quite flexible and easily adapts to circumstances. These are smart people, they can change, lean in the right direction when circumstances require it.

More about the Yin Tree personality

Yang Fire is associated with bright solar fire. They are bright, warm people who are easy to make friends with. They are open, honest, generous, speak directly and do not harbor anger. They shine like the sun, warming those around them with their warmth.

More about the Fire Yang personality

Yin fire is like the flame of a candle or torch. Such a light constantly flickers, it is unstable, which means that a person of Yin fire is also unstable in his mood, he has high sensitivity and a very hot temperament.

More about the Yin Fire personality

Earth Yang is a mountain man, strong, reliable, but somewhat heavy, both literally and figuratively. That is, such people are conservative, stubborn, inflexible, and it is very difficult to convince them of anything.

More about the Earth Yang personality

Yin land is artificially cultivated soil, a fertile garden where cultivated plants grow. The people of this verse are also cultured, intelligent and caring. They have very strong parental instincts.

More about Yin Earth personality

Yang metal is the hard steel used to make weapons. A person of Yang metal has the qualities of a leader, he is reliable, devoted, faithful. But he can become a dangerous destroyer because he does not think about small things and ignores delicate things.

More about the Metal Yang personality

Yin metal is a precious jewelry metal from which jewelry is made. People with this personality element are often beautiful, well-groomed, and take good care of themselves. But behind the external attractiveness lies sharpness and hardness. Metal is metal.

More about the Yin Metal personality

Yang water is the water of large rivers, seas and oceans. A person of this element is like a wave - he goes forward, advances and never turns. Energy overwhelms him, and therefore sometimes he can be careless.

More about the Water Yang personality

Yin water is a stream, drops of rain and dew. People of this sign are modest, patient, pleasant, and always smiling. But they are not weak at all. Sometimes they can amaze with their unexpected actions, since their decisive actions do not fit well with their gentle appearance.

More about the Yin Water personality

The ten signs of the personality element are the basis for studying the fate map, the very first analysis that gives a general idea of ​​a person. Of course, in order to better understand character traits, you need to take into account all the signs in the four pillars of fate. But knowing the element of personality, you will be able to understand yourself and your loved ones much better.

Determine the element

Using the Chinese horoscope, you can determine which natural element a person belongs to.
As a result of forecasting, it is possible to recognize certain traits of your character. This helps a lot in establishing relationships with loved ones or achieving inner harmony. Each person can look inside themselves, which helps to gain peace of mind. There are ten types of elements in total, these include the following:

People of this type of element have a straightforward character. Sometimes they are too demanding of themselves and others. In certain situations, such people can act cruelly. In friendship, they give themselves completely, ready to stand up for their friends, even if they are wrong. Such people love to travel and learn something new.

Representatives of this element are overly selfish. They have a logical mind. They love comfort and order. They are quite generous towards close people. This group of people loves to be in the center of everyone's attention. They are not afraid of competition and defend their opinions to the end.

People of the water element are changeable in their decisions. They change it depending on their psychological state today. Such people love life. In addition, they are quite ambitious. Constancy scares them, so they strive for constant change.

Representatives of this type of element are the calmest in life. They are not capable of betrayal. In disputes, they do not like to defend their opinions; they prefer to avoid conflicts. Such people know how to appreciate what they have. They do not strive for perfection; they live for today.

Characteristics of each element

All people are different

Each sign has its own characteristics and characteristics:

Element Metal

  • direction – West;
  • season – autumn;
  • planet - Venus;
  • White color.

Metal is a strong, stubborn and solid element in Feng Shui and is associated with weapons. These are cold and rather withdrawn people who are not particularly friendly and sociable. Personalities belonging to Metal often say whatever they think, go towards their goal without seeing obstacles, and are prone to competition.

Women by element metal are proud. The attitude of this element towards others is often quite arrogant. However, they are distinguished by good intelligence. The definition of such individuals is luxurious jewelry.

Those born under the auspices of this element find themselves in professions where they can be the center of everyone's attention. This is politics, show business and so on. They prefer to be among the elite and make acquaintances from whom they can benefit.

Element Water

Water is a freedom-loving and changeable element. Item Description:

  • direction – north;
  • season - winter;
  • planet - Mercury;
  • black color.

Combination of elements

To achieve harmony in any union, one should take into account the positive and negative character traits of both partners.
Representatives of the water and earth elements get along very well with each other. Fire and wood very often conflict with each other, since people under the influence of the fire element are extremely hot-tempered, which can belittle the dignity of wood representatives.

Fire and metal can make an excellent combination. However, in any case, it should be taken into account that in addition to the elements, other factors, such as upbringing or social life, also influence a person.

The ancient eastern practice of Taoist sages allowed humanity to learn a lot of new things about itself, develop and improve.

Feng Shui horoscope by date of birth is a simple technique through which you can learn many hidden facts about yourself and learn the true meaning in this world. It is divided into nine separate answer sectors, symbolizing all earthly elements, and gives each of them its own interpretation.

How to find out your element by your zodiac sign or horoscope?

Do you want to know your element by your zodiac sign (horoscope)? Our detailed table makes this very easy!

Zodiac signDate of BirthPlanet/ColorElementKey characteristics of the representative of the elements
AriesMarch 21 – April 20Mars/RedFireImpulsive, active, self-centered, proud, independent, self-reliant.
TaurusApril 21 – May 20Venus / PinkEarthGentle, artistic, consistent, charming, self-satisfied, creative.
TwinsMay 21 – June 21Mercury/GreenAirMovable, light, energetic, optimistic, creative, charming.
CancerJune 22 – July 22Moon / SilverWaterSociable, sensitive, graceful, witty, talkative, fickle.
a lionJuly 23 – August 23Sun/GoldenFireCheerful, brave, self-sufficient, passionate, quick-tempered, impulsive.
VirgoAugust 24 – September 22Mercury/Dark BlueEarthReliable, conservative, thoughtful, caring, patient, responsible.
ScalesSeptember 23 – October 23Venus/BlueAirJoyful, impulsive, grateful, energetic, sociable, friendly.
ScorpionOctober 24 – November 22Pluto / Dark RedWaterPliable, agile, sensual, plastic, impressionable, vengeful.
SagittariusNovember 23 – December 21Jupiter / Dark purpleFireTireless, passionate, demanding, unceremonious, headstrong, hot-tempered.
CapricornDecember 22 – January 20Saturn/BrownEarthHolistic, stable, uncompromising, serene, pragmatic, materialist.
AquariusJanuary 21 – February 19Uranium / TurquoiseAirSociable, idealistic, friendly, philanthropist, balanced, eccentric.
FishFebruary 20 – March 20Neptune / Light blueWaterChangeable, charming, intuitive, sensitive, gullible, charming.

Important features of the Feng Shui horoscope

Depending on the energy that controls your element, you can draw conclusions about what exactly your temperament lacks. Thus, often with the predominance of female Yin, people are distinguished by excessive softness and passivity, and are not inclined to make responsible decisions.

While the element under the sign of Yang is often too tough and unbending people who are unable to compromise. Mental harmony is possible only in one case - when the balance of two energies is maintained in one person, when Yin and Yang complement each other and circulate correctly, without competing or displacing each other.

Who are you: metal, water, wood, fire or earth?

Based on these considerations, it is necessary to correctly determine in what year (according to the Chinese calendar) a person was born. Then take the last number and compare it with the list of elements that form the basis of the fan horoscope. I will not dwell on the characteristics in detail, I will only outline the main distinguishing features of the different elements.

  • 0, Yang Metal
    : fair, decisive, stubborn character; painful straightforwardness; demanding of colleagues and subordinates. He loves to travel, amaze others with his intelligence, and will never let a friend offend him.
  • 1, Yin Metal
    : proud, aristocratic, intellectual disposition. Extreme cleanliness, generosity, high degree of excitement. Feels like a fish in water in the world of fashion, bohemia and art. Requires universal admiration and recognition.
  • 2, Yang Water
    : impulsive, versatile, impetuous. A pathological optimist who does not believe in the existence of barriers to achieving what he wants. Speed ​​has been his true passion since birth.
  • 3, Yin Water
    : noble, modest, simple-minded. Able to limit himself to small things, keeps secrets well, and does not accept violence. He often gets depressed, but at the same time tries to avoid conflicts.
  • 4, Yang Tree
    : principled, stubborn, honest. Curiosity, organization, self-discipline. He has excellent leadership skills, but is not ready to compromise.
  • 5, Yin Wood
    : flexible, tolerant, stress-resistant. Excellent taste, sociability, unobtrusiveness. Devotes himself to creativity; interested in literature, music, art; easily gains confidence.
  • 6, Yang Fire
    : energetic, hot-tempered, generous. Frankness, categorical rejection of lies, desire to help. Capable of political activity, they devote themselves to their activities with all their hearts.
  • 7, Yin Fire
    : cautious, changeable, vulnerable. Ready to support loved ones in any situation, selfless to the point of sacrifice. May neglect personal interests for the sake of another person's happiness.
  • 8, Yang Earth
    : conservative, inflexible, rude. Slowness in reasoning and action. A certain angularity can be seen even in the appearance. Such a person practically does not know how to relax, but at the same time he will be faithful to the grave.
  • 9, Yin Earth
    : soft, flexible character. Great dedication; caring for others and high parenting qualities. They prefer to live away from the bustle of big cities; love to greet guests; They easily succumb to the influence of others, and because of this they often get into trouble.

Feng Shui horoscope: meaning and interpretation

In the Feng Shui horoscope, everything is quite simple and logical: look at the opposite element, which is governed by a different energy. This will be the answer to what you are missing, in what direction it would be worth working.

For example, if you were born in a year whose number ends in 2, then you are the element of Water under the auspices of Yang energy. Water in Yin energy is those qualities that you lack: nobility, modesty, peacefulness in response to your inflexibility and impulsiveness.

A Feng Shui horoscope by date of birth is a great opportunity to get to know yourself, correct your shortcomings and disadvantages in order to find peace of mind and a balance of two elements within your own mind.

How to find out your element by time of birth?

You can determine the element not only by year, but also by time of birth. Find out your birth time and then look at the table.

Fire Clockfrom 23:00 to 1:00, from 7:00 to 9:00, from 15:00 to 17:00.
Earth clockfrom 1:00 to 3:00, from 9:00 to 11:00, from 17:00 to 19:00.
Air Clockfrom 3:00 to 5:00, from 11:00 to 13:00, from 19:00 to 21:00.
Water Clockfrom 5:00 to 7:00, from 13:00 to 15:00, from 21:00 to 23:00.

People born in Fire hours find it easiest to interact with people born in Earth hours and Water hours. Difficulties may arise when interacting with people born in the hours of Fire and Air.

People born during the hours of Water find it easiest to interact with representatives of the hours of Fire and Air. Difficulties may arise in the process of communicating with people who were born in the hours of Water and Earth.

It is easiest for representatives of the Earth hours to find a common language with people born in the hours of Wind and Fire. Communication problems may arise when interacting with representatives of Earth and Water.

It is easiest for people born during the Air hours to communicate with representatives of the Earth and Water hours. Difficulties may arise during interaction with people who were born in the hours of Fire and Air.

Method for calculating Gua number

For many centuries, Feng Shui has been helping people fill their homes with harmony and find inner balance. By transforming the surrounding space, followers of the teaching improve various areas of their lives, learn about their inner world and the laws of the Universe. One of the main elements of the Feng Shui system is the individually calculated Gua number. Having received this fateful figure, you can find out the most favorable directions of the world for development and self-improvement. Correct calculation and its application allow you to improve absolutely any area of ​​life, improve health, gain financial stability, peace and tranquility in the family. You need to get your personal number according to the following scheme:

After all the calculations, you should carefully study your individually calculated number. The numbers 1, 3, 4, 9 form the east group. The south and east will bring prosperity and good luck to people from this group, the north will give stability, and the southeast will bring prosperity. The numbers 2, 6, 7, 8 make up the west group. The western and northeastern directions will be fateful for this category of numbers, the northwestern side of the world will fill life with harmony, and the southwestern side will help make your cherished dreams come true.

According to the laws of Feng Shui, east and west are in opposition, and areas that are favorable for one group will be extremely unfavorable for the other.

Definition of element

Elements are determined by date of birth. There is a special table for this:

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  • 0 – number of metal people. Yang energy predominates. Representatives of this figure make decisions easily, they are assertive and self-confident. Stubborn, demanding;
  • 1 – metal people with predominant Yin energy. They love beauty and harmony, strive to improve and perfect everything. They are often arrogant and criticize others;
  • 2 – water, Yang. They are active, have a positive attitude towards life, and strive to gain new knowledge. They can be infantile, dreamy;
  • 3 – water, Yin. They value their position in society and are sophisticated. They often fall into depression and have low resistance to stress;
  • 4 – wooden, Yang. They are true to their principles, do not accept compromises, live in accordance with their own rules;
  • 5 – wooden, Yin. They are kind, have developed empathy, and are tolerant of the shortcomings of others. They place high demands on themselves;
  • 6 – fiery, Yang. They are highly active, do not sit still, and love to try new things. Their lives often change through a series of jobs, friends, and lovers;
  • 7 – fiery, Yin. Such people do not tolerate criticism well; they are easily offended and touched to the quick. They find it difficult to relax;
  • 8 – earthen, Yang. Conservative, constant in their beliefs, have high moral principles. They are good friends, always ready to help;
  • 9 – earthen, Yin. For such people, the main thing in life is their parents and family. They are soft and easy to make concessions. They prefer loneliness to large company.

It should be remembered that representatives of different numbers should spend time in different parts of the house. When choosing where to place the bedroom, in the western part of the house or the northeastern part, you need to first familiarize yourself with the choice of a favorable place for representatives of your element.

Characteristics of directions

In Eastern philosophy, it is believed that the north is unfavorable for people with numbers 2, 7 and 8. The south is not suitable for people with numbers 2, 6, 7 or 8. Representatives of numbers 1, 3 and 9 should not spend much time in the western sector of a residential building. The eastern part is considered negative for those with numbers 2, 6 and 7.

People with 1, 4 and 9 should not be in the north-eastern part. The north-west direction is unfavorable for representatives of 1, 3, 4 and 9. The south-east is not suitable for people with 2, 6 and 8. The southwest has a negative effect on people with 1, 3 and 4.

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