Favorable days according to Feng Shui: how to determine a lucky date

Selecting favorable dates

Using date selection techniques, you can increase your income, increase the efficiency of your own business, enhance romantic luck, and much more. By starting important projects and meetings, treatment or travel at a favorable time, you attract additional chances of success to your side.

When choosing a date, the consultant evaluates the energies of the day being studied. They may be suitable for some things, but will bring obstacles in the implementation of other endeavors. Depending on the personal Ba Zi chart, the energies of the day can be favorable for one person and completely negative for another.

Every day, as a rule, there are many different influences at work simultaneously, both good and bad. It is for this reason that the procedure for choosing a suitable date for certain events is a rather complex and time-consuming process that requires extensive knowledge and sufficient experience from the consultant.

The professional version of the Date Selection calculator greatly facilitates the consultant’s work, allowing you to quickly and effectively estimate the energies of each day without performing time-consuming calculations.

In the full version of the Date Selection calculator, the following is available:

  • European date (year, month, day of week).
  • Tzu Tzu of every year, month, day and hour.
  • On the Yin of each pillar.
  • Da Gua element and period of each year, month and day.
  • Collisions (Destroyers).
  • Sha directions.
  • Three Sha.
  • Fu Yin (Duplicate) in relation to the day.
  • Fan Yin (Anti-duplicate) in relation to the year.
  • Symbolic stars of the day and hour.
  • Dates for activation Warming the Money Star
  • Jian Chu are the rulers of the day.
  • Lunar sites.
  • Descriptions of watches.
  • Moon days.
  • Time of change of solar seasons.
  • Dates of solar and lunar eclipses.
  • Retrograde Mercury.
  • Days before an eclipse and days between eclipses.
  • Days that kill the Master.
  • Characteristics of the day according to the method of Master Don.
  • Ability to calculate corrections for local solar time.
  • and much more.

Features of the professional version of the calculator:

  • Building a calendar for any period of time;
  • General selection of favorable dates, taking into account all the characteristics of the day and hour.
  • Individual selection of dates, taking into account your personal Ba Zi map and useful elements. The program will calculate your Ba Zi chart and highlight unfavorable or favorable signs of the day (Personal Destroyer, personal Three Shas, Individual Symbolic Stars) that affect you specifically.
  • Assessment of the energies of the day according to the method of Master Don.
  • Detailed descriptions and tips for all components.
  • Warming Dates of the Money Star.
  • Luminous dates are highlighted in a special way in the program.
  • Two data output options:
  • Option 1 - View detailed characteristics for each hour and day of the month.
  • Option 2 – the ability to select several days of the month at once and group all the characteristics of days and hours into a separate block, followed by printing the results. You can immediately print a ready-made calendar for any period of time, which will take into account not only the general parameters of the day, but also the individual characteristics of your Ba Zi card .
  • Saving personal card data (the ability to create your own database of saved individual cards for further quick date selection).
  • Additional explanations of the program and frequently asked questions (for example, what exactly is the start date of an event, what is a glowing date, why do they not like the unused hour).
  • Possibility to print results.
  • and much more.
  • To use the program you will need access to the Internet.

    The “Selecting Favorable Dates” calculator is intended only for those who have professional knowledge in this area. If you do not have sufficient knowledge and skill in using Ba Zi and Date Picking techniques, we recommend that you refrain from using this calculator.

    Attention! Access to the full version of the calculator is provided for one user.

    By purchasing access to the full version of the calculator, you agree to the following rules: 1. You are the sole owner of your account on the website https://infengi.ru/ 2. Only you have access to information about your account. 3. You have not and will not transfer your account login and password to third parties. 4. The information obtained when using the calculator is used by you for personal purposes. If you do not comply with the rules, your account may be deleted before the expiration of access to the full version of the program without any compensation or explanation.

    By purchasing access to the full version of the calculator, you agree to comply with the rules, confirm that you have read the rules and agree with them.

    By purchasing access to the full version of the program, you also confirm that you are familiar with and agree with the consequences of violating the rules for using the resources of the site https://infengi.ru/.

    Creating a forecast

    Feng Shui calendars involve the use of dividing, devastating days and months of great evils and defeats, as well as destructive days. The indicators listed above are taken into account in an individual forecast, since they can have a great influence on the successful outcome of future affairs and events in the life of any person, regardless of his personal qualities.

    It is important to know that important and global affairs in the calendar mean such important events as opening your own business or signing an important long-term contract, wedding, moving to a new home, finding a new job, moving to another position, surgery, purchasing real estate and movable property property.

    For the Feng Shui calendar, the parameters of the lunar day are also used, when the Moon passes through all the signs of the Western horoscope. Despite the fact that these techniques are not related to Chinese metaphysics, they have an impressive impact on a person’s mood and the energy of the day.

    It should be noted that when analyzing a forecast from the calendar and planning future events, it is important for a person to pay attention to both the animal in the year of which he was born and the sign of the day. To do this, you can use Ba Tzu. If the animal of the day or year conflicts with the energies of the day, then nothing significant can be planned on that day. At the same time, the animal of the day affects personal life, in particular relationships in the family and with people close to a person. The animal of the year, on the contrary, affects social life: work, society, etc.

    When predicting the calendar according to Feng Shui, it is important to indicate the arrival time of the lunar day, which corresponds to the desired time zone where the person is located. The calendar will help you avoid all kinds of delays and obstacles while performing various tasks. It will help you find out at what time the favorable energy of the day occurs, which will allow you to implement your plans quickly and successfully.

    Selecting dates according to feng shui

    You may not have thought about it, but the day you started something (a business, got married, went on a trip) directly affects the course of events in the future. It is better to start important things on specially selected dates.

    Any action

    must be performed at the
    the energy of the Universe
    most strongly favors it. And the simplest thing is that if an important significant event is planned in your life, I recommend that you consult a specialist for advice in order to choose a favorable time for the event.

    I also want to share a story from my life, which clearly demonstrates why it is worth not just learning the theory, but also remembering to apply it.

    My personal experience in choosing dates - how to avoid losses

    In my life, I always plan different events, choosing dates for moving, starting projects, repairs and construction work, starting health procedures, drawing up contracts, contacting various authorities to resolve life issues. Why do I make a personal personal calendar

    for your different current tasks.

    In addition, I plan the desired goals and achievements for each year, quarter, month, taking into account favorable and unfavorable times for myself personally. After all, every ten years (cycles according to the Chinese calendar), every year, month, day, energy changes in characteristics and affects your personal results in different ways.

    But still, sometimes unpleasant events still happen in my life, although they are usually predictable in advance.

    So, the day of February 1, 2021 really turned out to be very eventful for me in terms of the events that took place. There is a saying in the Russian language: “If only I knew where you would fall, I would have laid some straw!” According to the Chinese calendar, this is the day of the Snake, which for me means activity, the symbolic star Traveling Horse. Therefore, on this day I outlined many tasks that I successfully completed.

    Tired of the stress of the day, I decided to take a walk and at the same time buy a train ticket for the next day to go home. In the bustle, I didn’t attach any importance to the fact that I would have to return at the hour of the Pig, the hour of destruction for this day.

    To clarify, the Snake and Pig are one of the conflicting animal pairs of the Chinese calendar. Moreover, I myself was born in the year of the Pig. There is a double conflict between the day of the Snake - with the year of birth of a person and with the hour of the Pig of the current day.

    Indeed, when returning home, there was an unfortunate fall on a slippery place, and the result was a fracture of the radius bone of the right hand. It helped me to know the fact (thanks to Chinese metaphysics!) that the year 2021 is unfavorable for me, the so-called “year of self-punishment”, I am getting into health problems. And I, knowing this in advance, back in December 2021, began to learn health practices and practice qigong.

    Having turned to her mentors, she immediately abandoned the traditional application of a plaster cast, received the help of an osteopath, a reflexologist, and on her favorable date for starting treatment, she began to influence the points that trigger lymphatic drainage and improve blood circulation in the hand. Therefore, I recovered quickly.

    The experience gained once again showed how important it is not only to study the theory of Chinese metaphysics, choosing the right time, but also to apply it in life.

    I would also like to give my latest example of using a favorable date for wishes, which I used on my last vacation trip to Sochi. For several years in a row I have been planning and conducting activations for specific tasks using the Qi Men Dong Jia method.

    This time, the hotel that was pre-booked before my arrival turned out to be unsuitable for my purposes. Therefore, upon arrival in Sochi, I used the services of an accommodation agent right next to the station. She and I quickly found an apartment that suited me, but after spending the night in it and discovering that it was too cold for this time of year, I again asked the agent to find me housing.

    Although I quickly found an apartment, I didn’t really want to take my things to another area again. Besides, it is unknown how suitable she could be for me.

    This morning, looking at my personal calendar, which I draw up at the beginning of each month, I saw that the whole day is favorable for wishes. It was at this moment that I decided to use this method.

    And turning my back in the desired southwestern direction, I asked for a successful solution to the problem of settling in a good place. We were on the street, and then “by chance” a friend from a neighboring house approached my agent and, having learned that an apartment was being searched, offered her apartment for occupancy.

    The place turned out to be very convenient, I settled in and was very pleased that I didn’t have to go anywhere. The female agent was surprised by my quick “luck,” but I, knowing the influence of favorable times, mentally thanked my teachers, from whom I draw knowledge.


    In this material, I shared my knowledge of how, in situations of uncertainty, choosing a favorable date for an event can only help make it successful. Those wishing to choose a favorable time for important events, taking into account the characteristics of their birth chart, as well as to receive an activation calendar using the methods of Chinese metaphysics for various tasks, I recommend contacting me for a consultation.

    Thank you for reading the article “Choosing dates according to Feng Shui” and expanding your horizons! If you liked the material, share the link on social networks.

    Best wishes, Raisa

    Author of the site

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    Retrograde Mercury - what is it?

    These are periods of retrograde motion of the planet Mercury; there were three of these in 2021. During this period, you should complete the things you started and put things in order. All endeavors will be unsuccessful, a lot will have to be redone, you should not buy office equipment, any storage media, as well as vehicles - cars, bicycles, etc.

    There were three of these periods in 2021, they are already behind us. There are also three such periods in 2021:

    • From February 17 to March 10
    • From June 18 to July 12
    • From October 14 to November 3.

    If you are planning a solution to significant issues during the Mercury retro period and want to find out in more detail what else cannot be done and what can be done (except for the actions mentioned), I recommend seeking advice from a specialist).

    Selecting dates according to Feng Shui: Calendar as a tool

    As you remember, earlier in the materials we mentioned the time and circumstances for successful actions in life. Success accompanies those people who build their lives in accordance with the rhythms of nature. To choose the right dates for different tasks and live harmoniously, without trying to bend the world to you, you need a CALENDAR.

    We are familiar with several types of calendars. All of them were compiled as a result of observations of natural phenomena and the movement of stars and luminaries in the sky; they contain all the wisdom and knowledge accumulated by peoples over millennia.

    Since I am a supporter of an integrated approach, I use three calendars in my daily practice and event planning. They help you navigate many life issues, ranging from everyday issues, such as cutting hair, caring for plants, to planning trips and trips, starting health procedures, holding various events, and contacting authorities.

    Mayan calendar

    Helps me, when planning daily, to understand the energy of the day and not have any illusions about my capabilities. Or plan various types of activities. In addition, with the help of this calendar you can characterize the person himself. It is possible to understand the main features, nature of actions and motives of the actions of different people. I use the site 1001 horoscope, section - Mayan calendar.

    Vedic lunar calendar

    (Vedic ceremonies website. Vedic lunar calendar) reflects the lunar cycle and characterizes individual days of the week. Depending on the number of the 30-day lunar cycle, it allows you to choose your occupation and gives a description of the day as a whole from the point of view of psychology and emotions. I use it to take care of myself (haircut, massage treatments) and plants, and to carry out health cleansing procedures.

    But my main tool for life planning is the Chinese calendar

    , whose age is more than 5 thousand years. He helped ancient people manage their households in their daily lives, sow, harvest, go on military campaigns and, most importantly, maintain a high level of energy and health. The wisest people used this knowledge to heal others. After all, in the East, a healer must be a model of health himself, only after that he could teach and treat others.

    Perhaps the Chinese also inherited the calendar from previous civilizations, like all Chinese metaphysics. Because it is based on a single basic principle about the movement of the five primary elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.

    In turn, the Chinese calendar is the basis for choosing a favorable time for important matters. Such as, for example, opening a business, submitting an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, holding a wedding, negotiations, submitting a resume when looking for a job, completing a purchase and sale transaction, and others.

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