The influence of the symbolic stars of Ba Zi on a person’s destiny

You can find out the Ba Zi technique and what it really is in this article. We'll figure it out together. So, the meaning of Ba Zi is a system of fortune telling. Using this technique will require unfolding your birth date. You need to use your year, month, day and time of birth for four specific characters in the Chinese alphabet. These same hieroglyphs in the Ba Zi system are called the four fateful pillars. This Chinese technology opens up many possibilities. Knowing the Ba Zi card, you will be able to make a weighty decision that is doubtful at one time or another. Using your potential and innate abilities is the least that mastery of technique gives you.

Ba Zi and the very concept of “symbolic stars” appeared many centuries ago. All this time, the system developed more and more and improved, the masters of which “processed” patterns by analyzing dates. This is exactly how the phenomenon of symbolic stars arose, with the help of which one can look into the future, indicate human character and destiny in general. Fire, Metal, Wood, Earth and Water are the foundations of the system. Self-expression, Money, Resources, Power, Friends - these are the factors without which it is impossible to calculate fate, whose meaning should be revealed in the prediction.

What is a symbolic star

The stars are a combination of signs, using which you can make a forecast. In order for the data to be reliable, a lot of information about a person’s personality should be studied. Since ancient times, masters have drawn more than 200 Symbolic stars, but in modern practice no more than 30 are used.

You can calculate the Symbolic Star using the necessary counting rules. They take into account the branches of the year of birth, which include the animals of the birthday, as well as the celestial trunk of the birthday.

There are 12 birthday animals. More than 2 stars can belong to one earthly branch, which will have different interpretations; Symbolic stars are also called Spirits, Gods or Devils. This division is relative, since even favorable constellations can harm their owner if they are in the wrong place. As for demons, they are not always harbingers of misfortune: they often come to the aid of a person in the fight against shortcomings.

It happens that in the Ba Zi map you can see a large concentration of stars. This is an unfavorable sign, because a person with such a card is endowed with a complex character and a difficult fate.

General's Star

Also referred to as Command Influence, it symbolizes the presence of authority and leadership qualities in a person's character. Most often found in life cards of high officials and military generals. Therefore, the presence of this sign indicates all the prerequisites for building a successful military career or occupying an important leadership position.

In addition, the General’s star helps to gain authority in the team, acquire discipline and wisdom.

This concludes our description of some stars from the Ba Zi map. We will talk about the meaning of the following signs in the second part of this article.


Star Interpretation – Noble Man, Flower of Romance, Traveling Horse

Symbolic stars in Ba Zi are also called virtual stars, since they are calculated using formulas. They carry true interpretations. One of the most favorable stars is the Noble Man. It symbolizes success in business, luck, support and help from other people.

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Not only people, but also higher powers and guardian angels can act as noble helpers. It is believed that a person who has this constellation in his chart is lucky in life. He wins in any situation, easily solves problems, and does not experience financial difficulties. But this doesn't always happen. It happens that a nearby star neutralizes its influence.

The constellation Flower of Romance has a double meaning. The advantage is that it endows its owner with such qualities as charm, sexual attractiveness, and popularity with people of the opposite sex. Negative traits include frivolity, immorality, and love of gambling.

If there is only one such star, and it is in the right place, then this circumstance makes a person successful in the love sphere and gives happiness and prosperity in family life. If the Flower of Romance is located in the house of the spouse, then the fairer sex may have problems in relationships with men. If the Qi phase is low, this indicates depravity and gambling.

The constellation of the Traveling Horse, also called the Yamskaya or Postal Horse, means travel, a change of place of work or residence. It accompanies a person when he is on a business trip, contributes to his career advancement, change of housing, etc.

This star is considered lucky. If it is combined with the element of Friends, the most favorable option for traveling for a person is in the company of friends; with the element of Resources it promises the absence of problems with learning; with the element of Money - luck will accompany one’s career; with Self-Expression - the person will become a good speaker and will attract people to his side. interested public, with the authorities - a meeting with higher authorities will bring a positive result.

traveling horse

One of the most entertaining and good symbols on the fate card. It personifies a person’s desire to constantly move forward and achieve their goals. In addition, it directly indicates frequent travel or change of residence. Therefore, having a horse is extremely useful for all those whose work involves frequent business trips. Also, depending on its combination with a particular sign, the Traveling Horse can manifest itself in slightly different ways. So, for example, if it is associated with:

  • Resources - a person will easily learn and perceive new information,
  • Self-expression - he will be a master at public speaking,
  • Friends - he will be best suited for trips with friends,
  • With money - this promises success in material terms.

What do the stars mean – Art and Solitude, Red Luan, General

The constellations Art and Loneliness are a symbol of creative people endowed with various talents. They are often lonely due to the sophistication of their nature. It is not easy for them to find a life partner, since these people are mostly introverts. They are immersed in their inner world, it is difficult for them to make contact with people.

When they meet their soulmate, they are ready to shower her with warmth and care. But they are often silent and thoughtful, paying insufficient attention to their life partners. This star speaks of difficulties, obstacles, misunderstandings in relationships with the opposite sex, as a result of which a person faces problems in his personal life.

Red Luan, called the Magician of Love or Red Phoenix, bestows natural charm and beauty on its owner. In the Ba Zi chart it has a positive meaning: a person easily finds a life partner, starts a relationship, and starts a family. The location of the constellation on the map indicates where you need to look for your other half.

The Constellation of the General, called Command Influence, endows its owner with leadership qualities, a high position in society and power. A person with such a card can make a good career and achieve great heights. Such a person is disciplined and has great worldly wisdom.

Noble man

One of the most positive signs you can find on your Ba Zi card. It symbolizes the appearance of unexpected luck, and from the side where it is not expected at all. During the period of its influence, a person receives help from someone stronger and more experienced. The presence of this star on the life map indicates that he is truly lucky and can cope with almost any problem. He is lucky financially and easily manages to get out of difficult situations.

Characteristics of the stars – Bankruptcy, Storage, Robbery, Self-punishment

The Bankruptcy Star has a negative meaning. People with such a card are often unlucky in the financial sphere, and creating their own business is contraindicated for them. This card is called Ten Evils or Big Bad. If the Ba Zi card is powerful, then this star is not capable of causing significant harm. But for weak cards, it is a harbinger of failure: its owner can make an unprofitable deal or investment, accompanied by large financial losses.

The constellation Vault, called the Grave, is favorable. It means that a person has a vault containing money and jewelry. If there is more than one Grave in the map, then a person can acquire a large fortune. The constellation forms a connection with such elements as Dog, Ox, Dragon, Goat. Luck accompanies the Wood element, since it has 4 storages at the same time (while others have one), which portends great wealth.

The constellation of Robbery is unfavorable and suggests that a person can take something from someone (not only in material terms). With the same success, something significant in his life could be taken away from this person. The card promotes the development of such qualities as resourcefulness, resourcefulness, a tendency to deceive and steal, etc.

The Star of Self-Punishment says that a person independently creates obstacles and problems for himself in life due to his personal qualities and shortcomings. Discipline and work on yourself will help neutralize the negative impact of the card.

Art Star

Its full name sounds like the Star of Art and Solitude. It characterizes introverted people with an extremely reserved and secretive character. Along with these, they are quite talented by nature and are often fond of art. Most often present in the cards of people of creative professions who have excellent taste and refined manners.

If it is present in the earthly branch of the day or hour, this indicates that such a person has certain difficulties with personal relationships and creating a family. Even if he gets married, it will be difficult for him to pay due attention to his family and friends. At the same time, such people treat their significant other well and try to take care of them to the best of their ability.

Decoding the stars Academic, War, Warrior, Golden Carriage

The Academician's Star promises good luck to its owner. She endows him with literary talent, as a result of which a person can become a great writer and scientist; the academic star gives the ability to quickly memorize and assimilate material.

War in a map can have both positive and negative meanings. In a positive sense, it gives its owner strategic thinking, which helps him successfully overcome obstacles and win battles. The negative meaning of the card is human injustice, a tendency to steal.

The Warrior Star indicates that a person is fair, honest, defends the rights of other people, and fights manifestations of evil.

The golden carriage symbolizes wealth and luxury in all its forms. The life of a person who has such a card is cloudless and happy.

Blooming canopy

Belongs to the number of Spirits of good luck. Helps you achieve high goals and achieve success in business. It symbolizes the development of imagination and a rich spiritual world. People with the presence of such a sign in their life chart are characterized by thoughtfulness and sensitivity.

Along with this, the Blooming Canopy tells us that such a person can withdraw into himself, withdrawing from the outside world into the depths of his fantasies and thoughts.

What you need to know about the stars Angel of Death, Sheep Knife, Blooming Canopy

The Angel of Death, or the Demon of Destruction, does not pose an external danger to humans. It only determines his predisposition to discontent, fears, and complexes. Positive traits: wit, diplomacy.

The Star of Prosperity brings good luck: a person achieves a high position in society and material wealth.

The presence of the Blooming Canopy in a personal chart speaks of the sophistication and sensitivity of nature. Such people have a rich inner world and a developed imagination.

The Sheep Knife is characterized by duality of interpretation. This star gives its owner perseverance, determination, temper and uncompromisingness. With a strong card, such character traits will complicate a person’s life; with a weak one, they will help to achieve success.

Star of Self-Punishment

The Star of Self-Punishment has a destructive effect on the life of everyone for whom it appears on the life map. As its name says, it makes a person constantly doubt his abilities and blame himself for all troubles. He suffers from chronic absent-mindedness and inattention, which is why he constantly creates new problems for himself.

You can smooth out its influence on your life only under one condition - you need to constantly engage in self-development and do everything to strengthen self-confidence.

Angel of Death (Demon of Destruction)

A star with a truly terrifying name - the Angel of Death is also known in Feng Shui as the Demon of Destruction. It destroys a person from the inside, instilling in him multiple subconscious fears and chronic dissatisfaction with life. In connection with this, its owner constantly gets involved in illegal affairs and may even have a criminal record. Although if you look at it from the other side, the Demon of Destruction gives a person intelligence, the ability to negotiate with different people and a sharp mind. Therefore, if you wish, you can still use its influence on your destiny for your benefit.

Auspicious Stars Qi Men Dong Jia

The Qi Men Dong Jia layout uses 9 stars. The stars for each palace are traditionally written in the lower left corner. The Qi Men stars are responsible for the environment and atmosphere in which the action takes place.

The figure above shows an example of the location of the Stars in the Qi Men chart. Please note that one of the stars (starHeavenly Bird) is always located in the same palace with the starHeavenly Sprout.

In the Qi Men Dong Jia tables, the Stars move relative to the central palace. They follow each other in a circle in the same order. Each of the 9 Stars has its own meaning in the Oracle of Qi Men Dong Jia.

  • Element - Wood
  • Home location - Southeast
  • Images: people, grass, flowerbed, rainbow, thread, brush, hotel, vegetables, carpenter, carpenter, passport officer.
  • Body: liver, gall bladder, eyebrows.
  • Good for travel, career advancement, taking office, construction, business, receiving forgiveness.

In the Oracle of Qi Men Dong Jia Star 輔 Heavenly Help (Tian Fu) means luck, promises support in any matter, is suitable for trips and travels, It is favorable for career advancement and starting work in a new place. The StarHeavenly Help brings success, wealth and is favorable for moving to a new home.

The StarTian Fu is considered especially effective in carrying out the activation of the Three Generals.

  • Element - Metal
  • Home Location - North West
  • Images: clear sky, big city, capital, hat, jewelry, car, official institution, hero, rich man, official, military affairs.
  • Body: bones, forehead.
  • Star of Nobility. Favorable for prayers, breathing practices, treatment, travel, moving, marriage.

In the Oracle of Qi Men, the star 心 Heavenly Heart (Tian Xin / Tian Xin) is favorable for medical interventions and taking medications, for research activities, planning and meeting with patrons. It means a margin of safety and helps to defeat the disease.

This star is especially strong in winter and autumn.

  • Element - Earth
  • Home Location - Northeast
  • Images: sandstorm, mountain cliff, screen, table and chairs, bedspread, blanket, warehouse, hotel, prison worker, holy man, Taoist.
  • Body: spleen, stomach, nose.
  • Favorable for moving, trading, marriage, career development.

In the Oracle of Qi Men Dong Jia, the starHeavenly Official (Tian Ren) is considered favorable for almost any matter. It is suitable for seeking support from superiors, creating an enterprise and starting a business.

  • Element - Earth
  • Home location - Center
  • Images: sword, knife, dead end, abandoned place, typhoon, rifle, empty house, old clothes, robber, deceiver, protector.
  • Body: blood, brain.
  • Good for travel, commercial transactions, making a profit, interacting with patrons and assistants.

In the Oracle of Qi Men Dun Jia, the star 禽 Heavenly Bird (Tian Qin) is associated with a break and temporary stop of processes. This star helps in making deals and commerce. It is favorable for travel, trade and commercial transactions, construction and meeting with dignitaries.

  • Element - Fire
  • Home Location - South
  • Images: sun, busy street, active road, lamp, candle, mirror, book, shop, businessman, library employee, scientist.
  • Body: small intestine, eyes, heart.
  • Bloodshed and conflicts. All things are unfavorable.

In the Oracle of Qi Men Dong Jia, the star Heavenly Shine (Tian Ying) signifies confrontation, deception, intrigue, gossip and financial problems, and is unfavorable for trade, construction, marriage, moving and travel. It indicates determination, acting ability, impulsive and explosive character.

  • Element - Earth
  • Home Location - Southwest
  • Images: fog, garden, plain, suitcase, empty box, canvas, small village house, agriculture, peasant, pregnant woman.
  • Body: muscles, cheeks.
  • Diseases, epidemics, waste. Supports learning and appropriate advice seeking in selected cases.

In the Oracle of Qi, the Men Star 芮 Tian Rui (Heavenly Sprout) often signifies illness. But these are not just random diseases, but situations that give us time to rethink our actions and work on ourselves.

If the starcelestial Sprout is located in the Palace of Life, it means poor health.

The starTian Rui is unfavorable for active actions; it provokes loss of valuables and litigation, brings anxiety and fears. In forecasts for lawsuits, the starHeavenly Sprout means loss.

In autumn and winter, combined with favorable Gates and Structure, this star is favorable for learning and seeking advice.

  • Element - Metal
  • Home Location: West
  • Images: frost, hail, small lake, pond, cup, glass, bucket, axe, monastery employee, hermit, witch, fisherman.
  • Body: large intestine, lungs, mouth.
  • Shock and horror, mystical phenomena. Good for defense. Not suitable for constructive activities.

In the oracle of Qi Men, the star 柱 Heavenly Pillar (Tian Zhu / Tian Zhu) means retreat from obligations, withdrawal from business, completion of communication. It is considered unfavorable for economic activity, entrepreneurship, trade and travel.

Star can be used for defense and gathering strength.

  • Element - Water
  • Home location - North
  • Images: rain, pond, raincoat, umbrella, fishing gear, varnish products, boat, hotel, dining room, sailor.
  • Body: bladder, kidneys, ears.
  • Theft, loss of money, illness, competition.

The meaning of the starTian Peng is loss, loss and theft. However, in spring and summer, combined with a favorable Gate and Structure, the star 蓬 Heavenly Grass (Tian Peng) supports success in official disputes and brings prosperity.

People represented by the starHeavenly Grass strive for new emotions and impressions, do not tolerate criticism well and always do everything their own way.

  • Element - Wood
  • Home location - East
  • Images: thunder and lightning, orchard, fruit, radish, forest, drum, axe, awl, flute, high house, witness, manager.
  • Body: three heaters, heart sac, jaws.
  • Suitable for attack and revenge. Not suitable for constructive activities.

In the Oracle of Qi Men Dong Jia, the star 冲 Heavenly Clash (Tian Chong) means unexpected events and actions, threats and the need to exercise caution in any matter, especially when moving and traveling. It is unfavorable to get married, move to a new house, engage in commercial activities and construction.

StarHeavenly Clash is suitable for revenge, punishment of the guilty and military campaigns.

The ancient Chinese believed that the Qi Men Stars influenced any changes occurring on Earth. The stars reflect Heavenly Qi and at the same time tell about the influence of the surrounding space. In addition to movements and actions, the Stars are used to carry out Qi Men Dong Jia activations indoors .

To activate Qi Men, three favorable Stars are most often used:

  • Tian Fu / Heavenly Help
  • Tian Ren/Heavenly Official
  • Tian Xin / Heavenly Heart.

The starTian Qin (Heavenly Bird) in the Qi Men Dun Jia layout is always in the same palace with the unfavorable starTian Rui (Heavenly Sprout). Therefore, to activate the StarTian Qin can only be used in cases where it is combined with the Heavenly Stem from the central sector of the layout. But even in this case, it is necessary to carefully select the layout operators to activate in order to avoid problems.

As a rule, the Stars do not interact directly with humans. But they will show what circumstances you may encounter in the process of realizing your intentions.

In the predictions of the Qi Men Oracle, the stars mean the support of Heaven and are responsible for a person’s way of thinking. Favorable stars signify a suitable environment and promise a successful gathering. But for this, the Star must be in a generative or supportive relationship with the palace and in a good Qi phase for the season.

To build a map, you can use an online calculator

If you are interested in learning Qi Men Dong Jia, we invite you to our classes. A list of all available Qi Men courses is here

I wish you a smooth and prosperous road to success, clear goals and long-term plans, reliable friendship, family happiness and prosperity, health, high income and constant good luck!

Natalya Titova Consultant and teacher of Feng Shui, Zi Wei Dou Shu, Qi Men Dong Jia, author of the “Melody of Qi” project and the “Tools for Chinese Metaphysics” portal.

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