The cure for loneliness is the Mandarin duck, the meaning of the Feng Shui talisman and secrets of use

Today I would like to tell you how the Feng Shui talisman of the mandarin duck can help preserve and protect your family from adversity, as well as attract love (for those who have not yet found their half).

Mandarin ducks feng shui. Why did these birds get this name?

Previously, in China, high-ranking nobles who had the right to wear luxurious colored outfits were called mandarins. The plumage of mandarin ducks is very similar to their colorful clothes, hence the name.

Mandarin ducks are beautiful and very loyal creatures. It has long been noted that, like swans, they create a couple only once in their lives, and throughout the entire time they remain faithful to their partner. When creating a “family,” mandarin ducks do everything together: they raise their offspring, swim side by side, and even take off together, as if on command. If one of the couple dies, the other may even die of melancholy. Therefore, in Feng Shui, mandarin ducks are a symbol of pure love and fidelity. This talisman is very common in China; it is customary to give it to a young couple on their wedding day.

The history of mandarin ducks

The colorful duck mascot seems like an ordinary fiction, because we all know that in reality ducks are gray and plain. But this is only one of the species of these birds, and there is another, known in China under the name “Yuanyang”. Such motley ducks were the original source, which was later taken as the basis for the souvenir.

But why exactly can the symbol of the mandarin duck influence love relationships? This is due to one feature of this type of duck. Similar habits are observed in swans, which is why these birds are often compared.

Surely you have already guessed that we are talking about choosing a mate for life. Mandarin ducks who choose each other behave in a similar way - they do everything together. They swim together, find food and raise their offspring. If one of the birds dies, the second soon follows after it, dying of melancholy.

The legend of the appearance of the talisman and its name

Once upon a time, a mandarin became disillusioned with his marriage. At one point, he realized that over the years of married life he was tired of his wife, and the sacred union concluded before the gods no longer brought joy.

The mandarin decided to send his wife to her relatives, but still did not dare to tell her about this news. Thinking about how to talk about his decision, the man went for a walk by the pond. But I couldn’t get lost in my own thoughts. The Mandarin was immediately distracted from his thoughts when he noticed a couple of ducks near the water. These bright ducks swam side by side and seemed to be having fun with each other.

This sight touched the nobleman’s hardened soul, which is why he began to remember the past years of married life, the joy and happiness that they brought. Thus the bird's love inspired the mandarin. He stayed with his beloved and made the relationship what it was at the very beginning - romantic and happy.

It was this old story that gave rise to the belief that ducks protect family ties. The name of these birds also appeared thanks to the tangerine. Rich Chinese nobles were called mandarins. To demonstrate their high status, they wore fluffy and colorful clothes that closely resembled duck feathers.

The magical meaning of the figurine

The waterfowl, distinguished by its bright colors, is common in the Celestial Empire, therefore the talisman is inextricably linked with eastern practice and feng shui. “Tangerines” make a couple once and for life, and are also capable of dying of melancholy if the partner dies. Thanks to this feature, birds have become a symbol of love, strong marriage, self-sacrifice and mutual understanding. Ducks have a magical meaning both for married couples who want to strengthen relationships, regain passion and protect themselves from betrayal, and for single people. The last symbol of love will help you soon meet a suitable soul mate and get married, which will bring only positive emotions.

In the Middle Kingdom, bright birds were kept in the houses of nobles, and when guests arrived, they were released into the hall. Unusual “tangerines” were considered an indicator of the high status of the owner and acted as a decoration for the evening.

A keychain with such figures works no worse than standard figurines.
In order for the Mandarin duck to have a positive impact on life, the figurines are placed in the home or worn as a keychain. You can purchase the figurines yourself or receive them as a gift, but in the latter case you need to be sure of the good intentions of the giver. The more often the owner touches the talisman and shows him his good attitude and gratitude, the stronger the magical effect will be. Telling strangers and even relatives that the figurine is worn for a specific purpose and has power is prohibited. Letting them touch or play with the figures is also prohibited. If a chip appears on the duck, it is replaced with a new one.

Mandarin duck symbol in feng shui

In Feng Shui, mandarin ducks play a very important role. With their help, a person can activate a certain aspect of life - relationships.

This does not mean that mandarin ducks will only help those who are looking for love. No. Ducks are capable of not only attracting romance into the life of their owner. They also know how to protect what they already have.

In addition, a symbol of fidelity and love can bring a fading relationship back into bloom. This influence manifests itself in the fact that a spark seems to reappear in the communication between two people. That same spark from the candy-bouquet period.

Appropriate place

You can carry ducks with you

The main place where you need to place mandarin ducks in the house or hang their image is the southwestern side of the room, where the sector of love and family relationships is located. Also, a suitable place where a loving couple can live would be the spouses’ bedroom, even if it does not correspond to the southwestern direction.

For single people who want to quickly enter into a marriage relationship, Feng Shui recommends not only placing figurines of mandarin ducks in their home environment, but also carrying a miniature with them in their pocket or bag.

The meaning of the talisman

Chinese mandarin ducks are used as a love talisman for a reason, although it is difficult for an ignorant person to trace any connection in this at first glance. The fact is that the bright ducks themselves are known for their monogamous lifestyle. This quality of theirs was transferred to the amulet.

Therefore, in the form of a figurine, beautiful mandarin ducks symbolize the conclusion of a lifelong union. Couples who buy such an amulet do not have to worry about ending their relationship.

You also don’t have to worry about the fact that it will be impossible to break the hateful connection. After all, these lovebirds will change relationships for the better - they will add a romantic note, help you remember all the good things your partner has done for you, and strengthen the connection between two souls.

If Slavic culture is closer to your spirit, we recommend paying attention to the folk doll Lovebirds. Its meaning and functions are very similar to the Chinese mandarin ducks.

How to activate the action of ducks?

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

The owner should not doubt the power of the talisman, but be confident in its effectiveness. The benefits of mandarin ducks will not appear out of nowhere. It is not enough to simply purchase a figurine or painting and put it on a distant shelf. You can activate the talisman by placing it in a visible place. The amulet requires careful attention from the owner, only in this case it will be beneficial.

According to an ancient Chinese legend, one nobleman, after many years of marriage, lost his former feelings for his wife. He was going to leave the woman, send her to her parents' house. Before parting, I decided to think about everything one last time and went to the park. Walking and thinking, he stopped at a pond with ducks. A pair of bright tangerines in love swam in the water - tenderness itself. Looking at them, the nobleman remembered his youth, his first romantic meetings with his wife and realized what a serious mistake he had almost made. Two ducks helped me understand the meaning of relationships and the need to work on them. He returned home, and the thoughts of breaking off relations with his wife never came to him again.

Porcelain figurine

The legend about mandarin ducks tells owners of amulets how they work. Looking at the ducks, a person should think, and the positive energy of the birds will help to cope with internal disagreements and suggest a way out of a difficult situation.

Features of the talisman

According to Feng Shui, mandarin ducks are not just a souvenir, but a real symbol of true and eternal love. In China, very often, on a wedding day, exactly these ducks are given as a present, which should then stand in the newlyweds’ house.

According to Eastern philosophy, mandarin ducks are a talisman for married couples, helping them maintain fidelity, love, passion and devotion to each other. In addition, there is another meaning of this talisman. Such figures attract prosperity, happiness and harmony to the home.

Not only married couples can purchase or give such figurines. For example, ducks can be an excellent talisman for a lonely woman who has not been able to find her soulmate for a long time.

It is also recommended to present such a talisman to those who have recently experienced a divorce or separation from their significant other. The energy of these ducks will help restore all lost resources and attract new love and happiness into life.

Activation of the talisman

Additional items that enhance energy help to activate your talisman and increase the efficiency of its work:

  • water symbols, for example, a fountain or an aquarium, a painting depicting a water source,
  • indoor plants, among which you can place mandarin ducks,
  • general photo of the spouses.

For married people, Feng Shui recommends storing wedding rings taken off at night near the mandarin ducks, so that in the morning, infected with the energy of the talisman, they can be put on, creating reliable protection for themselves. Instead of wedding rings, next to the mandarin ducks, you can place any other paired objects that are associated with the feeling of love; they will help activate the action of the figurine.

How to choose mandarin ducks

Don’t rush to run to the magic goods store as soon as you learn about mandarin ducks. The choice of this love talisman, like any other, should be approached wisely. Otherwise, you will simply be disappointed in your own expectations and waste your money.

Manufacturers often neglect the rules for making amulets. Hoping that buyers are unaware, they make magic attributes in a hurry, saving materials and time. Unfortunately, such amulets do not always turn into just an ordinary trinket - in some cases they can ruin a person’s life.

It's very easy to avoid all this. To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, learn the rules for choosing mandarin ducks and keep this information in mind while shopping.

On store shelves you can find duck figurines made from a variety of materials. However, bronze figurines or simply imitation bronze are more common than others. Under no circumstances should you buy such ducks! For oriental magic to work, these birds must have their natural color.

Mandarin ducks are a love talisman. According to the sacred Bagua polygon, the indoor love zone will be located on the southwest side. The energy of the earth is concentrated in this place. Therefore, experts advise choosing natural materials - ceramics, porcelain, clay, glass.

Jasper and jade ducks are popular in China. But such a monochromatic, albeit cute, talisman violates the previous recommendation, so it is better to purchase a figurine with a more natural color.

What is the reason for the name of ducks?

In ancient times in China, the name "mandarin" was worn by influential nobles who were allowed to wear luxurious colored robes. Mandarin ducks, in their plumage, strongly resemble the multi-colored clothes of nobles, which is why they began to be called that.

Mandarin ducks are unusually attractive in appearance and loyal creatures. Since ancient times, people have noted that they, like swans, couple once in their lives and then remain faithful only to their partner. Having created a family, ducks try to perform all actions together: raise their babies, swim next to each other and even take off together. When one of the ducks dies, the second often follows it out of sadness.

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Most likely, it is because of this that in the art of Feng Shui, mandarin ducks began to symbolize pure love and fidelity. This symbol is very common among the Chinese; mandarin ducks are presented to newlyweds on their wedding day.

What are the types?

Figures of mandarin ducks can be of a wide variety of types. Birds are most often made sitting next to each other or swimming together with their wings touching.

Among all the existing varieties, the most popular are the following:

  • Figurines depicting a kiss or looking at each other. They look especially impressive
  • birds placed on a stand, which is a symbol connecting two loving hearts,
  • ducks are sold separately, however, you need to purchase them only in pairs, since one mandarin duck will not be of any use, such a bird attracts loneliness to the home,
  • paintings or panels depicting mandarin ducks. Even if it is cross stitch or any other method, they must be depicted as a pair.

The same applies to the three ducks. There is a huge possibility that someone else will begin to wedge themselves between the lovers, which, naturally, is unnecessary in a relationship. You need to buy a duck with a drake. It is not difficult to determine the gender; the male individual has a brighter plumage color.

In addition to figurines, there are also birds that float or stand alone, which will not bring into the house what a person expects when purchasing a product. A prerequisite for long-term love is harmony. Such beautiful things as figurines of mandarin ducks can evoke real feelings.

This may be a coincidence, but my friend has been trying to arrange her personal life for more than five years. It so happened that she moved to another city and on occasion bought a talisman with mandarin ducks in the store. I placed them in the correct sector, which is easy to calculate.

Soon she met her future husband. They are currently happily married and have a baby. I also heard that if the couple has already taken place, then there is no need to purchase a figurine, although it seems to me that this is not true.


What do mascots look like?

General view of the figurines: drake and duck

Birds of different sexes differ greatly in appearance, so practitioners recommend choosing a pair of opposite sexes for your home. If you buy only one “tangerine”, it will not bring any benefit, but, on the contrary, will contribute to long-term loneliness. Three birds will lead to the appearance of a third extra person in a relationship, bringing discord and quarrels. If such a talisman has already been purchased, then it is better to purchase another “tangerine” to make 2 pairs. It’s good if two ducks are located on one stand. The most common one is the lotus flower, since this plant symbolizes purity and heavenly, divine energy. "Tangerines" must look at each other. An additional plus if they touch each other with their wings, heads or paws. If the views are directed in different directions, then the talisman will bring discord and cooling of relations.

Preferred colors and materials

The figures will work much better if they have the most natural color possible.
Eastern practitioners believe that the more realistic the figures are, the greater the positive magical effect it will have on the owner. Drakes are very bright, with feathers of all colors. An important feature of the male is that the shades do not mix, but are clearly differentiated. The male mandarin duck has a scarlet beak and orange legs. There is a fluffy crest on the head. Mandarin ducks look more modest: the head is smoky, the back is brown, and the rest of the body is covered with white feathers. The color transitions in females are smoother, flowing into one another. This is due to the need for camouflage from predators. The duck's beak is olive, and its limbs are orange with a scarlet tint. There is no need to achieve 100% compliance.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, an image of a pair of “tangerines” hung on the bedroom wall will be no less effective. The canvas must be natural.

If you can’t find a pair of “tangerine” figurines of the original color, then you need to pay attention to “tangerine” figurines. However, esotericists recommend first of all listening to intuition. If your hand reaches out to a certain figurine, then you need to purchase it. It is believed that ducks are protected by the earthly element, and therefore natural materials are selected for the base of the talisman. Better - semi-precious and precious stones. The most popular materials among Eastern practitioners include the following materials:

A good material for figurines can be jade.

  • porcelain;
  • Tiger's Eye;
  • unprocessed clay;
  • jasper;
  • cornelian;
  • nephritis.

Where to put

Since ducks naturally settle near rivers and lakes, it is recommended to place the figures in close proximity to vegetation and water. It’s very good if these are your favorite indoor flowers, an aquarium, or a decorative fountain.

Despite the fact that figurines are an inanimate object, they require increased attention and tender care. It is important to follow simple rules:

  • Birds left to gather dust on a closet shelf or as a decorative element in the hallway will also be of no use.
  • When the talisman is correctly installed, love and mutual understanding will begin to reign between the residents of the house,
  • Single women or men begin to attract the opposite sex.

There are several zones in the house; the southwestern direction is responsible for marriage and love. It’s just perfect for placing the figures. Ideally, they will be installed in the spouses' bedroom.

Where to put tangerines

When positioned correctly, the talisman begins to work in full force. It is best if the mandarin ducks are located in the southwestern part of the house, that is, where, according to the Bagua grid, the territory of love is located. According to Feng Shui, ducks will attract romantic relationships into family life, resurrect fading love and contribute to the revival of former passion. Keep in mind that the effect of the amulet will be enhanced if, according to Feng Shui, ducks stand near a decorative fountain or near an aquarium with fish.

Married people should keep their wedding rings near the ducks so that the jewelry is charged with positive energy. According to Feng Shui, ducks will help single people find a match. The effect of the talisman will be significantly enhanced if some paired objects appear on the wall next to the image of birds: souvenirs, figurines, candlesticks.

Even a superficial glance, thrown casually at mandarin ducks , can bring a smile, enhance the feeling of love and set you in a positive mood. When you are angry with someone close to you, look at the symbol of love according to Feng Shui - and there will be nothing left of annoying reproaches and unfounded claims! These lovebirds are not only great role models, but also a standard to follow when building strong and reliable love with your partner.

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