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The pomegranate tree, which had been cultivated for a long time, was widely spread in the Mediterranean and the Middle East by the Phoenicians. It has taken root as a source of noteworthy fruits and medicinal remedies in warm climates. An ancient symbol whose variety of meanings is determined by the color and (moreover) structure of its fruit: numerous grains surrounded by juicy pulp and covered with a leathery shell. The pomegranate is an ancient symbol of the Great Goddess, which was widespread in the cultures of the Mediterranean area and Asia Minor. In subsequent times, it acted as a permanent attribute of such numerous goddesses who patronized love, marriage and fertility: Astarte (Ishtar), Aphrodite (Venus), Athena.

Basic values:

  • the return of spring, the renewal of the earth;
  • fertility (eternal), fecundity, abundance;
  • rejuvenation, hope for resurrection, rebirth, immortality, eternal life;
  • attribute of the goddesses of love, motherhood and agriculture;
  • sexuality, temptation, love, marriage, large families, virtuous offspring;
  • generosity;
  • happy future;
  • plurality in unity (single), a cosmos united in its diversity;.
  • heavenly love, variety of gifts, riches of God's grace;
  • patronizing the large flock of the church, the spiritual fertility of the church.


Known to the ancient Romans as the “Carthaginian apple”. Attribute:

  • Hera (Juno) as a wedding emblem;
  • goddesses of the mysteries Persephone (Proserpina);
  • Demeter (Ceres);
  • Aphrodite (Venus);
  • Athens;
  • Attis;
  • Dionysus, a plant grown from his blood (filled with it);

The pomegranate tree was also the tree of T(F)ammuz and Adonis.

According to the Eleusinian mystery cult of Demeter and Persephone (Ceres and Proserpina), the latter had to remain part of the year in the underworld because she ate a pomegranate seed. Since that time, in the symbolism of the pomegranate, its correlation with fertility and love fades into the background and the pomegranate is considered as a symbol of mystical marriage or union. In Ancient Rome, a pomegranate apple in the hands of Juno, the patroness of married women, symbolized the sacrament of marriage. Brides wore wreaths of flowering pomegranate branches.

They settle in with special nymphs - royads. The mother of Attis, the lover of the “great mother” Cybele, became pregnant from contact with the pomegranate tree. Pomegranate trees were planted on the graves of heroes (to ensure abundant continuity???). In ancient Rome, the pomegranate tree, blooming with fragrant, fiery red flowers, personified love and marriage with fertility. The brides carried wreaths of flowering pomegranate branches.

Symbol of health and longevity

Nature has generously endowed pomegranate with healing properties. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Byzantines worshiped the wonderful fruit: its images were found in Egyptian pyramids, embroidery of magnificent Byzantine fabrics, and on Greek ornaments.

The pharaohs drank pomegranate juice every day, firmly believing in its healing properties. The Prophet Muhammad recognized pomegranate as an amazing gift of nature and encouraged people to eat it, believing that pomegranate juice can cleanse a person of hatred and envy.

What is the symbol of pomegranate in the myths of Ancient Greece? It follows from them that this fruit is capable of giving a person immortality. For this reason, it was the favorite food of the gods of Olympus. According to one of the myths, the god Hades once visited the human world and met the beautiful girl Persephone, who was the daughter of the fertility goddess Demeter.

Hades fell in love with her, barely looking at the beauty. He kidnapped the girl, taking her to his underground kingdom. The mother really missed her daughter: the land became infertile, the trees in the gardens died, the fields were empty. And then Zeus intervened in this situation, demanding that Hades return Persephone. Hades was forced to obey, but before returning the girl, he gave her a taste of pomegranate seeds. Because of their extraordinary taste, Persephone began to return to the kingdom of Hades every winter.

Modern doctors confirm that pomegranate, as a symbol, fully justifies its meaning. Its use is fully justified in complex therapy for:

  • low vision;
  • hypertension;
  • weakened immune system;
  • sore throat;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • anemia.

Every year, many countries around the world supply markets not only with the fruits themselves, but also with products made from them, for example, pomegranate juice. The popularity of wonderful fruits is undoubtedly due to their numerous beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. So, pomegranate contains:

  • Sahara;
  • tannins;
  • a large amount of vitamin C;
  • fiber;
  • trace elements and minerals.

Pomegranate juice contains:

  • anthocyanins;
  • fructose and glucose;
  • malic, oxalic and citric acids;
  • chloride salt;
  • tannin.

It is thanks to this rich composition that doctors strongly recommend drinking it for anemia, and using a decoction of the peel for burns and various gastrointestinal diseases.


In the Christian era, the above-mentioned symbolism was supplemented by references to divine grace and heavenly love. In addition, many seeds under a hard skin are considered as an image of people united by some kind of community: kinship, religion, ideology, etc.

It is based on ancient associations with Proserpina and Attis, which received a new understanding:

  • its red juice became a symbol of the blood of martyrs;
  • a polyspermous plant collected under the skin - people united by a church community.
  • tough skin and sweet juice - outwardly strict, but inwardly kind spiritual shepherd.

As a symbol of the Resurrection, the Christ Child holds it.

The virginity of the Virgin Mary is personified by the pomegranate tree under which she sits with a unicorn.

Attribute: John of God cross-crowned garnet

Caritas. This is the name given to the Order of Compassionate Brothers - an international organization (society) that provides assistance to the poor.

Fertility symbol

The pomegranate is mentioned among the seven plant species that are symbols of Israel's fertility. The pomegranate was presented to Moses by the spies returning from Canaan. With such an offering they wanted to confirm the fertility of these places.

It should be emphasized that it is no coincidence that pomegranates are considered a symbol of fertility. From just one tree, reaching 6 meters in height, you can collect up to 60 kg of fruits, and the fruits themselves reach quite impressive sizes: there are specimens with a diameter of up to 18 centimeters.


The fruit of the pomegranate tree.

  • Everything that is good in me is hidden.

A symbol of preserving and improving the bestowed natural qualities. [EMSI 49-8,10]

In Baroque symbolism, it looks like a fruit cracked in the fullness of its seeds and means the desire for charity and mercy, generous reward for the manifestation of compassionate love (lat. caritas). A symbol of the unity of many under one leadership (Church or secular monarch).

Attribute of personified Chastity.

Symbol of wealth

Most peoples consider pomegranate fruits and flowers to be a symbol of wealth. The Koran, the holy book of Muslims, mentions pomegranate trees growing in the Garden of Eden. In addition, there is a version that in the biblical legends associated with the Garden of Eden, the forbidden fruit with which Eve was seduced was not an apple at all, but a pomegranate.

Since ancient times, the wonderful fruit has been a symbol of wealth and financial well-being. His image was often applied to talismans that rewarded their owners with wealth and success in life.

Symbol of eternal love

Let us tell you another legend, from which it will become clear to you what the pomegranate has been a symbol of since ancient times. Once upon a time there lived a young man and a girl who loved each other very much. The young people decided to get married, but on the wedding day an evil spirit appeared, causing a hurricane that picked up the lovers and carried them far from their native land.

Finding themselves in a deserted place from which it was impossible to get out, the young people wandered for a long time in search of a road. Exhausted, they collapsed to the ground and fell into a restless sleep. In it, the young man heard a voice that said: “You two cannot be saved. Kill your beloved and I will take you out." But the young man decided in his own way: if one of them is destined to die, then it will be him, and he will save his beloved. The young man pierced his chest with a dagger, saying before his death: “Be happy, get married and have children.”

The young man died, and his lifeless body immediately became a pomegranate tree. As soon as the girl, sobbing, picked the fruit from the tree, the evil spell dissipated, and she found her way to the house. After some time, she got married and, as her lover bequeathed, gave birth to many children. Her life was long and happy, and when the time came to leave this land, she bequeathed to her grandchildren to grow pomegranate trees. Her descendants scattered around the world, and many pomegranate trees appeared on the earth. Have you guessed what the pomegranate has become a symbol of since those ancient times? A symbol of timeless, endless love.

It’s probably time to tell you what the pomegranate is a symbol of in Feng Shui. Pomegranate seeds symbolize a successful pregnancy and the birth of a strong and healthy baby. In addition, according to Feng Shui, pomegranate is a symbol of a strong family.

If you are expecting a new addition to your family and want the baby to be born without problems, place a juicy fruit, cut into two parts, in the northern part of the apartment. Hang a ceramic plate or a picture of a pomegranate opposite the window in the children's room.

Caring for pomegranates

Don't let your grenades become dulled by physical dust and mental dirt. In the evening, when removing the bracelet with garnets, remember the events of the day and thank the stone for successful deeds and good mood.

As you begin your meditation, focus your gaze on the shine of the garnet beads. Your calmness and tranquility will be transferred to the stone. Cleansing your soul from the vain worries of everyday life will strengthen and elevate the spiritual power of pomegranate.

When putting on jewelry with garnets, take your time. Mentally share your plans for the near future with the stone, outline your hopes, justify your expectations. Do not make direct requests: your pomegranate is already configured to promote your endeavors. Saying your wishes leads to a doubling of the energy of the stone, while only precise dosing of the force ensures unimpeded achievement of success.

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The meaning of tattoos for men

For young people, the pomegranate symbolizes masculine strength and the ability to have many children. Men can get such a tattoo in order to be successful in love and enjoy the attention of women. On the other hand, with the help of a pomegranate tattoo, a man communicates his maturity and readiness to enter into an alliance with a specific woman. Such young people are fed up with entertainment and strive for a quiet family life.

The red fruit symbolizes the rich energy potential of a man. The owners of this tattoo are physically and spiritually developed, quickly develop in their careers and can quickly restore their strength. Such people have boundless optimism and a great will to live.

Pomegranate magic

Garnets, the color spectrum of which extends from red and crimson to reddish-black, are recognized by esotericists as the most powerful in their magical manifestations.

Pomegranate has two key properties. The first is the ability to kindle a fire in the human soul, and it doesn’t matter what the outcome will be. The second is the desire to conquer, even if there is no need for conquest and mastery.

Eastern sages discovered the third property of garnet: a stone that has known a generous and kind-hearted owner will forever remain a person’s peace-loving helper. Such a garnet becomes the embodiment of fidelity, a symbol of constancy, an amulet of devotion and a source of spiritual strength. Garnets, “raised” by a wise and highly moral owner, are a wonderful gift for young people starting their life’s journey.

Bright red garnets produce sexual energy and arouse attraction to the opposite sex. Important effects of owning scarlet garnets are strengthening stamina, increasing courage, and developing endurance. Brave, strong-willed, purposeful men and strong, decisive women often decorate themselves with bracelets made of crimson garnets.

In the past, garnet jewelry was given to travelers preparing for a long journey. The stone protects a person separated from home, warning him not to visit dangerous places, and leading him away from traumatic sections of the path. At the same time, pomegranate helps to maintain a good mood, drives away sad memories, and evokes bright dreams. That is why garnets are considered suitable gems for representatives of creative professions.

Women's Fern Flower Bracelet

Mineral: rhodonite, garnet

Price: 9,800 rub.

More about the bracelet

To public people - speakers, actors, politicians - grenades give the ability to dominate the crowd. Hot, passionate performances inspired by pomegranates evoke a powerful response in the souls of the audience. Is this why many famous ballet, opera and drama artists never part with garnet bracelets?

“Garnet is able to enhance both the good sides of the human personality and the dark manifestations of character,” says Natalia, jewelry designer at My lovely Spirit. – Almost everyone can wear grenades, but not in a single version - such products require complete balance and impeccable self-control from the owner.

Women's Unicorn Trail bracelet

Mineral: agate, garnet

Price: 8,200 rub. To order

More about the bracelet

Garnet is perfect for increasing the spiritual power of a particular stone in a bracelet. For example, in combination with rose quartz, garnet becomes a love talisman for a girl or a powerful amulet for an already established family.”

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