DIY pyramid. Practical application in all areas of life. Properties. Proportions.

What shapes can pyramids have and what can they be made of?

The shape of the pyramid should always be in a ratio of plane inclination to the base of 3:4:5 (see figure below)

But many pyramid experts who write in the literature on how to make a pyramid forget the most important thing: that the pyramid has a certain direction to the cardinal points, and even objects that are placed inside the pyramid (living beings, plants, energy auras) - all this must happen according to towards the 4 cardinal directions. Depending on the direction of the cardinal points, a certain influence of the pyramid on the object placed in it, and even a living creature, occurs.

For example, if you place the face of a pyramid and an object towards the north, there will be a positive effect accordingly.

If placed towards the south, there will be a negative effect.

Towards the west and east - the effect is neutral.

In the same way, there is white magic, black magic and gray magic.

Pyramids can be created from any material substances (matter).

These could be flower pyramids. Wooden pyramids. Metal pyramids, stone pyramids, solar pyramids, lunar pyramids, color pyramids, pyramids of living beings, pyramids of people, pyramids of skulls, pyramids of bones, pyramids of water, fire, air and earth.

For example, the same Moses, when he led the Jewish people out of Egyptian slavery, built a huge number of pyramids from stones in the desert, where there was no water, and with the help of condensation, entire streams of water were obtained, which the Jewish adepts fed on as living water.

Or for example, YOGI - their most important sign is the “LOTUS” pose, but few people know that the lotus position is a human pyramid. With the help of the human body, a certain pose is created and in the direction of the north, south, west and east, the yogi absorbs a huge energy impulse from the sources of life.

Sometimes even without eating food for many days!

A similar concept exists among sun eaters when they adopt a certain pose that represents feeding on pure solar energy.

Note that even the nature woman takes a pyramid pose, only the opposite. Her bed expands and she gives birth to new life.

The Mystery of Orion


One of the things that amazes scientists about the Egyptian pyramids is that they were literally built in the center of the Earth. The relative position of the chambers of the king and queen in the largest pyramid reflects the relative position of Orion and Sirius in the firmament. Here is what the author of the book “Fingerprints of God” Robert Boval writes about this: “A mind-boggling fact about the Egyptian pyramids is they are made literally in the center of the earth. At the southern point of the King's Chamber inside of the Great Giza Pyramid, is the same point of the Belt of Orion. The Queens chambers are in the direction of the Sirius star. Here is a quote from The Fingerprints of the Gods by Robert Bauval: “The constellation Orion is oriented along the Milky Way as the Great Pyramids are along the Nile. And the star, which the Arabs call Mintaka, is oriented relative to Orion and Sirius in the same way as the smallest of the pyramids is relative to the other two. The location of the pyramids on Earth exactly corresponds to the orientation of the brightest stars in the firmament in the year 10450 BC.”

Practical application of the pyramid in animal husbandry.

If you want to raise ideally healthy living beings, from chickens, piglets, lambs, and ending with humans, then a pyramid is made of silk or other transparent structure above their habitat (a person’s bed) from silk material or another transparent structure. A similar thing was used in folk art when they made cradles in the shape of pyramids (there was a cradle at the bottom, and a pyramid was made at the bottom), and this was done in all countries.

It is still used in villages and villages for centuries.

Several times less than various diseases, especially chronic ones, rapid recovery from various diseases, experiments showed that even cancer was cured, not to mention all kinds of ulcers, both inside and outside the human body and animals.

Ancient pyramids of Bosnia


And again the pyramid in Europe! This time - the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon. According to historians, this is the largest and oldest step pyramid in the world. It was discovered by an American researcher from Boston, a Bosnian by birth, Semir Osmanagic. In 2006, he publicly announced that he had discovered on Mount Visocica, where he was excavating, underground passages and inclusions of lime mortar - and, after months of excavation, removing many layers of earth, he showed people the mountain, which was indeed a pyramid! However, Bosnian geologists did not believe Osmanagic’s statements and, having checked his conclusions, in turn, stated: Visočica is not a pyramid at all, but an ordinary hill, to which nature gave a shape similar to a stepped one. And the fact that the steps are so even is due to Osmanagich’s “cruel joke.” However, the Boston Bosnian himself does not give up and claims that he found a real pyramid in his homeland, and geologists are simply captive of stereotypes. Time will tell who is actually right.

Practical application in the development of brain activity by training willpower:

If you want to feel the enormous potential of your physical, emotional and mental strength, then you need to place yourself in a pyramid and even sleep in it, building it above your bed.

The bed should be square, not very soft, where you can simultaneously perform relaxation, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, meditation, and also study the works of various philosophers, scientists and adepts of the past and present.

It is in such places that shamans and magicians develop beyond the capabilities of the human personality, and to this day, all their abilities to penetrate into the past, present and future have been developed in certain poses, and in certain places the pyramids, heading north - it was possible to find out the future, the so-called northern star, this is how the Magi recognized the appearance of Jesus Christ when there was a supernova explosion.

Why don't Egyptian authorities stop vandals?


It is not so easy for scientists from all over the world to obtain permission from the Egyptian authorities to excavate and simply conduct research in the area of ​​the pyramids. Every time, government officials strictly stipulate where this or that scientist can conduct his research, and violation of the established rules is fraught with serious troubles with the authorities. But with the Egyptians, oddly enough, things are completely different! Anyone who has been to the Great Pyramids of Giza has seen intrusive souvenir sellers who, in addition to tacky clay cats and busts of Tutankhamun, sell pieces of stone chipped from the pyramids. And recently, near the pyramids, tourists noticed the famous Cuban actress of “adult films” Carmen De Luz, and in a very frank manner, from which observers concluded that some kind of not very decent movie was being filmed in the interiors of the pyramids. As a result, a paradoxical situation arises: for scientists, penetration into the area of ​​the pyramids is a problem, but for vandals the road is open! The Egyptian government has been promising to change the situation for some time, but the problem, as they say, is still there. Why do the Egyptian authorities have such difficulty allowing scientists to access ancient tombs, but do not see any problem with local looters getting into them? Perhaps they are afraid that overly attentive pundits will notice something that they do not need to know about? The question is still open.

Practical application for life extension.

It is necessary to build 2 pyramids. 1 should be painted pink, the second blue.

In the morning you should regularly visit the pink pyramid. The aura of the rising sun is concentrated there.

And in the evening you need to visit the blue pyramid - the moonlight concentrates there.

Since a person is a receptacle for the energy of the sun and the moon, the harmony of solar and lunar energy, received through the pyramids, regulates the homeostasis of the human body.

And if you want to live up to 100-120 years, a person is not destined to live longer, unfortunately, because then a certain deviation of the aura and a transition (reincarnation) from one material entity to another appears, but the age of up to 120 years is the real age of a centenarian.

Therefore, everyone can extend their life by 20-50 years.

Where did the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza go?


Looking at the photo of the largest of the pyramids of Giza, it is easy to notice that the strictness of the form of this ancient tomb is violated only once. Where the eye simply demands the final top stone to complete the strict triangles of the walls, there is only a flat platform that violates the perfection of the geometric structure. Why? There are several versions on this matter. One of them says that the top stone was gold and was stolen many centuries ago. The other is that the platform at the very top was designed to be flat for some reason unknown to us. But the Spanish researcher Miguel Perez Sanchez claims that at the top of the pyramid there was the so-called Eye of Horus - a mystical transparent sphere symbolizing the union of the Sun and Sirius - the star of Isis. It is not yet possible to say with certainty who is right.

Practical application in cooking.

If you create a small pyramid, with a volume of no more than 15 dm3, in the form of a covered pyramid without a bottom, then you can cover any food for 6 * 10 = 60 seconds, which will destroy all bacteriologically dangerous substances and microorganisms and etheric new formations of a magnetic wave nature will appear, which will direct the molecular structure of any substance located under the pyramid (food) in a positive direction. The main thing is that you do not confuse the sides in how you cover the pyramid, because otherwise the food may have a negative effect.

This preparation was used by ancient masters of magic, preparing living and dead water, food, products for kings, Caesars, and kings.

Why use a pyramid layout?

The craft is considered universal because it is equally suitable for the development of preschoolers and children from primary school. This activity develops children’s fine motor skills, and since a paper diagram is used for production, they also develop imaginative thinking.

When children manage to do something like this on their own, they save the craft and leave it as decoration in their room or work space. You should not prohibit them from doing this, since the pyramid will become another reminder that diligence produces results.

Some people, having learned to create a figure with allowances once, then use this skill to make gift wrapping or store some small items in it. In order not to disassemble the object each time, a small hole is made in it, where buttons, beads, jewelry, etc. are then placed.

Practical use of pyramids of 4 primary elements (air, water, earth, fire).

1. Pyramid made of air. — this pyramid is made using 4 candles, which are placed at a distance of a meter from each other in the shape of a square. At the intersection of the diagonals, an apple or any object of an edible nature is placed, which you must offer to the person whom you must influence with your charms, for example, so that they fall in love with you or, on the contrary, so that someone likes you.

2. Pyramid made of water. This ancient fortune telling is based on Christian traditions, when you take 4 flowers, your betrothed, which you can find in the horoscope, and throw 4 places into the water in the shape of a square. In the middle you place a boat made from the bark of an old tree (like a boat), where you pin a photograph of your betrothed. Consider that it will already be yours in any case.

3. Pyramid made of earth. Take a shovel and make a pyramid from the EARTH, but at the same time place any item of your betrothed in the pyramid (hair, button, thread from a shirt, and so on).

Consider it to land at your location within a week. And he will only think about you.

4. Pyramid of fire. Walk at the crossroads of two roads or paths, or simply draw a cross, where you light 4 small fires at a distance of 1x1 meter from each other. From various tree branches.

There should be oak on the north side, birch on the south, hazel on the west, hazel on the east.

In the middle, stand yourself and mentally imagine your betrothed. The main thing is to observe fire safety.

Don't move until the small fires burn out. Consider that the soul of your betrothed will burn and glow only when he remembers YOU.

So what were the pyramids actually used for?


Back in school, we were taught that the pyramids are the tombs of the pharaohs, and nothing more. However, what we have learned today about the pyramids, including those built outside Egypt, casts doubt on this. In fact, historians agree with us. Today, there is much more than one version that explains why the pyramids were really needed. In particular, experts suggest that they were used as treasuries, giant antennas for communicating with the gods and recharging divine energy, meaningless buildings designed to create jobs and relieve social tension, shelters during sandstorms and Nile floods, brothels for the highest Egyptian nobility and even sewage treatment plants to purify the Nile waters. Moreover, the author of each of these unexpected theories has his own evidence. Which one is right? As always, time will tell.

Apipyramids and suggestions for their use!

It has become very fashionable, especially in the southern parts of countries where beekeeping is developed, to create apipyramids. BUT you need to understand the essence of the pyramid and what it represents for those same bees.

For some reason, there is an opinion that any pyramid can be erected, and a healing process will result, the bees will begin to produce more honey and people will be cured. But the ancients believed that there was a pyramid with a plus (top up) and a pyramid with a minus (top down).

In this case, bees are the antipodes of ants, who build pyramids according to the system of totalitarian structure of relations between insects. Bees, in their understanding, prefer a free device in the form of hexagonal honeycombs. This suggests that the gradation of a bee family is very different from the gradation of an ant colony. They are more freedom-loving and more independent from each other. Accordingly, ideally, apipyramids should not have 4-sided planes at the base, but 6-sided ones, which taper towards the top. Therefore, it is a mistake to listen to many gifted amateur inventors who, without knowing the essence of the structure of a bee colony, begin to apply it to pyramids.

There is an even more original way of building apipyramids, when they are turned upside down, and space is created on top for the bees to communicate with the environment. This is the so-called “anti-apipyramid”. That is, when the energy of space is concentrated not from below from the ground upward, but, on the contrary, from above from the airspace downwards. Then you don’t have to worry about going into this inverted pyramid, but simply install a small window at the bottom, where the honey will concentrate at the very bottom and with a little heating, installing a faucet, the honey can be poured into some container. Accordingly, bees can endlessly build a super-hexagonal shape, especially in warm countries where it is not necessary to install insulating walls for bee houses. Such inverted apipyramids will be very fruitful (about 5 times) and very useful.

The same type can be used to arrange egg-laying cages for birds, where birds flying into inverted pyramids can lay eggs (especially wild birds) and you can carefully collect them, enjoying the taste of life.

There are many ways to use pyramidal relationships, both in art and in health, and in all types of economics, politics, and culture.

If you wish, you can find all these ideas and practical tips on our website in the sections:

The Secret Doctrine of Pyramids in Health

The Secret Doctrine of the Pyramids in Art

Only by knowing the whole will you become many times wiser than other people!

In the course of performing esoteric practices, such as the practice of the highest levels of qigong or yoga, some adepts use the properties of pyramids made of semi-precious stones to reveal magical abilities, treat lithotherapy, and also to interact with the astral world. It should be said that the pyramids are still considered the first wonder of the world, the key to the secrets of which has not yet been fully revealed. However, it has already been proven that the correct geometric shape of pyramids with a strictly defined proportion of sides and angles (the principle of the “golden ratio”) has a strong energetic (occult) effect on all living beings and even on inanimate objects. The pyramids can be considered unique regenerators of vital force, from which the human body is “charged”. As a result of the influence of the pyramids on a person, headaches, vertebral and rheumatic pains are reduced, his psycho-emotional state is improved, vitality increases, sleep is normalized, and efficiency increases. To influence the human body, healing pyramids are made from various healing minerals: rock crystal, amethyst, obsidian, fluorite, jade, carnelian, agate, jasper, rhodonite, cacholong, malachite, lapis lazuli. The dimensions of such pyramids vary from 4x4 to 16x16 cm. Experimental data obtained in closed laboratories of special services confirm that pyramids made of healing minerals are a reliable shield against harmful geopathogenic and man-made radiation, and also neutralize the negative energy-informational impact. They have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, genitals, musculoskeletal system and cerebral cortex. In addition, healing pyramids have a powerful effect on certain energy centers of the human body (chakras). It should be noted that each healing or magical pyramid made from a specific mineral has an individual effect on the human body. I will provide data on the healing properties of the ten main healing pyramids, which you can use at home and at work to improve your well-being and combat various negative effects of the environment and parasitic egregors and during the occult practice of qigong and yoga.

I will reveal the most common ones:

Shungite pyramids.

Shungite is a black stone similar to coal. In shungite pyramids, the magical power of the pyramids is multiplied by the extraordinary properties of the shungite rock: the body is charged with the bioenergy of the cosmos, the power of which is many times greater than that of the earth. The shungite pyramid is a reliable shield against harmful geopathogenic radiation, which causes cardiovascular and cancer diseases. Sources of geopathogenic zones are high-voltage transmission lines, heat and water utilities, underground and hydraulic structures. Shungite pyramids also protect from harmful radiation emanating from computers, televisions, refrigerators and other household electrical appliances. Such pyramids are a good amulet against the “evil eye” (alien energy-information field). Using a shungite pyramid, you can cleanse jewelry from accumulated negative energy field (“energy virus”). The pyramid creates a torsion field around itself, reflecting geopathogenic rays. The radius of their protective action varies from 1.2 to 15 m. The pyramid should be located next to the person at a distance of no more than 50 cm from him. It is useful to place a pyramid between you and sources of household radiation (TV, computer). It is not recommended to place the pyramid on sore spots and point its top towards the body. Three times a month it is useful to take the pyramid out into the fresh air, where it should be “ventilated” for an hour.

The shungite pyramid conducts Yin energy. If you want to harmonize yang and yin energies in the body, use a jade pyramid in conjunction with shungite. Jade conducts yang energy. They need to be placed this way: on the left is shungite, on the right is jade. Daily, 15 - 30 min. If the session is increased to 1 hour, overexcitation of the nervous system may occur.

Rock crystal pyramid.

In lithotherapy, the attractive power of rock crystal and its unusual consonance with the human soul are well known. The energy of this stone easily and quickly adjusts to the frequency of human vibrations, regulates and stabilizes them. Due to its shape and orientation, the crystal pyramid has a stronger effect than ordinary rock crystals. Its main purpose is to open the upper chakra (“divine channel”), due to which a state of complete peace is achieved, depression and psychoneurotic conditions are eliminated, and a surge of vitality is felt. In the practice of yoga, pyramids made of rock crystal are used during meditation, to tune into the frequency of a certain egregor, to communicate with spirits and gods. Usually they use the technique of arranging pyramids, sequentially along the chakras, then the occult effect is enhanced significantly. If you regularly work with the pyramid, the yin-yang in the body is aligned, the body is recharged, and the field is strengthened.

The light, reflected in the edges of the pyramid, is refracted and directs multi-colored rays in all directions around itself, getting into the most inaccessible places of the house, thereby cleansing them of energy dirt. Another great way to simplify entering the energy information channel in meditation is to place a quartz pyramid under the chair on which you are sitting.

Pyramid made of carnelian.

These pyramids are used to increase a person’s aura. The carnelian pyramid is otherwise called the pyramid of the Sun or the pyramid of Power. It is a strong regulator of vital forces, from which the human body is charged with bioenergy. It is known that carnelian, with its subtle vibrations, creates a protective field around the human body, protecting it from external negative energy. The pyramid enhances this effect. As a result of working with a pyramid made of carnelian, Yin-Yang energy is aligned and the solar plexus is stimulated. In yoga practice, the carnelian pyramid is used not only to “pump up” energy, but also to increase a person’s aura by 2-3 times.

Carnelian is a strong protective stone, it protects its owner from danger and cleanses other stones. Carnelian brings success in business and any endeavors. Carnelian radiates positive energy and fills space with it, preventing negative influences. Carnelian protects against any witchcraft and promotes successful conception.

Pyramids made of yellow-orange carnelian affect the second and third chakras, gently stimulating digestive and sexual functions.

Pyramids made of rose quartz and rhodonite

Used to stimulate anahata.

Rose quartz in Indian lithotherapy is considered the best stone-stimulator of the Anahata heart chakra. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, relieves emotional stress and attunes the heart to kindness and love. A pyramid made from another gemstone, rhodonite, which is mined for these purposes from the Ural deposits, also has a similar effect. Studies have shown that pyramids made of rose quartz and rhodonite regulate the functioning of the myocardium and pericardium, and also stimulate the activity of the thymus gland. They have a beneficial effect on the mental activity of the brain and biological rhythms of a person.

Both of these stones harmonize the atmosphere in the family - they protect the home from storms and shocks, restore harmony and tenderness in relationships, and will greatly contribute to the onset of the second “honeymoon.” Rhodonite is also closely associated with the beginning of life's journey - first of all, it is a talisman of young people thirsting for success and recognition; It helps them quickly absorb information, develop their abilities and successfully apply them.

Onyx pyramid

It has an energy-informational effect on a person.

Onyx is a type of agate that has a number of unique energy-informational properties. Firstly: a talisman made from it makes great leaders out of ordinary people, gives an ordinary person the ability to achieve a great goal. It cleanses a person’s aura and energy from negative information, as if taking it upon itself. It should be said that onyx is also a talisman for older people, which wards off troubles, relieves loneliness, improves mood and gives courage in difficult everyday situations.

Onyx souvenirs, such as balls, bowls, vases, table clocks and other products, have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of the home, protecting against alien intrusions, and maintaining the psychoenergy of the person in the room at a high level. Onyx evokes respect in other people for its owner, helps concentrate energy and directs it in the right, working direction. Talismans and amulets made of onyx have an “amorous effect” and attract representatives of the opposite sex. The healing properties of Onyx are also varied. First of all, it has a positive effect on women’s health and increases libido. Normalizes the acid-base balance in the body, improves calcium metabolism. Soothes pain, tidies up internal organs, and normalizes a person’s weight. Excellent for asthma and impotence. Onyx has long been considered the stone of leaders and fighters. It gives the ability to dominate other people, clears the mind and allows one to penetrate the enemy's plans. Onyx strengthens memory and protects against sudden death and attempts on life. Onyx strengthens spiritual strength and gives marital happiness. It is believed that it helps get rid of indecision, shyness and suspiciousness. In India, onyx has always been considered a symbol of luck and good fortune. It takes away excess energy, calms and reconciles.

Pyramid made of coil

Among many peoples, the serpentine is considered a stone of black magic: supposedly only a magician can use the serpentine, and for ordinary people it brings many trials in the form of temptations. However, thanks to the serpentine, an ordinary person can learn about situations that should be feared.

The other side speaks of the powerful energy of the coil, which is capable of protecting its owner and balancing his state of mind. Since ancient times, the serpentine has served as a talisman and talisman for people who help other people. We are talking about doctors, doctors, homeopaths, massage therapists and healers. The serpentine interacts quite well with people seeking new knowledge. It promotes successful learning and physical development, and helps athletes overcome stress more easily.

The serpentine also helps business people, businessmen and lawyers achieve success. The stone is a very strong purifier of the surrounding space, as well as the human soul and body. It is highly recommended to use the coil as a talisman against the evil eye and damage. There is an opinion that if a coil encounters a strong negative energy field of its owner, then it may even split into several parts.

Obsidian pyramid

Obsidian is considered one of the most powerful cleansing stones. It is associated with the first chakra - Muladhara. The energy of Muladhara is associated with the element of earth. Like a magnet, obsidian conducts the energy of this chakra into the human physical body. Obsidian cleanses well all “low vibrations” and helps dissolve energy blockages in the body. The normal functioning of this chakra ensures a rise in energy to the upper chakras. This effect harmonizes the functioning of the entire body and helps a person begin to feel more confident.

It is a powerful cleanser of toxins from the body as a whole and individual organs; it heals the skeletal system and calms the nerves. Problems associated with the genitals - diseases, impotence, frigidity - are also subject to obsidian. In addition, obsidian effectively helps against colds that occur as a result of hypothermia.

Pyramid of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli was considered a stone of sincerity and friendliness. Diplomatic gifts, which included lapis lazuli, were believed more than words - they were considered a sign of genuine friendliness. It has long been noted that the deep blue color of lapis lazuli pacifies, helps to free oneself from depression, promotes calm, and develops intuition. Yogis use lapis lazuli to cleanse the aura of negative influences, disturbing thoughts, old memories, grief and other things that should be erased from memory. To do this, according to the yoga method, you should apply lapis lazuli to the “third eye” and concentrate in meditation for several minutes.

Women should pay attention to the healing properties of lapis lazuli. The stone has a beneficial effect on the female body, including during pregnancy, protecting against miscarriage and other troubles. Lapis lazuli helps normalize blood circulation and hematopoiesis; can be a great help in the fight against insomnia.

Amethyst pyramid

It is believed that amethyst gives a person insight, extinguishes mental pain, anxiety, fills the aura with good intentions, and helps control evil thoughts. It has a beneficial effect on a weak and unstable aura. Indian Ayurveda says that amethyst helps control emotions. During meditation, it promotes peace and relaxation, gives a feeling of peace and promotes depth of understanding. Initiates the opening of the “third eye”. Amethyst is an amulet against drunkenness. It is believed that an amethyst ring brings good luck in sports. Amethyst jewelry is placed under the pillow to ensure good dreams. As a talisman, amethyst attracts the favor of rulers, makes a person vigilant, promoting the growth of his prudence.

Jade pyramid

Jade is one of those minerals that have strong energy. It gives people gentleness, justice, moderation of life, the desire for knowledge, courage and purity. Jade is suitable for those who want to change their worldview and lifestyle, people who are looking for enlightenment. Jade is credited with the ability to impart good health and longevity. In the East, jade was considered a stone of victory - both over oneself and over circumstances, an amulet that strengthens vitality. The stone is one of the strongest amulets against lightning, natural disasters, earthquakes and fires. Brings good luck in business and financial matters.

Jade is able to reflect human behavior. They say that it darkens in the hands of a hopeless person who persists in his delusions and unwillingness to improve; that this is an energetically very strong stone, capable of transferring its charge of energy to the owner and leading him out of a dead end in life, if he is worthy of it. Red (fire) jade had special energy. Jade is credited with the ability to protect the owner from otherworldly forces, ensure family well-being and longevity.

Jade is considered a talisman of scientists, a symbol of intelligence and military courage. A person who carries a jade pyramid with him will be more successful and faster than others in achieving his intended goal. In everyday life, jade promotes happy changes, so it is ideal for single people. A jade pyramid will help a woman quickly acquire offspring and become a happy mother.

All types of jades increase the spirituality of their owner. In Europe, this mineral symbolizes honesty, decency, integrity, loyalty, courage, wisdom, politeness and purity of customs. In the East, this gem was attributed with such symbolic properties as knowledge of existence, virtue, wisdom, depth of mind, justice, fortitude, mercy, will, modesty, moderation, courage, chastity and purity.

To work with a pyramid made of any stone you choose, sit on a chair without crossing your legs. Bend your elbows and place the pyramid on your folded palms. Concentrate on your feelings. After a minute or two, you will feel a slight pulsation, warmth in your palms, and perhaps even slight dizziness. Then muscle and nervous relaxation occurs, a feeling of lightness and weightlessness appears throughout the body. The duration of the procedure varies individually and averages 5-10 minutes daily.

Ritual to fulfill a cherished desire

I offer those who have acquired a pyramid the following ritual to fulfill their cherished desires. This ritual is suitable for fulfilling any desires. It can be used both for yourself and for another person.

The ritual begins 4 days before the Full Moon (11th Lunar day), and ends 4 days after the Full Moon (19th Lunar day). In total, the effect lasts 9 days.

Place a photo of yourself or someone you want to help under the pyramid, face up. A piece of paper with a wish is placed on top of the photo. For example: “Lord, help me find a job with a higher salary.”

The pyramid should be on the windowsill. It must be precisely oriented to the cardinal points.

Every morning, without touching it, hold your palms over the two opposite sides of the pyramid with your fingers pointing north, and repeat what is written on the piece of paper three times. On the 9th day, pull out a leaf from under the pyramid and burn it. Throw the ashes into the wind.

That's it, the ritual is over. It can be repeated by the next Full Moon if the fulfillment of the desire is delayed.

Formulas for the volume and surface area of ​​a pyramid with calculation examples

You can calculate the volume using the following formula.

V = (S * h) / 3,

where the following notations are used:

  • V – volume;
  • S – base area;
  • h – height of the figure.

The total surface area can be calculated as the sum of the areas of the base and all side triangles.

Where to put the pyramid talisman.

1) In the east of your apartment, the pyramid will improve the health of all household members and improve family relationships.8) The color of the talisman is desirable, any shade of green and brown, the material is wood and glass. 2) In the southwest of the room - a red, pink, terracotta pyramid (made of clay or ceramics) will attract good luck in love or strengthen existing romantic relationships. 3) In the west - protects children. The pyramid should be made of any metal, white, metallic, silver, gold. 4) In the southeast - brings extraordinary luck in financial matters, fulfillment of desires. The material of the pyramid is wood, the color is lilac, violet, gold, all shades of green. 5) In the north of the room - for career success. The pyramid is made of glass or stone, black. 6) At home, on your desk or in the office at work: place a pyramid for good luck in any business, increasing your salary - stone, black or red. You can keep it in a desk drawer so that your co-workers do not touch it with their hands. 7) But the best place for the pyramid is the glory zone - the south of the room. Place a crystal or red pyramid, stone or wooden, here, and success is guaranteed. It is highly undesirable to place a pyramid only in the bedroom; in any other room - please. Choose the color and material of the pyramid in accordance with the sector where it will stand, and first, of course, decide on your goals and desires. 9) Before installation and every week, clean your pyramid with water (+ two tablespoons of salt), or a Chinese incense stick (smoke the pyramid on all sides with a lit stick). 10) The pyramid should be solid, heavy, weighty, with smooth, perfectly polished edges, and the top should not be chipped or knocked down, but sharp, while for a shungite one, on the contrary, it should not be sharp (blunt).

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