Ritual for collecting a vase of wealth according to Feng Shui: secrets of effectiveness and manufacturing nuances

The end of the year is the ideal time to take stock, understand what worked and what you need to work on more hard. But if you want changes, then it doesn’t matter whether it’s winter or summer outside. To make your dreams come true as if by magic, and to achieve your goals easily and naturally, it is important to formulate them in as much detail as possible and to believe that the circumstances will work out in the best way for you.

A positive attitude and a clear vision of what you want help you cope with many difficulties along the way. When you want to quickly attract luck into your life, you can try unusual ways. One of them is to make a feng shui cup of wealth with your own hands.

You can create a special talisman at any time of the year when you have a strong desire to improve the life of your family. However, if you follow traditions, it is better to choose the first new moon before the New Year according to the Chinese calendar - from January 21 to February 21. Follow the detailed plan in this article, and favorable changes will not keep you waiting.


To begin with, it’s worth talking a little about what this cup of abundance is and why it is needed.
Many eastern peoples actively use such a talisman in their home in order to attract financial well-being and good luck. In appearance, this is the most ordinary pot or bowl, which has a wide variety of fillings. Some people fill it with ears of wheat, others with dried cloves and cinnamon, and others with sugar and rice. It all depends on what exactly a person wants to attract into his life. It is worth noting that such a talisman can be made at home yourself. By the way, talismans that you create with your own hands and put your positive energy into them during the creation process have greater power than those bought in a store.

You can make a money pot or bowl to attract personal happiness or health, or you can make a pot that will help create an atmosphere of harmony and comfort in your home. It all depends on your personal preferences and desires.

Many people specially attend a master class on making such bowls of abundance on the eve of special holidays, because they believe that it is New Year’s or Christmas energy that best influences the creation of such talismans. But if you didn’t have time to make such a talisman for the New Year or Christmas, then you shouldn’t be upset. You can do it at any other time. The main thing is your desire, a positive attitude and compliance with some rules, which we will discuss later.

Proper storage methods

Put the vase in a secluded, clean place if your main goal is material well-being.
If the main tasks you have set for this year are related not to finances, but to family relationships, then you should not put the cup away too far. Let everyone who took part in its creation see the result of joint efforts. It is a mistake to think that this is the end of the work with the talisman. It is important not to open the cup for a year, but at the same time regularly think about it, remember the process of creation and return to your desires.

If you make every effort to realize your plans and do not hope only for a miracle, then luck will certainly smile on you.

Feng Shui Wealth Cup Filling

So, the bowl has been selected. Now you need to fill it correctly in order to attract the energy of prosperity into your life.

Some Feng Shui masters recommend first clearing the bowl of extraneous energy. I think this is reasonable and recommend that you do this before filling your cup. Cleaning can be done by washing the bowl with salted water, or using fumigation sticks.

The bottom of the Feng Shui wealth bowl is covered with a piece of red fabric (it’s good if it’s silk), since red in Feng Shui is the color of success and advancement.

Nine Chinese coins tied with a red thread with a Feng Shui good luck knot tied at the end are considered mandatory. Or you can take 9 loose coins and place them around the perimeter of the bowl. The number nine in Feng Shui is the number of divine wisdom. In the East it is the most revered.

infinity symbols (fortune knot and snake swallowing tail)

The second mandatory component is land. But the land is not simple, but land from the plot of a successful person. This can be either an acquaintance or an unknown person. The main thing is that it was not taken without permission. Since this will be considered bad feng shui (or you can take a twig of some plant from such a person’s plot). Pour the soil into a red bag or bag and place it at the bottom of the bowl. If you were unable to get land, then as a last resort you can replace it with rice. It is considered a symbol of a rich harvest.

Another required component is money in the amount of 988. For example, 9 rubles 88 kopecks, or 9 dollars 88 cents, or 988 rubles. It’s also better to pre-pack money in a bag or bag.

The presence of gold in the feng shui cup of wealth is also welcome. Since this metal is a symbol of a rich life. Your own jewelry will do. Another symbol of gold can be small bowls of wealth. They are made in the form of small ingots, somewhat reminiscent of boats. May be with the image of Feng Shui coins. Such bowls are usually gold in color. Or you can put your gold and such a symbolic cup of wealth. It won't be redundant.


The symbol of the heavens protecting you and the symbol of infinity should also be in the bowl. As a symbol of heaven, you can take a picture of the sky, and as a symbol of infinity - a snake swallowing its tail; the Feng Shui infinity symbol itself, in the form of a figure eight, the Om sign, pyramids, etc.

At this point the bowl will be half full. You can fill the other half of the bowl as desired.


Now it is extremely important to cleanse the vase of the energy of all those people who previously touched it. This is very simple to do - buy a new candle, light it and walk the flame along the inner walls of the bowl. The fire will remove other people's energy, and the aura of your vase will be completely renewed. You can enhance this ritual by covering the inner walls of the bowl with smoke from an incense stick. This way you will not only clear the cup of the energy of the past, but also charge it with your desires and dreams. Also, after cleansing with the flame of a candle, evil will never be able to settle in your cup of well-being.

What the legend says

A folk legend tells about a poor fisherman whose net caught an expensive vase. He did not dare to sell it - the poor man could be accused of theft. Therefore, the man kept the bowl, adapting it for feeding the dog.

A few days later, the Chinese noticed that the dog had gained weight and its coat was shiny. There was food left in the makeshift bowl. It seemed to the owner that it simply didn’t end there, because the dog ate willingly and a lot. The fisherman shared his doubts with his wife. She leaned over the bowl, watching the dog eat, and accidentally dropped her only decoration - a pendant of 3 coins on a scarlet ribbon - into the food.

It was not possible to return the jewelry, and the couple went into the house, lamenting the loss. Consoling his wife, the fisherman loudly repeated that he would give her another pendant as soon as he had money. Going out into the yard again, the man saw that the dog’s bowl was filled with coins. Since then, prosperity has not left this house.

Charging the bowl

After work on the bowl is completed, it should be activated. The ritual itself is simple. To do this, you can use melt water. You can get melt water by freezing and thawing filtered tap or bottle water several times.

If you do not have the opportunity to use melt water, the bowl can be cleaned by fumigating it with incense - myrrh, frankincense and sandalwood. You can repeat the activation ritual, and with it the ritual of visualizing “money desires,” on every eleventh lunar day.

Source: vse-talismany.ru

Water element

Water is considered one of the main elements in the art of Feng Shui (to attract money). It will fill the house with the necessary energy and attract prosperity. You can put up an aquarium and put 9 goldfish in it. A small fountain, a vase of flowers, a decorative mill - these items activate the water element and make it work in the right direction. Be sure to keep the aquarium clean. Change the water in your fountain or vase regularly.

Water symbolizes renewal, an influx of fresh strength and ideas. Feng Shui philosophy for money and attracting wealth recommends using a limited amount of liquid in the house. An excess of the water element will lead to indecision and excessive emotionality.

Feng Shui talismans to attract money

Deities of wealth

Hotei is one of the most revered and beloved monetary symbols of China. After all, this cheerful fat man by his very appearance symbolizes well-being, pleasure from life and prosperity. A figurine of Hotei with a bag of money in his hand, with peaches or just coins, placed in the Money zone or in the Patrons zone is the key to your successful career and good income.

Another god of wealth, Daikoku, especially in combination with the god Ebisu and the fish Tai, will make you not only rich, but also happy. And this, you see, is not the same thing. It is this combination that will bring into your life a feeling of harmony and joy from what you already have, and hope for the best. Daikoku in itself is so positive that he alone, with a mouse over his shoulders and a mallet, will bring quite tangible wealth into your life.

Chinese coins

Three coins to attract wealth

To attract wealth and prosperity, you can use talismans such as Chinese round coins with a hole in the middle. Three such coins, tied with a red ribbon, are hidden in a wallet or under a doormat. Six coins tied with a gold or red ribbon destroy the influence of Sha energy, which leads to illness and quarrels. It is good to put such coins in a home fountain, an aquarium, or under a flower pot with a tree.

It is also believed that coins scattered in the corners of the house attract monetary luck.

feng shui money tree

Another favorite talisman of wealth among the Chinese is the money tree. It can be either live (a tree-like crassula with round green leaves) or made by hand. You can make an artificial money tree yourself or buy a ready-made one.

It is important that there are as many “leaves”, coins and twigs on it as possible. If you buy a tree, choose one with Chinese coins rather than stones: it is more effective

If you have a tree with stones, decorate its branches with red ribbons with coins tied up.

Bowl location

The cup of prosperity must certainly be placed in an energetically strong corner of the house. It is believed that the energy of money comes to us from the southeast, so it is in this direction that you look for a place for the vase. Also remember that if your main goal is to attract happiness, prosperity, harmony and friendship, then place the vase so that everyone can constantly see it. But when it comes to attracting wealth, no one should see your talisman. It should be hidden from prying eyes as much as possible.

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And another very important point - do not forget to communicate with your vase of well-being. Since this is your brainchild, your talisman, which is designed to enrich you, talk about your own successes, about your income that is increasing, and thank you for your excellent work.

How to attract good luck to yourself according to Feng Shui: advice from esotericists

We have repeatedly heard the statement that self-hypnosis is a great power. Indeed, with a great desire and a positive attitude, you can achieve many goals and attract good luck to yourself. By the way, both esotericists and the sages of Feng Shui agreed that you need to make a list of your desires or even make a poster out of them. But more on that a little later.

We analyze our life and tune in to a positive attitude. There are not only black or white stripes. Failures happen to everyone. This is a certain pattern of nature - you have to pay for everything. But the main thing is how you meet both positive and negative moments in your life! All troubles or misfortunes must be met with a smile. Perhaps this is some kind of revenge for your bad deeds. By the way, the universe will take revenge for bad and base deeds many times over. But sometimes it happens that, on the contrary, she protects you. Therefore, in any situation we do not lose faith in the best! Review your life - how many positive moments there are in it

Focus on the positive rather than focusing on the negative. It was bad - let it go, now trouble has come - wait it out and move on!

And, probably, the most important instruction of this aspect is to thank fate! For everything that happened to you! Then you will receive even more. Remember - there are no obstacles! Sometimes we push ourselves into limits due to low self-esteem. For example, a person who doesn’t even think about refusal will have no problem asking an idol for an autograph or asking him to take a selfie. You must always believe in a happy outcome of events!

  • There are also “friends” who instill in you even more fear of failure. If someone points out to you the future collapse of any business, reduce communication with such a person to a minimum. All his words “ignore” and move forward.

Meet even failures with a smile and never lose heart.
Don’t drive away luck and never miss the moment! Yes, she won't knock on your door every day. The main mistake most people make is complaining about success. Luck categorically does not like it when people complain about it. And if she comes to you, then welcome her with open arms and guide her in the right direction. By the way, you don’t need to spend it on trifles and completely unnecessary things. Trust your intuition - it will tell you where to apply your luck.

And now a very practical piece of advice – luck doesn’t come right away. More precisely, he is looking closely at your persistence! At the beginning of a business there is always failure. And if you move towards your goal, despite the difficulties and obstacles, then luck will certainly catch up with you.

  • It is worth noting that luck comes to those who step out of their comfort zone. Many have heard the admonition that the hard road is the right road. In other words, you cannot remain idle. It’s not enough to just be positive and wait for luck.

You should also know that luck loves risk. Yes, there is always a chance of failure, but the right mindset will help in this matter. Also think about this nuance - how you cope with failures. If you sit and only suffer around them, then there can be no talk of any success. Eliminate the negative and solve the troubles, because there must be a place for luck in your life.

  • The same goes for responsibility. Don't blame bad things that happen to you on fate. Set a goal and achieve it.

Now start working on the “law of attraction”. That is, you must want something very badly, with every cell of your body. And you need to be confident of success. To make it easier to concentrate, make your wish list. And remember - all our thoughts are material!

Never lose faith in yourself and then luck will certainly catch up with you

Talismans of wealth

Feng Shui masters recommend using special talismans (ritual symbols) that help attract money and increase wealth. It is best to place these talismans in the Wealth zone. However, even their presence in other areas will help solve your financial problem. The most powerful talismans according to the teachings of Feng Shui are an aquarium with fish (golden), a bowl of wealth, a three-legged toad (frog), Hottei.

Goldfish in an aquarium

An aquarium with fish will generally harmonize the entire space of your home, and if you place goldfish in it, it will begin to “work” as a talisman of wealth. However, there are some nuances here. Firstly, the water in the aquarium must always be clean, because cloudy water has the opposite effect: money will begin to leave the house. Secondly, it is advisable to choose a medium size aquarium, since a small or too large aquarium will interfere with achieving your goals. And thirdly, it is necessary to observe the numerical and color ratio of the fish in the aquarium. There should be exactly nine talismans in your aquarium: eight gold and one black. If you want to keep more fish, then their number should be a multiple of nine.

And if for some reason you are not able to have a real aquarium, then limit yourself to its image. This could be a large colorful poster, a panel (embroidered, molded, made of paper or fabric) or even a computer screensaver depicting an aquarium with goldfish. Just in this case, do not forget about the number and colors of the fish.

Frog with three legs

Another common symbol of abundance. This talisman is usually supplemented with another symbol of wealth - coins. Therefore, three-legged mascot frogs usually hold one or three coins in their mouths. Sometimes such talismans are made without coins, but with a slot in the mouth, so that any real coins can be inserted there. The more the frog resembles a real amphibian, the stronger the talisman is considered. However, the best symbol would be a golden-colored metal frog, and ideally gold or gold-plated. Important point. To attract money into the house, you need to place this talisman with your back to the front door. The most suitable place for it is the living room, but in no case - the bathroom or toilet.

Cup of Wealth

A talisman that you can make yourself. To do this, you need to take a metal vase or a real bowl (round and squat) and fill it with the necessary items:

  • Nine Chinese coins strung on a red ribbon and placed in a red bag or bag.
  • Real money (bills or coins), the amount of which must be 988. There may be various options here. For example, nine rubles (dollars) and eighty-eight kopecks (cents) or exactly 988 rubles (any other currency). This money must also be placed in a red bag.
  • A gifted sprig of a house or garden plant from a wealthy home. If you have successful relatives or friends, then simply ask them to give you such a souvenir, but in no case take it without asking. The twig must be dried and also placed in a red bag. An alternative to a twig is a handful of soil (from the garden or from a flower pot).

However, these three bags will not be enough to fill the cup of wealth, and it must be filled to the brim. Therefore, fill all the remaining space in it with precious or semi-precious stones: amethysts, turquoise, amber, malachite, corals, etc. Today you can easily purchase beads made from such stones. But even if you don’t have this opportunity, just put all the jewelry that you have in your home in a vase. The main thing is to fill the cup to the brim. And to make the task completely feasible, just take a small container.

This talisman should be in a room where strangers rarely visit. So the best place for it is the bedroom. And you need to place the bowl so that the owner of the room can see it all the time. And it is best to place the talisman in the Wealth zone (south-eastern part of the bedroom).


This talisman is also called the Laughing Buddha. It personifies well-being, prosperity and carefreeness. Sometimes Hottei is depicted sitting on a three-legged frog, and this, in turn, increases the power of the talisman. Such a talisman is also considered one of the most effective symbols in attracting money. It can be placed in any living room (in the Wealth zone) or placed in that part of the apartment where this zone is located according to the general plan of the house.

How to make a cup of plenty with your own hands

You can make the bowl yourself.

First, the bowl should be energetically cleansed. You can do this in two ways:

a) rinse with salt water,

b) fumigate with incense sticks.

You can buy a container of a suitable shape in a store and charge it, observing the ritual of making a bowl with your own hands. If desired, you can make a vase from clay or plaster if you have the skills to sculpt pottery. The clay vase will need to be fired in a special ceramics kiln. In addition to these materials, you can use a container made of wood or yellow metal.

Making a talisman yourself fills it with the cup owner’s own energy and adapts its action to the concept of prosperity and success that is characteristic of this person. Therefore, it is recommended to first charge even a purchased Chinese craft with your energy. Without this, the cup of wealth will remain just a beautiful trinket. A purchased ready-made souvenir is charged by holding it in one’s hands and projecting onto it all one’s ideas about luck, prosperity and wealth.

When creating a bowl yourself, you can draw Chinese symbols of prosperity on the vase.

At the same time, it is important to be aware of your actions and when decorating a vase, think about what life in abundance looks like. For painting, use indelible paints:

  • special for painting glass and ceramics,
  • white enamel for repair work (it can be painted any color),
  • golden paint or metallic car spray (the aerosol can be applied through a stencil),
  • glitter nail polish.

The golden color of the painting does not have much significance, but it is advisable to use it as an additional symbol of wealth.

3 Chinese coins tied with red thread or braid are suspended from the neck of the bowl. It is better to take a natural one; silk or satin ribbon will do. This symbol represents the unity of Yin and Yang. It increases the income of the inhabitants of the house tenfold.

Ritual for making a vase of wealth

Before you start filling the vase with various elements, perform a special ritual of cleansing the container. The ritual is necessary to drive away evil spirits from the vessel that were able to enter when the vase was open. To carry out this procedure, you cannot do without incense sticks.

Next, perform the following manipulations:

Sit on the floor in the direction towards the vase that seems most positive to you. For each person, this direction is considered individual. Turn the vessel with symbols, pictures so that they look at you. Light incense sticks and use smoke to clean the vase on each side, even inside the container. You will also need to clean the items that will be placed inside the Vase of Wealth in the same way. Say a quiet prayer. You can even say some words that come to mind

It is very important here that you believe that the ritual will really bring results and be able to feel that your energy is penetrating into the vessel. Once you have cleansed the wealth vase, fill it with positive elements. Their names may vary, it all depends on your personal preferences

Make sure that the vase contains all those elements that directly relate to the 5 elements.

For abundance

To create a talisman vase, fill the vessel with the following items, in the order in which we offer you.


  • 3 coins, regardless of denomination. Tie the coins with red braid.
  • Earth. The most important thing is that it is not stolen.
  • Crystals of various colors.
  • 9 Chinese coins (they are usually attached to the frog mascot).
  • Some pictures of wealth. Here you will have to show a little imagination.
  • Hotei figurine.
  • A toad that brings money. There should be no coins on it.
  • A branch of a money tree.
  • Money, only paper. Remember that they must be brought from other countries.
  • Gemstones, minerals.


When you fill the vase of wealth, do the following:

  • Close it with a lid.
  • Cover with napkins of 5 different colors.
  • Using 5 laces, tie the vase. This way you can close the vase, seal it.
  • Next, you will have to perform another cleansing ritual. Again, use incense sticks.

You can store the vase of wealth in any secluded place, for example, in your own bedroom. Be sure to hide the vessel in the closet so that there are no rubble, “mountains” of unnecessary clothes, or small items. Leave the vase of wealth there for exactly 1 year.

What else to fill the cup with:

  • Figurine of Hotei. God of wealth and happiness in Feng Shui. It is considered a symbol of a carefree and cheerful life.
  • Various crystals.
  • A pair of elephants is a symbol of great luck in Feng Shui
  • Three feng shui coins or six feng shui coins tied with red thread. Place the coins with hieroglyphs facing up!
  • Photos of successful people. Can be cut from newspapers or magazines.
  • A few expensive sweets will symbolize the sweet life.
  • Images of the sun and moon, paired figures of fish, horses, a pair of dragon and phoenix, etc.
  • An image or photo of your dream home.
  • Lotus flower
  • Five multi-colored cereals, symbolizing the five elements of the cycle of Generation. As a representative of Fire, there can be cereals that are red in color - red beans, sorghum, red lentils. Earth, grains of yellow or brown color - millet, corn, peas. Metal, white grains – rice, white beans. Water, black grains – black beans, wild rice. Green peas are a representative of the Wood element. It is best to place them at the bottom of the feng shui cup of wealth according to the cycle of generation.

In a word, you can fill the bowl with various items, the main thing is that it is filled to the brim. So that looking at her, a feeling of wealth and abundance arises.

Of course, the process of “creating” a feng shui wealth bowl will take some time and possibly some expense, but it will be worth it. Your cup will return everything to you in full.

Suitable place in the house

According to Feng Shui, symbols of wealth should be placed in the wealth sector. You can determine it using the Bagua grid for your home, but you can use a simple tourist compass: the cup of wealth must certainly be located in the southeast corner of the home.

Chinese mantle specialists recommend another method for a separate room: standing with your back to the entrance, determine the far left corner of the room. In this case, the talisman will contribute to the prosperity of only those residents of the apartment who permanently live in this room (the method is suitable for a rented room or communal apartment). Next to the bowl can be a money tree or other souvenirs that have the energy of abundance.

Vase of wealth: what is it?

Every person has his own cherished dream. Some want to become famous throughout the planet, others want to visit an exotic country, go on a trip around the world. Be that as it may, in order for at least 50% of all desires to come true, a lot of money is needed. As a result of this, a person begins to dream about something completely different, not about what happened before.

A person begins to think about a banal, but very important value - about money, and also about how to learn to attract it

Magic associated with money has existed on our planet for several centuries. Since ancient times, Buddhist monks believed that it was possible to make a special talisman that would attract financial success and wealth to a person in any endeavor. Feng Shui traditions are quite closely related to rituals that came from ancient times.

  • People know an old legend that tells about a fisherman. He was fishing near the Yangtze River and was able to catch a flat vase intended for flowers. The fisherman tried to adapt the vessel in his own household, using it as a bowl for a pet. As time passed, the fisherman noticed that the food in the dishes did not end at all, although the dog was constantly getting full.
  • Once, the fisherman’s wife accidentally dropped her own hairpin, which was made of gold, into the vessel. Very little time passed, the vase was filled to the brim with such hairpins. After this, the couple decided to conduct an experiment with coins. Having placed only one coin in the vase, it eventually became completely filled with such coins.
  • The fisherman decided to move the wonderful vase into the house. From that time on, the family began to use it to increase money and valuables. However, the couple were not greedy, and therefore they shared their own wealth with people in need.

The ritual of making a vase of wealth that can fill a home with abundance has been available only to a select few for centuries. The ritual could be performed by Buddhist monks, eminent doctors, and judges. Time passed quickly, scientists were able to decipher the manuscripts of the ancient monks. And only after that the secret of the talisman was learned all over the world.

For abundance

A vase of wealth is a positive talisman for any home. The vase means “permanent peace”, “harmony in the house”. The word vase itself, when translated from Chinese, sounds like “pin”. The phrase “peace and quiet” also has a similar sound.

In addition, the wealth vase is on the list of the most sought-after, beneficial talismans of Buddhism, which are imprinted on the feet of the Buddha.

Appearance of the bowl according to the rules

The talisman of prosperity must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have a wide and stable base. This will not only prevent the vessel from falling and overturning, scattering everything placed in it. The secret symbolism of the stable foundation of the bowl in Chinese philosophy is a reliable foundation of prosperity, which is formed by work and caring for loved ones.
  2. The body of the vase should be round. For a souvenir that attracts wealth, an inflated form is preferable: greatly expanded in relation to the base and neck. It is believed that the vessel should not have corners so that Qi energy can smoothly enter it. Narrowed neck. It is designed to hold what gets inside the vase. This leads to the accumulation of energy and creates the resources necessary to fulfill desires, i.e. brings constant wealth.
  3. The container must have a lid. When the cup of wealth is filled for the first time, it is recommended not to open it for 1 year so as not to miss your luck. According to Feng Shui, energy should flow freely, entering the xiaoxian bowl and leaving it again, bringing constant renewal and creating the opportunity to spend what has been accumulated on the fulfillment of desires. After the required period has passed, the lid of the vase must be removed.

When purchasing a ready-made souvenir, you need to pay attention to these details.

Source: pofenshuyu.com

Middle part of the vase

Five Elements Pagoda - a strong protective amulet

In the middle part of the vase, the most important components will be the coins. Be generous and put in as many coins as you feel comfortable with. To strengthen, add coins of various shapes and protective amulets for unfavorable directions: coins with protective mantras, fu dogs, a money frog on a bagua stand, a pagoda of five elements or a protective sword made of coins. The flower-shaped coin symbolizes growth, happiness and harmony. The amulet will protect your well-being from negative energy. The result is happiness, prosperity and harmony in your family.

Ritual for making a vase of wealth

Before you start filling the vase with various elements, perform a special ritual of cleansing the container. The ritual is necessary to drive away evil spirits from the vessel that were able to enter when the vase was open. To carry out this procedure, you cannot do without incense sticks.

Next, perform the following manipulations:

Sit on the floor in the direction towards the vase that seems most positive to you. For each person, this direction is considered individual. Turn the vessel with symbols, pictures so that they look at you. Light incense sticks and use smoke to clean the vase on each side, even inside the container. You will also need to clean the items that will be placed inside the Vase of Wealth in the same way. Say a quiet prayer. You can even say some words that come to mind

It is very important here that you believe that the ritual will really bring results and be able to feel that your energy is penetrating into the vessel. Once you have cleansed the wealth vase, fill it with positive elements. Their names may vary, it all depends on your personal preferences

Make sure that the vase contains all those elements that directly relate to the 5 elements.

For abundance To create a talisman vase, fill the vessel with the following items, in the order in which we offer you.


  • 3 coins, regardless of denomination. Tie the coins with red braid.
  • Earth. The most important thing is that it is not stolen.
  • Crystals of various colors.
  • 9 Chinese coins (they are usually attached to the frog mascot).
  • Some pictures of wealth. Here you will have to show a little imagination.
  • Hotei figurine.
  • A toad that brings money. There should be no coins on it.
  • A branch of a money tree.
  • Money, only paper. Remember that they must be brought from other countries.
  • Gemstones, minerals.

Filling When filling the vase of wealth, do the following:

  • Close it with a lid.
  • Cover with napkins of 5 different colors.
  • Using 5 laces, tie the vase. This way you can close the vase, seal it.
  • Next, you will have to perform another cleansing ritual. Again, use incense sticks.

You can store the vase of wealth in any secluded place, for example, in your own bedroom. Be sure to hide the vessel in the closet so that there are no rubble, “mountains” of unnecessary clothes, or small items. Leave the vase of wealth there for exactly 1 year.

Vase of wealth: what is it?

Every person has his own cherished dream. Some want to become famous throughout the planet, others want to visit an exotic country, go on a trip around the world. Be that as it may, in order for at least 50% of all desires to come true, a lot of money is needed. As a result of this, a person begins to dream about something completely different, not about what happened before.

A person begins to think about a banal, but very important value - about money, and also about how to learn to attract it

Magic associated with money has existed on our planet for several centuries. Since ancient times, Buddhist monks believed that it was possible to make a special talisman that would attract financial success and wealth to a person in any endeavor. Feng Shui traditions are quite closely related to rituals that came from ancient times.

  • People know an old legend that tells about a fisherman. He was fishing near the Yangtze River and was able to catch a flat vase intended for flowers. The fisherman tried to adapt the vessel in his own household, using it as a bowl for a pet. As time passed, the fisherman noticed that the food in the dishes did not end at all, although the dog was constantly getting full.
  • Once, the fisherman’s wife accidentally dropped her own hairpin, which was made of gold, into the vessel. Very little time passed, the vase was filled to the brim with such hairpins. After this, the couple decided to conduct an experiment with coins. Having placed only one coin in the vase, it eventually became completely filled with such coins.
  • The fisherman decided to move the wonderful vase into the house. From that time on, the family began to use it to increase money and valuables. However, the couple were not greedy, and therefore they shared their own wealth with people in need.

The ritual of making a vase of wealth that can fill a home with abundance has been available only to a select few for centuries. The ritual could be performed by Buddhist monks, eminent doctors, and judges. Time passed quickly, scientists were able to decipher the manuscripts of the ancient monks. And only after that the secret of the talisman was learned all over the world.

For abundance

A vase of wealth is a positive talisman for any home. The vase means “permanent peace”, “harmony in the house”. The word vase itself, when translated from Chinese, sounds like “pin”. The phrase “peace and quiet” also has a similar sound.

In addition, the wealth vase is on the list of the most sought-after, beneficial talismans of Buddhism, which are imprinted on the feet of the Buddha.

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